
Beasts and Spirits: The Saga of Zain

Zain was like a normal person born in mumbai. He loves traveling, exploring different places everything which relates to his passion for traveling. While exploring amazon rain forest he heared and strange call like the forest was calling him where he encounter the deer who can talk! "Join Zain on an extraordinary journey as he enters "gaias school for gifts & arts", a hidden academy for people of different power like vampire, magicians, warewolfs, animal spirits. Born a normal human, Zain's life takes a thrilling turn when he encounter a deer in the depths of the Amazon jungle, earning the favor of the Lord of Deer who grants him the power of the his spirit. But Zain is no ordinary recipient of power. Dubbed a 'Divergent,' he possesses the rare ability to amplify his affinity with every animal soul he encounters. With only a 1% starting affinity, Join Zain as he embarks on a quest to master his newfound abilities, unlocking his affinity to 100%. (Like every world here also exists some legendary power who wants nothing but to increase there power. How zain counter them? How he will increase his strength?) Join zain on his thrilling journey to his school life, how he made his friends who join him in his quest and how he will increase his power and unlock full potential.

sly_Ghost · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 8 zain and svlyan

Chapter 8 zain and svlyan

Zain was stuck and in extreme fear, as his eyes met the injured old man.

He still remembers some time ago he was fighting with his opponents. He was in awe stuck and his mind was asking questions " Who were those people? How did those guys in the hood, summon those chains, and why were those chains violet colour with blur fog? "

He saw the old man who was crunching near a tree taking deep breaths a thinking " This old man is also not simple, who can defend and how he summon the sword."

Curiosity picked him over as he wanted answers to his question so he approached the old man to initiate the conversation.

Zain "Hey old man, you need water!?"

Svlyan after making eye contact with Zain for some minutes, took the water bottle and asked " Which sect are you from?"

Zain "sect? , i don't understand! I am from India here on an adventure to Amazon, such a lovely place.

Svlyan thought( so he is not aware of sects, then how he got here such deep inside), he asked " How are you here?"

Zain "Oh for that you that too thanks this deer" He used his hand to show him, but there was no deer.

He further said " It was here just now, I was at base camp and he was making noises as if asking me to follow him. Strange was as I followed him, he made the tree clear to form a way inside for us. And after we Dwell inside the trees move to their location again."

Svlyan said, "Oh that happened! Yes, it's very strange as it is not every day that it happens."

Zain said and asked, " I am Zain!, how should I address you?"

Svlyan said "svlyan."

Zain asked him " Are you a wizard, or a vampire or werewolf or anything like that!"

Svlyan said, "Why do you ask that boy?"

Zain replied "Well I saw you summon that sword, then you were fast when you were fighting, you can even break free from their chain. It is not what a normal person does right? People of your age can't even walk properly and here you were fighting with that spirit!"

Svlyan said, "Zain our world has many secrets that are not known to common humans, we are called the gifted humans who have the affinity to control Different domains of power and spirits."

He further said "Also zain, just now you also had a strange encounter zain an encounter with spirits of deer if I can guess right. So tell me zain do you wanna try for the gifts, wanna develop the powers? You must think it through Zain as exciting as it sounds you have to remember if you are getting the power then there is also its use as it's not there for show off."

He further said, " With great power, comes greater responsibility." Are you up for it zain?

Zain thought in mind " In injured and dying this old man is using the quote of Spiderman."

Zain said " I don't know if I can learn the powers, I am a normal human. I never had any encounter with power."

Svlyan said, "It doesn't matter zain, you can try if you have the affinity then it is well and good otherwise consider it as a dream."

He further said, "Your strange encounter with the deer also means that you have some connections with the gifted people so try it out."

Zain excited and said, " Okay what do I have to do."

Svlyan with a flush of hand after whispering something called out two pieces of paper of a rectangle shape and after reading some words(spells), the paper had a black mark and something written in them and some strange signs.

Zain was shocked and said, "Can I learn it, how do you call the papers from thin air?"

Svlyan said "Now is not the time zain! I don't have much time! You will learn it eventually it is called summoning. And gave the 2 papers back to Zain."

He further said " Remember Zain once you return to home! Use the paper in red colour and tear it in half and it will lead you towards the point of reaching out to the headmaster of the school for gifted! And give the other black one to him."

Zain after taking the papers and keeping them safe said "How will I go back from here, I think I am lost."

Svlyan said "Don't worry and flicked his hand and touched the tree behind his back.

zain saw a "space distortion between the branches. Inside the space, he saw the base camp tree house again."

Svlyan said, " I guess boy it's time for you to go, goodbye zain learn well."

With that, he breathed his last breath and passed on turning into small particles near the tree where he was residing.

Zain stood silent for some minutes and after bowing his head he left through the space Svlyan had created.

Zain reached the base camp of Amazon and he saw the space had closed itself.