
Chapter 3 Owen Came Home Drunk

Few months later,my body changed, my breasts became fuller, swollen and tender,I was overwhelmed by fatigue,I even added lots of weight and couldn't control my cravings for foods.

My husband came home that evening, carrying some fruits with him.

Welcome home babe,I greeted as I took the bags from him, how was work today?

Work was fine, just a little bit stressed out. How are you doing?he asked trying to hug me,he reeks of alcohol,I couldn't even breath in his arms anymore.

I'm good, just go up and freshen up, while I set the dinner,I watched him climbing up the stairs,his steps weren't stable. I wondered where he was coming from.

After having dinner, I cleared the table and the dishes while he staggered to sit on the cushion. I rushed everything I was doing in the kitchen, so we could go up together.

Babe let's go to bed,I said, helping him to stand up.

We got to the bedroom,he sat on the bed, while I sat beside him and held his hand. Babe, what happened, why did you come home being drunk? He opened his mouth to speak, only for me to be covered with heavy vomits from him.

I was dumbfounded, I took him to the bathroom, washed him up,and led him to sit on the couch. I mopped and cleaned the room, changed the bedspread and helped him back to the bed, I was going to wash up,not knowing he urinated on the floor, so I slipped and fell down, the urine was just making it's way down to the bathroom door, for some minutes, I thought I was going to die. After half an hour, I gathered strength and stood up from the floor, but the pains I felt was too much.

I couldn't even sleep,I needed to go and see the doctor, but I couldn't drive cause of the pains I was having, and Owen was totally drunk. I sat down and watched him snore till day break.

He woke up in the morning, covering his nose with his hand.

Why is everywhere messed up,he asked peering at the room.

What really happened to you last night? Why were you drunk? Tell me cause I want to know.

Why are you shouting? Please bring down your voice,he said.

Really? So I now shout? I was so angry that I stood up to leave the room, but the pains was much. Please I just need to get to hospital right now, you can clean up your mess when you're back,I replied.

Are you okay? He asked.

No I'm not okay, you messed up everywhere with your urine and vomits, so I slipped and fell down last night.

I'm really sorry baby, I attended a friend's party,I drank some alcohol, I'm sorry I wasn't myself last night, please forgive me. He didn't waste time to take me to hospital.

We got to the hospital, when the doctor was done with the thorough examination on me,he told Owen that I would be admitted and placed on treatments, while GOD would do the rest.

We spent three days in the hospital before I was discharged home.

Please don't do any strenuous activity, let's manage it and see how far we can go with the management,the doctor said to us.

Thanks,we replied in unison, and left the hospital.

He pampered me so much that I became tired of being pampered.

He prepares everything for me before going to work. I was being extremely careful with myself, to avoid story that touches the heart.

My phone rang,it was my mom,I picked up the call.

How have you been? And how are you going on with your pregnancy? I have been worried about you because I know what it feels like to become pregnant. Do you want me to come over and spend some time with you or would you rather come over to the house?

No mom, don't bother coming,I'm just okay, Owen is doing a great job, thank you for your concern and send my love to dad,I replied and ended the call.

How could she have called me at this period of time? Could she have sensed anything? I asked myself.

Well, she is a mother,I sighed.

My phone rang again,it was an unknown number, I picked up the call and waited for the caller to speak first.

"Good evening" a tiny voice said from the other end,I'm Wisdom, the little boy you saved his life some time ago at the shopping mall,he said.

Ohh...Wizzy boy how are you doing? Is been a long time little one, and I almost forgot I had a little friend I met at the streets,I stated.

Can I visit you right now? He asked

Why not?Definitely you can visit me at any time you wish to. Alright let me forward you my house address immediately.

I forwarded the address to him, and waited for him to come.

While waiting for Wisdom to come,I quietly went into the kitchen to prepare some fresh food for him,I had stew in the fridge, so I boiled some white rice.

I was just done with boiling the rice,when the door bell rang,I went to check if it was him.

I got to the door,it was Wisdom,he didn't just come alone,he came with a young handsome, tall guy of Owen's age.

You came at the right time,I was just coming out of the kitchen right now, please come in,I said.

Aunty Lara, sorry I didn't tell you we were two. I came with my cousin,his name is Richard, he was on scholarship to school in the States. I thought it would be great if he comes with me to say "Thank you".

Don't worry, I prepared enough food for us to eat, just relax and feel comfortable,I turned to the kitchen to get the food. I knew children love to eat rice, so I prepared rice for Wisdom.

Richard cleared his throat to speak, Wisdom told me everything, how you saved his life, thank you for being a good Samaritan,he said.

You're welcome, hope you enjoyed your meal,I asked? I made it special for Wisdom.

So tell me little about your schooling in the States,I said,clearing the table.

School in the States was good and fun, you just have to be very serious with education, everyone out there struggles to make ends meet, moreover no one wants to take last, school also helped me to be wild meet more people and make new friends.

Hmmm... sometimes is good to change environment,I said, as I let out a little scream, I placed my left hand on my tummy, because I felt a sharp pain.

Are you okay? Richard asked, Wisdom ran close to me, and said sorry as he held my hand. He is going to be a baby boy I guess, Richard uttered.

I smiled at them.

We should be on our way right now, Richard said.

Yes, aunty Lara, we've got to go, Wisdom added.

I stood up, leading the way to the door,as the door bell suddenly rang, I opened the door for them to leave, Owen was standing at the door. Wisdom and Richard greeted Owen, but he didn't reply their greetings. He just ignored them, and shut the door immediately after them.

Babe why didn't you reply their greetings? The Owen I know would never stay mute to someone.

Who was the young guy that came here with Wisdom,he asked.

So the young guy is your interest right now? Thank God you remembered Wisdom, that's his cousin brother Richard,he schooled in the States under scholarship,I explained.

So why was he here? Owen asked.

They just came to say "thank you", they even brought us some gifts,I said.

So how was your health today,he asked?

I'm good honey, although I felt some pains today, but I think it has stopped.

Let me get you something to eat while you go up and wash up.

Alright baby,he kissed me as he went upstairs to freshen up.

After some minutes,he joined me on the table.

Who taught you how to make delicious meals like this?He asked.

My mom taught me how to cook good foods, my dad knows how to cook too.

So why do you asked? I questioned.

Nothing much, just that this days,you hardly see only child of a parent know how to do lots of domestic works, talk more of preparing nice meals,he said.

My parents are good to go, they taught me everything I need to know from my childhood. My mom would always tell me " Lara,you need to know how to cook and take good care of your family, for future reasons, of course you know I wouldn't follow you to your husband's house if you should get married tomorrow ". I explained.

Of course I owe your parents alot,I think I would have to pay your bride price for the second time, Owen said,laughing.