
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Gulf POV

I just stood there like a dumb person trying to digest what Bright has told me earlier. Did I hear it right? This guy; next to him is his lover. Did I hear it correctly? No!! It can't be. No way!! "He is your l-lo-lover?" I ask directly looking at him with my confuse look.

"Yes, he is." He answered with that cold expression on his face.

"Hi, I'm Win and you must be Gulf right? Bright has told me about the situation between the both of you" That beautiful guy said while smiling his bunny smile.

I wai at him while trying smile at him, I don't want to make it obvious my heart is broken to pieces right now. I sit down next to Bright and trying to understand the situation right now. I thought that he was gonna extend the marriage thing but it's not; I'm wrong.

So, he really did get himself a lover while I am deeply in love with him since years ago. I look to my left where Bright is sitting and I was shock to see his expression, he is smiling brightly so bright and I can see his eyes is full of love for that beautiful guy. Yes, I admit I was jealous. Why can't he look at me like that?

"Hey Gulf, do you want anything to drink?" Luke, Bright's other friend ask.

"No, thanks." I said while watching Bright hugging, kissing and cooing his lover beside me like I was not there, like I didn't exist, like I'm nobody to him or like I was an air.

Bright was looking at his lover with those loving eyes that I was hoping all this years for that beautiful pair of eyes look at me like that. Joss and Luke was trying to talk to me but I just replied them with short answers or just my thin smile.

'Why do I have to be here anyway? Is he just want to show off his lover to me? Why do you have to hurt me like this Bright? You can just told me earlier or when you already together with your lover? If I know earlier, I won't hurt this much.' This thought was running in my head. I can feel my heart was hurting and my eyes was about to cry so I excuse myself and rush to the bathroom.

As I was in the bathroom and in front of the sink I cried my eyes out, it hurt so bad.

"Why? Why do you have to tell me now that you have a lover? Why Bright why? Why didn't tell me sooner? Why now? Why after I'm deeply in love with you Bright? Why? Why can't you love me back?" I was saying this out loud as I was crying, I can't control my tears anymore and my heart ache so much as my right hand was clenching on my chest.

Little that I know, someone was watching me while I was crying. He suddenly hand me his handkerchief while saying "An angel like you shouldn't cry you know. You will ruined your beautiful eyes."

I was perplexed at first, where the hell this man come from, who is he? Why did he call me an angel when we just meet?

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A/N : Thank you for reading 😘😘 Thank you for the support guys 😭😭😘😘