

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Chapter 9: A First Name Basis

Roadside Motel, Trenton County, Oregon.....

Rushing water perked the ears of the slumbering Duko as he awakened to find himself in bed alone. His body was heavy from the tension in his muscles and his boxers sticky via the release he had when adhering to the lustful fantasies of his bedmate. Her arousing dream lead to them sharing in an intense mutual release that left them both unconscious, but she was nowhere to be found when he looked around the room. The brightness of the sun burst through the heavy beige colored drapes that lined the large windows of the motel room and the scent of sex and blood filled the newly awakened man's nostrils as he climbed out of bed. The stickiness of his boxers caused the material to attach itself to his flesh aggravating him as he stood and he discarded them kicking them into a corner as he made his way toward the source of the rushing water.

The morning chill that hit his body was nothing compared to the coolness of the floor at the bottom of his feet as he reached the bathroom. The moment the door opened clouds of heated steam greeted him and the rushing water grew louder indicating that the source from the noise that stirred him came from the shower running. Duko proceeded to enter the bathroom approaching the nearby toilet and allowing his already protruding cock to aim at the bowl, which was quite a ways below him, and began to urinate.

He caught the familiar scent of the young redhead and turned toward the source after finishing up his stream of darkened urine before approaching the shower and pulling the multi patterned curtain to the side. His movement seemed to startle the young redhead whom stood beneath the stream of water naked as he was with her milky pale flesh and small breasts, pink about the apparently pointed nipples, dangling just above her flat belly. He got a look at her red pubic hair that matched the strands on top of her head. Her legs were thin and her waist slender as she stood half lathered via the bubbles of thick white soap and glistening via being soaked from head to toe due to the water from the shower. She had shapely feet, small in size but nice to look, colored toenails neatly trimmed and painted red like her fingernails when one was close enough to her to notice.

The redhead didn't seem to mind the naked man's intense staring as much as she would have if it were anyone else and she'd been doing a bit of staring as well. This was the first time Rae had seen her strange rescuer up close and in the light of day when her mind had not been taken via shock due to the events that lead to their first encounter. She noted the olive oil tanned skin that covered his body and the dark portions of pubic hair that matched the dark messy hair that had been on top of his head. His chest was lined with tight and well managed muscle mass and his arms were large and bulging with muscle as well, but not to the point of being a deformity. He seemed to be studying her as she had him standing equally naked before her very eyes.

His eyes had gotten her attention the most, they were blue but somehow dark and intense like he could devour her if he wished whenever he looked upon her. His gaze wasn't off putting like something she felt whenever Ed Earl looked at her, but it left her feeling desired and she seemed to enjoy it as much as any girl her age when finally getting the attention of someone she desired in her own right. She could tell he'd been older although the rich dark black beard covering his chin was a direct giveaway to anyone and that he'd seen his fair share of battles via the scars that lined his ab detailed stomach and the upper right portion of his chest.

She recalled seeing his arse when they arrived here, she followed him despite his nakedness to this room unsure of what she would find, but not willing to relinquish the feeling of safety his strange presence brought whenever he'd been in her midst. She couldn't help but allow her eyes to lower as they came to a stop at the sight of his cock, prominent as always and furiously aroused despite his urinating a few moment's prior. She'd never seen anything like it and was almost sorry that she couldn't enjoy the full benefits of having it so near her body as she had the previous night.

Without a word, much like per the usual when it came to them, Duko entered the shower with her causing her to gasp as his cock bobbed when he moved once more commanding the brunt of her attentions. He said nothing as he moved passed her standing in the direct stream of the water and allowing it to cascade down his muscle ripped form apparently attempting to rid himself of the stickiness from his late night release.

He allowed the water to rush over his head as he stood beneath the shower head inhaling the scent of the redhead whom had been behind him, Rae was at a loss for words being so close to him as her emerald green eyes flickered with intensity as she watched him unable to bite back the soft little moan that escaped her pursed pink lips while she gripped the soap between her small hands baffled by the view before her.

She'd been so engrossed in the visual of him beneath the water that she had not heard it when he spoke.

"What's your name?" he asked his voice the same rich deep baritone that drummed in her ears the day before.

Rae had been caught off guard by him speaking to her after so long a silence.

"W-What?" she asked in nearly a whisper as she attempted to compose herself.

"I asked you what your name was." replied Duko figuring the girl for a soft touch as he stood beneath the shower letting it drip down his body as he spoke.

"R-Rae." she stammered attempting to find her voice despite it cracking due to overwhelming emotion as a result of her lust for the older man before her. "Rae Hadley."

Duko seemed to think the name interesting if nothing else.

"Well, Rae Hadley..." he began leaning close to her as her mouth opened and could do little aside from gasp once again. "I need the soap."

Nearly fumbling as she handed the soap to him, Rae continued to watch him as if enthralled, while he lathered up his body via the soap wishing she'd at least had the presence of mind to offer to do so for him as she could hardly keep her eyes away from the sight of his magnificent body.

Duko took a few moments to wash himself before rinsing off and handing the redhead girl Rae back the soap and exiting the shower. She appeared to come to her senses after he'd gone dripping water all over the floor and into the main room as he did.

Rae turned her attention back to finishing her own showering only to find that he had used all the remaining hot water for himself and that she'd been left with only cold. In that moment it was as if the fog of lust had been lifted and she was once more herself.

She didn't care how handsome he'd been nor how muscled toned his body, he was still a jerk for using all the hot water and leaving her the remainder of it cold.


The Main Room, Roadside Motel, Trenton County, Oregon

Rae climbed out of the shower realizing that she didn't have any other clothes and that the jerk whom had used all the hot water was gone by the time she got out. She wrapped herself in a towel and stepped into the main room annoyed that she'd been left behind and also angry that those bastards had tossed her stuff after rummaging through her backpack to feed their idiotic drug addiction. To make matters worse, the jeans that the main arsehole cut up were all she had from what she brought from home and despite being a few miles from her house she wasn't about to turn tail and runback.

To quell the anxiety she felt in overwhelming waves, she began looking around the motel room. It occurred to her that her host had parted temporarily as he left behind a few of his own things in the form a black t-shirt newly bought it seemed, an equally black leather jacket and a pair of silver dog tags.

She picked up the dog tags inspecting them closely. The name had been registered to a Channon Duko Lovell with his social security number, which seemed to be dented and difficult to read, date of birth being that of June 13th 1980, and religious affiliation reading Protestant.

Rae at last knew the name of her naked rescuer and apparent motel roommate.

Channon Duko Lovell and he knew her as Rae Hadley.