
Beasts Of New York

Jonsaviours · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


The champagne flowed freely in the penthouse as the city lights twinkled below. Amanda raised her glass, the diamond bracelet on her wrist catching the light.

"To us," she said, a coy smile playing on her lips. The others echoed her toast. She took a luxurious sip, the bubbles dancing on her tongue.

These were her people now - the city's elite. bankers, lawyers, entrepreneurs. Predators in thousand dollar suits. She had clawed her way up from nothing to gain access to their gilded world.

Amanda turned to gaze out the floor-to-ceiling windows, past the skyscrapers to the pulsing darkness beyond. Out there, people scrambled for survival every day. But in here, everything glimmered.

As the night went on, inhibitions loosened. Andrew, an investment banker, slid next to her on the leather sofa.

"You look ravishing tonight," he murmured, whiskey sour on his breath. Against her instincts, Amanda felt a thrill course through her. His handsome face and air of power were a potent mix.

She glanced at his watch - a Patek Philippe Nautilus, no doubt obscenely expensive. But she knew men like him saw women as possessions too, as status symbols to be collected and shown off.

Andrew grazed her arm with his fingers. "I've had my eye on you all night," he said. "Why don't we get out of here?"

Amanda paused, considering. She needed to build connections in this world, but at what cost? Andrew waited expectantly, hungry eyes tracing her body. Predator and prey - though out here, the lines often blurred.

"I...I can't," she stammered, extricating herself from him. "I have an early meeting tomorrow."

His eyes flashed with annoyance. Clearly he wasn't used to being denied. But he simply nodded and gave her a business card.

"In case you change your mind," he said smoothly before disappearing into the party.

Amanda slipped out of the crowded penthouse, the night air cooling her flushed cheeks. She had escaped for now, but how much longer could she keep up this balancing act?

As she waited for her Uber, she sensed a presence in the shadows. A man stood under a broken streetlight, face obscured. Amanda averted her eyes, heart pounding. The city might glitter like gold inside, but out here, it was still the concrete jungle.

The Uber pulled up and she jumped in with relief. As they drove, she glimpsed figures drifting in alleys, huddled around makeshift fires. Such contrast, she thought. Those people were just trying to survive, while the predators in the penthouse lived in utter decadence.

She arrived at her modest apartment downtown. The driver helped her out, his eyes lingering a bit too long. She tucked Andrew's business card into her purse. A reckless impulse, perhaps. But connections were everything in this city, lines often had to be crossed.

Amanda awoke the next morning feeling uneasy. Had she become like them - the predators so accustomed to luxury and power that they felt entitled to anything, anyone?

She pushed the thought away as she dressed for her meeting with a venture capital firm. This was a crucial chance to get funding for her tech startup. She had worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get this far.

At the gleaming office tower, she sat across from the poised VC partners. She felt them scrutinizing her, searching for any weakness. This rarefied world was intoxicating but ruthless.

The partners peppered her with questions about market projections and scalability. Amanda answered smoothly, exuding confidence. But their expressions remained impassive. The meeting ended abruptly, leaving her confidence shaken.

Needing to regroup, Amanda went for a walk in the bustling financial district. The people barreled past her in expensive suits, hungry and restless. She wondered if behind their polished exteriors, they were just beasts in a gilded concrete cage.

Her phone buzzed - a text from Andrew. He wanted to meet that evening. Amanda considered it, nerves and intrigue mingling inside her. She thought of the cold dismissal by the VC partners. In this world, sometimes you had to get your hands dirty.

Night fell, and she found herself approaching the posh hotel bar Andrew had named. Dior-clad women and men in bespoke suits glided by. She hesitated, but then spotted Andrew waiting for her. The predator and his prey.

"I'm glad you came," he said with a disarming smile, kissing her cheek. He led her to a private table where a waiter appeared with two martinis. Amanda sipped hers, savoring the cold tang of gin.

"I want to get to know you better," Andrew said, leaning in. His hunter's eyes roamed her face and neckline. Amanda breathed faster. Part of her wanted to flee from his animal gaze, but deeper instincts were stirred too. Raw hunger beat beneath the polished veneer.

"Is that so?" she said coyly. She realized with a start that she wanted him too, in some primal unspoken way. Right or wrong, her decision here would set her path.

Andrew traced her arm with a finger. "I can show you things, open doors for you," he murmured. "Help you leave the jungle for good."

Amanda's pulse quickened at the promise and threat implied. But before she could respond, she noticed a woman alone at the bar, staring at them. Something about her feral eyes and tense posture put Amanda on alert.

"Do you know her?" Amanda asked Andrew. He glanced over with a derisive look.

"No one important. Just a reporter digging for gossip and scandal." He turned toward Amanda. "Forget her. Come upstairs with me instead."

But Amanda hesitated. The woman's hungry gaze never left them, like she was preparing to attack. Amanda wasn't the only prey here tonight.

"I should go," she said, grabbing her purse. Andrew's eyes narrowed in displeasure, but Amanda walked away quickly. She felt the reporter watching her as she left.

Outside, Amanda took a deep breath. She had escaped two predators tonight, but the city still teemed with those who saw others as prey. To thrive here required walking the knife's edge without falling. And her own primal instincts - were they friend or foe? She shivered and hurried home through the misty streets.

The next weeks were a blur. Amanda worked relentlessly on her startup, courted investors and avoided Andrew's calls. But his promise and threat lingered in her mind.

One rainy night, coming home exhausted, she passed an alley and heard a scream. Against her better judgment she ran toward it, heart pounding. In the darkness she saw figures struggling violently. Amanda shouted and they broke apart, turning toward her. She gasped - it was Andrew and the reporter from the hotel bar, eyes blazing.

"Well, hello Amanda," said the reporter in a silky tone. "Fancy seeing you here." Her predatory gaze fixed on Amanda.

Andrew glared at them both. "She's nothing to me. Just stay away from my business," he growled at the reporter before storming off.

The woman smiled coldly at Amanda. "He's not wrong. This city's filled with predators pretending to be civilized. But scratch the surface and the beasts come out." She vanished into the rain before Amanda could respond.

Unease plagued Amanda after that. She doubted she'd seen the last of the reporter who seemed to shadow the city's elite, looking for any hint of scandal.

Success required her to rub shoulders with predators, but she refused to become one. At night she lay awake, wondering if the primal darkness growing in people could be kept at bay, or if one day it would consume them all.

A week later, Amanda got an investor meeting with Sanderson Capital. She wore her best suit and exuded confidence, but still sensed their critical judgment. The partners asked pointed questions but revealed nothing.

Afterwards, she exited the gleaming building feeling dejected. She had failed to secure their investment. All her work clawed up from nothing, only to falter now.

Lost in thought, she didn't notice the SUV careening toward her until horns blared. Amanda jumped back just in time as it sped past. Heart hammering, she tried to glimpse the driver but only saw a shadowy outline.

Had it been intentional? She shivered despite the warm day. The city's predators seemed to be everywhere now. Failure here meant being swallowed up, forced back down into the desperate churning masses. Amanda hardened her resolve. She would not be prey.

The offices and bars blurred together over the next days. She worked to charm investors but also gather dirt on them and their competitors. Favors were traded, gossip whispered. The civilized veneer slipped away by night. Everyone had secrets to keep and hide.

Andrew continued pursuing her, alternately threatening and seductive. He promised to protect her from those circling like sharks.  "It's eat or be eaten, Amanda," he always said. His rough kisses both repelled and intoxicated her. She thought of the reporter's warning about beasts hiding beneath. Where was her line, and when would she cross it?