
Beauty: Day In The Sun

A fallen angel from heaven, dwelled on Earth by borrowing the bodies of human. Through that the angel lived over a thousand years and still not satisfied with her existence on Earth. She wishes to lived for ever as her end drew closer and unfortunately ended up in a weak body of a gorgeous teenage who committed suicide the instant, the angel possessed her body.

Ticklepink · วัยรุ่น
13 Chs

Let's Go

Later that night, the young man excuses himself for some urgent matters, after receiving a phone call.

I was left alone, deep in thought, thinking of what next to do, how to take down those miscreant with human way without involving the use of sorcery.

Initially, beings of my kind aren't supposed to expose their true nature to humans and if that happens, the human that witnessed the phenomenal must be killed in order to keep it a secret forever.

But I'm not used to human things, I'm used to ferocity and unaffectionate, that I only thought of slicing them to death and feeding their souls to the hungry spirits.

But, in flesh I need to be considerate, I don't need to be brutal like Eve in order to have my day in the sun and regain my reputation. I need evidence and proof to expose them no matter what.

I'm not Heart, I'm the perfect angelic idol that would always adorned by

human and sooner when I finally achieve something that I've been craving for, I'll walk through the mind of everyone and entire world would treat me like their Queen and no one would beat that stance anymore.

At the process of thinking, suddenly the window was pulled opened as I averted my eyes to the window direction in alarm, sensing that someone was trying to intrude into the room.

But, it wasn't that all an intruder. It was Eve, who quickly put her index finger on her lips, the moment she entered the room through the opened window.

"Shh." walking over to me, while I stare at her in shock.

"What are you doing here? You have to leave now, my fake older brother would be back soon, any moment from now," I said in a hush voice as if I don't want someone outside the room to hear my voice. Assuming his on his way back here by now.

"Let's go." Eve abruptly said, removing the blanket from my body, without making things clear to me.

I was bemused and hesitated, demanding for an explanation, "What? Where?"

"You said he would be back at any moment, so I got no time to explain. I'll explain to you later, once we get out of here."

"No. Why would I follow you? I have my own things to sort out and disappearing just like this is absurd. I can't ran away from my new life_"

She chimed in, "We got bigger problems here, if you don't want to spend the rest of your life in jail forever. You have to follow me now!" She demanded, quite dignified.

Just then, I began to hear the sound of footstep, approaching.

It was just happening fitfully, that I can't sharply decided what to do. I wasn't convinced yet. I need to be convinced in other to follow her, it's just the way I am. I don't trust this being anymore. Nor anyone else.

Eve heaved a sharp sigh as she began to talk at rapid speed, "The detective found witnesses to testify against you in court that you murdered your classmate and approximately it's clearly meant that you're me. Heart."

The sound of the footstep paused at the door as the door whoosh opens. Then, we heard the voice of the young man, but didn't saw him, since we were still within, outside the room, standing frozen ontop of the jutted brick, built out the window.

He kept repeating, "Alexandra. Alex_" till the shock faded wore off and we heard him talking to someone on the phone.

"Block the hospital entrance. My younger sister is missing. She might have not gone too far. Find her!" He ordered and we heard no voice, later followed by the sound of door slamming.

Immediately, we carried on with moving downward to the ground floor and quickly noticed the men in black, searching for a run away patient and probably was me.

"Shit. We got companies here. You should have listen to me, when I said let's go." Eve blamed me for the current situation, still holding onto the metal railing, built straight across the building, for support.

"It's not my fault. If you were in my shoes, wouldn't you think about it first?" I argued.

"Think about what? That I decided to inform you, I decided to help you out?"

I scoff, getting angry at her, "You made this mess, so you're not helping me out. It's a favor you owe me."

"But, the cop found nothing on you when you were arrested tonight. It's your carelessness that landed you into this huge mess. How could you have let those bunch of fools go, after killing their leader. Don't you think it's nonsensical?" Eve fired back, briefly looking down on the surroundings.

I wanted to continue bandy words with her to defend myself but, suddenly I don't know what else to say. Eve was right. She had a point and I need to fix this first before anything else.

"But how do you know that I was arrested? How do you find out that the detective had witnesses? Were you spying on me?" I turned my head to look at her.

"How do you expect me to back down when I know my friend is in trouble_"

I didn't let her to finish that sentence as I cut her off, "Oh, please don't call me that. What stupid friend?"

Just like the last time she called me a friend and only for me to find out that she was only doing that because she just wanted to compensate me for the mess she put me in.

But, though, right now, we were having an interesting conversation, even in this awkward position. And I didn't realise that until she asked...

"Then, what are we?" There was a big smile on her face when she asked me.

We lasped into a brief silence as we exchanged knowing gaze. "Strangers, perhaps."

"Maybe, it's time to tell yourself the truth. You're lonely, just as I am. We only had each other to express ourselves more and beside, two is better than one. Who knows if we can achieve our true purpose on Earth together by helping each other out?"

"Don't think I'll consider working with you for the second time. Just lead me to the detective and I'll take it up from there. I don't need your damn help, bloodsucker." I snapped, back at her.

And she fired back, "Hey, loser, don't call me that if you have no idea what my story calls for. Beside I don't kill without a reason, not likewise you who murder human for no just cause."

"What? You sincerely know, that jerk don't deserve to breathe the air I breath. His a bloody bully."

"Duh. Murder is murder. You're just like me now. Culprit on the lose."

I groaned, annoyed by what she called me, "I'll never be like you, asshole. Just wait and see, soon after I sort all this mess, I'll be the idol everyone adorns, you'll see."

Her face got uninterested, "All I see is the infamous Alexandra of nobody. Quit dreaming of becoming a celebrity and just be like me. Let's run the world."

My forehead wrinkled, "Never. Just lead me to the cop, now."

"Okay. Let's cut the long story short and get down to business." We linked hands and in a twinkling of an eyes…

We disappear and reappear somewhere inside the police office, under the large desk, situated on a dark nook of the spacious office.

From a brief scanning, our recent environ, everyone of his colleagues were gone, expect him, alone still at his desk, doing one or two things, with heap of booklets on his desk. He was just damn busy, so desperate towards this assassin of a thing.

Then, I began to wonder how much damage Eve had caused to made him this desperate to catch her, like his life depends on it.

Yes, I also recalled that he showed me the scar of being hurt by the unknown assassin. That's why I don't trust Eve. She's capable of anything and probably might had done something unbelievable to him that he could never forget nor forgive.

But, I don't know what that is…

I sudden turned my head and melt Eve disapproving scowl as she glared at me, probably after hearing my thoughts, perhaps. I look away from her back to the detective we were monitoring.

Suddenly, it's seems he sensed us.

"Whose there?!" His voice was loud and clear as he cracked a gun and got up, pacing slowly to our direction.

I turned and faced Eve again, the moment I exhaled quietly, "Okay, at the count of three_"

Before I could complete my statement, Eve slide out of the table in a quick motion and kick off the gun in his hand and they started fighting violently, while I came out of my hidden position, growing in anger at Eve for attacking without my permission. This is my move and I meant to handle this myself.

I joined in the fight and we got him down without using our powers although it was a tough battle, between the beauties and the beast. However, I was mesmerised by his highly skills of fighting.

By the time the fight was over, he looked a little bit messed up, from the tidy neat way he looked. At this point, he was unconscious, when we took him to Eve's secret under ground basement. This is the first i hearing that Eve had a secret basement. It's awesome and I had no idea Eve had a private place like this. It's truly supercool and her damn life is starting to intrigue me.