
Becoming A Forbidden Mage In A Parallel World


Ruby_banks02 · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Ending Things The Way It Should

We rushed to the main road and as guessed, Elsa was trying to board a cab. I quickly ran forward and luckily, we were able to stop her from entering the cab.

"You! How did you find me so soon!" She groaned while trying to peel my hand off her.

"Do you think you can escape from us?" Ruben asked with a scoff. "You are welcome to try!"

"Let me go!" She yelled as she was forcefully trying to peel my hand off her.

"Not until I learn everything I need to from you, you are going nowhere, trust me!" I replied with a glare. I dragged her and we trio went to a hidden corner where no one would be able to see us.

When we got there, I pushed her to the floor and had Ruben stay behind her so she won't run off again and then squatted before her to ask her all that I wanted to ask.

"I'm going to ask you some questions and I'll appreciate it if you answer me truthfully. If you dare to lie or misbehave, I won't guarantee that you will return unharmed!" I warned sternly, in return she glared at me and said nothing, not like I wanted her to say anything, it was just a warning to make her do the right thing.

"Are you the only one or you've got someone you are doing it working for?" I asked. "Answer me!" I groaned

"I don't know! Let me go!" She yelled.

"Without you, I can still get all the information I want, bear that in mind! You better speak and don't keep me waiting!" I warned, staring daggers at her. Seeing that she wasn't ready to talk, I summoned my gauntlets and then gripped her neck. I dug my claws inside her skin and she began to shudder. "If you don't talk, I'll kill you right here and now and your entire family will be wiped away!"

"Y-You w-will do no s-such thing," she responded.

"You are welcome to try," I replied and increased my grip on her neck, digging my claws deeper into her skin.

Seeing that I wasn't ready to stop, coupled with the severity of my threats, she began to talk. "I'm not the only one."

"Who is your master? And where can I find him?"

"I don't know anything about him and I haven't seen him," she replied.

"Then how do you receive instructions from him? You better be careful of what you tell me because if I find out that you are lying, trust me, I'll make sure your whole family dies!"

"I only receive orders through a message-transmitting device, I'm not lying, don't touch my mother!" She said as tears fell from her eyes.

I watched as she cried, my claws were still inside her skin, I wasn't planning to let her go as she was not worth showing mercy. But from the look in her eyes, she was saying the truth and from what I'm seeing, it doesn't look like she knows much about the man behind her. She was only a tool to attack Rina which didn't work out as they had planned. Now that the plan has failed, she is useless, the man won't be needing her again or might even kill her to silence the whole thing.

"Give me the device," I requested after thinking of what to do.

She stared at me in the eyes for some time before a tiny round object appeared in her hand. "This is it, it's not like I'll be needing it again," she said as she placed the object in my hand.

"What do you mean by you won't be needing it again?" I asked. It seems what I guessed was right because, from the way she spoke, she knew what might await her after this.

"Stop asking like you don't know!" She scoffed and tried to look away but couldn't as I was still holding her neck. "Kill me!" She said at the end.

"Kill you?" I asked with a raised brow.

"I should die in your hands than in the hands of someone I don't know," she responded with a deep sigh. After a while, she sighed again and spoke, "Just kill me, please!"

"I was going to do that sooner or later," I said and she looked up at me and then let out a depressed chuckle. "Now that it's your wish to die in my hands, I'll be very much pleased to grant you this wish. I hope that in your next life, you will live a good life just for yourself."

She silently looked at me and then raised her neck without saying a word. It was such a pity she is going to die now but she didn't deserve it not even a bit of it. I increased my grip on her neck and watched as her eyes turned red, tears dropped but not for once did she struggle. She finally closed her eyes as her head fell on my hand.

I took off my hand and stood up, "Let's go!' I said to Ruben and walked out of the place without turning to look at the dead girl.

We went back to where we left Rina and saw her sitting on the ground. Immediately she saw us, she stood and peeked behind us.

" Where is—"

"She's dead!" I replied, not giving her the chance to complete her question.

"Dead?" She asked in shock. "Don't tell me you both killed her?"

"I did," I replied, staring directly into her eyes that were wide open in disbelief. "I killed her, you should thank me for that," I added not minding how she could be feeling at the moment.

"I should thank you? For killing Elsa? What the heck is wro—"

"Hey, you should really be grateful and not be acting the other way round," Ruben replied with a hiss.

"Grateful you say?" Grateful for killing my worker?" She asked in disbelief.

"Come, let's take you home," I said and tried to take her hand but then she pushed my hand away and began to walk away.

"Girls can be annoying!" Ruben mumbled as we watched her leave.

Staring at her back, I couldn't agree less with what Ruben said. Girls could be annoying and stupid at times, for all I know, Rina wasn't angry that I killed Elsa because if she was, she should be crying and throwing tantrums by now so just what is her problem?

"Let's go," I weakly said to Ruben and then followed after Rina immediately. We strolled to the main road and stopped a taxi which we boarded and went back to the inn.

Upon arrival, we saw the waiter standing by the door and looking anxious.

"Miss!" She cried and rushed over to us as we came down from the cab and hugged Rina. "Miss, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, instead, I ran away," she said as tears dropped from her eyes.

"It's okay, thankfully, I'm alive and back so you don't need to cry," Rina replied as she wiped off the tears from the girl's face.

"Miss, you are so kind, thank you," the girl said and looked behind us, "Miss, Elsa. . . Where is she?" She asked as she didn't see Elsa with us.

"I let her go," Rina replied with a sad look.

"Miss, you shouldn't have allowed her to go! She's a traitor!" She responded.

"And how are you aware that she's a traitor?" I asked with my brows knitted.

The girl looked at me and then at Rina, we all were staring at her quietly. "Well, she was acting strange before you guys left and so I was beginning to suspect that something was wrong with her. Now that she didn't return with you guys, I believe she has a hand in the miss' kidnap," she replied after a while.

Hearing her reply, I chuckled inwardly and made to enter the inn when Rina stopped me.

"You've got a lot of explanations to do," she spoke.