"In a world shrouded in mystery there remains something unknown."
Every time I left our house when I was just seven years old to go to school I always heard our neighbor that I am the daughter of a monster then they hurried into their respective houses. Even their children are not allowed to associate with me as if I were seriously ill.
I asked my mother why they were telling me the monster's child while we were normal and there was nothing strange about our appearance. But my mother just got mad at me and what she always said to me "When you grow up you can understand things."I did not understand then why my mother always told me that way.
It is also one of the reasons why we always move house because I always have problems at school because I really fight when my classmates tease me that I'm a monster but one day when I was walking home to our new apartment I saw an old beggar man in a church that caught my attention because like me people also avoided him because of his filthy appearance. But even so, I still approached him because I remembered my lolo to him that in the province because I was close to my grandparents so I felt sympathy and concern for him.
"Lo, why are you alone here? Are you waiting for someone? The sky is getting dark and the heavy rain seems will fall in any moment do you have an umbrella? "
But the old beggar did not answer me so I went to church first to pray and when I finished I still saw him at the exit of the church so I approached him again and asked "Have you eaten yet? "
At that moment he answered and said "I am not hungry."
I sat close to him and talked and while I was talking I noticed he no longer looked at me and he looked away I could not figure out if he was shy or he did not see me I noticed his eyes there is white in the middle of the black as if he had a cataract like my grandmother.
"Where do you live? Do you want me to take you? It's about to rain and you might get wet here. "
"The church is just my place of residence and my time has come."
I did not understand what he meant when he said that his time had come. Two minutes ago he suddenly fainted and I did not know what to do because at that time we were the only ones in the church so I shouted "Help !!! Help us !!! "
However, no one came to us so I thought of getting water from my bag because I had watched a movie that was only given water came to life and I didn't care if it was true or not because I was young that time and I still don't know how to give first aid so I still tried to do what I watched on TV. I gave water to the old man and I was shocked he suddenly woke up and I cried at that time because thanks God he was alive.
"Cough ... Cough ... Thank you kid."
I hugged him and I no longer cared about his dirty appearance as long as he is alive and I am happy because I helped him.
"Why are you crying?"
"I was afraid that someone like me would lose thier father. It is sad to lose a father because ... "
I could not continue what I was saying because suddenly there are people in white clothes who looked like nurses. I did not know the caregiver before and I found out that the old man was mentally ill and that he was always running away from the orphanage to look for his son he has not seen for a long time since he was unable to attend his son's wedding day."
"Where are you taking him?"
"He needs to go back to the orphanage it's been a week we are looking for him."
"But he has an illness. He fainted earlier. Can you take him to the hospital first?"
"We'll take care of him with a doctor to check him up so it's better you go home and it looks like it's going to rain."
The old man struggles and does not want to go with the caregivers who follow him "I do not want to go with you let me go I'm not crazy,"
I felt sorry for the old man so I approached him and said "Lo, it is dangerous if you are here outside it would be better if you just go with them so that they can take care of you."
"But they don't take care of me, they hurt me."
I saw the woman's grip tighten on the old man's arm so I thought he might not be taken care of properly in the orphanage they say.
"Can I just take him to our house? Lo, do you want to come with me? "
I saw in the old man's face that he was happy when I said I would take him to our house but the caregivers did not agree. So they forced the old man into their van.
"Please be careful you are already hurting him.
The man pushed me and said "Don't interfere kid go home!"
I got up immediately and I bit his arm so he let go of the old man who in turn bit the woman's arm so we escaped from them. We ran and ran and I felt like the old man was tired already because of his age.
"Lo, can you still run? Our house is near here just a little patience."
"Yes, I can still run."
But he fell and the heavy rain poured down as we hurriedly ran I left my bag in the church where my umbrella was placed."
"I'm sorry... because of me, you got wet from the rain, leave me here and go home kid."
"Lo, my name is Faye and it's okay, I'll just take a bath when we get home and I won't leave you here alone."
"You are a good child Faye so you deserve to be rewarded because you have a kind heart to help others."
In the Kingdom of Esthrianca
"Ms. Faye wake up it's morning already. "
"It's morning and King Jaile has also arrived, I'm sure he will help you get out of here."
"Ah? O — okay? "
"Is there something wrong Ms. Faye? Shouldn't you be happy because you can get out of here but why is your face sad? "
"I had a dream and I think it was because of an old man that I came to your world."
For those who don’t know what is “Lolo or Lo” it’s a Tagalog word of Grandfather.
Hello to my fellow “kababayan’s” and hi to everyone who’s reading my novel thankyou very much I hope all of you enjoying it. Labya’ll And Godbless...(^_^)
Love lots
Your naughty Author,
lyniar (:
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