

This is a story about a college student finding himself in another world while occupying another identity. (This is a kind of Mixed World of different animes of different genres.) All rights are rightly deserved by the respective owners. If you're the owner, and you don't want your work to partake in this fanfiction, please kindly message me on the comment or the review section. Thank you.

KeiKei18 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Chapter 1:

Chapter 1: Unexpected Death, A New Identity


'What comes after death?'

Now and then, Xavier would have that thought in his head.

According to some religious beliefs, the dead would have their souls get judged by a mighty being. If they were deemed sinful, they would be punished and banished to hell. Whereas, if they were gotten labeled as saints, they would be sent to Heaven and enjoy eternity there in bliss.

Or perhaps, the dead would be just… dead? Their mind would be gone and ceased to exist in the universe.

There were countless upon countless guesses, but many people, including Xavier, didn't know the truth.

Unexpectedly, Xavier was now able to have the answer to that particular question.

While on his way towards his home, Xavier's chest suddenly tightened and pain abruptly spread throughout his body!

"Hugh!" His expression turned ghastly pale as he clutched his chest tightly. He wanted to cry out for help, but his mouth didn't move the way he wanted it to.

Only muffled pained groans and moans left through his lips.

The situation became extremely worse when his vision started to deteriorate at a rapid state.

Within a few seconds, his vision became totally black. His eyes rolled back as he lost consciousness.

With a soft sound, his body fell forward on the ground with his face first.

The people around him saw this and were alarmed.

"A young man fell on the ground!"

"He seems to have lost his consciousness! Quick, call an ambulance!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. A middle-aged man who had some experienced and was quite knowledgeable in the medical field kneeled by the side of Xavier and placed his 2 fingers on his neck.

There was no pulse.

With a sigh, the middle-aged man turned to look at the people around and slightly shook his head.


13th Floor of the Fancy Hotel, 178th Room.

A young man was currently sleeping on the couch, his face showed a comfortable expression. Suddenly, a bright white light appeared out of nowhere and completely enveloped him.

During this time, the young man's expression started to change from peaceful to disturbed, from disturbed to ghastly pale, and finally, it turned into a peaceful one again.

Eventually, the white light dissipated and as soon as it did, the young man's eyes abruptly shot open.

His striking dark pupils darted around, surveying his surroundings.

Finding that he was in a completely unfamiliar place, he felt his dizziness quickly disappear as he abruptly sat upright in caution.

"W-where am I?" The young man fell into a panicked state.

He remembered that he was on his way towards his home when his chest tightened. Before long, he lost his consciousness.

During that state, he felt being weightless and was aimlessly floating in a dark space.

After a very long time had passed, he felt a heavy force clutched him by his neck and pulled him downward.

And here he was, in an unfamiliar place.

He was about to yell for help when heavy surges of information surged through his head.

Numerous screens that played different scenes materialized before his eyes.

In one of the scenes, a young man was leisurely spending his time in the local library, reading books. A smile plastered on his face. He seemed to be enjoying reading books in a quiet place.

After an instant which felt like a long time had passed, the screens before him broke into small nodes of lights. The lights floated around him. It rather created a fantasy-like sight.

Before long, the light nodes dissipated, leaving Xavier, whose mind was in a state of digesting the information he had just received.

Ken Kaneki; a son of a rather wealthy family.

Ken Kaneki had lived his life in relaxation and ease. He didn't have to go hungry since his family didn't lack any money to buy daily necessities. They were even wealthy enough to buy Xavier an apartment for himself.

However, a tragedy occurred. Just a few days ago, an accident happened that took several people's lives. What's worse, Ken Kaneki's parents were ones of the deceased.

Due to that, Ken Kaneki became incredibly depressed. He was so saddened that his hair had turned completely white when he fell asleep on the night he received the unfortunate news.

However, Ken Kaneki was a rather strong young man. Within just a short time of a few days, he was able to overcome his sadness, or at least, quelled it.

He was now continuing to embark on his path, to become a person that his family would be proud of, but Xavier took over his body.

Now, Ken Kaneki was thoroughly gone. Knowing this, Xavier felt a little guilty.

'Don't worry. I will make your parents proud by getting hundreds of chicks.' Xavier inwardly sighed. He felt a stinging pain coming from his eyes.

Being unable to suppress the feeling, streaks of tears poured from his dark eyes and slid down his cheeks.

"Haha! What an unlucky lad."

Within the apartment, sounds of laughs and cheers of a young man resounded.