
Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

There once was a powerful Prince who ruled the business world with no heart. Everything he wanted he took. One day a cleaning girl getting his home ready for a party caught his eye. Could someone so simple thaw his hear and turn the beast into a man? He quickly turned. He picked up a vase and threw it. He stormed down stairs. "Who is in charge?" he roared. Bella stood up, "I am sir, my name is Bella Beauté, what can I help you with?" She held out her hand. He stared at it but could not take in, "It is improper to sit out in front of my home and have a picnic. There is a park down the road eat there." "I do apologize sir. We will do that from now on. Is there anything else?" Bella tried to keep calm. With out a word he stormed back into his home. There was still 40 minutes for lunch so they packed up their lunch and headed to the park. From the window he watched the little girl drive away. 'Bella Beauté... Beauté is french for beauty and she was a beauty.' [The book is also full of fairytales Bella loves to read]

IleneMae · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
188 Chs

Visit from Mother (55)

Zane woke with Bella still in his arms. He did not know when he fell back to sleep but was thankful for no more nightmares.

He got put and Got ready to go to work. Before he left he woke Bella up.

"Bella dear, morning time. You need to get up and go eat." Zane said.

Bella stretched her body and yawned. "Good morning." She blinked her eye and the handsome beast before her.

"Do you have to work today?" She asked stretching.

"Yes, I'll be back by dinnertime." He reached down and gave her a quick kiss.

"Ok, be safe." she smiled as she stood up.

Bella took a quick shower and headed down stairs for breakfast. Just as she was finishing up a maid came in.

"Miss, you have a visitor." she said.

"Who?" Bella was puzzled only her family ever came and they would call first.

She walked into the pallor to see a older lady who seemed familiar in a bad way.

Bella sat down across from the lady. One of the gaurds was standing at the door. He was told to always be close if anyone came to visit and he was not getting on the bad side of the Beast.

"You look good." Mrs. Heart said.

"Thank you, and you are?" Bella asked.

"Very funny now. I am here to talk about my son." She said taking a cup of tea the maid brought in.

Bella understood now this was the beast's mother.

"As you know my son comes from a powerful family and he has a responsibility to bring as much power back into the family through marriage." She took another sip.

Bella sat there and said nothing.

"You can not bring anything good to our family. I ask you to give up on my son and leave him. I am willing to give your family compensation for this time you have been with him." She finished her tea and set the cup down.

Bella sat there, her head starting to hurt. She could not understand why this woman did not want her son to be happy.

"So tell me how much will it take?"

Before Bella could say a word Zane walked in. "Mother what are you doing here?"

"Oh, your back. I thought you left for your new office." She smiled.

"I did, then I got a call. You are not allowed to be here in my home bothering Bella." He said pulling Bella close to him as he sat down.

"We were just having a little talk. Why are you so worried."

"Frank what were they talking about?" Zane asked the gaurd.

Bella spoke up, "I'm not good enough for you because I have no power, so she wants to pay me to leave you."

"Frank, Escort my mother out and make sure everyone is aware to never let her or my father in her again when I'm not home."

"Zane stop this. Don't choose this woman over your family. It's not right." his mother yelled.

"Mother, Get out." With that she was escorted out.

"Bella, you Ok?" He asked.

"Yes, Why does she hate me?" Bella asked.

"That Bella is hard to really put into words." Zane said.

"Never mind." Bella felt he was lying to her and got up to leave the room. At the door she looked back, "I may have lost some of my memory but I am not stupid. When you feel like being honest with me I'll be in the rose room reading."

Zane now felt bad. Did he say the wrong thing?. Just as he was getting up he got a call from his father.

"Yes?" He answered.

"Zane, Do you know where Heather is? She has gone missing."

Zane let out a grin, "Why ask me?"

"Zane, the last time she was heard from was when she told her parents she was at the hospital to see you." He said.

"Well, that was the last time I seen her too. If there is nothing else I'll hang up." With out letting his father answer he disconnects the call.

He had not check on her since his ordered for her to be held. He must make time after his meeting with Betty to check her out.


Bella walked into the rose room and shut and locked the door. She did not what to talk to that Beast right now cause she knew he would not be honest.

She opened her book to get lost...

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ FAITHFUL JOHN cont.

But the King replied, "Be silent, and let him go; he is my very faithful John--who knows the good he may have done?"

Now they went into the castle, and there stood a dish in the hall, and the splendid bridal shirt lay in it, and seemed nothing else than gold and silver.

The young King went up to it and wished to take it up, but the faithful John pushed him away, and taking it up with his gloves on, bore it quickly to the fire and let it burn.

The other servants thereupon began to murmur, saying, "See, now he is burning the King's bridal shirt!"

But the young King replied, "Who knows what good he has done? Let him alone--he is my faithful John."

Soon after, the wedding was celebrated, and a grand ball was given, and the bride began to dance. So the faithful John paid great attention, and watched her countenance; all at once she grew pale, and fell as if dead to the ground.

Then he sprang up hastily, raised her up and bore her to a chamber, where he laid her down, kneeled beside her, and drawing the three drops of blood out of her right breast, threw them away.

As soon as she breathed again, she raised herself up; but the young King had witnessed everything, and not knowing why the faithful John had done this was very angry, and called out, "Throw him into prison!"

The next morning the trusty John was brought up for trial, and led to the gallows; and as he stood upon them, and was about to be executed, he said, "Every one condemned to die may once before his death speak. Shall I also have that privilege?"

"Yes," answered the King, "it shall be granted you."

Then the faithful John replied, "I have been unrighteously judged, and have always been true to you"; and he narrated the conversation of the crows which he heard at sea; and how, in order to save his master, he was obliged to do all he had done.


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