
Chapter Twelve_ Good actress(3)

Mason POV.

I grabbed my keys and walked out driving to Ann's house,i knocked on the door and waited for some seconds.

The door opened slowly,I placed my hands in my pants pockets looking extremely calm even though i was nervous.

Ann's dad and sister doesn't like me,Her Dad had only started to accept me when he found out that i had betrayed his daughter,he must probably hate me for that.

I looked at the girl in my front, she glared at me before shutting the door close without speaking.

I sighed, knocked again and the door opened again"Mason, you're here to see me"The high pitched voice echoed in my ears sounding unpleasant,i just walked past her and entered inside.

Rose closed the door and held my arm"Sorry about that brat's behavior, she's just mad because her sister ran away with her lover"i raised a brow.

What did she mean by 'her lover',Ann can't do that.

I wanted to ask that question but was interrupted by a cold angry voice, it's high time i paid visit to Ann's parents.

"Robert"i said nodding at him but he scoffed.

"What are you doing here?"sneering at his straightforwardness,i responded"I came to see Ann"the hand on my arm tightened.

I jerked it awy from her hold feeling extremely disgusted.

"Ann is not here, even if she's here,after what you had done,i wouldn't allow you to see her"i almost lost control but this was Ann's father and my soon-to-be father-in-law,i have to show my respect.

"Why don't i join you guys for dinner?"i said with a resolute voice and expression showing that i won't take no for an answer.

"Come on Dad,Let him"Rose pleaded,i shrugging to and helped myself to the dinning room.

"What an unfilial man"I heard Robert remark,i waited for all of them to settle in with Rose sitting between me and her father.

"Where's Ann's sister?"i asked since all of them went well all seated and was about to eat.

Sofia snickered lowly but i still heard it"Such an ungrateful imp"i frowned at her response.

"You still haven't answered my question, where's she?"i asked again.

"Upstairs, now,eat baby"Rose said feeding me but i didn't take a spoonful from her.

"Get that thing away from me"i said irritated by their behavior.

"You don't treat my daughter like that"Robert said, ignoring him,i ate the food on the plate.

The air was so tense and akward,i was hoping to have a family dinner where the air was filled with tenderness and love,i wanted to feel what i never felt with my family but all families are the same.

"Mason, when are you planning to propose to my daughter?"that cunning woman has told her mother about us.

"If i remember well,Ann isn't your biological daughter"i threw a glance at Rose and saw that she was piercing her palm with her fingernails, blood gently sipped out of her palm.

"I meant Rose,my daughter"she said and i could see her facãde slowly tearing away"I don't intend to"

Suddenly a shriek was heard by my side"Mason,you said you'd get married to me"

I stood up and dabbed the napkin by the side of my lips"I think i'd be leaving now,let me know if Ann is back"i started towards the door when my shirt was tugged"but Mason....you said..."i removed my hand away from her grip harshly am really without another word walked outside.

"I told you that he's nothing but a scammer"

"Why did he promise to marry you when he's with your sister?"

I heard yelling from the house,then soft sobbing.

I boarded the car and drove off to my favorite bar,the place me and Ann met.

We actually hated ourselves the first time we met but fate has it own way of bringing people together.

From people who hate each other to people who were madly in love with each other.

I ordered a drink and drank straight from the bottle at once,the bitterness hit my throat harshly but it actually made me feel better,i gulped more down my throat till i was done with it.

My eyes got blurry and i knew it's time to go or i might do something i'll regret later,i don't do bar sex but home sex.

The whores in the bar are all cheap and scheming,i staggered towards the entrance but was stopped by a slim lady in a very revealing top.

I frowned and tried to push her "Gerrrrt out of my way"i said sluggishly staggering back and forth unable to steady myself.

I didn't know that my alcohol tolerance was this low but i could still think a bit clearly"Sir, you haven't paid for the drink".

I searched for my wallet in my pocket and then brought it out handing the lady my credit card but she shook her head"We don't accept cards".

"Then why is it a bar if you can't accept a stupid fucking card, I'll tell my...."i trailed off "my driver to bring you so money"i made my way to pass against the but i was stopped again.

"Get the fuck out of my way b***h"i yelled expecting the woman to flinch like most women do but she stood fearless"I can't let you go until you pay for the drink"she signalled some people, then i felt my hands and legs being held.

Now,all eyes were on me. I didn't struggle because i know that it'll only cause me a scandal.

Next thing i know was that one of them hit my neck with his open palm as i blacked out.