

A vulgar nomadic drifter with a strange affliction comes to the aid of a teenage runaway. Their bond brings new challenges and many great new risks as his affliction and her inescapable youth place them at odds with the world around them.

Knight_Wind · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Chapter 15: To Beguile And Bewilder

Room 103, Roadside Motel, Outskirts Of Oregon....

By the time Duko returned to the motel it was near on midnight and Rae was fast asleep in bed. He could tell she'd eaten and had showered well before he arrived and found himself entering the room as the lingering scent of sex filled the air. He knew no other male had been here but it was clear that Rae was having another of her fever dreams and it was beginning to get to him. He locked the door and got undressed before heading to the shower. He managed to bed two women in the same night but neither one of them could quell his seemingly unyielding lust. Despite his best efforts it would seem that Rae had been having similar issues as she sought relief via her fingers while he'd been out. Once Duko concluded his shower, he stepped back out into the main room. He took time to fish a pair of boxer short from the backpack and then turned his attention back to the slumbering Rae. She looked to have been quite peaceful in those quiet moments.

Feeling the effects of his own tiredness he walked toward the bed where he could have sworn his keen hearing picked up the sound of Rae moaning his name in her sleep. Duko pulled back the blue sheets and took notice of Rae being asleep in one of his t-shirts again and naked below that. He smirked as he climbed into bed and attempted to ignore her whimpering as she shifted her weight a bit as she felt him beside her.

"Duke." she panted before letting out yet another whimper.

The moment she said it she triggered his arousal and he pounced spreading her legs and fitting his large muscle toned body between her thighs. His heart beat wildly within the confines of his chest as he pressed his aroused appendage against the slick wetness of her pinked flesh loving the teasing effect it had on him despite wanting so badly to slip inside her as he had the two women before her.

He captured her young semi opened mouth in an intense kiss and rested his head against her chest and neck. He inhaled the sweetness of her scent and it only served to arouse him all the more. He gripped the mattress below them sniffing and kissing the soft flesh about her neck as she whimpered below him. She needed him more than she'd ever needed anyone in her entire life and she craved the heaviness of his muscle toned body against her own and the large pulsing thing between her thighs denied to her via the fabric of his boxer shorts.

She couldn't comprehend what kept him from claiming her as she knew he so longed to do but she was growing frustrated by it day after day. It wasn't like they had not been intimate before his dry rutting of her body for the past two days was a clear indication that he was more than capable of seeing to her needs despite their fairly new acquaintance. Rae moaned as she felt him squeezed via her thighs as he began to thrust his covered cock against her slickness.

His scent was driving her crazy, the thick musk of a man that made her toes curl and her mouth water as she licked at his soft flesh stretched via rippled muscle. She wanted nothing more than to surrender to him completely as the unyielding compulsion he brought out in her demanded. To feel him all at once and experience what he had long denied her was all she seemed to crave as she gripped him tighter hoping to convey the depths of her need for him.

Just as before, her body jolted across the mattress due to his wild thrusts as his blood engorged appendage crashed into her warmth leaving an ache to be filled in the wake of intense stimulation. She could feel his resolve weakening but it wasn't enough, one good push when he had not already been so in control would do it, she knew it as if he'd been apart of her somehow. She would take this time and be satisfied, but the next time she was determined to have him completely. She had just hoped that they'd be elsewhere by then where laws and his inhibitions didn't and couldn't get in the way.

"Duke..." she whimpered feeling his already heavy muscle ripped body press harder into her slender form.

He growled his eyes shifting into a deep yellow hue as he howled while thrusting his covered cock against her wetness amid the rain and thunder. His fingernails dug deeper into the mattress ripping into the sheets as Duko continued to jolt the panting Rae along the bed. She wrapped her legs around him hoping to trap him inside her should he be so inclined to end up there but all she could feel was the heat and sensation of his aroused appendage throbbing against her slickness and separated from her via the soft material of his boxer shorts.

Rae didn't know if it was the storm or being so close to him but it was like she could feel everything intensified as her heart pounded in her chest matching his own as he groaned and panted in her ear before returning to nibbling at the flesh of her neck.

"Please Duke..." she whimpered her body blazing with a heat she couldn't ignore. "Please just this once...inside...please Duke... just this once..."

Duko growled as the intensity of his thrusts increased due to her words. He lifted her off the bed and spun her around until her belly pressed against the mattress. She whimpered as he parted her legs a second time and she felt the lapping of his large tongue as she had the previous night attacking her slickness and causing her to moan uncontrollably in the darkness of their motel room.

Rae was unable to fathom what was happening to her. Before when that creep from her high school or her father had come to her wanting sex she'd been utterly repulsed, but here she was moaning like a whore for an older man who seemed to delight in his petty torment of her body when she craved it.

His scent was driving her wild as she gripped the bed biting into a nearby pillow as he continued to lap at her heated sex like a man starved. She arched her back needing to feel him against her and he pinned her back down allowing his tongue to give her the entry she desired. It wasn't enough but it would have to do as far as he'd been concerned and as the sweetness of her release hit him he pinned her back against the bed with his body glistening as he began his series of thrusts again once more spilling his release into the fabric of his boxer shorts and falling into a deep sleep as they stuck to his body.

Rae panted as she rolled over onto her back and her red locks stuck to her face and exposed chest. In his slumber, Duke pulled her body to his snoring in the darkness amid the rain and thunder. She didn't protest as she slowly drifted off as well her head resting on his sweaty chest with his powerful arm wrapped around her body.


Room 103, Roadside Motel, Outskirts Of Oregon....

Duko awoke first, sliding from beneath Rae's smaller body as he made his way to the bathroom for a shower. He stepped up to the toilet bowl urinating for a few moments before climbing into the tub and starting the shower. He stood beneath the water for several moments as the events of the past few days replayed over in his mind and the water began to soak his messy black hair. Once more Joan's dead body found it's way to the surface and the vision of her throat being torn out made him feel sick to his stomach. The view of her faded and he was once again plagued with the images of his final mission during the war. The bodies of men, women, and children alike in the wake of the carnage he unleashed after being hit with an explosive.

The bomb should have killed him.

He knew that.

His superiors knew that.

Even his men knew that.

Yet, he lived and survived a second bombing before being carted off to receive medical attention. He recalled the terrified faces of the hospital staff when he first arrived and how even more terrified they were when he left.

They brought him in with third degree burns and a possible case for disfigurement and within a few hours he'd fallen into a deep sleep and had been completely restored via healing despite the itchiness that occurred due to the bandages.

After the incident he felt faster, stronger, and much more unable to reign in his base desires in the wake of all the tragedy. He was discharged before the war's end and wandered about the states ever since never staying in any one place for long due to restlessness and the blackouts where he'd awaken covered in blood and traumatized via PTSD.

Duko had been so lost in thought that he had not heard Rae get out of bed and enter the bathroom let alone that she'd entered the shower with him after discarding his t-shirt. She came up behind him and he grew tense ready to pounce at a moment's notice until he caught her scent and relaxed beneath the stream of water. She kissed him on the back after wrapping her arms around his waist and trailing her fingers along his water slick chest and down toward his rapidly aroused cock.

The instant of her touch seemed to set him off and it made her smile to herself at the very thought of it. A low groan escaped his lips when he felt the sensation of her hand attempting to wrap around his cock, but he'd been much too large for her grip with one hand and she clasped both around it causing him to thrust into her hands for a moment before closing his eyes and leaning against the tile at the front of the shower.

She was amazed that he had been able to walk around with something so large and heavy between his legs. He groaned again as she held him and leaned his head against the tile as the water continued to rush down on his back and shoulders. He seemed to be in contemplation as his eyes began to glow yellow and his fingernails began to claw the tile leaving scratch marks.

"Stop." he growled his deep baritone rumbling startling Rae for the first time since she'd met him.

She let him slip from her grasp feeling the throbbing through her hands as she stepped back allowing him to move. He glared at her appearing to have been angered by her attempt to seduce him and climbed out of the shower after peeling the curtain back.

Standing in the shower alone, Rae contemplated why he'd been so uncomfortable with being intimate with her after everything they'd done before hand. She sighed as she came to the conclusion that Duke Lovell was a rather beguiling and bewildering man all at once and it continued to puzzle her as to why.