
Becoming a Mangaka in Another World

A Story about a Mangaka who gets transported in a strange world. There he meets her goddess the one responsible for transporting him in another world and provides him an affinity of the elements aswell as the special magic,"The ability to draw manga that comes to life" The story follows his journey as he discovers the new world, and how his ability to draw manga affects it.

Yamiru · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Editor Acquired!

Since the debut of Ryota's manga a week ago, more and more people are eagerly anticipating each new installment. The unique story has caught the attention of even some nobles, who have requested Ryota's artistic services. However, he has politely declined all offers. Despite this, some other artists have attempted to mimic Ryota's style and story, but his manga continues to be the most popular and well-received.

"Aaargh! I'm at my wit's end!" Ryota screams, crumpling up his paper in frustration. "I need to go on an adventure or something!"

"I'm afraid that's not possible, Ryota-sama," Synthia replies. "Some nobles are eagerly awaiting the next installment of your manga."

"But I haven't even had a day off yet! I haven't even had a chance to use my magic!" Ryota protests, slumping down in his chair.

Synthia sighs wearily, knowing that convincing Ryota to keep working on the manga will be a challenge.

"Ryota... I hate to say it, but I really want you to keep going with the story~ hehehe~" Kanna admits.

Kanna Izayoi, the daughter of the necromancer has become a NEET. She spends her days inside the inn, poring over Ryota's manga and only venturing out when she needs to eat.

"I can't do this alone anymore. I need an editor," Ryota confesses.

"An editor?" Kanna asks, surprised.

"That's right!," Ryota says, determination in his voice. "Someone to help me polish my work and make it even better."

"If I have an editor, my work would get easier," he explains, looking away briefly. He adds in his mind with a mischievous grin, "Plus, I can make my editor work all day long while I take a day off."

"Ryota-sama, I sense your sinister side," Synthia says, eyeing him suspiciously.

Ryota blushes and stammers, "I-I don't know what you're talking about..."

Ryota changes the subject. "You two seem close for some reason."

"Hm? We're always this close," Kanna says, hugging Synthia. "That's right."

Ever since the fight between Synthia and Kanna last time, they've developed a budding friendship.

"I see... Anyway, I'm gonna go out."

"Alright," Synthia says. "But you better be back in thirty minutes."

Ryota rolls his eyes. "Oh, come on. Don't be so strict."

As Ryota walks out of the inn, he takes a deep breath of the fresh air, feeling the cool breeze on his skin. "Finally, some peace and quiet," he says to himself with a small smile. But his moment of tranquility is soon interrupted as he accidentally bumps into a girl from the alleyway. "Ow... Are you alright?" he quickly asks, feeling guilty for not watching where he was going. He stands up from the ground and extends a hand to help the girl, who seems to be wearing dirty clothes.

"Ahh... My bread..." the girl laments, looking down at the ground.

"S-Sorry! Here, I'll pay for it," Ryota offers, feeling bad for ruining her food.

But their interaction is suddenly interrupted by a bald man who approaches them aggressively. "You! Young girl, how dare you make drawings in our wall and now steal bread from a customer? You've got some nerve!" he accuses, grabbing the girl by the collar around her neck.

"Wait!" Ryota tries to intervene, but the bald man doesn't listen.

"You're just a slave!" the man continues to berate her, causing the girl to look down in shame.

Ryota's expression turns to anger as he steps forward and holds the bald man's arm, shaking his head. "Let me handle this," he says firmly, determined to protect the girl from the man.

"Huh? Who are you?" the man asks, surprised by Ryota's sudden intervention.

"A mangaka."

"A mangaka? What's that? Sounds like a childish name."

Ryota sighed, used to this kind of reaction. "It's a term for a manga artist."

Just then, some people recognized him. "Hey, look, it's the man who drew those amazing books!"

"You mean the guy who declined the noble's offers?" the other person said.


The people start gathering around. "Tsk, This is pain," the bald man leaves in annoyance.

But as the people start surrounding him, Ryota grabs the girl's hand.

<"Light Magic: Recall"> The light surrounds both of them as they teleport back to the inn.

"Welcome home, Ryota-sama," Synthia greets them, but she notices the girl hiding behind him.

The girl trembles in fear, and Ryota places a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"So who is this?" Synthia asks, her tone a bit cold.

"Oh? This? A slave?" Ryota answers.

Synthia's expression turns blank. "I know," she says.

"But why did you ask?" Ryota asks.

"I'm asking WHO is THIS?" Synthia's gaze turns colder.

"Ohhh, honestly, I don't know her name."

"Yui..." The girl mutters, her voice is barely audible.

"Her name is Yui," she said.

Synthia sighed. "Another stray, Ryota-sama?"

she said, her voice tinged with exasperation.

"I'll tell you the details," Ryota said, sitting down on the chair. "You see, as I was having a break, walking around the city, I accidentally bumped into this girl. But then the bald man interfered with us."

"Mhm, Ryota-sama kidnapping a young girl," Synthia said with a teasing tone.

"Huh?! No no! You're wrong!" Ryota protested.

"Uhm, I'm actually... eighteen years old," Yui interjected nervously.

Ryota and Synthia turned to Yui. "What's your height?" Ryota asked.

"4.5..." Yui answered, trailing off.

"FBI, we have a pedophile in this world," Synthia quipped, grinning mischievously.

"There's FBI!? Wait! I ain't a pedophile!?" Ryota exclaimed, panic evident in his voice.

"Yeah, you would never become a pedophile, right?" Synthia's face loomed close to Ryota's with a cold gaze, causing him to shrink back.

"R-i-g-h-t?" she drawled, raising an eyebrow.

"Y-Yes..." Ryota stammered.

Kanna then enters the inn room. "I'm home! Oh? What's wrong?" Kanna then notices Yui.

Just then, Kanna entered the inn room. "I'm home! Oh? What's wrong?" she asked, noticing the tense atmosphere and Yui's presence.

Synthia turned to Kanna. "Another stray, it seems," she said with a sigh.

"Hey, I'm right here, you know?" Yui interjected, feeling a little uncomfortable with the way they were talking about her.

"Oh, sorry," Ryota said apologetically. "This is Yui. We met earlier today."

"Nice to meet you, Yui. I'm Kanna," she said with a warm and friendly smile, trying to ease the tension in the room.

"N-Nice to meet you too.." Yui says nervously.

"Oh my god, We actually have an angel in this room," Ryota exclaimed, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Ryota shut up," Kanna chuckled, shaking her head at his antics.

"Eh?" Ryota looked confused.

"Shhhh~" Kanna's smile suddenly turned menacing, causing Ryota to shrink back in fear. "Let's not scare our new friend, okay?" she added in a sugary sweet tone, her eyes glinting mischievously.

Now then, Ryota-sama, you have taken your break, correct? Feel free to continue now," Synthia said with a hint of impatience in her voice.

Ryota let out a groan. "But..."

"No buts," Synthia interrupted. "The nobles are about to burst in to this room if you don't publish their works soon."

"Ugh, if only I had an editor," Ryota muttered.

"W-What's an editor?" Yui asked, looking confused.

Kanna chuckled. "Oh, Yui, an editor is someone who has to put up with Ryota's terrible mistakes and tries to make it less terrible."

"Hey!" Ryota protested.

Kanna just smiled innocently. "What? I'm just stating the truth."

"It's not that bad!" Ryota protested.

"R-Ryota's drawing is also good," Yui interjected.

"I know, right?~" Kanna chimed in.

Ryota groaned and started drawing manga panels while Kanna reverted to NEET mode. Meanwhile, Synthia was out somewhere.

"If you want, I can help you with the drawings," Yui offered.

Ryota turned to Yui in surprise. "Can you draw?"

"Y-Yes, I actually like drawing," Yui replied.

"...You're hired as my editor," Ryota declared.

"Eh?!" Yui's eyes widened in shock.

Kanna grinned mischievously. "Looks like Ryota found himself an angelic assistant."

"NEET's aren't allowed to talk," Ryota says,

"I-I'm just saying.. Hmph," Kanna pouts.

"Now then, Yui, before you draw for the manga, I'm gonna give you a pen and a piece of paper. On this paper, I want you to imagine a scenario between peace and chaos. If you manage to draw it, then you pass," Ryota explains.

"O-Okay," Yui nervously takes the pen and paper from Ryota.

"You may start now." Yui nodded as she starts thinking and drawing.

Ryota watches as Yui concentrates on her drawing, her face showing a mix of focus and determination. After a few minutes, Yui finishes and hands the paper back to Ryota.

"Here you go," Yui says, handing him the paper.

Ryota takes the paper and looks at it in amazement. "This is incredible, Yui! You're hired as my editor!"

"R-Really?!" Yui's eyes widen in surprise, her cheeks turning a deep shade of pink.

Suddenly, Ryota points his fingers to the slave collar. <"Dark Magic: Contract Canceller.">. The slave collar shattered to pieces.

"Eh?" Yui gasps in surprise, feeling the weight of the collar disappears from her neck.

"There... From now on, You're not a slave..." Ryota says, a small smile on his face.

"T-Thank you." Yui starts tearing up and hugs Ryota.

"O-Oh, Geez." Ryota rubs her head. "Well, Now that your no longer a slave... I'll be counting on you, Editor."

"R-Right! You can count on me!"