

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Chapter 30: Made In The Shade

Dan Costa's Office, The Silverwire Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada....

Duko sat quietly in Dan Costa's office as the panicked weasel paced the floor answering the phone calls and attempting to plot an exit strategy should the need arise for one. He didn't have the money to keep the casino afloat with being hit at so many angles via his competitors and the cheats that tried to make their home in the lower lobby. He puffed on a short cigarette and continued to rant and rave about "losing his shirt" to whomever was on the other end of the telephone. Duko rolled his eyes at the dramatic scene before him as he peered at Dan via the thick glass plating that lead to his inner office. He had figured it was bullet proof given how paranoid Dan had been even before he started the casino and had more than one means of exit and safety measure should things get dicey. Always one for contingency plans, it was a wonder if he had a helicopter on the roof of the place ready to whisk him away at a moment's notice.

Duko looked bored looking about the outer office as he sat with the black duffle bag at his feet and his attention still on the frantically vocal Dan Costa. It always amazed Duko that Costa had the gall to even attempt to live in a world of cutthroats, he wasn't cut out for the life he was trying to live yet he'd been trying to live it. It seemed to be the problem for most people as they went along with their day to day.

Dan finally hung up the phone and entered the outer office the moment he took notice of Duko sitting in one of the chairs via the thick glass plates. He slicked back his hair and straightened his tie attempting to look like he'd been ever the calm, cool, and collected professional when he'd been on the verge of imploding from within.

"Duko." he said attempting to put on airs for the sake of his guest. "I didn't see you there."

Duke resisted the urge to toll his eyes knowing how frantic Dan had been, the stench of his fears was quite thick and the tension in his muscles made his blood pump at swift intervals throughout his body. He could hear the weary man's heart beating about a mile per minute and eased back into the chair he currently occupied.

"Relax." said Duko in something of a command. "Everything has been taken care of prior to the tragic events that you are now concerned about."

Dan seemed shocked as his wide eyes flickered with something akin to hope before he took a seat on the other side of his outer office desk.

"Are you shitting me Duko?" he said giving the seemingly bored man his undivided attention.

Duko didn't say a word as he simply reached down by his feet and gripped the black duffle bag he secured when squaring away things with The High Roller. He tossed the bag and all it's contents to Dan whom had caught it with amazement filed across his formally anxious face.

"Holy fucking shit!" he said nearly dropping the bag when he unzipped it. "DUKO YOU JUST SAVED MY ASS!"

Duko yawned not feeling much like celebrating as he glared back at his old acquaintance.

Dan's spirits were certainly lifted as he got to his feet tossing several thousand dollars at Duko in payment for his services rendered. He still had to pay him for the remainder of the job, but a nice bonus never hurt anyone.

"Fuck." said Dan unable to get over the bewilderment of the situation "Just when I thought it was all over...it turns out that fucking wild animal did me a big fucking favor....with the fat bastard dead I won't be seeing him again and with all this cash mine and then some, I got a real shot at making something of this place thanks to you."

Duko had not been much for accepting gratitude, he simply did what he found necessary and moved along. Dan didn't see it that way of course, he saw Duko as the best friend any man in his line of work could ever have.

Dan lit a celebratory cigar and tossed one to his oldest friend.

"Anything you and the Mrs. need you got it." he said on my dime.

Duko nodded in agreement before getting to his feet. Dan was so elated about his changing fortunes that he actually hugged Duko like he'd been a brother. A gesture that caught the normally reserved man off guard.

"Jeez Duko, you need a shower you smell like dirt and pussy." muttered Dan stepping away from him. "Why not take advantage of that nice spa aspect of your suite huh?"

Duko smirked recalling what he'd been doing prior to Dan's security guard interrupting him. His thoughts turned to Rae and whether or not she'd finally gotten out of the shower before he made his way toward the elevator that lead to the penthouse suites.

"I'm made in the shade boys." said Dan still continuing his celebration among his guards. They appeared to be quite happy for him as Duko took his leave taking his several thousand dollars in payment along with him.

Duko entered the elevator, this time alone as the security guard had been quite content to remain on the boss's floor of the casino and allow the massively intimidating man to venture on his on due to the awkwardness of his having been sent to summon him to the office in the first place.

He stood alone with just his private thoughts as he watched the floors pass by and the silver box he had been none to comfortable standing in moved ever so swiftly to reach the floor where his wife had been.

Duko climbed off the elevator during his stop and made his way toward the door to his penthouse suite passing by the other doors with a curious expression filed across his face. The knowledge that something had indeed gone wrong during his mission to confront the high roller had not been lost on him as he found himself checking his arm for the bullet wound which seemed non existent despite him knowing he'd been shot and nearly left for dead before hand.

He vaguely recalled he screams of the men in suits as he saw their frightened eyes and the scent of blood filled the air. He had not known exactly how it happened nor more than he had known about his rampage when he'd been bombed during his service in Iraq.

There were a few more minor targets left and soon he and Rae's venture in Las Vegas would come to an end once they were back on the road again. Until the job was complete, Duko figured they'd do some sight seeing and actually embrace the notion of being honeymooners. As he attempted to open the door to his suite, Duko briefly reflected on Dan Costa's words before leaving his office.

The lucky bastard really did have it made in the shade.