
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · สมัยใหม่
42 Chs

023 Secret war between beauties

"She speaks the truth?" Wen Min inquired of the injured policeman, although she was already certain that her subordinates were incapable of such actions. Asking the question was merely a formality.

"I didn't do it, she's lying," the injured policeman's face flushed red, whether from pain or from feeling unjustly accused.

"Dare to act but not confess, eh? I personally witnessed you reaching out to touch her face. Why else would her boyfriend grab your hand?" It was Kai speaking. When it was time to be awake, he never slept.

"Lovely officer, I, Hai Dafu, testify on my honor. He," Pang Dahai pointed his finger at the policeman, saying, "he did indeed reach out to touch the young lady. My eyesight is impeccable; I saw it clearly."

Hai Dafu attempted to appear simple-minded, but unfortunately, his image, especially those small eyes, no matter how he tried to disguise it, gave people a sense of cunning. 'Rustic and corpulent' would be a more accurate description, utterly untrustworthy.

Tang Shu interjected, turning an obstruction of duty into a farcical situation of police harassing innocent women. Those who delighted in chaos and feared the world's tranquility began to jeer and hiss. Who in the bar hadn't imbibed a bit of alcohol? Relying on Dutch courage, they paid little heed to these police officers.

Wen Min glanced at Pang Dahai and Kai, one fat and one thin, their faces flushed with alcohol, slouched on the couch. It was evident at first glance that they were up to no good. Wen Min felt nothing but disdain. These two were birds of a feather with that stinking rascal Zhang Ziwen.

Wen Min's gaze then shifted to Zhang Ziwen, who, with a drunken, slightly provocative look in his eyes, seemed to say, 'What can you do to me?' This sight filled Wen Min with a seething hatred, causing her to gnash her teeth. For some reason, every time she saw this stinking rascal, she wanted to step forward and give him a good slap. Only by doing so could she find relief.

Wen Min then fixed her gaze on the girl who seemed to be falsely accusing her subordinates. Needless to say, anyone who could associate with that stinking rascal was likely a spoiled young lady. To embrace that stinking rascal so tightly in full view of everyone, what else could she be but a spoiled young lady? Wen Min felt an inexplicable disgust.

"Zhang Ziwen, do you find it amusing to play games with the police?" Wen Min coldly interrogated Zhang Ziwen.

"Not at all," Zhang Ziwen shrugged. "Especially not with you, even less amusing."

Zhang Ziwen's added remark, coupled with his flippant expression, made Wen Min feel an impulse to draw her gun and shoot him on the spot.

Yang Wei saw Wen Min trembling all over, obviously infuriated. He whispered softly, "Inspector Wen, bring Zhang Ziwen and those other troublemakers back to the station and deal with them slowly."

"Hey, watch your mouth. Who are you calling troublemakers?" Tang Shu's ears perked up upon hearing Yang Wei refer to Zhang Ziwen and his companions as troublemakers, and she coquettishly chided, "Which department are you from? What's your badge number?" After speaking, she let go of Zhang Ziwen, took out her phone from her bag, and looked at Yang Wei's badge.

Yang Wei inwardly cursed. He quickly covered his badge with his hand, realizing that this beautiful young lady might have some influence, as she had a personal lawyer. He was still just a probationary inspector; if he were to be complained against, he might have to remain a probationary inspector for another year. With the government currently advocating civilized law enforcement, using derogatory language against suspects was not worth the trouble.

Wen Min noticed Yang Wei's tense expression, as if he were somewhat afraid of the little miss. When she looked at Tang Shu again, who had just left Zhang Ziwen's embrace, Wen Min's heart trembled slightly. This girl was so beautiful. The image of the little miss instantly shattered in Wen Min's eyes, turning into that of a youthful and beautiful girl, pure and pristine. Those beautiful and clear eyes seemed disconnected from the image of the little miss in every way.

"What do you do?" Wen Min asked Tang Shu coldly.

"Oh, I..." Tang Shu tilted her head, pondered for a moment, and said, "I'd rather not say. If there's anything or any issues, including those involving my three friends, you can directly communicate with my lawyer. Until things are cleared up, I reserve the right to complain against them." After speaking, she pointed at Yang Wei and the unfortunate policeman.

"This little girl's tone of speech is just like that stinking rascal's. Could they be siblings?" Wen Min wondered to herself.

"Inspector Wen, this is the business card of her lawyer." Yang Wei handed Wen Min the business card that Tang Shu had given him earlier.

Wen Min glanced at it, furrowing her brows, and did not take the card. Her beautiful eyes fixed on Tang Shu as she said, "If you have any grievances with our police force, you can file a complaint. But baseless accusations... you know the consequences."

"Is that so?" Tang Shu shrugged her delicate shoulders, speaking coquettishly, "Baseless accusations? What are you talking about? I have no idea." Perhaps influenced by Zhang Ziwen, Tang Shu even added a shrug, a small gesture.

"You know very well what you accused earlier. I don't need to remind you," Wen Min retorted coldly.

"And so what? Now there are witnesses. I am the victim," Tang Shu gazed at Wen Min with her beautiful eyes. "As for the investigation, my lawyer will take care of it. Whether it's black or white, let the legal process clarify."

The two beautiful women were clearly at an impasse, their words sharp, and they stared at each other without flinching. Surprisingly, the mastermind behind it all, Zhang Ziwen, had nothing to do with it. After being released by Tang Shu, he was lying on the couch, leisurely watching the silent battle between the two beauties.

The more Zhang Ziwen looked at Tang Shu, the more intriguing he found her. Her sharp words against Wen Min and her confident demeanor in discussing legal procedures made her seem extremely familiar with the law. She no longer resembled the gentle and demure girl from before.

"Humph," Wen Min snorted. "Don't talk about lawyers left and right. Even if you file a complaint, it only matters if someone believes you. A girl accusing the police of public harassment, you really think you can make that up." Wen Min thought to herself, this girl may seem innocent, but she is shameless. Associating with that stinking rascal, she certainly won't end up well. Thinking this, Wen Min's gaze at Tang Shu became disdainful.

Tang Shu understood the implications in Wen Min's words. Although she felt angry inside, she knew now was not the time to lose her temper. Her goal was to help Zhang Ziwen and his friends escape this predicament. As for how Wen Min viewed her, Tang Shu couldn't care less.

"This officer, didn't you understand what I said earlier?" Tang Shu said lightly. "Whether you think I'm making it up or lying, you can investigate. The court will have the final say, not you."

"And also," Tang Shu paused for a moment and continued, "Actually, there's nothing serious about tonight. I can make peace. But I hope you police won't be too excessive with my friends. This matter getting blown out of proportion is bad for everyone. I'm considering the reputation of your police force. If you really want to escalate things, I don't mind. At most, I'll let the media expose it. The headlines in the newspapers will be about police inspections, abusing power, and harassing teenage girls. I don't think that's something you'd like to see, is it?"

Tang Shu's words made Wen Min take in a sharp breath. Who was this girl? She didn't seem very old, yet why was she more troublesome than that stinking rascal? Looking at her charming appearance, Wen Min couldn't fathom what was going on in her mind. In the blink of an eye, she could say such things, even planning out the newspaper headlines.

What Tang Shu said hit the police force where it hurt the most. Now the police station was trying to improve its reputation, but if it were exposed by the media, even false accusations would become true. The impact would be extremely negative.

Wen Min had to seriously consider Tang Shu's weighty words. She was right; originally, this matter wasn't a big deal. It was obvious that the stinking rascal was deliberately causing trouble. But even if they brought him to the police station, they couldn't do much to him. Forget it, Wen Min thought to herself, tonight she would let that despicable guy go. As she thought this, Wen Min glanced at Zhang Ziwen. At this moment, he was staring at Tang Shu, his eyes fixed and unwavering, giving the impression that he was infatuated. Who looks at a girl like that?