
Beautiful like the Ocean, Dangerous like the Water (Genshin Impact)

Your name is Aniès, you are a young woman living in Fontaine since you are born. After a strange meeting, your life began to change, at what price ?

Sapphire_0327 · วิดีโอเกม
25 Chs


 The surgery is long, very long.

The Sun was high in the sky when you woke up, Neuvillette was asleep and Wriothesley didn't moved an inch, seeing you awake, he walks to you to sit and gives you a cup of tea and a meal, he assured you that he slept too and that his guards could wake him up any time if there was a problem. He explained that Sigewinne didn't came out of the water yet, the medics needed breaks sometimes and they took this occasion to report how the surgery is going. You were afraid to let Neuvillette asleep, after hearing what Sigewinne said, however, you trust Wriothesley and his judgment. He woke up not too long after, he told you both that he forgot about the pain, it's still there but he don't have any other choice than dealing with it, his exhaustion is still visible, during the all day, he excused himself, saying that he absolutely need to rest, in your case, you never left his sides.

It's only late in the night that Sigewinne and every medics finally went out of the water, all of them are exhausted and can't even walk properly, Wriothesley, yourself and the guards prepared this eventuality and already set up a few tents, beds and meals ready to be reheated for them. The guards assured you and Wriothesley that they can take care of the medics and that you should go to Sigewinne, speaking of her, she went next to Neuvillette and collapses against his fur, breathless. You come to sit next to her, Wriothesley on the other side holding a towel, he places it around Sigewinne to keep her warm and dry her.

"I… have a...diagnosis..."

You gently pet her head.

"Sleep Sigewinne, you deserve this, it can wait until you wake up, okay ?"

You don't need to say it twice, she fell asleep immediately, you smile at that, she is so adorable.

"Wriothesley ?"

"Yes ?"

"Are you really… going to force Freminet to stay in the Fortress ?"

"I'm sorry but he is still a prisoner, besides, we don't need him anymore."

"But he said that he could clean the area."

"He said that he have a plan, however, if his presence is not required, then he will have to stay in the Fortress, I will judge this myself."

You nod and look at the water, you can't see a single drop of blue, it's all red everywhere.

"I hope we can really save the area..."

Neuvillette make a tiny sound, visibly sad, you pet his cheeks and wonder what he thinks about, he guess your question and gives you an answer.

"The otter's territory is close… I hope they are okay..."

"You said yourself that they are clever, I don't think you've hurt them, it's going to be fine."

He hopes that you are right, judging that it's late enough, Wriothesley carry Sigewinne, wish you a good night and walks inside one of the tents, you lean against Neuvillette to be more comfortable.


"What ?"

"Didn't you said that you will sleep in my apartments ?"

"You want me to leave ?"

"I-it's not that… It's just… I'd rather know that you sleep somewhere comfortable and warm."

You lean even further in his fur.

"Then it's perfect here."

"That's not-"

"Neuvillette, I promise that I will sleep in your apartments after I've heard Sigewinne's diagnosis, I want to know it as soon as possible, and I want to stay with you."

"I… alright alright, you won this time."

He closes his eyes, you smile and close yours too, falling asleep quickly.

The next morning, you wake up before Neuvillette and notice that Sigewinne is with Wriothesley, they come so sit with you when they see that you are awake.

"Hello you two."

"Hi Aniès, how are you feeling ?"

"I should be the one to ask you this, Sigewinne, you worked so hard for more than a day."

"Don't worry, I feel quite rested, thank you for your concern."

She takes her small gun and come closer to Neuvillette, place it on his neck and shoot, you're not worried this time, knowing what she is doing.

"Alright, now we just need to wait until he wakes up, in the meantime, can I see your arms ?"

You nod, taking off your sleeves, she takes the bandages off and clean your wounds before placing new bandages.

"You won't have any scars luckily, however, you pushed them too far during your battle against Clorinde, they will need some days to fully heal, so you won't be able to dive or use your polearm before a week."

"It's okay, I knew that I was tacking a risk, I'm still lucky enough so I won't complain."

She giggles and smiles.

"Congratulation by the way."

"A-about what ?"

"Hmm.. where should I start..? Well, about the fact that you dared to act against the law and won, about your courage to face Clorinde without a lot of fighting practice, about the fact that your vision of Justice open everyone's eyes including Lady Furina's, about the fact that your actions made you win a Vision, and about your new relationship."

Her answer made you fidget with your sleeve, it's true that you did a lot, and when you put it that way, it's a miracle that you won't end up in the Fortress or even being banished from Fontaine, you clearly went against the law, a God and the Iudex.

"I just did… what I though was the good thing to do… and it was an impulsive decision..."

"And that's why you should be more proud of yourself, without your action, Neuvillette would've been dead at this hour, Furina and you would have felt guilty for years and she wouldn't have been able to fully assume her role as an Archon and her new roles as temporary Iudex, Chief Justice, leader of the Marechaussee Fantom, and endure the grief of one of her closest friend. You saved one of Fontaine's Pillar and was rewarded by the Gods, you won everyone's respects, but more importantly, you saved the person you love, and he loves you back, I'm sure that you saved your future. All of this reasons should prove you that you didn't just did the good thing for you, but also for Fontaine, your action may have been for you in the beginning, but it doesn't change the fact that you also acted for the whole Nation."

You're speechless and your cheeks are burning, and it looks like your reaction is enough for Sigewinne, she smiles and sits down again. You don't need to wait too long until Neuvillette finally wakes up, you feel his head moving a little against your back, you take a look and notice that he still have his eyes close, but he is clearly looking for your contact, his adorable action make you smile and giggle.

"Neuvillette, you're going to make me fall."

"Hm..? Oh Aniès, I'm sorry I didn't saw you."

"I'm just joking don't worry, good morning."

You pet his cheek, he smiles at your gesture and greets everyone.

"Good morning everyone, my apologize, it seems like I overslept."

Sigewinne shakes her head, stands up and wave at him.

"Not at all, you deserve to rest too, we were waiting for you."

"I see, please go on Sigewinne."

"Alright, I don't need to say the basics so-"

"Yes you do !"

You cut her off, she looks at you with a questioning looks.

"Remember that it's Neuvillette we are talking about."

"Hmm… you're right."

Speaking of the Dragon, he doesn't seem to understand the situation.

"Excuse me, I can hear you two, what is it supposed to mean ?"

Wriothesley laugh at his answer, Sigewinne smiles and continue.

"Okay, so about the basics, it will be… difficult to find anything you need for eating, good thing you like soup it will be easier, still, I can't promise that you will have enough to eat everyday, but you have a good metabolism so it will be fine, no worries. And the most important thing, you have to rest, NO WORK."

"What ? No work ? But no one can replace me and you all know that ! I already lost so much time in the Fortress !"

"I'm sorry but I'm not letting you a choice here, you are injured and you were already exhausted long before your 'visit' in the Fortress, besides, you didn't thought about your importance as Chief Justice for a single minute before walking in the Arena."

This… caught you all off guards.


"No. Furina will find a solution while you're here, but this is an order, Monsieur Neuvillette, you won't work at all, you will rest, understood ?"

He nods, giving up, he looks like a little puppy with his ears down, you think it's funny to see a huge Dragon being scolded by a little Melusine.

"Thank you, I trust Aniès about this too."

"What ? Me ?"

"Are you really planning to leave his sides while he is stuck here ?"

"Hum… well I…. I will have to… sometimes..."

She giggles and nods, happy to hear the answer she probably wanted.

"Wait, Sigewinne, are you asking her to babysit a Dragon ?" Wriothesley asks


He laugh at her answer, you soon join him, realizing how absurd the situation is, when both of you calm down, Sigewinne continue her diagnosis.

"Now that we are okay with this, I can assure you that he won't stay in this form forever, I still can't tell how long it will be and I don't think I will ever know, this situation is new for everyone, but I hope he will stay like this until we can get rid of the stitches. The wounds themselves will take around two weeks to heal fully, his body gives him incredible healing advantage, since we don't know your healing conditions perfectly, we will do a check up everyday, and change your bandages too. Until Aether comes back with news, I will stay here to be sure that everything is in order, and depending of Aether's answers, I will see what else I can do."

Neuvillette seems to relax, every news are very good to hear, even if Aether's news are bad, Neuvillette doesn't care if he will have to be paralyzed until he turns back human, as long as he can be human again.

"Thank you for everything, everyone."

Sigewinne gives him a smile.

"It's normal, none of us could just accept the end you chose, you don't seem to accept it either anymore."

"Indeed, my end is not for today, and I hope for a few centuries."

Your discussion is cut short by Aether waving at you all, Sigewinne joins the duo, probably to talk about the whole situation, Wriothesley stands up and talks to you.

"Alright, I should go back to the Fortress, I will talk with Freminet about his plan to clean the water, since Neuvillette is paralyzed, I'm sure that every people swimming around him will be safe. According to his ideas, I will send my employees and have a talk with Lady Furina in case we need backups."

"Okay, thank you Wriothesley !"

He nods and after saying goodbye, he leaves you two alone, you relax and lean against Neuvillette, you turn on the side to place your cheek against his fur and pet it.

"Someone is happy."

"Yes...finally all of this situation is calming down, I was worried all this days, I almost lost you… but it's better now, you will heal and turn back as a human, everything will be normal again."

"I'm sorry I scared you so much..."

"You knew how I would react, but it's okay now, I'm not mad at you."

He leans against your caress, and you think you can hear some sort of… purring ?

"Thank you."

"For what ?"

"I don't know… everything I suppose."

You smile at this and fell in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's warm and eyes, there is no need to speak, both of you know that the other is enjoying this tender moment.

Soon, Sigewinne comes back to you with Aether and Paimon, after some greetings, the duo announce that they have news from their friends, Paimon starts to explain.

"Like we said, we called Xiao yesterday when we were alone, and when he heard about the situation, he told us that he was going to speak to Zhongli immediately, today we have everyone's verdict. Zhongli and Baizhu accepted to help, but since Liyue is very far away and both of them have duties on their own, we suggest to give the three of you access to our teapot, so you can all meet together without leaving your Nations."

"That is great news ! However Paimon, how a teapot can be useful ?" Sigewinne asks

"To make it simple, an Adeptus from Liyue gave it to us, it's like our home now and we do whatever we want inside"

"I see, I would love to see this, if they are available, I would like to join them to have a talk."

"We can still call them and see who will answer, of course you are welcome to come right now !"

"Then it's settle, let me just prepare everything."

Sigewinne go tell the guards that she will take her leave and gives them some vials, then comes back to give some to you.

"Here, you are the only person with the syringe, and here is a note book, Neuvillette will need a dose every two hours. Since you won't always be here as well as the guards, it's better to note every time when someone gives him the tranquilizer, to avoid any mistakes."

"Two hours ? Isn't it… a lot ?"

"Like I said, his body gives him strong healing abilities, so he naturally fight against the tranquilizer even if it's very strong. When I was underwater, I could see his tail starting to move after three hours, and if I kept waiting it would've been too risky."

You nod and take everything she gives you, after saying goodbyes, you're left alone with Neuvillette again.


A few hours pass peacefully, you are very careful with the notebook and the tranquilizer, even if Neuvillette keeps telling you that he doesn't feel a thing, you're not really at ease to play the nurse and basically use a syringe on him, unfortunately, you don't have a choice.

In the afternoon, one of Wriothesley's guards inform you that Freminet's ideas for the water will start tomorrow, he doesn't gives you any details and in any case, you wouldn't understand anything. Soon after, Navia and Clorinde came together, waving at you, you notice that Navia is carrying a picnic bag.

"Hello you two !"

"Hi Navia, hi Clorinde."

Clorinde nods a little at you two, both of the ladies sits down in front of you, while Navia starts to prepare some tea, Clorinde doesn't stop to look at you and your arms, you must admit that her gaze is...frightening.

"How are your arms ?"

"My...arms ? They are healing, but I'm not able to do a lot of things before a few days. I can draw again, sew, move them a little and… that's it."

"Hm, I'm sorry."

You weren't expecting any apologize, and doesn't even understands why, before you could say anything, she lifts her hand to stop you and continue to speak.

"You weren't my opponent, not even a fighter or an officer, just a civilian, and I hurt you on purpose. I never thought that after I cut your arms that you would still move them, I must admit that you impress me."

"Thank you Clorinde, I just did what I though was the best."

"And you did, I didn't wanted to hurt or kill him in the first place, but this is part of my job, I'm sorry Monsieur Neuvillette."

He nods before answering.

"Like you said, this is your job Miss Clorinde, and I asked to go in the Arena, plus, you guessed my goal since the very beginning, right ?"

She sight and nod her head.

"In that case, you did your job and what I asked, I can only thank you for this. In the end, I'm alive and I will heal, this is what matters now."

"Right, thank you for understanding."

"It's nothing, how are your injuries ?"

"Just a few bruises and broken ribs, nothing I can't handle."

When you heard that, you were amaze, Neuvillette was powerful against her and used a lot of huge attacks, she doesn't have a lot of injuries and can even handle everything. This women is impressive, no wonder she have a such a big reputation in Fontaine.

"Aniès, the tea is ready, here."

Navia gives you a cup, when you take it, your fingers brushed her own and you clearly felt it, she is shacking. She probably guessed that you noticed it, she smile nervously and avoid your gaze.

"Thank you Navia, however...are you okay ?"

"I… hum… just give me a second to collect my thoughts..."

You nod and patiently wait for her to continue, she takes some breathing to ease her heart rate, noticing her friend's distress, Clorinde give her shoulder a tiny squeeze, she smile at it and begin to speak.

"I… can't stop thinking about everything that happen, between the three of us… I apologized the other day about the fact that I ignored everything related to your emotions, Monsieur Neuvillette. I know you forgave me even if I don't understand why, but… I don't know… I feel like I'm still wrong about all of this, and Aniès… I was so mean to you all this time, I ignored you too and… I'm so sorry..."

"Navia, I was mean to you too, you know that right ?"

"You just tried to defend him, to be there for him every time, and you didn't just tried, you really were… no, is here for him, it's obvious now and it always was, I was… too blind and suborn to see it. I can't see a single time when you were mean to me without a clear goal behind, not only for his sake, but for mine too, you told me to not only see the past, but I didn't listened, and when I understood how right you were, how wrong I was… it was almost too late… You're a woman full of kindness, I never saw that anywhere, and even if we didn't had a good relationship, you tried to understand me, I told you about my father and you tried to make things better, but I... I ignored everything."

She seems to try not to cry, seeing her distress, you come closer to her and take her hands in yours.

"Everything is fine now, I told you too that without your help, he would have already died, and I can't thank you enough for that. I can't… lose anyone else again."

"What do you mean by that…?"

"Do you remember when I told you that I lost my family too ? Well, I don't tell this story really often because it's really hard to share it… but since you told me yours when we weren't friends, then I think it's only fair to tell you mine now."

"Are you really sure you want to say this ? It's not like we… really are friends..."

You squeeze her hands a little bit.

"But we can start over, and I'm sure we can both make progress about this. Both of us had different goals with our actions, they were all with good intentions, but they weren't compatible, things are different now, and I truly think it can work. Besides, I want to tell you my story, it's only fair and I want you to hear it, I'm not lying when I say I give us a chance, and that I believe in us."

She smiles at you and nod, Clorinde was about to stand up, but you speak to stop her.

"You can stay, I don't mind if you hear it too, I know you won't tell a soul."

"Alright, if you change your mind, tell me and I will leave."

You nod, feeling confident that your decision is the right one, however, it's still very stressful to tell everything, even if it's easier than the other times, it's not simple to say everything. Feeling your emotions, Neuvillette try to place his head against your back, with the tranquilizer in his blood, it's really hard for him to move. Unfortunately, he could move a little, but not enough to reach you, you notice that and decide to let go Navia's hand to lean against his fur.

"Thank you, I'm okay."

"Still, I know you."

"Of course you do."

You smile and caress his cheek, Clorinde and Navia seems to suspect something, you don't really have to say it, they will guess themselves.

You take a deep breath, and told them your story, from the moment you were born, until you were saved by a Blubberbeast and Freminet, when you were done, a few tears escaped your eyes, even with this, you smile at Navia. It doesn't matter how hard you try to control your emotions, you always end up shacking and crying, sharing your story is a lot, and it's the first time you say it to not one, but two person you don't really see often, and you feel that it's a good decision. Navia clearly see how hurt you are, how much you're shacking, and the weight you had to carry on your shoulders for years, you wait for her to speak first.

"You...people abandoned you all your life… even if it's not intentional, you always lost people you cared about..."

"Do you understand now Navia ? Why I couldn't leave Neuvillette behind when all he needed was a shoulder he could cry on, someone to talk to, someone to hug, to ease his pain, and simply, a friend."

"Yes, I understand now, I'm sorry you had to live a life like this, and I'm sorry for your family..."

"It was his choice to leave me behind when I needed him, when we both needed each other, I won't do his mistake, and my friends are my family now, I don't need him anymore."

"Are you saying that you would reject him if he comes back in your life ?"

You stop and think for a second, the three of you can hear Neuvillette silently groaring, visibly, he doesn't want to see this man ever in his life.

"I don't know, what I'm sure is that I don't need him in my life, it doesn't matter now if he isn't here anymore."

"If he comes back in Fontaine, be sure that I will personally sent him to trial."

"Neuvillette !"

"What ? This man abandoned you for real, you, the kindest person I've ever met in 500 years, you suffered enough before this man ran away, and yet, he decided to be selfish, to leave his child behind to live his life without her, not thinking a second of the consequences he created. You were left all alone just because this man wanted to flee ! And what did he said about this ? Nothing, he wrote a letter saying that he is apparently sorry and then left you behind !"

"Hey hey Neuvillette, please calm down."

You look at him in the eye and pet his cheek, he have his reasons to be angry, and honestly, you want to feel anger toward this man, but you just can't, you don't feel anything for him anymore, and it's probably for the best. After a few caress and seconds of silence, Neuvillette seems to be calmer.

"My apologies, I didn't wanted to be so angry, I just… can't accept what he did, you don't deserve this."

"It's okay, thank you."

You smile at him, letting a peaceful silence resting between you both.

A silence quickly cut by Clorinde.

"Get a room you two."

"WHAT ?!"

"We're still here you know ?"


You hide your face, feeling really embarrassed.

"Miss Clorinde, you must see Wriothesley more often than we know."

"Why are you saying this ?"

"Because you tease us the same way he does."

"So I assume it's official now ?"

You hide even further, you hear Navia laughing, she comes closer to you and pat your shoulder.

"Don't be so shy, Clorinde is just… herself."

"Jokes aside, I'm happy for you two, we both are."

You drop your hands and looks at the two women, they gives you an honest smile who ease your heartbeat, Navia become suddenly a little sad.

"I'm sure your father must be proud of who you became, and what you did."

You hesitate a second before giving her a hug.

"And I'm sure yours is proud of you too."

She hugs you back, she seems to be as fragile as you are, you can hear her sniffle, you pat her back gently before she cracks and cry. Both of you stay like this for a few minutes, all the time she needs to calm down.

The two women stayed with you for a few hours before going back home, unfortunately, the night came sooner than you thought, and by consequences, what you promised to Neuvillette, you don't like it and sight.

"Aniès ?"

"I know I promised...I will leave soon."

"You know that I don't want you to leave, I just… hope that you will sleep in my apartments tonight."

"I will, I'm just...scared that something happen to you..."

"The guards are here to take care of any intruders, and the medics are always here in case something is wrong. Besides, you can't wake up every time to give me the tranquilizer, you need to rest properly."

"I wish you could come with me..."

"You mean...to sleep ?"

"Yes… or even in general, even if you're still here, even if I can talk to you, see you, etc, I miss you."

"I know, we just need to be patient now, the sooner I heal, the sooner I'll be back."

You nod and stand up to lean entirely against his cheek, it's the only way you can give him a hug, you both close your eyes and smile, enjoying the moment and the contact. After a moment, you take a step back.

"I'll be back tomorrow."

"I know, be sure to rest enough, even if you wake up in the afternoon."

"In the afternoon ? It's really late !"

"Just sleep as much as you want."

"I know I know, I will, don't worry about this."


You hesitate for a few seconds, before coming back against him and kiss his cheek, you can feel his smile against your lips and hearing a sort of purr.

"Goodnight Neuvillette."

"Goodnight Aniès."

You wave at him and walk to go to his apartments, when you arrived, you change and get ready for bed, however, when you look at yours, you hesitate.

You don't want to sleep, not here.

Thinking about what you want for a second, you finally decide to take your plush and sleep in Neuvillette's room, honestly, you really don't think he will complains about this.

You remember the last time you slept here, he was with you, holding you close, safe and warm, now that your relationship has changed, you're looking forward to feel this closeness again. Right now, even if you're alone, you feel like he is still here, you just need to be patient before it becomes real, you fall asleep just after a few minutes, a smile on your face and a warm feeling on your cheeks.

And that's how the routine became, the day you are with him, the night you sleep in his room.

Sigewinne keeps you both updated with the medicine, it goes surprisingly fast and in just three days of intense work, they were able to create a first real try, all they had to do is to test it. In case something went wrong, she assures you that nothing will be dangerous, for him at least, the only thing that can happen is him losing control again. The day when they tested it, Clorinde, Wriothesley and Aether were here, in theory, Neuvillette should take the medicine twice per day, one in the morning, one in the evening.

Sigewinne ordered everyone to stay at a good distance from him the whole day, and for everyone's hapiness, the medicine works perfectly. Sigewinne wants to be forward-looking, so she still asks Neuvillette to stay here for one more day, to be sure that everything is in control and that his wounds heal perfectly. Eventually the next day, she allowed him to swim, his wounds are healing well and he can't stay without moving either, however if he feels like something is wrong, he must return with the medics immediately.

Still afraid of what he can do, he doesn't dare to go too far away, you stay on the ground or just with your feet in the water, whenever he goes to swim you're still able to see him, with his size you wonder if you will ever lose track of him. During all this days, the water was progressively returning to its normal color, thanks to the people who were in charge to clean it, unfortunately, Freminet wasn't allowed to help them, Wriothesley probably thought that he isn't needed.

After a few days, it was finally your turn to hear a good news, your wounds are healed and you are now able to swim and train just like you used to, and the first thing you want to do now, is swim with Neuvillette.

"A-are you sure this is a good idea ? I mean… you're still not really healed about your phobia, and you want to swim with me… like this ?"

"Yes, I'm sure, I was already able to swim, and I'm feeling confident that nothing will happen, I mean, look at you."

"You, look at me, what if I loose control again ?"

"You saw yourself that the medicine is working, you won't loose control, and I really want to dive again, it's been month since I'm stuck on earth, I can defend myself now and with my Vision it will only improve. Please, let me come with you."

He sights, while you smirk, both of you knows that you won't give up, knowing Neuvillette, if he REALLY didn't wanted you to come with him, he wouldn't have given up either.

"Alright, but if-"

"I know I know, if you feel like I should flee, I will."

You take your bag and quickly go in an empty tent to change, when you come back, you see that Neuvillette is already in the water, waiting for you a few meters away.

"Take your time, okay ?"

"I will be fine, don't worry."

And indeed, you are able to go in the water perfectly, you join him without putting your head underwater, that's the part were you start to stress.

"It's strange to think that I can dive without a mask now, but… it's a little bit scary."

"Do you want to hold my hand ?"

"Well, with your size I don't think it will be very easy, but, if you can just place it beneath me I… think it could help."

He does as you ask, placing his giant palm just under your feet, leaving you enough space to dive properly, you're still really close to the edge so if you ever need to go back, you know it will be easy. You try to control your breathing for a few minutes, calming your heartbeat and repeating to yourself that you're okay, you're not alone, and you're strong. After a few breath, you close your eyes and hold your breath as a start, you don't want to try to breath underwater and rush everything, Neuvillette is not able to put his head underwater and keep his palm under you in the same time, however, he never stop to look at you and be sure that you're okay. With your face underwater, you try to open your eyes, the environment is not as pretty as it used to be, it was obvious, still, it hurts to see it like this, still holding your breath, you try to fully dive to rest in his palm, and you succeed immediately.

Holding one of his finger, you don't have any air left, you have to take a breath, so you try.

And surprisingly, you don't panic, don't try to flee, nothing, you can dive and breath, just like before, no, it's even better than before.

A huge wave of joy fills your body, and without thinking, you go out of Neuvillette's hand to dive away from the earth, finally able to see the water like before, to swim like you used to, you swim for a moment, laughing and overjoyed.

When you calm down, you notice that Neuvillette followed you, he is now fully underwater, this is the first time you are able to see his Dragon form fully. You take your time to watch him, and you're really amaze of the creature you have in front of you, he smiles at you and place his hand behind your back, gesturing for you to come closer. You swim to reach his neck, hugging him for the first time since a lot of days, he is able to hug you back, placing his huge palm fully on your body.

"You really did it… I'm so proud of you, my love."

You're taken aback, not used to be called by nicknames, especially this one, it makes you blush hard, you compose yourself and laugh, letting some tears melt in the water. He releases you after a long moment and swim backward, so you're both able to look at the other.

"When I'll be back in my human form, I would like to present you to the Melusines living in the Village Merusea, I'm sure they will like you. And you probably know some places in these water that I don't even know myself, I would like to see them with you."

"Really ? You're way older than me, how is that possible ?"

"Unfortunately, the only day when I could really swim was for my birthday, and I always went to the Village Merusea to see the Melusines, so I don't really have the time to explore everywhere."

"In that case, I will show you the underworld when we can."

"Thank you, in the meantime, I'm a little limited with my form, and I'm afraid of what happened to the otter, do you mind if we go check on them ?"

"Of course not !"

You start to swim and quickly recover the old habits you had, randomly changing the way you swim, diving further to check on flowers, jumping out of the water to dive instantly again, etc. Neuvillette is way quicker than you with his size, seeing how you're so silly makes him laugh, you could just go on his back or head and let him carry you to your destination, but you missed the water so much you just cannot not swim.

Both of you arrive to the otter's habitat in a record time, at first, you're both afraid, there is no otter here. You swim to look around, check behind rocks or tiny places where Neuvillette can't go, when you look inside a ruin, you finally find one of them, the little creature notices you and look at the outside world, seeing Neuvillette, the otter became curious and immediately swim to join him. Soon, a dozen of otter follow their friend, curiosity catching all of them, you even see Celeste with them, both of you are reassure to see that the damages close to here didn't afraid them, or at least they came back.

To not frighten them, Neuvillette doesn't move an inch, in your case, you join them and see what will happen, it's not long after that all the otters guess who he is and immediately swim around him, clearly happy to see him.

"So many babies with their daddy !"

"Aniès ! I'm not an otter !"

"Look at you and look at them !"

"Do I look like an otter ?"

"You have the same patterns and colors !"

"You're impossible..."

Both of you laugh, you know that he doesn't mind, as long as you keep this nickname private, well, nobody said anything the last time, still, you prefer to keep this nickname private too.

Now that you are underwater, you can play with them, Celeste is the first one to come to you and drag you with her friends. You spend some hours underwater, playing with them and messing with Neuvillette's fur, all the otters seems to love it, you're pretty sure that some of them fell asleep being so comfortable on his back.

At some point, Neuvillette had to go back to the camp to take his medicine, in your case, you stayed with the otter, waiting for him to come back.

As the night was starting to fall, you were resting on the grass, facing the sky getting darker and darker, with an otter sleeping on your belly, Neuvillette eventually came back and noticed where you were, smiling about the evident comfort your eyes are showing. He comes to rest close to you, still a little far away so you can fully see his face, you turn your head to look at him, he relax as much as you do

The more he looks at you, the more his looks changes, he looks at you… with so much tenderness that you can feel your cheeks getting more and more red.

"Neuvillette…? Are you… okay ?"

"I don't think I ever felt this good in my life."

You look away, laughing nervously and blushing.

"Haha… the medicine might do some sides effects..."

"You don't understand, please Aniès, look at me."

You're so nervous right now that you don't dare to move, your heart is beating so fast, you suddenly miss a beat when you feel your body being lift up and turn to face the huge Dragon in front of you. The otter in your arms doesn't seem to mind, still asleep, in your case, you don't know what to do, his smile… his look… you have an idea of what he is trying to say.

"Aniès… I'm sorry I didn't gave you a proper confession… every times, it wasn't a good time, and I don't think we will ever have a real chance… however, I don't want to wait to be normal again to say what I'm dying to tell."

You gulp and listen to him, holding the otter a little tighter with apprehension, however, the creature have other plans, he quickly wakes up and probably felt the tension, leaving the scene.

"Aniès, the first time we met, I wasn't expecting anything, I wanted to help a civilian in distress, but what you did after was the last thing I ever expected, you returned the favor, and made a promise I will never forget. I never though that I needed someone to take care of me, to care about me, I always though that I just had to do my work as the Chief Justice and I never wanted to be close to any humans to not risk anything related to my job, but you changed all of this. For the first time in my life, I allowed a human to be close to me, I gave you a chance and I gave myself a chance, a choice that I will never regret. We went through a lot together, and I quickly realized that you didn't just enter my life, you took a huge place in my heart, as a friend, and even more than that. You make me feel more human than I ever was, I'm so happy that I met someone so kind, caring, sweet, full of life, so beautiful, and simply, so perfect to me. If you allow me to, I would like to be part of your life, for as long as you want, not as your friend anymore, but as your partner. You have my words when I say that you're important to me, and that I, truly, love you."

You were expecting to hear compliments, but not any of this, his words are full of sincerity, and even if you're already official, hearing it all, him asking directly to you if you want him as your partner, it feels so different. Your heart is beating so fast, your face is all red, and you can't help the tears escaping your eyes, tears of pure joy.

"Neuvillette… that's… I don't know how to say this… Of course I want you in my life !"

"I'm sorry that-"

"NO ! Don't apologize ! It was… perfect."

You turn around fully to look at him, smiling and relaxing against his palm, caressing the scales, the gesture seems to ease Neuvillette, you turn a little to quickly kiss his hand before looking at him with tenderness.

"I love you..."

"I love you too."

You don't know how much you looked into each other's eyes, time seems to stop when you're together, especially right now, and you really don't want this moment to stop.

"Neuvillette, can we stay here for the night ?"

"You want to sleep underwater ?"

"Yes, I took naps underwater before, and I would like to do it again, but since I can breath underwater now, then I want to spend a full night here. The area is calm, and I want to stay with you."

He smiles, clearly happy about your proposition.

"I'll be happy to sleep here, with you."

"Thank you."

You lean against his palm, using it as a bed and close your eyes, you can hear your new partner purring already, wishing you a good night.


Almost everyday now, both of you went to swim all around Fontaine, since you are now able to dive, you can finally work again, and oh Archons you have works to do. Still, you understand now how Neuvillette is feeling every time you enter his office to keep him company during his shift, having someone with you helps to pass the time, and he really wants to know how you work and where you work.

Unfortunately, most of the times you have to work in caves, you don't take too much time so he always wait for you outside. Now that you're healed too, you went back to the teapot with Aether to continue your training, he said that he can helps you too with your new elemental power, you wonder if there is really something that he can't do.

One day, you woke up and did your usual routine, eating, cleaning the room, taking a shower, change, and here you are, ready to go to the camp, except that for once, you prepared some madeleines. When you arrive, you notice that Neuvillette is not alone, a lot of Melusines are here, you can see that the majority are hugging him, or at least trying to hug him.

The closer you come, the better you hear the Melusines crying, saying apologies, all of them are worried about all the situation. You don't dare to interrupt the moment, it's a little awkward, still, you can't just stay here and wait.

"Hum… hello everyone."

The Melusine looks at you the second they heard you, you notice that Neuvillette looks at you with distress in his eyes, it's obvious that he doesn't know how to calm and reassure the poor girls.

"Miss Aniès… we are so sorry !!"

"Sorry ? But for what ?"

"We are incompetent ! We hadn't done anything to help ! And now he is hurt and alone !!"

You smile at them, keeled in front of them and take the box of madeleines you took with you.

"Here girls, you can all take one."

They looks at you and hesitates, before one of them take a pastries, soon followed by her friends, they all sit down and enjoy the little snack you prepared. You can still feel some sadness in their eyes, they don't know what to do or say, as a reassuring gesture, you pat one of them on her head and give them all a smile.

"Girls, I can assure you that you have nothing to apologize for, besides, did he really told you what he was doing ?"

"We only knew that he was going to fight, not sacrifice himself, we… he ordered us to not go in the Arena, and we are his employees so we had to obey."

"I see, he asked me the same thing, but I went there anyway. I know that he wanted to protect the people he cares about, that's why he asked us to not come, you just did what he asked while I couldn't just wait and see if he was going to get out or not. Now that it's over, I can assure you that he is not alone, I can't and won't let that happen. Now, please stop crying, you're all too cute for this."

They all look at you with wide eyes.

"Is there something on my face ?"

"Are the rumors true ?"

"Which one ?"

"People said that you gathered the courage to fight against the law and Clorinde to save his life, you won a Vision with your actions and both of you confessed in front of everyone !"

You blush a lot and fidget with your sleeve, Neuvillette wasn't expecting them to start the subject, both of you should get used to it quickly. You look away and answer.

"Well hum… the...rumors are true..."

All of them gasp before giggling, one of them immediately jump in your arm, followed by most of the others. Okay you love hugs but now you're literally on the ground, surrounded by overjoyed Melusines, you can hear Neuvillette laughing at this situation.

"Alright alright girls, please, let her breath a little."

They let you go and you stand up, with their excitation, your bun is completely ruined.

"Sorry but… we are so happy for you !"

"We were all betting about this !"

"Yes ! Especially about how long it will take and who will confess first !"

"But we weren't excepting this situation at all, no no no."

"And in the end, who confessed first ?!"

"Did you two kissed already ?!"

"Is there going to be a wedding ?!"

"And a baby ?!"

The more you hear, the more you blush, and the more you hide yourself with Neuvillette's fur, even he is not really at ease, he smiles and laugh nervously, not excepting so much questions.

"Please girls, let's all calm down and one question at a time."

They nod and all calm down, mostly, in your case, you manage to relax a little, with this agitation, your bun fall itself, freeing your hair and letting them messing with your face.

"Can we tie them ?"

"Yes please ! We ruined it after all, we can do it again."

"And we miss this a little..."

You smile and give them your ribbon, turn around and let them work on your hair, the poor girls can't tie Neuvillette's hair before a moment, it's normal that they miss this.

"Miss Aniès ?"

"Yes ?"

"Can we ask questions ?"

"Well I...don't mind but… our couple is very recent so… we might not be able to answer everything."

"It's okay, and you can both tell us if you don't want to answer either, I admit we were all too excited about the news, it's still your life."

"Thank you, well, please go ahead."

"Who confessed first ?"

You think for a second, after all, he did kissed you first, but you told him first, you look at him and he seems to have an answer.

"I think I did, I didn't said it first though."

"How did you told it then ?"

"I… dared to act ?"

You laugh, he doesn't know how to say it and it's really cute.

"SO you kissed her ! That's adorable ! Then next, do you plan to marry each other ?"

This time, you prefer to answer first.

"I don't think it's a good time to talk about this, I mean, we are together since only a couple of days, and I don't want to rush. I'd rather take my time and enjoy the moment than planing everything too soon."

"I agree with you." Neuvillette answer too.

You're happy to hear that, what's important now is you two, nothing more.

The Melusine keeps asking questions for a moment, they soon changed the topic and where more focused on your own life. Unfortunately, they couldn't stay a long time, they still have work to do, you were very glad to see them, you must admit that this little creatures are adorable and you missed them.

You spent the rest of the day with Neuvillette, today he felt asleep really quickly, you hesitated between staying here or going back to the apartments, but you made a promise so you don't really have a choice. You stand up and give him a kiss on his cheek, wishing him a good night before going to his apartments to sleep.


"What do you mean I can't go ? I come here everyday !"

"I know, all the guards here know your identity, I'm sorry Miss Aniès but you have to wait. Miss Sigewinne told us that it won't be long, please be patient."

"If he is feeling unwell then it's one more reason for me to go ! Please, I know you're doing your job but I can't just sit down here and wait."

"I obey to The Duke's orders, and I won't let you pass until he personally tells me that everything is in order."

You're starting to be very worried about the situation, you arrived just five minutes ago, only to be stopped by Wriothesley's guards and forced to stay where you are.

"Why did he told you to keep me away from Neuvillette ?"

"You already know the reason Aniès."

Wriothesley answered instead of his guard, coming in front of you.

"Wriothesley… what are you talking about ?"

"Do you remember what I said about the bag and the idea to leave it with his belongings here ?"

"Yes ?"

"And do you remember the reason ?"

That's when it ticks you.

"You mean..."

"He started to be smaller during the night, he is actually resting in one of the tents and he just woke up, however, Sigewinne is still making sure that everything is in order and that his wounds are completely heal. Besides, he is not dressed yet, so I suggest you to wait for a few minutes, I know you both missed each other, I promise it won't be long."

You can't believe what you hear, he is back, finally.

Smiling hearing your silence, Wriothesley turns back to join Sigewinne and Neuvillette again, in your case, you sit down not too far away, waiting and fidgeting, it's really hard for you to be stuck here while Neuvillette is just a few meters away, in his human form. It's been weeks since you saw each other's for real, you miss him so much it's torture to wait, after what felt like hours, Sigewinne comes to greet you and you can see Wriothesley talking to his guards, you stand up the second you see the nurse's tiny form.

The smile you had on your face felt immediately, remembering one detail about the situation.

"Hello Aniès !"

"Hi Sigewinne..."

"I thought you would have been happy to hear the news, why are you so nervous ?"

"Well… you see it's..."

"The first time you see him as your partner ?"

You nod, blushing hard and avoiding her gaze, you hear her giggle at your reaction.

"You can go now, we will leave you both alone, I can assure you that he is really impatient to see you, he couldn't stop smiling. Take a deep breath, and when you're ready, don't think about anything and go."

"I will… thank you for everything Sigewinne."

"It's normal, I will see you later."

You wave at each other and begin to walk towards the tents, only one of them is close and you wonder if he is still changing, in case, you wait for a moment before calling him.


"I'm here, please come."

You open the tent a little, just to take a look, and freeze immediately.

He is here, in his human form, and smiling at you, he wears his boots, pants and chemise, lacking of every accessories, make-up and didn't attached his hair yet. You waited to see him for so long that you didn't realized the situation you both were a few days ago, and how everything changed.

The last time you saw him in this form, he was dying.

And now, he is waiting for you, to begin a new life with him.

Without wasting another second, you run and jump in his arms, finally able to hug him for real, he returns the gesture immediately, holding you as tight as he can. None of them can see it, but you can hear it on the tent, you are both crying tears of happiness, you hold his back tight while he keeps one hand behind your head and the other on your back.

After a few minutes, you back away a little, not letting the other go but being able to see each other's eye, he gently moves the hand he had behind your head to caress your cheek and wipe away the tears.

"I missed you, Aniès..."

"I missed you too..."

Neither of you can look away from each other's eyes, enjoying the moment you dreamed for so long. Slowly, Neuvillette leans down to be closer to your face, when your nose touched and both of you started to close you eyes, he speaks.

"May I..?"

You smile, his hesitation is adorable, you place one hand on his neck, caressing it.


And then he closes the distance, resting his lips against yours with so much care it make your heart melt. You don't want to move, don't want this to stop, ever, he broke the kiss after a moment, but you don't want it to end, you go forward and kiss him again, your gesture took him aback but he reciprocate it soon after, smiling against your lips.

You part up after a moment, smiling then giggling.

"Neuvillette, you don't have to ask to kiss me. Whenever and wherever you want, I will always say yes."

"Then, don't ask either, though I would appreciate if you don't try to kiss me during a trial."

"Do you really think I will go up to your chair just to kiss you ?"


"….Well… not during a trial !"

He laugh and kiss you again, this one was short but not less intense, he places his forehead against yours and caress your cheek, looking in your eyes with tenderness and love.

"I know."

You stay a moment in this position, not caring about anything else than your partner. Speaking of the Dragon, his mood seems to change after a few minutes, his smile drop and he starts to hesitate, he doesn't seem to like what he have in mind, you're worried about that and caress his cheek.

"Neuvillette ? Is everything okay ?"

He takes your hand in his and leans against it, giving you a reassuring smile.

"Yes, I'm sorry it's just… I think I should go back to the Palais Mermonia, since I'm healed now, I have to take my responsibilities."

"Maybe you should, but..."

"But ?"

"I think they can wait another day, they worked without you for almost a month now, another day won't kill them. We can leave this tent and dive, then go back to your apartments for the night."

"Are you asking me to… sneak out ?"

You smile and take his hands, taking a step back toward the exit.

"Yes, don't you want to ?"


You wait for his answer, eventually, he smiles and laugh a little.

"You're a menace for the Justice."

"I think all Fontaine saw that already, now come !"

"W-wait ! Don't you want to change ?"

"I forgot my bag."

"...You're impossible..."

"But you love it."

You keep his hands in yours and come closer, you really want to kiss him again, but you can't reach him, even standing on your toes, it makes you feel ridiculous. He clearly notices that, he smirks and decide to tease you.

"What are you trying to do ?"


You look away, blushing a lot, you weren't expecting him to take your chin with his fingers, forcing you to meet his gaze. His look is piercing, teasing, he keeps smirking and playing with your emotions.

"Are you sure ?"


"Tell me, what do you want ?"

"I-I want… to kiss you."

"You don't have to ask, remember ?"

"You're too tall !! Satisfied ?"

You're so embarrassed you just want to look away, but he keeps your chin in his fingers, he leans down and come closer, brushing your lips without kissing you.

"You can ask me to lean down, love."

"Since when are you so flirty ?!"

He laugh, dropping the role.

"It's just really funny to see you flustered, and cute."

"You-! You big otter..."

He laugh and look at you in his eyes, now that you can kiss him, you don't even dare too, his role froze you too much. It looks like your reaction froze him too, he looks worried and caress your cheek.

"Did I went too far ? I can stop if you prefer..."

"No no it's not that… I just… didn't expected all of this, I'm fine."

"Alright, if you say so."

He starts to back away, but you stop him immediately, placing your hand on his neck and kissing him, you're still tense about what just happened, feeling him smiling against your lips helps you to relax and enjoying the moment for real. You eventually broke the kiss and take a step toward the exit, holding his hand.

"Shall we ?"

He nods and follow you, he thinks it's a little strange to sneak out like this, almost illegal, but when he thinks about it again, Furina never told him when to come back to his office, so for once, he will put his worries asides and enjoy the day by your side. You successfully reach the water without being seen by the guards, both of you swim until you're sure that you're alone.

"Neuvillette ! Can you wait a little ?"

But you weren't excepting him to swim so fast.

"Oh, my apologies."

"How can you swim this fast ?"

"I don't know, maybe you're the one being slow."

"Hey !"

Both of you laugh, and this time, he swims according to your speed, you spent the entire day underwater, even forgot to eat anything, both of you just wanted to enjoy this beautiful day together. As usual, you ended up with the otters, play with them before swimming a little far away to rest against some ruins, surrounded by a lot of creatures, including blubberbeasts.

One of the smallest was curious to see you there and comes to see you both, you reach your hand forward to pet his head, at first, the little creature was afraid, so you decided to not move your hand and let him lean against it when he is ready. He sniff it at first, and after being sure that you're not a threat, he leans against your hand, accepting the caress.

You smile, being really happy to see the creature trusting you, eventually, his family joins you, the smallers asking for caress while the biggest one watch, Neuvillette doesn't really have any other choice than helping you with their demands.

"You really have a gift."

You turn to see him, he keeps petting one of the blubberbeast while speaking to you.

"What do you mean ?"

"You have something in you, something that naturally gather people and creatures with you, you probably noticed it yourself these past months. I think it's amazing, usually, creatures could think of people full of kindness as a prey, but not you, all of them trust you and wants to stay by your side, know you more, etc. I don't know if it's really clear, I just want to say that except the meks, I never saw anyone or anything trying to harm you, it's the exact opposite, they wants to keep you safe."

"I...admit that I don't know either, I don't do anything special, I'm just trying to be nice."

"And it's probably enough for everyone."

You smile and turn to see the blubberbeast you're petting, only to feel your face being turn back to the side again, Neuvillette placed his hands on your cheek to make you turn your face towards him. He watch you intensely, with a serious face.

"I must admit… I was really afraid to loose you."

"I was too you know, when you passed out I-"

"I don't mean loose you in that way, well I was but… we talked about this already, that's not what I'm saying right now."

"What do you mean then ?"

"I was afraid… to see you with someone else."

You weren't expecting this, you place your hand on his, wanting to know more.

"You were...jealous ?"


"But why ? I never talked about anyone, and I wasn't this close with anyone either, except-"

You cut yourself off, understanding who he is referring to.

"You talk about Freminet ?"

"Mostly, yes, but he is not the only one, I was jealous every time I saw someone too close to you, I wanted to act, to keep you closer to me, but I didn't wanted to be selfish either, I didn't wanted to impose myself in your life if you loved someone else."

He looks guilty, in your case, you think that his concern is adorable, you reach forward and take his face in your hands, tenderly caressing his cheeks then kiss him. He kiss you back, placing one hand on your back and the other behind your head, both of you stayed like this until your parted up, looking at him in the eyes, you speak with sincerity.

"You are the only person I ever loved, and I am a hundred percent sure about this."

He smiles and kiss you again, whispering.

"I love you too."

He holds you tight, not wanting to let you go, you broke the kiss after a moment and rest against his chest, hearing his heart beating fast, he sits you on his laps, caressing your back and resting his head on yours. Neither of you said anything for a long moment, enjoying the peaceful moment and the warm water.

"Aniès, why did you chose me ?"

This took you aback, you look at him and he is dead serious with his question, you take a moment to gather your thoughts, because you have a lot to say.

"Well, firstly you are really handsome, but most importantly, you make me feel special. You said it yourself that you never wanted to let any human being this close to you in your personal life, and knowing you lived for centuries, I feel really happy that you chose to forget about your ideology to welcome me in your life. When we met, you cared about me too, at first acting the way you had to, but it didn't matter to me, role or not, you chose to help and it means a lot, in the end you never stopped to help, never ignored me or asked me to keep my distance. The first day you cried in front of me, when you cried in my arms, I knew I'd made the right decision, I might have imposed myself in your life at first, but you allowed me to. When you saved my life, cried with me and giving me so much care, I knew how much you were worried, and that I wasn't just a human for you, not just a regular friend either. And that's why I chose you, you're beautiful, you allow me to care about you, you care about me, and you show me who you are, I am certain that no other human already saw you the way I do, because you don't let them or they didn't wanted to see you, and I'm really happy that you trust me enough for this."

The more you talk, the more you see his cheeks being more and more red, when you're done, you smile at him, but when he suddenly felt sad and avoids your looks, your smile drop immediately.

"I don't understand… Everything you said, you could say the same thing about Freminet… I'm not different..."

"Neuvillette, look at me."

He obey and looks at you again.

"You are too insecure about yourself, you have to keep in mind that Freminet is like a brother to me, and you are wrong about what you said. Freminet doesn't want anyone to care about him or being concern about his well-being, he still hides sometimes, even from me and his siblings, we know him so we know when something is wrong, but he doesn't say it himself very often. He wants to care about me but he doesn't want me to care about him, plus, he is simply not my type, and to finish, he is not you."

You kiss his cheek, feeling how warm it is against your lips.

"Don't think so low about yourself, you're incredible, and if I need to say it again and again, I will."

He hugs you tight, hiding his face on your shoulder, you caress his hair and rest your head on his, after a few seconds, he speaks with a shaky voice.

"I love you so much..."

"And I love you too."

Both of you doesn't move for a long time, the rest of the day went peacefully, until the night falls and you had to go back to the camp. When you arrive, you were surprise to see that the tents are all gone and the guards too, there is only Sigewinne left, waiting for you with Neuvillette's gad and a smaller one by her sides, she waves at you and you come to join her.

"Hi you two ! How was your day ?"

"Hi Sigewinne, it was really good, thank you."

"I can see that on your face, still, you're lucky I and Wriothesley were the one to find the empty tent, if the guards had found out I don't know how they would have react to your disappearance."

You laugh nervously.

"Sorry… it was my idea."

"I'm not scolding you, we were excepting this scenario too, so we simply told the guards that everything is in order and that both of you were free to go home, the guards are already back to their post. I bet you didn't eaten today ?"

"Hum… we… forgot ?"

"Just as I though, here, take this."

She gives you both a milkshake.

"I prepared them myself, it will give you the nutriments you needed today without fulling your stomach for your meal this evening."

"Thank you Sigewinne."

"My pleasure, well, you can go home, unfortunately Aniès, your house is not ready yet, and there is some damages with the furniture, Lady Furina will talk to you about this tomorrow."

"I was expecting this, I will worry about this tomorrow then."

"Alright, by the way Monsieur Neuvillette, Furina will speak to you about your return to work tomorrow too, consider that you have another day off."

"Alright, I will wait for her orders then."

"Perfect, then I will now go back to the Fortress of Meropide, have a good night !"

"You too Sigewinne !"

You all wave at each other, when she is out of sight, Neuvillette grabs his bag and speaks to you.

"Honestly, you don't have to drink it, it's not really… tasty."

"It would be a waste of food, and she puts some efforts into it, I will drink it."

"That's your choice."

He drinks his own, and you clearly see that he doesn't like it.

"Why do YOU drink it ?"

"The same reasons than yours."

You smile and try the milkshake, it is indeed horrible, but you will finish it, for Sigewinne.

"The city might almost be empty at this hour, we will be able to go to my apartments without being disturb."

"You don't mind if I have to stay some days ?"

"No, not at all, besides..."

He leans down to face you, caressing your cheek.

"You said that you wanted to spend the night with me, remember ?"

You blush hard and nod, he gives you a quick kiss before taking your hand and going to the city. Like he said, the streets are almost empty, so you manage to go to the Palais Mermonia in peace, both of you could finish the milkshake, it was hard, but you did it. When you arrive in front of the door, Neuvillette opens it for you, he locks the door behind and smile with his eyes close, visibly taking a breath.

"Home sweet home… you can go change, I will make dinner."

"Okay, thank you."

You go to the guest room to take a shower and wear proper clothes, when you join him in the kitchen, you notices that he changed too, he smiles at you with a little smirk.

"Aniès, did you slept in my bed ?"

"H-huh… what makes you say this ?"

"You forgot the plush on the sheets."

You stay silent and sight, defeated. He comes closer to you and kiss your forehead, caressing your back.

"Relax, I don't mind."

You smile and lean against his touch, he eventually lets you go to finish his cooking, after dinner, both of you changed in your own room before you join Neuvillette in his own. He waits for you in his sheets, and you're stuck in the entrance, really nervous.

"Feeling shy ?"


"You know it's not the first time we sleep together."

"I know I know."

You manage to join him, both of you lean down and face the other, feeling your tension, Neuvillette caresses your cheek and put back one of your locks behind your ear before it mess with your face. You eventually relaxed and smile, none of you say anything at first, enjoying each other's tender look for the other, you're the one who broke the silence.

"I'm just...really happy."

He smiles hearing your sentence and drags you closer, kissing your forehead.

"I am too."

You smile and look at him, exhaustion catching you both really fast, after a full day of swimming, it's not a surprise to be tired, your eyes drift on his clothed belly.

"How are your wounds ?"

"Fully healed, obviously I have scars now, but it's not a problem anymore."


Your eyes are heavy, you try to not fall asleep even if you know that you won't win, you feel too comfortable in his arms right now.

"We should sleep Aniès, I don't think I can fight tiredness either."

You nod and close your eyes with a smile on your face, before they open immediately, feeling Neuvillette's cold hand under your chin, lifting your head to see him. He smiles and reach forward, kissing your lips tenderly, you kiss him back and eventually part away.

"Goodnight my love."

"Goodnight big otter."


He can't help but laugh at your nickname for him, you laugh too before resting against his chest and falling asleep, both of you not letting the other go for the entire night.