
Chapter 2 The Good News

It was already weekend and we're preparing for the get together lunch, are we going to sleep over at the family house? I asked him

No, is just some hours lunch together, so don't pack all your luggages to go there, moreover you are not going back to your parents house, I own you right from the day we got married, so your handbag is just okay for the lunch,Okay? He asked.

Okay sir,I answered. I knew he won't even allow me to sleep over at the family house, even though I insisted.

I quickly cleared the dishes, and cleaned up the kitchen slab and ran upstairs to take my bath and get prepared. I was going to first take my bath before Owen, because he doesn't waste dressing up.

Babe ain't you done dressing up? I would be waiting for you down stairs, inside the car.

I quickly took my handbag, shut the bedroom door and ran down stairs to join him in the car, I slipped my right leg, and I almost fell down, but was gripped by Owen,I stared at the floor,then at him.

I thought you said you will be waiting inside the car? I asked.

Was that supposed to be a thank you?He cleared his throat,I remembered you are not strong enough, so I came back to get you,he said and looked away.

I was glad within me that I didn't fall down. Thanks to you for not letting me fall down, I said.

I'm only doing my job,he said.

As we drove down the streets, just few miles away from the house, people gathered along the road, just Infront of a big shopping mall, the noises were too much, a little boy of about 8 years was been dragged by his shirt, with blood stains all over him. I couldn't tell what the problem was.

Babe please can you stop the car? I asked.

No,we don't have much time,we are been waited at the family house, Owen replied.

Please just stop the car let's know what's happening there,I said to him.

Ahh...alright I will stop the car, but I'm not coming down with you, and get ready to answer all queries for being late at the family house,he said.

He parked the car alongside of the road, I stepped down from the car and headed towards the scene.

Hello everyone, nobody seems to hear me speak,so I sneaked into the centre, I quietly went straight to the man holding the boy, and told him to allow the little boy go.

No way,he should be killed here,do you know his offence? The man asked me.

No, but he has been beaten enough,no matter his offence, please just let him go and moreover he is just a little kid, I said to him.

Who are you to order me? And how dare you asked me to let him go, angrily he almost blew off my left eye only to be stopped by Owen. Owen halted his hand

You don't have any right to raise your rotten fingers on my wife or any lady.

So what's his offence right now? Owen asked.

The man exhaled, and said, that little boy you are pleading on his behalf stole some provisions from our shopping mall. Are you going to pay for that?,he asked with a harsh voice.

Owen brought out his credit card, where is the Payment Terminal Machine?

Okay, just follow me inside, the man said.

Owen came out few minutes later,by then the crowd has already disappeared,I was just left with the little boy.

What's your name? I asked

My name is Wisdom,I'm so sorry I had to make you and your husband go through such stress, just that I'm hungry and haven't eaten anything that's why I stole some provisions for my family.

Is okay,do you leave close by? I asked

Oh yes, just down the street,he pointed.

Alright then, I will just walk you down to your house.

Thank you so much,I'm glad you and your husband saved me today.

We got Infront of his house,I gave him my card, don't hesitate to call me whenever you need anything,and don't take what does not belong to you anymore. That we saved you today,does not mean we could do that again, because we won't always be here with you.

Alright thanks to you guys,he said.

I hugged him, and turned to leave, Owen was standing behind us.

Hold on he said, Owen handed him some money, and he said "Thank you".

We watched him enter his house, before we left.

We walked through the streets holding hands,then back to the car.

I thought you said you weren't going to follow me to the scene?I asked.

I changed my mind,he said fastening his seat belt,then he drove off with speed,I sensed something bad might happen at anytime, and I don't want to give room for anything,so I had to follow my wife to make sure she is safe. You know your safety is my priority.

Thanks for being there for me,if you weren't there for me, I would've had my eyes blown out. Thank you for marrying me.

I'm just performing my duty anyway,he said.

We got to the family house, everyone were already seated, from the atmosphere,I think they have been waiting for us.

Good evening everyone,sorry we came late,we ran into something urgent on our way coming here, and we needed to handle it,so we got delayed, Owen said.

I was going to shout at Lara for making both of you come late, but since is not her fault, I will just hug her,Dena said as she hugged me so tight.

Do you want to hug out the baby in my womb? I whispered to her ears. She tapped me on the shoulder and pecked my cheek,then she hugged me again, saying "I'm so happy for you".

My daughter is looking so sweet, my mom uttered, looking at me directly to the eyes.

My son is doing a good job on her,my mother in-law said, as she dished out the food.

Yes, I concur with my wife,our son is really doing a good job,my father in-law said, picking up his spoon.

If my daughter had refused marrying your son,do you think your son would be looking good and become fatter than he was? My father asked.

Gerald, help me bring the pot of that food,infact just pour everything in my plate,I'm going to finish all, I said.

Why would you finish all the food while we haven't had enough to eat? I'm still on the first plate, and you want to carry everything to yourself, my mother said.

Ahh, are you done with your arguments,huh? I thought you guys were still arguing with each other,I asked.

Please keep the pot here,I still want more of the food, Owen said.

My children just eat as much as you want, okay?

There are plenty of the food in the kitchen,my mother in-law declared.

Alright mom, thank you, Owen and I said in unison.

We're still waiting to hear the good news, father in-law stated.

Yes, the more reasons we are gathered here, Frank remarked.

Alright then,thank you all for being our parents, and friends, and we're glad to be of good products. You guys have been a wonderful families to us,we know is too early, but we can't keep this good news to ourself,Owen explained as he stared at me to let out the great news.

I'm pregnant, I blurted out. I was sick, so my husband took me to the hospital,we ran some tests and the results said "I'm pregnant". Although the doctor said I have little malaria parasite which he actually placed me on treatment.

My mom's mouth was wide open and my mother in-law stare with her eyes wide opened.

Our fathers were speechless.

So fast? I didn't realize it was going to be so early,wow! Congratulations my children,my mom said.

Congratulations to you my daughter, father in-law commented.

I'm so much happier, I'm going to be a grand mother sooner than I expected,my mother in-law stated.

That's so sweet and nice,a big congrats to you guys, but I also have my own good news, Frank blurted out.

Everyone turned to him with open ears for the glad new. Immediately the door bell rang, a lady in her middle twenties came in, she has a roundish plumpy face,she was average in height, she has a light brown hair,and was of good appearance. She bowed her head a little in greetings.

Goodday everyone,she said.

Just then, Frank stood up to do the introduction. She is the good news I have, someone I have decided to spend the rest of my life with. Her name is Bella.

And Bella,they are my families I have been telling you about.

She bowed her head again.

Welcome my daughter, our fathers said in unison, please sit down.

I knew it! Frank loves good things and he has eyes for beautiful things,he can never mingle with ugly girls,I stated.

So guy this what you've been enjoying for long? Owen voiced out as he winked at Gerald.

Everyone burst into laughter.

I don't want to be out of the game,being in the circle where everyone has his or her own partner, doing things together with their partners is just so astonishing.

And I'm totally tired of being the only one single in our midst, Frank explained.

Is a good thing you don't go around womanising like some guys would have done.Now I know the good reasons Owen made you and Gerald his friends,he really washed his eyes before making the selection, I said.

You are all good, you know when you have good children, they tend to follow your good steps,my father remarked.

I'm going to say short prayers before we go, because is getting late already.

The lunch together which later turned into dinner,has finally ended. We all had to go back to our various homes,we bid goodbye and departed.

We got home very late, because of the heavy traffic jam. I even slept off while Owen was driving us home. He only woke me up when we got home.

I took my bath and headed to the bed, cause I was very tired and feeling sleepy too. Owen joined me later,he held me in his arms,he kissed me passionately, even though I was tired, I knew what he wanted, so I deliberately returned the kissed,he turned off the light, under the blanket, we made a romantic love.