
Beauty and the Beast [A modern day tale]

There once was a powerful Prince who ruled the business world with no heart. Everything he wanted he took. One day a cleaning girl getting his home ready for a party caught his eye. Could someone so simple thaw his hear and turn the beast into a man? He quickly turned. He picked up a vase and threw it. He stormed down stairs. "Who is in charge?" he roared. Bella stood up, "I am sir, my name is Bella Beauté, what can I help you with?" She held out her hand. He stared at it but could not take in, "It is improper to sit out in front of my home and have a picnic. There is a park down the road eat there." "I do apologize sir. We will do that from now on. Is there anything else?" Bella tried to keep calm. With out a word he stormed back into his home. There was still 40 minutes for lunch so they packed up their lunch and headed to the park. From the window he watched the little girl drive away. 'Bella Beauté... Beauté is french for beauty and she was a beauty.' [The book is also full of fairytales Bella loves to read]

IleneMae · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
188 Chs

Making her world safer (56)

Zane went back to work and Betty was already there.

"This is the Castle." She handed him a brochure. "They set up fairy tale weddings so I am sure they could also do a proposal too."

"This is perfect. Now I need a beast outfit. My dream said I was wearing one and after she said yes I turned into a prince." Zane said.

"That can be done. Now what about the ring?" Betty asked.

He pulled out a velvet box and opened it, "This is what I got."

Betty's eyes went wide, "This is perfect."

"So can you make the reservations. Make sure to get rooms for your whole family and Mary Ann. Then also make sure of the small detail needed. We will meet again when you have all the detail worked out. I trust you."

Betty gathered her things and left. Zane headed to the wearhouse.

There he seen Heather in a cell with the guards playing cards at a table.

She was a mess. "Zane thank god you are here. Tell them to let go."

Zane let out a low laugh. "You think, sorry you miss understand. I'm not here to save you. You tired to kill the love of my life and I can not forgive that."

"Zane please, I had nothing to do with that really." Heather pleaded.

"The man on the bike gave you up. Then the money trail confirmed it. Now I have to decide what I will to do with you." He pulled a chair up to the cell and sat down.

"Zane, we were meant to be together. Why are you doing this." She said.

"Now, even in the face of all this you still act as if nothing bad has happened." He crossed his legs.

"We both know you won't do anything to me. So let me out of here."

Zane got up. "Keep her locked up. When I find a good place for her I'll have her moved but she will never see the light of day again."

With this Heather started to panic, "Zane, you can't do this to me. Please I'm sorry. I will never bother you or that woman again. Please."

He headed towards the door.

"Zane please. Don't leave me here. I'll go over seas I promise."

Zane stopped. "I will let you go if you promise to leave right away. If you come back to this country and bother me or Bella again. No one will ever hear from you again. I won't care who helps you to come back. If you do don't blame me for what will happen."

"I promise." Heather was now scared.

"Take Miss Thornton to the airport now. Make sure she gets on a plane today." He ordered.

With that he headed out. He had to make up with Bella as soon as possible.


Bella was still reading at home.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ FAITHFUL JOHN cont.

Then the King cried out, "Oh, my most trusty John, pardon, pardon; lead him away!"

But the trusty John had fallen down at the last word and was turned into stone.

At this event both the King and the Queen were in great grief, and the King thought, "Ah, how wickedly have I rewarded his great fidelity!" and he had the stone statue raised up and placed in his sleeping-chamber, near his bed; and as often as he looked at it, he wept and said, "Ah, could I bring you back to life again, my faithful John!"

After some time had passed, the Queen bore twins, two little sons, who were her great joy. Once, when the Queen was in church, and the two children at home playing by their father's side, he looked up at the stone statue full of sorrow, and exclaimed with a sigh, "Ah, could I restore you to life, my faithful John!"

At these words the statue began to speak, saying, "Yes, you can make me alive again, if you will bestow on me that which is dearest to you."

The King replied, "All that I have in the world I will give up for you."

The statue spake again: "If you, with your own hand, cut off the heads of both your children, and sprinkle me with their blood, I shall be brought to life again."

The King was terrified when he heard that he must himself kill his two dear children; but he remembered his servant's great fidelity, and how the faithful John had died for him, and drawing his sword he cut off the heads of both his children with his own hand.

And as soon as he had sprinkled the statue with blood, life came back to it, and the trusty John stood again alive and well before him, and said, "Your faith shall not go unrewarded"; and taking the heads of the two children he set them on again, and anointed their wounds with their blood, and thereupon they healed again in a moment, and the children sprang away and played as if nothing had happened.


Zane came home and went to Rose room to find it locked. He no longer had the key so he knocked on the door.

"Bella... open up."

Bella stop reading. She walked over and opened the door. She stood there not letting him in.

"Bella are you alright?" He asked taking her hand.

She pulled away. "Are you ready to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" He asked.

"The answers to my question," she shut the door and locked it again.

"What question?" He asked through the door.

Bella took a deep breath leaning on the closed door, "Why does your mother hate me? And I want the truth!"

"Bella, please lets not talk about this. It will do know good or change my family's mind."

Bella opened the door once more.

"So your whole family hates me?" She shook her head. "Please I need to know what I am getting my self into. My head hurts when I try to think about this."

He pulled Bella close, "My parents wanted me to marry another girl. Her family is of the same status as ours. They only used me to better my father's business. I refused and chose you."

"Is that the truth?" She asked.

"Yes Bella, that is the truth. Please stop being mad at me." Zane let her go and looked into her eyes, "I love you more than anything in this world."


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