
Beautiful But Delusional

Synopsis: Call me talented, thank you. Call me depressed, what a pleasure. Call me delusional, oh hell I love it. Tell me I post nonsense, well you aren't the first to think that. But what most of y'all don't know is this.... This is a story of a young beautiful lady, who in the quest of finding true love ended up broken and depressed. What is she going to do? Let's find out in this beautiful writing.

Geokeshy · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

In Love Again....

Katie been anonymously famous, thought her life was finally getting better, being alone was enough for her, she never have to care about anybody who isn't her, she doesn't have to be scared of freedom, she doesn't have to beg for attention, she doesn't have to beg for care nor love, she is a happy young lady, who is glowing in her prime...

"It's a beautiful Katie, let's make something great out of it"..... She said to herself as she walked to the grocery store few feet away from her house, she walked elegantly and smiled beautifully at the warm sun caressing her skin softly, she hummed her favorite song as she walked into the store with a smile.

She picked all she wanted and paid at the front desk.

He looked at her, the way her lips curved as she smiled he knew there is something he needs to know, the way his heart raced upon seeing her, the way she blinked, the way she walked swinging her curvy ass left and right, she was calling unto him, begging him to hold her in his arms.... Mike was swayed by her appearance, he looked at her lustfully and snapped his fingers with a smirk.

****A Week After****

Katie as always with a smile on her face, humming to her favorite song, walked into the grocery store, picked everything she needed for the day and paid at the front desk...

" Hi"... Mike said as he stopped her by the exit.

"I'm Mike".... He introduced himself as he stretched out his hand for a shake, Katie took his hands in hers and shook with a smile on her face.

" Nice meeting you Mike, Katie.... My name's Katie"..... She replied.

"A pretty name for a pretty lady with a pretty smile"... Mike said flirtatiously.

Katie cringed but still felt at ease, something was calling onto her, she hated guys a lot but how could she just hate every guy without knowing them for sure?

" I would like to probably send you DM or text, you can reply when you're not busy or when you're less busy".... Mike said with a smile in his face, as he brought his phone out from his pocket handing it over to Katie.

He has an angelic face, his voice sounding good in one's ear, his smile a killer one.

She wanted to refuse, she hated being close to a guy again, he smiled broadly leaving her no choice.

"Aiit"... She replied as she stretched her hand out and took his phone which was already hanging mid air and typed her number in the phone, she gave it back as soon as she was done.

" I'll text you definitely "..... Mike said with a smile as he collected his phone back, Katie bade him a good bye and walked away.

" Cool nigga"... Mike said to himself as he walked back in to the convenience store, walking excitedly, smiling slyly.

He dialed a number on his phone...

"I got it man".... He said to his friend.

" Dawggggg, that's the spirit man".... Said the voice from the other side of the phone.

Katie on the other hand, walked home smiling calmly, she haven't felt this way in a while and it was nice feeling this way, she thought.

"I'll like to know what the Cat Casts would say about this"..... She said as she opened the door to her room and slammed it behind her.... She slumped on her bed as she opened the anonymous group chat.

" Hello Cat Casts, I've got a little gossip for y'all but it's something personal for a friend of mine and she wants to know your take on this... And please note that she's reading the comments under this post, so let's try our possie best to not hate on her.... First five comments to unlock discussion "..... Katie pressed send and placed her phone on the bed awaiting replies.

" Go girl, thought you wouldn't drop a bomb on us today, well guess there's something ".... Someone commented

" Let's dig".... Another said

"I'm very sure you don't need to wait on us, we're always here for you".... Another comment was made.

" Man I missed whoever this person is, let's go girl, I've got you"... The fourth comment was made.

"Hit it honey, we've got therapists here for ya"..... The fifth comment was made and thereby the discussion was unlocked, Katie smiled and started typing on her phone.

" Alright Cat Casts, my friend "X" got out of a toxic relationship few months ago, she decided to not go into another relationship but recently there's this guy who's being so nice to her (not that nice though but nice) and she can't stop thinking about this very guy, he finally asked for her number few days ago and she's not sure if she wants to go into another relationship but she can't seem to stop thinking about this nigga..... So she needs an advice on what to do, what does she do? Can she forget about her past experiences and give someone else a chance? Should she keep her guards up and not let this guy in? Should she hide the truth about being in love with this guy and move on since it could be an infatuation? What's your take on this guys?".... Katie posted and sighed as she await replies.

"Hmm complicated but I think it's ok to follow your heart, she might have been broke but who knows if this guy would be different?".... A comment was made.

"It will be ok to let someone new into ones life but who knows what might be the person's propaganda?"...

" Loving another after leaving a toxic relationship without being healed might be a bad idea, it's gonna affect everything about the relationship, the trust, communication, love and all other things will all be affected. So has she healed up from the pain of her previous heartbreak? "... A comment was made, this comment left Katie wondering if she has healed from every pain she felt in all her past relationships, she wondered if the pains were responsible for her being delusional, she wondered what it would feel like if she was actually healed, she knew she was still going through the pain from every unfair treatment she got, she knew she was still going through the pain from every over pampering she got after they realize she was insane.

" I've healed up have I?".... She asked herself once more and kept strolling through the replies till a certain comment got her attention.

"Whatever you choose to do is your choice, we might have given you the best and worst advises so far but your choice super cedes all our opinions, I might not be able to convince you but whatever your heart tells you to do, do it. Just know that we're all here when you need someone to talk to 'cause I know this post is not about a friend but about you. I love you and want the best for you, use your experience in your previous relationships and make a better one".... Katie knew it Sam, she smiled and almost teared up, Sam has always got her back, told her words nobody could tell her, told her the bitter truth about her life, one can't overcome pain until they learn to love themselves, Katie knew she needs to learn to love herself before she could heal up and move on..

" Thank you for this beautiful piece of advice, my friend will be really grateful for this and I'll make sure to stick to this when I'm about starting a better relationship ".... Katie replied Sam's comment and hibernated her phone as she sighed and closed her eyes to think deep about Sam's comment, she smiled and drifted off to sleep.

****Few hours later****

" Ding" Katie got a notification from an unknown number, she smiled as she clicked on the message fully aware of whose message it was.

"Hey Katie, its Mike... Hope you had a wonderful and stress free day?" Mike asked

"Probably, yours?".... Katie asked with a smile.

They chatted for a while, laughed at each other's toxic stories of their past relationships, Katie thought he's been through a lot of shits just as she, so ho would understand her more than anyone else. She was happy to have met someone who could be of help to her emotionally and love her just the way she wants to be loved.

" I loved the way you smile".... Mike complimented

"Thanks, you have a lovely smile too".... Katie returned the compliment.

" I'll love it if you go out with me, like go on a tea date, I don't want someone else to take you out but me".... Mike said

Katie blushed and chuckled....

"What makes you think I'll like to go on a tea date with you?".... Katie asked hiding her excitement on his offer, she knew he would ask her on date but why does she feel her heart was going go leave her chest with the rush of adrenaline in her system?

" I don't know but I feel you'll say yes to me of I ask"... Mike replied.

Katie smiled....

"Time, location and day?".... She asked

" Tomorrow, by 4:00PM at your favorite cafe I guess"..... Mike said

"Deal, I'll text you the address later".... Katie replied....