

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Chapter 2: To Endure A Life Unwished

Flint Street, Trenton County, Oregon....

For most people small town living was a boring and aimless existence unless you were an adult there was little to no excitement to be had and the rest of the world truly looked as if it had been another plane of existence. A dull life with little to no troubles outside occasional rabble rousing would have been an ideal thing to experience, but that had not been the case for Trenton County native Raelynn Luna Hadley. She was constantly on guard ever since she'd been twelve when it came to the evils of men and women alike that resided in the small town she'd called home ever since her birth. Her mother, Rita Mae Hadley wasn't in the least a source of comfort nor support being that she was a middle aged stripper with a pill popping addiction and only had her as a result of a drunken encounter with one of her patrons, the local town drunk and abusive arsehole if ever anyone saw one, Edward Earl Francis Hadley. Other wise known to the few residents that called Trenton County home as Ed Earl Hadley.

Nothing repulsed Raelynn more than the fact that she'd even been blood related to not only a drunken pill popping stripper, but that she was related to an alcoholic woman beating good for nothing in the form of Ed Earl. He fancied himself a mechanic of sorts and while he was adequate at fixing things with his hands, he more often than not broke them in the first place due to his drunken tirades.

Between vicious drunken fights, constant cheating on both their parts and their apparent disdain for being parents in the first place, they had only managed to have only one child. Raelynn always considered it fortunate that it had been so as she barely had any means of protecting herself when it came to enduring the terrible upbringing she had due to her unsavory parents.

At the age of twelve she learned first had just how twisted and vile her father, Ed Earl could be especially when given to liquid courage. She was home alone one afternoon as per the usual when he came stumbling in ranting and raving about her mother being a good for nothing whore as she'd had half the men in town even before he married her. He stormed into little Raelynn's bedroom and in his drunken sickness attempted to make unseemly gestures towards her. She didn't understand it at the time but that was when the unwanted touching and hugs began as Ed Earl insisted from that night forward that she not only refer to him as "Daddy" but that she was to engage in play time with him in the form of him rubbing himself on her thighs as she said naughty words for him.

Raelynn hated him even more after that wishing that he'd die a horrible death so that she'd never again have to hide or live in fear of the next twisted thing he would often attempt. Ed Earl's attention turning to his own daughter had not escaped Rita's notice however, but instead of packing up her daughter and leaving the twisted bastard, she simply called her girl a whore and accused her of trying to steal her husband while popping pills as if she had not a care in the world and viewing her younger daughter as competition for the attention of local men.

The end result was Raelynne coming to the conclusion that she hated her mother just as much as she hated Ed Earl and wished her to die as well. Things only seemed to get worse when she reached the age of sixteen. As not only had Ed Earl been seeking to infringe upon her virtue, but other less scrupulous men in town whom had their fair share of bedding her mother had done the same.

Growing up in the small town area of Trenton County was a nightmare for the sixteen year old and she often thought of just packing up and running away to anywhere aside from the place she'd been born.

Rae found herself taking to locking her door and putting a chair beneath the knob at night as she could only sleep when it was blocked and she locked her window just to make sure no one could venture there. Life in Trenton County was dull for everyone else except Rae it seemed and she often envied everyone with normal lives compared to the horrors she experienced.


Second Bedroom,The Hadley Residence, Flint Street, Trenton County, Oregon....

Rae sat quietly in her room scribbling away in one of her many journals unsure what to make of her day as the tell tale sound of Ed Earl coming by her bedroom door startled her to some degree. Her stomach was in knots and she'd been unable to sleep very well for weeks. The teachers at school didn't seem in the least interested that she had not been doing much work. It was beginning to be difficult to even stomach passing by the disgusting bastard whom had cornered her one afternoon just to have her touch his cock as he spurted all over her hand. She wanted him dead the most out of everyone else in the town and to make matters worse, he still kept coming at her.

She hated this place and she hated her family especially her father.

Ed Earl finally seemed to get the hint and left her alone for the night due to the fact that she heard his footsteps as he walked away from her door. Feeling nothing less than exhausted, Rae took herself over to her bed and tried to get in just a bit of sleep before she had to pretend that everything was normal when she walked out and went to school later in the morning.

Tears streamed down her cheek as she hugged the stuffed bear a long deceased relative had given her when she was a baby. She didn't ask for this life nor did she wish it on anyone she could think of. She made up her mind to endure until she could make her escape. She would be eighteen in a couple of years and as far as she was concerned she could hit the road and never have to come back or see these horrible people ever again.

They would all be just a bad memory then, nothing but distance along the open road when she left this disgusting backwater town for good.