
Beast Control: Starts

When Qiao Yi opened her eyes, She realized she had transmigrated into a Into middle-school student in the beast-control world, what does know she not the only one. (Fanfic of Beast control start zero own Qiao Yi)

Needsleep2002 · ไซไฟ
15 Chs

Chapter 7: The White Sand Fox

Chapter 7: The White Sand Fox

Qiao Yi soon found out the reason why, Xu Linglan one of the girls wanted to update her pet information, her White Sands Fox evolved into a Desert-Tailed Fox, but she missed her number, Qiao Sang who after took over but like her didn't have correct information so both didn't complete anything but Xu Linglan blamed Qiao Sang for it.

It results in them agree to fight,Xu Linglan Vs Qiao Sang, that is until she came which also got her and Xu Linglan friend Chen Ling involved they to will fight at the same time for some unknown reason.

The four of them arrived at an open space behind the Hanggang Beast Training Center. The training area wasn't too big or too small, with scattered people practicing with their companion beasts.

Qiao Sang looked around and was a bit surprised. She asked, "Isn't this place inappropriate? Shouldn't we find a more secluded spot?"

Xu Linglan smirked, "What? Are you scared?"

Qiao Sang raised her eyebrow slightly. "Aren't you just worried about losing face? Since you want to fight here, here is fine."

"Let's do it then!" With a step to the side, Xu Linglan prepared herself for combat.

Qiao Yi and Chen Ling went to other end of court, the only reason Qiao Yi agree in first place is that both their companion beasts are juniors plus her Fire Tiger is a fire element with strong attack power which itself is an advantage while Chen Ling White Sands Fox is a earth element with weak defense.

Chen Ling looks very ordinary said, "Are you ready?"

Qiao Yi and Chen Ling had no enmity between each other, so they wanted to finish the fight earlier,

Qiao Yi nodded and put her Fire Tiger on the floor, who appears to be excited to fight.

Seeing this, Chen Ling raised her hands, formed a hand seals, and a white star array suddenly lit up on the ground. A white figure appeared within the array.

White Sands Fox, it long tail is source of its strength, Its extremely gentle creature.

Qiao Yi looked at the white supernatural creature with amber pupils before her. Information about it automatically surfaced in her mind; after all, she had just researched about it yesterday.

Another reason she agree to the fight is to see the Fire Tiger strength to develop a better plan for him to training later.

Fire Tiger walked to a spot in front of the White Sand Fox.

"Use Charge !" Qiao Yi decided to take the initiative and commanded directly.


The Fire Tiger bursted out speed, shot forward in a instant, slamming into the unprepared White Sand Fox, sending it down on floor.

"Attack it Neck with Fire Fang." See the opportunity Qiao Yi commander again

For some reason Chen Ling didn't respond until now, Chen Ling looked panicked at situations shouted "Quickly dodge." At the White Sand Fox.

But it was to late

The Flame wrapped around the sharp teeth of the Fire Tiger, bit down fiercely on the White Sand Fox Neck.


The white sand fox screamed, it quickly stood up as it try to shake of the Fire Tiger but it could get it off.

"Jump away" Qiao Yi ordered.

Without any hesitation the Fire Tiger immediately left the White Sand Fox body and leaped to the side.

The next moment, the White Sand Fox tail swept across it own body ruthlessly, trying to get the Fire Tiger off it body, so the move was full force.

" Sand!!!"

White Sand Fox screamed again, curly into a ball from the pain.

"White Sand Fox, get up quicky." Chen Ling

could help but be confused at situation, why it turned out so wrong, she had guest that the gril opposite her a new beastmaster who only awaken, with a young pet companion, so why had it gone so wrong,it should of been an easy battle.

"Use claw on it neck." Qiao Yi pursued win.

The Fire Tiger sharp claws covered in white light, immediately swept at White Sand Fox neck making it faint.

Complete overwhelmed, since the start The White Sand Fox has been stand target for the Fire Tiger.

Chen Ling legs went weak and sat on floor in complete daze.

Throughout the process, the opposite had always been head completely in her hands, she going to be third grade senior in high school the next semester yet she been thoughtly defeated by a newcomer, right now she hate incompetence and Xu Linglan for getting her involved.

Qiao Yi didn't pay attention to the girl's reaction. She hugged the Fire Tiger, which had rushed into her embrace. "You did great."


"Growl Growl!"

The Fire Tiger excitedly gestured towards Qiao Yi.

Qiao Yi expression turned strange.

The Fire Tiger jumped onto the ground, its mouth opened as it teeth were enveloped in flame, in instant, the flame vanished and it enthusiastically gestured to Qiao Yi again.

"Are you saying you've never used Fire Fang before?" Qiao Yi asked.

The Fire Tiger nodded repeatedly.

However, she had clearly seen in the Beast Control Code that the Fire Tiger had the Fire Fang skill.

Perplexed, Qiao Yi connected to the Beast Control Code.

[Name: Fire Tiger]

[Attribute: Fire]

[Level: Junior (64/1000)]+

[Skills: Bite (Entry 76/100) +

Claws (Proficient 14/500) +

Charge (Proficient 135/500) +

Fire Fang (Entry 2/100) +

[Points: 40]

Qiao Yi eyes lit up. The values had changed! Charge, Claw and Fire Fang, as well as the points below them, had all changed.

Actually, if she carefully observed the value after Fire Fang, Qiao Yi already had a guess in her mind.