
Becoming A Forbidden Mage In A Parallel World


Ruby_banks02 · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Power Levels

"Everyone listen up! From now onwards, you all will be separated by your power level and no longer by class level," the teacher said.

"That's not possible! When did the school become so power centred?" A student asked in an upset tone.

I clearly agreed with the student, separating us by power levels will create so many conflicts among the students which aren't good for the school. When did the school become so stupid as to come up with such an idea?

"What do you mean? You better watch your tone!" The teacher warned sternly. "This is for the betterment of everyone especially you students so you should reason with the school, these wristwatches with me will determine your power levels and by tomorrow, your new classes will be made available for you all."

He brought the wristwatches and gave them to the class captain who began to distribute them to us. I collected mine and began to examine it, it wasn't all that good-looking and didn't look like an ordinary wristwatch rather, it looked just like a wristband with a glass face.

"Once the wristwatch gets to you, put it on immediately and your power level will be displayed on it!"

I wore mine as the teacher finished speaking and after a while, the number '100' was displayed on it. Seeing this, I hid my wristwatch so no one else sees it, especially Erin and her crew as it would rise unwanted attention from the entire school.

"The numbers that will be indicated on your wristwatch could be 0.1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or even 100 –any number depending on how strong you are. Now, you must know that from 50 downwards to 0.1 is considered weak and from 50 upwards is considered strong so, it's left for you to train yourself and improve or you remain weak forever and another important thing is that as long as you are in this school, those wristwatches won't be removed!"

"What number is on your wristwatch?" Ruben asked, staring at my wristwatch. "Mine is 60!" He added.

"100, but I wouldn't want anyone else to know the real number," I replied.

"Wow! 100! That's cool, shame that mine is just 60 but anyways, I would like mine to drop as well," he replied with a sigh.

'System, is there a way our power levels can be reduced to 10?' I asked inwardly.


<It can be reduced>

'Then do it!'

After some seconds, I checked my wristwatch and the power level was reduced to 10, "This is better," I mumbled with a smirk. "Hey, check yours!" I said to Ruben who did and the moment he checked his own, his face was filled with surprise.

"Bro, how the fuck did you do it? Mine is 10 as well!" He gasped.

"Hey, quiet down," I whispered in return, causing him to hold his lips. "I've got my ways, trust me!" I said and smirked.

The teacher left after a while and Ruben couldn't stop flaunting his wristwatch, now, the entire class knows that his power level is 10 and it ended up with them calling him weak.

"What is so great about your power level that you can't keep it down a bit?" Sean asked as he approached us. I stared down at his wristwatch and it read 30. . . it's no why he was feeling proud at the moment.

"What do you mean exactly?" Ruben asked as he stared at Sean in disdain.

"What do I mean? I thought you were impressive back then in the portal but it seems that you've become so attached to this one here and as such, you become useless and dumb like him," Sean replied, throwing me a glare.

"You!" Ruben groaned and rushed to attack him but I was quick enough to block his way, causing his fist to land on my chest.

I moved a few steps backwards at the impact and held my chest. 'Did he wish the boy from a mere punch?' I thought inwardly as I rubbed the area where he had punched me.

"Damn it! Bro, I'm sorry!" He mumbled as he clenched his fists like someone who is in pain. Before I could ask why he dashed out of the class.

"Such a weakling! Why did he run away?" Sean ridiculed Ruben as he watched him leave the class.

I needed to go after him to know what was up but before then, I got to deal with the problem behind me. I turned around and smirked, "It seems to me that you can't have your mouth shut for a whole day huh? Count today as your lucky day, the next time you try shit with him, I'll let him crush your bones!"

"He can't do a thing to me! Not even you!"

I shook my head and left him mumbling to himself, I had something more important to do and so I shouldn't waste my time on someone like him. I rushed out of the class and headed straight to the back of the school old building, I followed his scent and I knew he was definitely there.

When I got to the place, I saw him still clenching his fists, the moment he saw me, he fell to his knees.

"I shouldn't have touched you! I'm sorry," he said, he sounded like someone who is in pain and yes, he was. Veins popped out of his head and hands, and his eyes were red.

"Is this the repercussions of hurting your fellow demon?" I asked with a deep frown on my face.

"No, we both now share a bond because your blood now flows in my vein. If I hurt you, I get hurt a hundred folds and if I should kill you, I'll die as well," he replied between gritted teeth.

"Damn it! How should this stop?"

"It can't be stopped by anyone until it naturally stops!"

Hearing this, I clenched my fist, "Damn it!" I mumbled in a frustrated tone.

"It's not your fault, it's that bastard's!"

I know! I could see the anger in his eyes, he wanted so much to deal with Sean likewise me but I didn't want to do something that'll bring more bad names to me or my sister. We needed to teach the boy a lesson but it has to be in a way that won't draw bad impressions.

I stayed with him until he was able to calm down and then we both left the place and returned to our class. By the time we got there, Sean had already left and so Ruben was able to take his mind off him a bit.

Later in the day, just as we were informed, our class was separated. The students with power levels 0.1-20 were taken to one class, which is class C, the ones with power levels 21-50 were taken to class B while the ones with power levels 51-100 were taken to class A. I should be in class A, together with Ruben but since we didn't want to create unwanted attention, we decided to be in class C, the lowest of all the classes.

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