

"What is love?" someone asked me. I said love is the most beautiful thing in the world, and love is the cure for everyone." The lady sitting behind me laughed and said, 'No! That not;' "Love is the drug that makes you blind," she said. She gave me a book and whispered in my ears, don't be blind, and she disappeared. I looked at the book and I read the title: "The drug that makes you blind Because it's first love." and there is a note "you will get your answer soon." I don't understand; I want to hear her thoughts and ask why it makes us blind. But she disappeared like the wind, and I never saw her again. It feels like some mystery. Let’s read, and find it together. ************** Joskylar is a girl who trying to find about the answer of the question, "Why love makes us Blind?" The story start with her reading of the book named, "The drug that make you Blind, Because it's first love." which is a love story between a girl named ‘Jomira’ and a boy named ‘Skylar’. They two fell in love because of the letters that they wrote to each other. It all starts with a letter. Waiting for someone is not an easy task, but if it's first love, then waiting is worth it. If that day comes, does fate make it possible? After five years of long-distance love, they are finally going to meet for the first time. But is it simple? Will destiny bring them together? What tragedies await them? Will Joskylar find her answer? A story with lots of mysteries; that will fascinate you and break your heart. Let's get ready to cry out loud... Lots of sweet moments are awaiting you... **************** Hi readers! It's a story about finding first love and fighting for it. The story is about the journey between Lar and Jomira to find each other, and the story focuses on the people they met on their journey. It's a full pack of the love story with a love triangle in it. You can find not only the love story of Lar and Jomira but also the love story of the side character of the story too. We need to find out why love blinds us so you can find different types of love from this story. This story mainly focuses on the first love of each character. **** As I'm a Cdrama, Kdrama and Kpop fan and an EXO lover so I'm using the Korean place and other Korea related thing in my story. **** From this story, you will get nothing but I'm sure I will make you believe "Love is a drug that makes you blind". Enjoy reading... N/B Image in the cover page is not mine, it's CRT to it's owner. I edited it.

Joskylar · สมัยใหม่
186 Chs


'Haa, I got selected in the national team, and clearly, you know the reason why I gave up,' Aira said.

'Haa, I know. And I want him to know that too,' Xi said.

'But I don't want him to get to know it,' Aira said.

'Why don't you want to? Because you gave up your career because of him,' Xi said.

'Gege…' Aira said in anger.

Aira was selected to the national team of the basketball girls' team, and she was the center player. Aira's one of the dreams was to play in the national team, and that dream was about to be fulfilled. But the day she needed to report for the national team, she was on the plane to Seoul to meet her love Lar. Aira gives up on her carrier for Lar.

'I don't want to talk about it,' Aira said.

'Why you don't want to. Because you regret it; isn't it, Aira?' Xi asked.

'Haa, I regret it. I regret that I saw dreams and give up on my career,' Aira said.