
Chapter 97 Miles

I am awoken early by my father banging off my door. Ordering me to get up and get dressed. I have little choice. This is my life now for the next few weeks at least. I must go touring the country, go and meet countless she-wolves I had no interest in. I would rather be here, in pack, setting things up for when I take over.

I know Ellis is due back any day now, and his mate is due home from her visit back home. She had decided to return home whilst he was away, already missing her family, and without her mate here to distract her she had apparently felt even more homesick. And they wanted her to be a Luna?! What a fucking joke… she may be a pretty little thing, but she clearly didn’t have the strength needed to be a Luna. She was weak as fuck if she was already homesick for her family and former pack after a few days here. Truly pathetic. Ellis had his work cut out with that for a mate. The only thing going for her was her looks, it seemed.