
Beauty Awake

After being expelled from the elite Marine Corps for a serious mistake, he returns to urban life in a state of decadence, where fate continues to mock him. A series of misunderstandings make him a regular at the police station, where he is regarded as an extremely dangerous individual. When various urban beauties appear before him in different ways, he unwittingly finds himself in conflict and misunderstanding with them. What stories will unfold between him and these women? Starlets, wealthy heiresses, beautiful policewomen, high-level executives, flight attendants - these outstanding beauties, the dream of every man, will grace the pages of this book, inviting you to explore each one.

jojokria · สมัยใหม่
42 Chs

007 The hero saves the beauty.

"You let go of me, let go!"

Suddenly, a girl's voice came from behind Zhang Ziwen. Amidst the deafening music, it was barely audible, but he heard it.

Zhang Ziwen turned around and saw a few hooligans with weird hairstyles pulling two girls. Around them, people were dancing and seemed oblivious to the situation.

"Why are you touching me, you filthy thugs!" one of the girls struggled and shouted.

"Hey, guys, my sister didn't agree to go anywhere with you," Zhang Ziwen greeted the thugs with a smile.

The thugs were momentarily taken aback by Zhang Ziwen's greeting. The ones holding the girls loosened their grip slightly. The girls took advantage and escaped, hiding behind Zhang Ziwen as if he were their last hope.

"Are these two your sisters?" one of the thugs with a sneering face asked sharply.

"Yes, they are my sisters," Zhang Ziwen replied seriously.

"Damn, are you trying to trick us?" another thug asked fiercely.

The two thugs, one skinny like a monkey and the other fat like a pig, looked comically mismatched. The others, although more conventionally built, had equally questionable fashion choices. They stood there crookedly, looking like a bunch of misfits.

"Bro, we're not buying your act. Hand over the girls," the skinny thug said, eyeing Zhang Ziwen with hostility.

"What? I can't hear you over the music," Zhang Ziwen asked loudly, pretending not to hear.

"Damn it, we told you to hand over the girls!" the fat thug shouted angrily.

"Who? Hand over who?" Zhang Ziwen asked innocently.

"Fuck! Are you playing dumb?" the fat thug yelled.

"What? Who's fucking whom? Your mom's too old for me to be interested," Zhang Ziwen replied with a smile, looking at the fat thug. Zhang Ziwen observed that there were seven thugs in total.

The fat thug was furious. "You're asking for it!"

Zhang Ziwen swiftly grabbed the fat thug's wrist and twisted it. With a crack, the thug's wrist was dislocated, and he collapsed in pain.

Before the skinny thug could react, Zhang Ziwen had already kicked him squarely in the chest. There was a slight sound of bones breaking as the thug flew backward and landed heavily on the ground. At the same time, Zhang Ziwen's fists collided with the bottles aimed at his head, shattering them into shards of glass.

Seizing the moment while the two thugs were still dazed, with half-broken bottles in hand, Zhang Ziwen pounced ferociously. With swift moves, he disarmed them, breaking bones with a resounding crack.

Three remained. One of them, quick to react, saw Zhang Ziwen charging at them ferociously and exclaimed, "Oh my god!" before throwing away his bottle and fleeing. The other two thugs hadn't even lifted their bottles yet when Zhang Ziwen swiftly incapacitated one with a flurry of strikes, while the other was kicked and sent flying, unable to get back up.

About thirty seconds had passed. Zhang Ziwen estimated the time inwardly. He hadn't engaged in a scuffle for a while, and his skills felt somewhat rusty.

Deafening club music had ceased when Zhang Ziwen kicked the monkey-faced thug. Lights illuminated the area, and the commotion had attracted the attention of the club's staff. Several security guards approached. A brawl resulting in injuries wasn't something the club wanted on its premises.

All the club-goers, who had been dancing vigorously, stopped to watch the spectacle. Of course, many of them were high on drugs, their heads swaying uncontrollably. Zhang Ziwen suspected that those under the influence of drugs would find the scene of a fight quite exciting. One fight could easily escalate into more when someone got involved.

The security guards, wearing suits and earpieces, didn't dare to confront Zhang Ziwen. The thugs lay on the ground, groaning in pain. No one dared to intervene, especially considering Zhang Ziwen's restrained approach to violence, trying not to cause damage to public property.

Leading the way, Zhang Ziwen left the club, followed closely by the two girls. The night air was refreshing, and Zhang Ziwen lit a cigarette, taking a satisfying drag. The resentment he had felt from his time in the detention center during the day dissipated. Zhang Ziwen wasn't a violent person, but engaging in physical activity had its therapeutic effects.

Zhang Ziwen could feel the admiring gazes of the two girls on him. He nonchalantly exhaled smoke rings, smiling at them. Zhang Ziwen felt rather dashing, for he noticed a glint of admiration in their eyes, especially from one of the girls, who was exceptionally beautiful. Her eyes seemed to hold a hint of tenderness, causing Zhang Ziwen's heart to flutter slightly. The allure of the pretty girl was quite potent.

"Big brother, thank you. If it weren't for you, who knows what might have happened," the beautiful girl blushed, expressing her gratitude to Zhang Ziwen, with a hint of shyness.

Zhang Ziwen nodded with a smile. "It's alright now. You can go home. Just try to avoid coming to places like this in the future. Not every time will be as lucky as this one." Zhang Ziwen couldn't help but offer some advice.

"We won't come here again. Tonight scared us too much. We're still terrified," the beautiful girl said, her tone adorable as she stuck out her pink, tender tongue.

"That's good. Alright, let's go home," Zhang Ziwen said, taking a drag of his cigarette, ready to leave.

"Wait." The beautiful girl tugged at Zhang Ziwen's clothes, pleadingly. "Big brother, can you escort us home? We're still afraid."

"Yes, our school is not far ahead. Big brother, you're such a kind person. Please, just take us home," the other girl also pleaded.

Two young girls begging you, a grown man, what else could you say?

"Let's go. I'll walk you home." Zhang Ziwen felt willing in his heart, and his response was resolute. Protecting the weak, rescuing damsels in distress—helping two at once—this was a matter of happenstance, not something one could expect. It depended on luck, and it seemed his luck was quite good.

The two girls cheered at Zhang Ziwen's agreement, linking their arms with his. They happily instructed him on the way.

"Big brother, what's your name?" the beautiful girl asked, trying to be lively, taking the lead in asking Zhang Ziwen.

"This big brother is just like Lei Feng, doing good deeds without leaving a name," Zhang Ziwen teased her deliberately.

"No, that won't do," both girls objected simultaneously. The beautiful girl swayed Zhang Ziwen's arm, coquettishly saying, "Please, tell us. Just tell us your name."

Zhang Ziwen felt the sensation of the beautiful girl's chest brushing against his arm. It was plump, soft, and slightly firm. Oh, how girls nowadays pay no attention to their demeanor. He was still full of youthful vigor.

Concealing the stirrings in his heart, Zhang Ziwen cleared his throat. "You have to tell me your names first before I tell you mine."

"Alright, I'll tell you first. My name is Tang Shu." "I'm Chen Ya." The two girls generously revealed their names.

The beautiful girl was named Tang Shu, while the other, quite elegant one, was named Chen Ya. Their names suited their personalities quite well.

"Now that we've both shared our names, it's your turn, big brother," Tang Shu, with her soft and alluring bosom, rubbed against Zhang Ziwen's arm again, making him feel overwhelmed.


, I'll tell you. You two little charming troublemakers, I'm Zhang Ziwen. You can call me Big Brother Zhang from now on," he said with a smile.

"Zhang Ziwen," the two girls murmured, savoring the sound of his name.