
Because He Is Her 'First Love'....

Kim Ray, the chubby and cute transfer student who came into the class of Lee Mia, the polite and sincere topper. On the first day of the school, he gave her a bright friendly smile! Does she know him? Why did he give her smile? On the other hand, far away from where Mia lives, in a small town, Do Jun who seems cold and stubborn but has a really sweet side to him, lives with his grandma. What is his relationship with Mia? Well, for this, you all have to go and read the story.... I can assure you one thing, while reading this story, you'll surely remember your 'First ever Love'!!!

dokooo · สมัยใหม่
143 Chs

The Training Tour.( 1 )

"Oh Jun dear, you don't have to do all this…" Mia's mother said as she saw Jun plating up on the dining table.

Since Jun had come to their house, he would always do something to help her, like setting up the dinner or getting things from the market or even helping her cooking. But Mia's mother was never used to it so she wouldn't let him do it. But he wouldn't listen to her and would still give her a hand.

"Aunty I've told you, I helped my grandma too and it's not that of a big deal. I am used to these things." Jun said wiping the plates with a napkin.

"I know honey, you tell me this every day, but I'm not just quite used to it..."

"Well now, you should." Jun said and smiled at her meaningfully.

Suddenly, "You are not willing to live here forever, are you?" Jina said while entering the dining area.

"Jina!" Her mother yelled. "Is this a way to talk to him?"

"I was just kidding, mom." Jina rolled her eyes.

Mia also entered and she heard the conversation.

"Jina, apologize to him, right now!" Mia's demanding words made everyone look at her.

Mia looked at Jun, thinking he would be upset but he was smiling. "It's okay aunty." Jun said. "I know she doesn't mean it. She just loves to tease me, isn't that right Jina?"

"Jina!" Mia folded her hands and glared at her.

"Alright, alright..." Jina said as she saw her sister's glare. "I am sorry Jun."

"Ughr Uhm." Mia cleared her throat.

"Okaaay!" Jina knew what it meant. "I am sorry Jun "oppa.".... Happy?....Sheesh you guys…"

"That's okay…" Jun smiled awkwardly.

"That's like my little sister." Mia said with a smile and went into the kitchen to help her mother to get the things out.


"So you are going tomorrow morning?" Mia's father said as they all were having dinner.

"Yes Papa. 7 in the morning." Mia answered.

"Jun…" Jina said. "I mean…Jun oppa…Why aren't you going with her?" She asked.

"Because I'm not a class representative." He answered calmly.

"Ohhh….So only C.R.s are able to go…." Jina said with a slight teasing tone.

"And the student council people." Mia added.

"Didn't you know about this trip earlier?" Jina asked.

"It's not a trip Jina; it's just a training tour." Jun said getting a bit annoyed.

"Yep. And if we knew earlier, we would have gone together. Right Jun?"

"Who wants to go with you?" Jun said with a straight face.

"Fine! Then I'll go alone and have a great time!"

"Sure, why not!"

"You just stay here and get bored."

"No I won't. It would be a peaceful day for me as you will be not here. I'll probably celebrate it!" Jun smirked.

"Hmph." Mia pouted and looked in the other direction.

While these two were having their little quarrel, Mia's mother, father and sister all were having their dinner calmly as usual.

'Now we are used it!' All thought at the same time while exchanging glances.


"What are you doing?" Jun was standing in the door of Mia's room.

Her room was not tidy and clean like it always was; the clothes were spread all over the place. She was busy getting more of them out from her closet.

"I don't have anything to wear…" She whined.

"I can see that." Jun said sarcastically. Folding his hands he leaned on the door. "It's just a training thing right? So why do you care so much?"

"Because I…" Mia stopped. "You'll never get it!" She said and went towards the mirror. Then she started putting the clothes before her one by one and looked into the mirror.

"Well, I may not get it. But one thing is for sure…" On those words, Mia stopped what she was doing. "You are not going on a date with a guy or something. And you'll probably be told to do some physical work there. So you should wear something in which you are comfortable."

Mia was surprised hearing him. 'He is right!....All I was thinking that, Ray would be there and I was just not being practical…How stupid of me…'

"Than—" She turned back to thank him but he was already gone.


"Students, a very good morning!" A very strong and confident voice of a girl made everyone look at her. "..I am Ryu DaEun , from class 3-B. I am the president of the Student Council."

The girl was standing in the front with her hands on her waist. She was quiet tall about 5.7 to 5.8 ft and so everyone could see her, even the last row. Her personality was really confident and her gaze was so powerful.

'Woww....' Mia thought as soon as she saw her.

The President talked further, "I am in charge of taking you to the destination and bring back you here safely. Sure, the teacher will be with us. But the orders will be given by me so you all are supposed to follow them. Am I clear?"


"And Seniors…" She was referring to the class-3 students. "You all are older and more responsible ones. So it's your responsibility to take care of our juniors. Is that right?"

"Yesss" The class-3 students answered weakly.

"Man, she does that every time…" A guy in the very back whispered, complaining.

"You're right man, she is so bossy…I just hate her…" The other guy agreed.

Mia and April, who were standing just in front of them, heard their conversation.

April looked at Mia, a bit worried. "She really seems so strict, doesn't she?"

"Maybe. But she seems nice to me."

"Everyone seems nice to you Mia!" April sighed.

"Hehe…Maybe you're right! What can I say?" Mia laughed.

Suddenly, Ray came there. "What are you two doing here? Let's go in front. We juniors are supposed be in the front."

Nodding to this, both the girls followed him, while the two guys who were standing behind them were looking at April and her cute but short skirt with a weird look.


As Mia came down from the bus, she saw a huge mountain before her eyes. An old, stony and crude pathway was going up. The path was covered with trees from both the sides. On the top something was visible but no one was sure what it was. Everyone, especially the juniors were looking at it with their widened eyes and mouth opened with aw.

"So students…" President's voice made everyone silent. "You can't properly see from here, but there is a shrine on the top. The oldest shrine of this region. And we are going up there!"

With this the expressions of students changed; some were worried, some were a bit upset while the others were excited.

"It looks exciting!" And Mia was one of them.

"It looks scary!!" April said worriedly. "It's so high up there. I've never climbed something so high…" Her face darkened as she looked at the very top.

"Don't worry. I am with you." Mia tried to encourage her.

The President said, "We all are supposed to go there together. The hill is covered with the jungle and the road is also not that good. So everyone stay together. And seniors, look after our juniors." Giving everyone the proper orders she shouted. "Let's go!" And with those words, the group of around 40 people started climbing the mountain.


The road was really rough, big stones and boulders were lying in the middle. The huge trees, which were covering the path, were tightly entangled with each other, making it hard for the Sun rays to penetrate them and hit the ground. It was really shady even in the bright and shiny morning. The mountain pretty steep so it was getting hard for everyone to climb it easily. Sometimes, the boulders were so big, that everyone had to stretch their legs to climb up on them

Giving hand to each other, everyone was climbing altogether. It was getting a problem for the girls especially. Some of the girls, juniors, were wearing dresses or uncomfortable clothes, which were making it even harder.

As being a sports person, Ray was in the front. It was quite easy for him, so he was also helping others to get up and was busy giving hand to others.

Because of April, Mia was getting behind. With April's short skirt and uncomfortable shoes it was getting more and more difficult at every step.

While on the other hand, Mia was wearing a comfortable khaki Capri pant and a white t-shirt with her sports shoes on. Thanks to Jun's last minute advice, she didn't have any problem climbing and trekking. The moment she had seen the mountain, she had thanked him again.

But as April was getting problem, Mia was with her and helping her to get up.

They kept lagging behind and soon they were the last ones with some of the senior guys who were being there at the end to ensure that everyone is getting up together.

"Miaaaa…." April started whining. "Why didn't they tell us before?"

Mia didn't say anything.

"If I knew we were going to climb this freakin' mountain, I would have come prepared….." Then she looked at Mia with envious eyes. "How are you so much prepared? Did you know this already?"

"Of course not. How would I know? I was also going to wear something nice but I changed my mind at the last minute."

"Really? Being smart helps at such times, I guess!"

"Hehe…It's not what you're thinking actually…" Mia laughed goofily as she got reminded of Jun again.

"Ow!" April stopped in her way. Mia turned back to her and saw her painful face.

"What happened?" Mia asked as she went towards her hurriedly.

"My shoes….They are new so they are…just….hurting my toes…" April said, she was really looking in pain.

"Wait…" Mia bent down and removed a shoe from April's leg. Her toes were turned red, and there were some small wounds on her big toe. "…It looks painful…" Mia said.

"It is!"

"Hey, any problem there?" The guys who were walking with these two girls, stopped in their way and asked.

Mia looked at them. They were the same guys, who were talking about the president earlier. "Her shoes…are bothering her…" Mia told them being concerned.

Both the guys walked towards them. As they came near, they observed April's feet.

"Oh god! It looks serious!" One said.

"Huh? Really?" April said worriedly.

"No actually...If she—"

"It is serious!" The other said without letting Mia finish her sentence.

"Would you be able to walk?" The first one asked.

"With those shoes? How's that possible, man?" The other answered instead."What should we do now?" He said further with a concerned tone.

No one said anything for a while. April's face was really saddened now. Her eyes started tearing up.

"I think—" Mia spoke up.

"I have an idea!" The same guy broke her sentence in the middle again.

Mia and April looked at him.

Coming towards April, he turned his back and sat down right before her legs.

Startled with his sudden actions, April took a step back. "W-What? What are you doing?"

"It's the only way." The other guy said calmly.

Mia looked at him, "What do you mean?" She asked. 'Something's not right…' Her gut feeling was telling her.

"Come on! I'll carry you on my back!" The guy who was sitting, turned his head to look up at April.

"Huh?" Mia and April, both the girls looked at each other in shock.


Pu Pu Pu Puummmm.....(* Sound of the Airhorn!!)

Thank you sooooooooooooooo much guys for supporting this novel, me....reading this...loving this....

I love you guys....You are the best!!!!!!!!!!

So now, as I promised that we will do something after 100k. So I'm going to tell you about MY FIRST EVER LOVE! Read the comment section below, guys....

Thanks again....You all are as sweet as cupcakes!

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