
Chapter 1:Scary Don



 ''Thank you, Jay." I told the older man who opened the backseat door of the car for me with a hand outstretched to help me out of the car.

 ''You are welcome Bella,' the elderly man says with his usual kind smile on his lips.

 I Return the smile with one of my own and step away from the car while breathing in the fresh air inside the house.

 The Don's house is a very large mansion, and because he loves his privacy, it is situated in a place a little far from where people stay.

 The magnificent white mansion is surrounded by tall trees that line up and surround the walls.

 Jay David is one of the drivers of the Don and Mama says he has been here even before I was born.

 The Don assigned him to take me to and from school everyday andI am glad because Jay is very nice.

 With my bag in hand, which contains some textbooks, I walk towards the front door of the mansion before ringing the doorbell.

 The huge black double doors of the mansion stand out with two silver handles. A large click sound indicates that the door is being opened.

 I hear Milla's voice and I look back at the door to see that she is the one who opened it.

 Milla is a tall beautiful raven haired woman in her mid twenties who has been working here for five years.

 She is a total sweetheart with the bluest of eyes I have ever seen and the most naughty person I know.

 She is dressed in the usual maid outfit which consists of a pair of black pants,a white button up and a black apron.

 ''Bell''Another voice calls out behind us and I turn only to see Diego standing behind me a rose in his hands.

 Diego, Milla, and the others have been friends for the longest time. Diego's father is the head gardener of the mansion.

 ''Diego''I call out to him and his smile widens and he wiggles his brows while running towards my direction.

 I let out a giggle and dump my bag in Milla's arms before sprinting into the huge house, This morning before going to school I walked towards their quaters and dumped a bucket of water on a sleeping Diego before sprinting towards the car.

 Diego starts chasing after me and I laugh out loud trying not to be caught by him.

 I let out a shriek when I see that he his close to catching up to me and take a sharp turn only to bump into a hard chest.

 ''So-''I start apologizing the wide smile still on my lips,however my words are cut short when I raise my head and my breathe gets caught in my throat.

 'oh no'I just bumped into the Don,As always my whole demeanor changes and my smile is instantly wiped off my lips.

 I stand there starring at the scarry looking Don who is atleast two or more heads taller than my small frame.

 My body trembles in fear of the man. I have always been scared of the don, which puzzles me and everybody else around. I have never seen the man smile, and he always has this look in his eyes while looking at me.

 It was like I angered or irritated him which greatly confuses me because I have never done anything to the stern looking man.

 ''Bel-''Diego immodiately stops at the sight of the don and I quickly move away from his body which makes the hand that was holding my wrist fall to his side.

 The part that was held by him instantly feels cold and a warm feeling creeps up my cheeks in embarrasement.

''I-I am so-rry don''I stutter and the don doesn't say anything and instead just takes large strides towards his office.

 ''Phew''I hear Milla's voice and I turn to see her still starring at the direction the don just walked to.

 ''Milla''I snap at her and she quickly comes back to her senses.

 ''What?the man is perfect,God come here Bell how did his chest feel,is it strong you know I once saw the don in the gym and o-"I immediately walk away from the talking woman in fast paces to avoid whatever nonsense she is about to spew about the don. 

 She and the others have always had this strong liking to the don and fanticized about him or just being in his bed. 


 I admit the don is attractive and the most attractive man I have ever seen but that doesn't stop him from being scary.

 My Ma worked as a chef for his family before the vincenti's kids were born.

 when the Don finished his own house he asked his parents to allow My Ma and I live with him while he would be the one incharge of my expenses.

 His parents gave the choice to my ma who unfutunately agreed,I loved being in the vincenti mansion which housed their other two kids who are the nicest of all.

 The vincenti's have always been nice to me and treated me like their own. 

 They are the richest family in the whole country and possibly the whole world with the amount of wealth and power they hold.

 With their nice personality I always wonder where the don gets his from.

 ''Bell''My ma's voice calls out softly from the kitchen and I rush towards her embracing her from behind.

 ''Good afternoon beauty''I tell her before placing a huge kiss on her cheeks and she smiles.

 ''Good afternoon beauty's daughter'She says and I laugh at her words.

 We start talking about our day and I tell her how mine went.

 ''Bella dear help me take the Don's food to his office''My mother says and my eyes instantly widen at her words.