

You could have asked. YOU COULD HAVE ASKED ME!!!!. she shouted as tears dropped from her eyes. we came this far just for this? she asked him still crying her heart out. I swear to the heavens, I love you,and this was not meant to happen. please just drop the sword. i can't live without you. No she said and raised the sword up. why all the commotion, why all the betrayal, why all the heart break. read to find out more about the thrilling life of the character. would her life go down the drain or the suspense makes it seem so ...

Ilori_Esther · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


It was raining cats and dogs,and it was more Windy than before. The galloping of horses, clacking of swords and worst of all,the loud bang of gun.

Riella opened her eyes,still feeling dizzy.her eyelids felt heavy,as she struggled to keep it open.she saw some girls her age,and two elderly women. They were in a carriage. She couldn't think of what do do,as she was still feeling dizzy. So she closed her eyes and blacked out again. It took at least three to get to their destination. The carriage stopped and the voice of women came to hearing. Riella opened her eyes,and this time she felt a little bit better. The carriage door swung open, while a man stood in front of it. 'you can get down now ladies'he spoke. The girls came down, which left only riella in the carriage.

Riella looked at her hands with immense sadness. Her hands was stained with her mother's blood, but it was dry now. Unknowingly tears dropped from riella's eyes as it rushed down from her eyes down to her cheeks.

M_m_mom she stuttered as she spoke. "I couldn't save you mom"more tears ran down her cheeks.At this point she didn't look like the strong, courageous person her mom always told her she was. She looked so delicate and fragile.she was shivering in the process of recalling the tragic event that happened. Miss, you have to come down now,the man spoke gently. He looked at her with pity.

Riella looked at the man still confused. He was putting on the Same attire those men who broke into her house had on. But this man seemed nice and different from them.

He tried helping her come down,but she panicked and shifted backwards. She was not going to risk her life and judge a book by its cover. I would help myself, you don't have to worry. He looked nice but she couldn't trust him,as long as he had the same uniform those other men had on.

She came down from the carriage, observing her new environment. She looked around trying to familiarize herself with the unknown place.

Everyone had their eyes glued on her. Some were surprised while some immediately became jealous. She stood out from the crowd. Some people Loved her long black shiny hair. Her skin seemed like glass. She had her arms crossed over her chest wondering why people looked at her that way. Her attention then went to the tall black gate that seem to separate them from the outside world. She was thinking of how to get out of there, but she was going nowhere due to how tall those gates were.

A short lady with tanned skin walked towards them, and told them to follow her.

She said she was going to provide clothes,food, water and shelter for them.

Riella followed the woman. Lost in her thought. If she was going to escape from this unknown land,she at least had to change her dress and get something to eat first. If she wanted to run away,she was not going to starve herself. She at least needed food in her stomach to gain energy,so her plan of escaping would be successful.

Tell me what you think in the comment below. enjoy..

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