

Ayush was walking down the hallway outside of his mom's trailer when he ran into his dad. "What the fuck are you doing here?" His dad asked him.

"I just came to visit my mom." Ayush answered.

"Well, you've got some nerve, huh?" His dad said. "Showing up here after the way you treated me? You know I haven't seen or heard from you for years and I'm starting to think I'll never see you again."

"Maybe if you didn't beat me all the time, I might come around more." Ayush replied.

"Is that what's got your panties in a twist? That's all in the past now, son." His dad said.

"It's not in the past to me." Ayush told him.

"Well, maybe if you learned to suck it up like a big boy instead of running off every time things get tough you'd find out that it really was in the past." His dad sneered at him. "Maybe if you spent more time with me and less time with your mom, she wouldn't fill your head with all her stupid shit. But I guess it's too late for that now, isn't it? You've grown into a little pussy like her."

"That's not true!" Ayush argued. "But I guess it's easier for you to blame somebody else for all your problems than to try to fix them yourself!"

"Like hell it is!" His dad shouted back at him. "She's had you turned against me since the day you were born and nothing will ever change that!"

"I don't need anyone to turn me against you!" Ayush shouted right back at him. "I can see exactly what kind of scumball you really are! I'm not going to stand here and listen to you anymore! So fuck you! And fuck off!"

"Yeah right! I bet you've already forgotten how good it felt to get the shit knocked out of you." His dad taunted him.

"Maybe," Ayush said quietly. "But you'll be the one that's getting knocked out now." Ayush turned his back to his dad and started walking away, then used his powers to stop his dad's heart. He didn't want his mom to find out what he'd done though, so he decided to make it look like he'd died of a natural heart attack.

By the time he'd gotten back to his mom's trailer, she was standing outside looking frantic. "Oh, sweetie! I was just on the phone with your dad and he must have had a heart attack. The ambulance is here, but I don't think he'll make it."

Ayush kept his face blank as his mom got in the ambulance with his dad and they drove off. He knew his dad was already dead, and he knew it was his fault. But he didn't care. He couldn't even remember the last time his dad did anything that wasn't cruel. The only reason he'd kept him alive all this time was for his mom. She wanted to hold onto him and hope that things would get better. But Ayush knew it wasn't going to happen. And now his dad was out of their lives for good.

He walked back inside his mom's trailer and waited for her to come back. It didn't take her long. "Oh, baby," she said as soon as she saw him. "We lost him."

"I know." Ayush said solemnly.

He watched as she collapsed to her knees and started crying. He immediately went to comfort her. "Oh Mom, I'm so sorry," Ayush whispered as he hugged her. "Are you okay?"

"No, baby," Nicki sobbed. "I don't know what I'm going to do. I feel like I'm losing everything I love."

"I'll take care of you." Ayush assured her.

"I know you will, sweetie. And that's the only thing that keeps me going. But I know I have to get through this funeral and say goodbye to your dad. And I need you there with me for it."

"I'll be there Mom. Don't worry." Ayush promised her.

He held her while she cried, wishing he could make it all better for her. He felt horrible for her. She'd just lost her husband, and she had nobody left in the world but him.

He let her cry for a few minutes before he spoke again. "Mom, do you want me to take you somewhere to get your mind off things? Maybe somewhere he'll never be?"

Nicki stopped crying and looked up at him, wiping away the tears in her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, where are we going for the funeral?" Ayush asked.

"To that island we bought a long time ago." Nicki answered.

"That's where we're going for his funeral?" Ayush questioned her.

"No! We haven't been there in years," Nicki protested.

"Well, maybe it's time we went back then," Ayush suggested. "Why don't we leave the funeral planning up to everybody else and go there to clear our heads a little bit? We can always come back before the funeral."

"That sounds wonderful, baby!" Nicki said as she pulled herself up from her knees and hugged him again. "Let's get away from here."

"Yes ma'am," Ayush answered. He scooped his mom up in his arms and carried her out to their jet. Once they were in the air, he made himself comfortable with his mom's legs straddled over him in the seat. He was glad he had her to take care of, and he was happy that she would be okay after all this was over.

But something didn't feel right to Ayush when they got to the island. Something felt...off. He stood on the beach and looked out over the ocean with his mom standing beside him.

"What's wrong?" She asked him.

"Nothing," Ayush told her. He looked down at her and realized she was the only family he had left in the world, but he had never really looked at her the way he was looking at her now. She was so beautiful. He'd never noticed it before. She was curvy, with big ass cheeks and huge tits that spilled out of the bathing suit she was wearing. Her black hair cascaded down her back to her waistline and her eyes seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. She didn't look like the same woman he'd grown up with. Now she looked more like a young woman than a 40-something-year-old mom. But what really drew his attention were the curves of her hips, her tiny waistline, and the softness of her face.

He wanted her in a way that scared him. He knew this couldn't be right, that he shouldn't be thinking about his mom like this. But he couldn't stop the thoughts. They wouldn't leave his head. And all he could think was that he was falling in love with Nicki Minaj. The woman he had always thought of as his mom.

"You're not listening to me." Nicki said sternly. "I want you to snap out of this trance you're in." She ordered him. "Look at me."

Ayush looked down at his mom in her eyes and shook his head to try and clear it of the thoughts that were running through it. He wanted to touch her, kiss her, hold her close against him and never let go. She felt like home, like the only place he belonged in the whole world.

"Okay Mom," Ayush finally replied.

"Better." She said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

But then he knew he had to tell her how he felt, no matter how crazy he sounded. "I have something to tell you." He said quietly.

"What is it, sweetie?" She asked.

Ayush looked around them and saw that they were completely alone. He could do anything to her out here and nobody would ever know it.

"Baby, you're scaring me." Nicki told him. "Whatever it is, I love you no matter what."

"I...I...I love you too, Mom." Ayush admitted. "But I can't stop myself from thinking about you, from wanting you. I love you in a way that goes far beyond what a son should. I think I'm falling in love with you."

Nicki looked at him like she hadn't expected him to say that. "What did you say?"

"I said I think I'm in love with you." Ayush repeated himself.

"But you're my son." She told him. "How could you love me like that?"

"I don't know." Ayush shrugged. "But I do."

"Son, this isn't healthy. We can't act on these feelings." She warned him. "You have to find someone else, someone younger than your mom."

"No," Ayush argued with her. "I could never do that. You're the only person that's ever been good to me in my whole life. How can I love anyone else when they've never been able to do what you have for me?"

"That doesn't mean anything." She shook her head. "If your dad knew about this he'd kill you."

"My dad is dead now, remember?" Ayush reminded her.

Nicki nodded. "I remember."

"Well, there's nobody stopping us now, is there? He's the only one that ever tried to keep us apart. So now it's just the two of us. And if you'll let me, I'll show you how much I really love you."

"What do you want to do to me?" Nicki asked nervously.

Ayush thought for a long minute before he answered. "I want to bless you with the gift of immortality, Mom," He told her.

"And what does that mean?" She asked. "How do I become immortal?"

"You have to let me bite your neck like a vampire. And you can't tell anyone about it." He warned her. "It has to be our secret."

"I can do that." She nodded.

"Okay then." Ayush agreed. He wrapped his arms around Nicki and pulled her close as he sunk his fangs into her neck. She squirmed and wriggled against him as his venom coursed through her veins. "Do you feel that burning feeling in you?" He asked her. "That's my blessing taking effect."

"I do." She whimpered.

"Then it's done." Ayush announced as he released his fangs from her neck.

"How long do you think it will take me to adjust to this?" She asked, rubbing her hand over the spot he'd bit.

"It won't take long, Mom. I promise. You'll be back to normal in just a few minutes, and after that, you'll never have to worry about anything again, except maybe your thirst for blood, but you can always drink mine if you need it."

"Okay." Nicki nodded. Then she paused and looked back up at him. "But wait, you didn't say anything about my virginity. You said I'd be back to normal."

"I'm sorry, Mom. It's too late now." Ayush said sadly.

"What do you mean?" Nicki panicked. "I thought you said I'd stay the same!"

"I know," Ayush said slowly. "But not in the way you're thinking. You'll still be a virgin, Mom."

Nicki looked at him suspiciously. "Then how does that work? If I was already deflowered when you gave me the blessing, how is it possible that I could be a virgin again after it?"

"That's the magic of my power, Mom." Ayush shrugged again.

"Okay, if you say so." Nicki said skeptically.

"You're okay though?" He checked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She nodded. "I can already feel the burning sensation stopping."

"Good." Ayush smiled. "Now, do you want to get naked and twerk your ass on my cock?"

"What?" She asked incredulously. "Baby, I just found out you're a vampire, and now you want me to sit naked on your dick while I twerk?"

"Yes." He nodded. "But it's for a reason."

"What could possibly be the reason?" She questioned.

"I want to record it," Ayush informed her. "So I can make it go viral and show the world who owns my cock. And with your new immortality, we can make as much porn as you want without aging a day. Can you imagine it? Us two making the most viewed porn in history? We could be the most famous couple in the world."

"I don't know, baby..." Nicki hesitated. "This seems too far-fetched for me."

"Trust me," Ayush reassured her. "Just do this for me, Mom, please? You're all I have left."

"Alright," Nicki conceded. "But if I'm caught doing this I'm blaming you. You can't say anything about it."

"Deal." Ayush grinned.

He grabbed his phone from the pocket of his swim trunks and opened up his camera app. He switched over to video mode and turned the flash on so he wouldn't have to worry about any bad lighting.

"Now strip and dance for me." He commanded his mom.

"Yes sir." She dropped to her knees and slipped her bikini top over her head and under her chin. Her tits fell free, bouncing lightly as she pushed the fabric down to her waist. "How's this?" She asked him seductively.

"It's a good start." Ayush nodded as he pressed record. "Now take everything else off and get up here."

Nicki stood up and peeled off her bottoms and then her bikini top, exposing herself fully to her son. She walked over to him and sat down on his lap, rubbing her ass over his cock. She reached her arms behind her back and grabbed his hands before she started twerking on him.

Ayush couldn't help but moan as he watched his mom rub her ass all over his crotch. She knew exactly what she was doing as she got up on her knees on either side of his thighs and leaned forward on him, still grinding her pussy against his dick. Nicki smiled as she did this, looking down at him and watching him watch her. She knew he wanted her in more ways than one. And she could tell by the way his cock was getting harder that he was loving every minute of this. She loved it too, more than she wanted to admit. He was the one man in the world she trusted completely, and the only one who had ever cared for her like he did. And he was the only one that would ever be able to satisfy her sexually. That's why she agreed to do this with him. She knew it was wrong to be intimate with him, but she couldn't help the way she felt. She'd always been in love with him, ever since the first day he was born.

Ayush reached down between her legs and slipped his finger inside her pussy. She was dripping wet for him and he could smell her sweet juices all over him. He slid his finger in and out of her slowly, watching how it made her face scrunch up in ecstasy.

"That feels so good, baby." She purred.

"I know it does." He replied. "That's why I'm doing it."

"You're such a good boy." She cooed. "I love how you take care of me."

Ayush slipped another finger inside of her and curled them both up to rub her g-spot. He felt how sensitive it was and he knew right away that he needed to fuck her now.

"Ooohhh, what are you doing to me, Ayush?" She gasped.

"I'm making you cum, Mom." He whispered.

Nicki leaned forward and kissed his lips as she fucked herself on his fingers. "You always know how to get me off so good."

"I love you, Mom." He told her. "That's why."

"I love you too, son." She moaned as she squirted on his hand. "I'm going to cum."

"I know." He nodded.

"I can't help it." Nicki whimpered. "You're just so good at this."

"You can't help anything when I have you, Mom." Ayush grinned mischievously. "I'm the one that controls your body and your pleasure now. And I'm not going to let you cum until you beg me for it."

"Please let me cum." Nicki begged. "Please, Ayush."

He chuckled before he said, "I don't think you want it that bad yet."

"I do!" Nicki protested. "I really do! I'm about to squirt all over the place if I can't cum!"

"You should have thought of that before." Ayush teased. He kept rubbing her g-spot and watched as more juices soaked his hand and dripped down her leg.

"Ayush, please!" Nicki cried out. "I really need it now!"

"Fine." He relented. "Cum for me."

Nicki collapsed over onto his shoulder and clutched at his chest as she orgasmed on his hand. He held her there and comforted her as she finished up, waiting for her breathing to slow down.

"That was amazing." She panted.

"It was." Ayush agreed.

"Can I go clean up now?" She asked shyly.

"Yes, Mom." He nodded. He paused the recording and set his phone down on the chair next to him before he followed his mom into the bathroom to help her. And then, after they cleaned up, he went back and resumed the recording. He made sure everything was ready to upload this onto all of his social media accounts so the world could see what a good mom his was. Then he took several nude selfies of him and Nicki together in bed and posted those too.

They had just laid down to sleep when they got a text notification from his friend that read:


Ayush chuckled as he read it before he sent back, "Thanks! I'm pretty stoked about it myself. I'll have more vids and pics up tomorrow so just keep checking my stories." Then he went to sleep, thinking about how good it would feel to have his dick buried deep inside his mom's pussy the next morning. He knew he had to make this happen now that he knew it was a possibility. He just had to figure out a way to convince her. That was the tricky part. But he knew he could do it. He'd always been good at persuading her into doing what he wanted her to do. This was just like every other time. He'd make her see things his way, and she'd let him fuck her silly. It wouldn't take much effort for him to talk her into it, especially after what they just did. She was practically begging him for it. He didn't even need to do anything else to get her to say yes. He just needed to ask her the right way and at the right time. It was all about the timing and wording when you were asking a girl for something like this.

It wasn't long before Ayush found himself drifting off to sleep as he thought about how to get Nicki to agree to fuck him. It was so easy for him that he fell asleep before he was able to fully plan out his attack, but it didn't matter because he knew he would figure it out in no time and his mom would be letting him dick down in less than twenty-four hours.

The next morning, Ayush woke up and made Nicki breakfast in bed. Then, as soon as she was done eating, he called a number and said, "Hey, old man. It's me, Ayush. I've got a job for you. My mom and I are making porn now, and I need someone who knows what they're doing to film it. Can I hire you? We're gonna pay good."

"Is this really Ayush?" The man's voice came through the other side of the phone.

"Yes." Ayush confirmed. "I'm not lying."

"What's going on?" He questioned.

"You'll have to come see for yourself." Ayush told him. "You'll be able to film us, and then you'll be able to put our sex tapes up for everyone to watch. That's what we need you for."

"I don't know if I should do this." The old man replied. "It's against the law to film sex with a minor."

"I'm not a minor anymore." Ayush assured him. "I've become immortal and I turned eighteen just like that. You won't have to worry about it being illegal anymore."

"Okay." The old man agreed. "I'll be there shortly."

"Thank you." Ayush said as he ended the call.

Twenty minutes later there was a knock at the door. Ayush got up from the couch where he'd been sitting with his mom and answered it.

The older man that walked in had long, gray hair tied back in a pony tail. He had a bushy beard that fell down to his waist, and he was wearing a long black robe with a red robe underneath.

"Thanks for coming." Ayush greeted him as they shook hands.

"No problem." He smiled.

"I'm Onika." Nicki waved shyly from her seat on the couch.

"Nice to meet you, Onika." The old man nodded towards her.

"So where do we start?" Ayush asked curiously.

"Well first we need to get your mother on birth control." He informed them. "We can't have her getting pregnant and then the police will be after us."

"That's not necessary." Ayush smirked. "I know what I'm doing."

"Then we just go straight into filming?" He questioned.

"Yes." Ayush nodded. "Just make sure you get all of it. I don't want there to be any missing pieces in this film."

"I will." He agreed.

Ayush led him into the bedroom and Nicki followed behind, looking nervous. "Is this really happening, Ayush?"

"It is, Mom." Ayush assured her. "This is what you signed up for."

"I didn't sign up to be in a porn." She shook her head.

"No, but you signed up to let me do whatever I want with you." He reminded her. "And this is what I want."

"But I've never done it on film before." Nicki whined.

"Don't worry, baby." Ayush comforted her. "You won't have to do anything that you don't want to do. I'm going to be the one doing everything to you anyway. So just sit back and enjoy it."

"I hope I can." She murmured.

"You will." He smiled confidently.

The old man had already set up a camera and started filming by then. He stood behind it and waited for them to begin.

Ayush grabbed Nicki's hand and pulled her over to the bed. He pushed her down onto it, and then he climbed up on top of her. He reached up and pulled off her shirt to reveal her perky tits, which he wasted no time in sucking on. He licked at them gently with his tongue before he bit her nipples and pulled them between his teeth.

Nicki moaned and squirmed underneath him, arching her back up into his mouth. "Aaahhh." She sighed. "You feel so good."

"That's good." Ayush grunted in response. "I was hoping you'd like it."

"I love it." Nicki said as she reached down to grab a hold of Ayush's cock. She gave his shaft a squeeze as she stroked him from the base up to the tip.

"You're so big." She cooed as she marveled at how thick his cock was. "I can't even fit you in my hand."

"Just wait til you have to fit me inside you." Ayush chuckled menacingly.

"Will it fit?" Nicki asked with concern.

"It will." Ayush nodded confidently as he pulled her yoga pants down to reveal her hairy pussy. "But it might hurt a little bit."

"Are you sure?" Nicki questioned again. "It might not fit."

"It will fit." Ayush promised as he slid the tip of his cock in between her labia.

Nicki moaned as he stretched her pussy with his cockhead. "Oohhh." She hissed. "You're so big."

"Shh." Ayush shushed her. "It will fit. Trust me."

She whimpered and trembled below him as he pushed his way in deeper, using her juices to lube his way.

Nicki gasped when he broke through her hymen and entered her fully. "Ahhh." She whimpered. "It hurts."

"I told you it would." Ayush smirked as he began to thrust his hips, pushing his dick all the way in and then all the way back out. "But don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"Will I?" Nicki panted.

"You will." Ayush groaned.

Nicki gasped again when she felt Ayush tear her hymen further apart as he started thrusting faster. "Oooohhh." She moaned. "That feels really good."

"That's a girl." Ayush grunted. "Let's hear you scream for it."

Nicki's eyes widened as she began to scream in response, clutching at Ayush's back as she tried to pull herself up to him.

"Uggghhh!" She cried out. "You're going to break me!"

Ayush didn't seem to care as he just kept on pounding into her cunt. He was determined to break her in, no matter what. He fucked her harder, using his weight to push down on top of her and keep her still beneath him.

"Please." Nicki screamed as she begged for mercy.

"No." Ayush growled in response as he held her down with his body weight and fucked her with reckless abandon. He grunted and groaned with each thrust as he slammed his cock into her wet, tight hole.

Nicki sobbed and wailed in pain underneath him as she felt him tearing her pussy apart from the inside out. It hurt more than she ever could have imagined, but it also felt really good. She was so mixed up inside that she didn't know how to feel.

Nicki reached up to grab hold of Ayush's hair as he picked her up and began to fuck her in a standing position. "Ahhh!" She squealed in surprise.

Ayush didn't let her down though as he held her up in his arms and thrust into her at the same time. His strength was unbelievable, and Nicki couldn't believe she'd given herself over to him.

He held her in place with one arm as he grabbed her hair with the other and pulled it back until her head was tilted back. Then he leaned down to kiss her neck as he kept fucking her.

Nicki whimpered and moaned underneath him as he continued to pound into her cunt without mercy. She was so full of him that she couldn't think straight. Her entire body was shaking and trembling from the pleasure.

Ayush pushed his thumb into her mouth as he held her still and fucked her without stopping. "Suck." He demanded.

Nicki complied and began to suck on his finger as he kept thrusting away. He growled in approval as he watched her take his whole thumb into her mouth.

After a few minutes of sucking, Nicki felt Ayush's thumb slip out of her mouth and then felt his cum drizzling down over her face. She blinked in surprise as it hit her eyes and dripped down her cheeks. "Ahh?" She mumbled.

Ayush leaned in to lick up the cum that was dripping down her face as he kept on fucking her. He wasn't sure how long it would take to make his mom cum, but he knew that he wasn't going to stop until she did. He didn't care if she started lactating, he would just drink it all up for extra nutrients.

Sure enough, Nicki suddenly started lactating and white milk began to drip from her nipples. Ayush leaned down and sucked it into his mouth hungrily. "Mmmm." He groaned as he drank the milk down.

"Ahhh." Nicki cried out as Ayush pulled his cock out of her and flipped her over onto her stomach.

She yelped when he grabbed hold of her hips and pulled them up into the air so that her pussy was pointing towards his cock. "No!" She protested.

"Shut up." Ayush commanded. "I'm the one that gets to decide how we fuck, and this is how I want it."

Without giving her another warning, Ayush pushed his way back inside her. Nicki moaned loudly as she felt him enter her again, but Ayush didn't stop until he was fully in.

"Ahhhh." Nicki sobbed as she felt him start fucking her again. This time was even more painful than the first. She could feel him tearing her apart inside. She felt like he was going to split her pussy open and leave it hanging from her body.

Ayush didn't pay any attention to her protests as he fucked her mercilessly, taking her from behind like a dog. He leaned in and growled into her ear, "You're mine, Mom."

"Ahhh!" Nicki screamed in response as she trembled and shook underneath him.

She wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to last with this kind of rough sex. Ayush was relentless and unforgiving as he pounded into her over and over again.

The videographer was shocked at what he was seeing, but he didn't dare stop the scene now that they had gotten this far. He continued to film from different angles so that he could catch everything. This was going to be a really good video. He knew that for sure. It was so much better than his other films, and it was only getting started.

Ayush kept on fucking Nicki until she finally came and screamed out in pleasure. He immediately pulled out of her pussy and came all over her back. Nicki collapsed onto the bed, panting and crying out in pain as Ayush's cum dripped down off of her and pooled on the bed.

"I'm not done yet." Ayush declared as he grabbed Nicki and lifted her into the air again.

He picked up her legs and held them over his shoulders as he pushed into her once more. Nicki whimpered and cried out in pain as she felt his cock inside her again.

Ayush didn't hold back this time as he pistoned his dick in and out of her hole at incredible speed. He fucked her so hard that Nicki began to lose her mind. She screamed and screamed and screamed until she went hoarse, but Ayush just kept going.

Her screams turned into sobs as she cried and begged to stop, but Ayush ignored her completely and kept on fucking. He even slapped her face to shut her up when he thought she was being too loud.

The videographer couldn't believe it as he filmed Ayush's relentless attack on Nicki's pussy. He had never seen anything like it. It was crazy how rough Ayush was, and yet Nicki seemed to be enjoying it.

Ayush continued to fuck her for hours, taking her in every position he could think of and even some that were new for him. He took her in a missionary position, a doggystyle position, reverse cowgirl, standing, and many others. He even bent her over backwards and took her like a wheelbarrow.

Nicki was sobbing and screaming by the time he took her wheelbarrow. "Ahhh." She cried as he held her arms behind her and fucked her from behind. "No more please."

Ayush didn't listen to her pleas though as he kept going without stopping. He pumped his hips at incredible speed, fucking her without mercy.

Nicki cried out again when he pulled his dick out of her pussy and began to rub it against her ass. "No please." She begged. "Not that."

"Shut up." Ayuh commanded. "Take it like a bitch."

Nicki wailed loudly as she felt Ayush's dick enter her asshole for the first time. It hurt so bad that she wanted to pass out from the pain.

She cried out in surprise when Ayush held her hips still and started fucking her ass without stopping. His dick was so big that it made her asshole pucker from the strain, and yet he just kept fucking.

She sobbed and whimpered underneath him as he took her ass from behind without stopping. She could feel his balls slapping against her pussy each time his cock went in, and she knew that she was covered in his cum.

Ayush grunted like a raging bull as he fucked his mom's ass until she screamed from the pain. She lost all sense of time as she felt the intense pleasure mixed with intense pain. Her pussy was dripping wet and cumming nonstop as he fucked her ass, and her asshole was gaping open and dripping cum all over the bed.

The videographer had to take a moment to clean himself off after watching this intense scene. It was incredibly hot to watch Ayush taking his mom's ass like this.

Ayush continued to take her in different positions until finally he was finished with the wheelbarrow position. He then moved on to take her in a pile driver position. Nicki's entire body was trembling by now, but Ayush showed no mercy as he lifted her legs in the air and began to drive his cock into her pussy from above.

She screamed out again when she felt his cock tear through her hymen even further.

Ayush didn't hesitate though as he began to fuck her mercilessly. He started slow and then picked up speed as he fucked her pussy and hit her cervix with his cockhead. Nicki screamed and sobbed underneath him, but Ayush kept on going.

After a while, he slowed down again before finally coming inside her. Nicki was exhausted by the time he finished with her. She was covered in sweat, tears, and cum as she laid there on the bed panting.

Ayush pulled out of her and held his cock above her face. Nicki knew what was coming next, so she opened her mouth as he came all over her. This time he made sure that she got a mouthful of his cum so that she had to swallow it all down.

When he finished coming, Ayush gave his mom a final pat on the ass before getting up and walking away. She laid there in shock for a while before finally sitting up and looking around.

She looked at the videographer and realized that he had filmed everything. She gasped in surprise before looking down at the floor.

Ayush looked back at her and nodded his head in approval. "We're going to get you cleaned up now." He declared.

Nicki nodded in agreement as Ayush left to get someone to help clean her up. The videographer stayed behind for a moment to film some after-action scenes of Nicki before following after Ayush.

The video was uploaded and became an instant hit. People everywhere were talking about it and how Ayush had fucked his mom senseless. It got even more views when word got out that the video was real and that Ayush had indeed fucked his mom. The video became more popular than any of the others and made more money than anyone had expected.

Ayush got what he wanted from the video, but he also knew that it would haunt him for the rest of his life. He didn't regret what he had done, but he did wish that he'd done things differently.

Nicki, on the other hand, had never been happier. She had found a new partner who would fuck her just right, and she couldn't wait for their next scene together. She smiled in approval each time she thought about it. She knew that Ayush was the right choice for her, and she wasn't afraid to say so. She didn't care what anyone else thought; she wanted Ayush to be hers. And so the video went viral .

After several days of rest, Ayush decided to marry Nicki and come back to the island for their special honeymoon. Nicki couldn't be happier as she agreed to the proposal.

The two of them got married without telling anyone else about their relationship. They came to the island together for their honeymoon where they planned to film another scene. This one would be even better than the first as Nicki would be fully into it this time.

Ayush informed the previous videographer to bring many cameras to record their grand honeymoon period of seven days. He also got his mom ready to go by having her wear the sexiest lingerie that he could find. The lingerie had a gaping hole over her pussy which would give everyone the perfect view. She also wore high heels to make her ass look better. She looked amazing in it, and Ayush knew that she would be perfect for his plans.

The videographer showed up with the equipment he was asked for and was amazed to see Nicki standing there in lingerie. Ayush informed him that this scene was going to be special as he took off his clothes and revealed his massive cock. The videographer nodded and began to set up the cameras as Nicki watched him.

Ayush and Nicki then stood in front of the camera and introduced themselves. "Hello everyone. Today my wife and I will be having the honeymoon that every couple dreams of." Ayush declared. "I will be fucking her like a whore for seven days straight and we will film every moment of it. She will be covered in cum at the end, and we're not holding back any longer. I want to thank my wife for allowing me to do this." He turned to Nicki. "Are you ready?"

"Yes I am." She nodded.

Ayush then pulled out a bottle of pills and took one out of it. He handed it to Nicki who took it without hesitation. The videographer then zoomed in to reveal that the bottle was filled with breeding pills. Everyone who watched would know that Nicki was going to get pregnant.

Next, Ayush took out another bottle of pills and popped one into his mouth. Nicki did the same as he handed one to her. The camera zoomed in to show the bottle and label which said that it was a Viagra pill. With this, they both knew that they could go all night without stopping.

The videographer watched in shock as Ayush's cock began to grow in size. The effect of the Viagra was already showing, and the camera caught every moment. It continued to get bigger and bigger until it was at its maximum size of 20 inches long and 7 inches wide. Nicki gasped in shock when she saw his massive cock before turning to the camera. "It's so big." She exclaimed.

The camera followed Ayush's massive cock as he walked up behind Nicki. He pushed her onto the bed and began to take off her panties. The camera caught a full view of her pussy as it was shown on screen.

Ayush then lined his cock up with her pussy and pushed it in. Nicki screamed out in pleasure as he began fucking her with all his might. Ayush went at her like a bull as he fucked her missionary style without stopping.

The camera caught everything that happened, including the close-up shots of her pussy being stretched wide open by his cock. The audience watched in awe as the massive cock entered her over and over. It went in so far that the camera could see his cockhead poking out of her ass.

Nicki screamed and moaned underneath him as she was fucked like a whore. She was covered in cum and sweat by the time he was finished, and she knew that this honeymoon was going to be the best of her life.

She suddenly screamed out in pain as Ayush began pounding her pussy harder and faster than ever. He was pushing himself inside her pussy so far that her ass was getting stretched wide open. She felt herself about to cum when she suddenly started lactating milk from her tits. The audience went wild when they saw that she was lactating. Milk sprayed out of her tits and landed all over her stomach and Ayush's chest. She moaned loudly as cum covered her entire body. The first position had only lasted for ten minutes, but it felt much longer than that.

The videographer then caught Ayush pulling out of her and lining his cock up with her ass. Nicki moaned as Ayush pushed his cock into her ass without waiting. He took her in doggystyle as the camera caught the full view of it.

As he fucked her from behind, he began pulling at her tits, causing them to leak even more milk. The milk landed on his chest before he reached down and grabbed a bowl that was set up underneath her. He collected her milk in the bowl and drank it all down. She let out a moan as he pulled at her tits again and drained her milk once more.

After she finished cumming, Ayush pulled out of Nicki's ass and walked over to the bowl. He drank all of the milk down before pushing his cock inside her ass again. Nicki let out a scream as he pushed himself deep inside her ass and began fucking her again.

The camera caught it all as Ayush continued taking her from behind. He kept on fucking her even harder as he pounded her ass mercilessly. Nicki screamed and screamed from the pleasure and pain. She screamed even louder when she felt him hitting her cervix over and over again. The videographer couldn't believe what was happening as he filmed it all for the world to see. He also couldn't help but laugh when Nicki started acting like a cow and mooing.

"Mooooo." She cried out as Ayush took her from behind. "Moooooo."

It went on for what felt like hours before finally ending. Nicki panted heavily underneath him as he pulled out of her ass again and stood up. The camera caught another shot of the massive cock covered in cum as he pulled it out of her. Nicki laid there panting until she felt Ayush pushing his cock back into her pussy again.

This time Ayush decided to try the butter churner position. He had her on her side as he lined his cock up with hers. He pushed himself inside her and began fucking her like crazy. He went at her just as hard as before, but she seemed to enjoy it.

The videographer filmed it all from different angles to give everyone a good view. He even caught some close-up shots of Ayush's cock being covered in her cum as he took her.

After several minutes, Nicki began to moan loudly and scream as she felt herself about to orgasm. The camera caught her face as she looked like she was about to faint.

She let out a loud scream as cum sprayed out of her pussy everywhere. Ayush kept on fucking her, and she kept on screaming as she orgasmed over and over.

After she finally finished, Ayush pulled his cock out of hers and turned her over. She laid on her back panting heavily, but suddenly felt something on her stomach. She looked down and saw that it was milk that had been drained out of her tits. She suddenly laughed out loud as she realized that the milk had been draining out of her for the entire time.

She reached down and grabbed some of the milk before bringing it up to her mouth. The camera filmed it all as she began drinking the milk that had come from her own body.

"It tastes so good." She exclaimed happily.

The videographer laughed at this and continued to film everything that was happening. Ayush then pushed his cock back into Nicki as the video continued.

Nicki suddenly screamed out something that shocked everyone in the room. "Ayush, please piss in my mouth!" She begged. Ayush looked surprised by the request, but he soon nodded his head.

The videographer didn't know what to make of it, but he continued filming it. Nicki smiled happily as she felt Ayush's cock begin to fill with piss. She opened her mouth and waited until his piss began flowing into her mouth. The piss tasted amazing to her and she swallowed it all down.

Ayush continued pissing straight into her mouth without stopping for 10 minutes. By the time he finally stopped, Nicki had drunk 2 gallons of piss. Everyone watching felt a bit disgusted, but they didn't look away.

She drank all of his piss and swallowed it down. She then felt a pool of cum forming underneath her pussy. She reached down and grabbed it, bringing it to her mouth to drink it all down.

As soon as she drank the cum, she felt strength flood through her body. She felt like she could take a marathon of sex and not stop for anything. It made her feel empowered and horny as ever.

Ayush then took her again and began fucking her pussy. The camera caught every moment as he pounded his cock into her over and over.

The cameraman was shocked when he saw that Nicki suddenly began squirting again, and it wasn't stopping. Ayush took advantage of this and began drinking it all down. He sucked her pussy dry before continuing to fuck her again. The cameraman watched in shock as they continued fucking without stopping. He knew that this would be something that no one had ever seen before.

The cameraman then saw Ayush reaching into his pocket and pulling out more pills. He took one and then handed it to Nicki. The camera caught everything, including the labels on the bottle. They were another bottle of breeding pills.

With this, the audience knew that he was about to impregnate her. The two took their pills and waited until they had taken effect. Nicki felt something that she had never felt before. Her pussy began to open up wider than it ever had before, and her cervix began to swell up in preparation for the fertilization of an egg.

Ayush looked down at his cock and saw that it had grown in size. It was 30 inches long and 10 inches wide. His balls had turned into a size of a basketball, and he knew that he would soon be ready.

When the pills had finished taking their effect, Ayush lifted Nicki's legs into the air and began pushing his cock inside her. It was almost like a magic trick as her pussy suddenly began to stretch wide open. The camera caught it all, including the close-up shot of her pussy swallowing his cock whole.

As his cock was swallowed up by her pussy, the audience watched in amazement as they saw the outline of his cock on her stomach. Nicki moaned loudly from the pleasure as he pushed it inside her all the way.

Ayush watched in wonder as he saw the head of his cock disappear into her womb. He heard Nicki moaning from the pain and pleasure as he felt his cock beginning to swell in size. He reached down and began pulling at her tits to drain out more milk.

The photographers caught everything as he pulled at them until they were drained dry. The audience was amazed by everything that they saw. The cameramen couldn't believe that this was actually happening.

He pulled his cock out slowly before pushing it back into her again. She moaned louder than before as she felt his massive cock push into her again.

As he took her, he began moving his cock at an incredible speed. Nicki screamed out in pain from the speed and size of his cock as he took her. She felt like her pussy was going to tear itself apart and bleed everywhere.

She screamed even louder as she felt her cervix being torn apart. Ayush took it without stopping as he watched her squirm and scream underneath him.

Suddenly, he reached down and clamped his hand around her neck. She immediately began to choke and tried to push him off. He held her down and looked down at her. "You should've been good and swallowed." He said to her.

He then began pulling at her hair, forcing her to look up at him as he took her cervix. Nicki struggled under him, but he didn't let up. He kept on taking her and smacking her across the face.

"Please Ayush, please don't choke me." Nicki begged in between screams.

"Shut up and take it." He commanded as he kept on taking her.

The audience was shocked by everything they saw, and many of them were also turned on by it all. They couldn't believe the way that Ayush was treating Nicki, but they couldn't look away from what they saw. They couldn't help but wonder what else would happen to her.

After a few more minutes of being choked, Ayush let go and began fucking her harder than before. Nicki felt like he was going to split her in half, but she didn't dare try to stop him.

Suddenly, Ayush reached into his pocket again and pulled out more pills. Nicki saw the label and knew that they were more breeding pills. He took it and she felt herself becoming even more swollen than before. Ayush didn't wait for the pills to take their full effect, he began taking her harder than ever before.

She felt like he was tearing her apart, but she couldn't stop him. He took her like a wild animal, smacking her ass and pulling her hair as he took her. Her tits swung back and forth as he took her, but they were too far down to reach anymore.

After an hour of taking her cervix, he suddenly began cumming. It was more intense than the first time as his cum sprayed out inside her womb and filled it. She felt like there was something pushing at her insides as he cummed inside her.

The cameramen were shocked by what they saw and caught everything on film. Nicki looked like she had an Ahegao face as she screamed and moaned from the pleasure and pain. She was unable to move as Ayush cummed inside her for 5 minutes straight. His cock was outlined in her stomach as it drained into her womb.

When he was finished cumming inside her, he pulled his cock out slowly. The camera caught the close-up shots as he pulled it out and filled the room with his cum. The audience saw that it wasn't just cum, but it was also eggs. They had all been fertilized by the sperm from his cum.

Nicki laid there panting as she watched everything happen. She knew that she would be pregnant soon, but not before he took her one more time. He then began taking her asshole without warning as he filled it with his cock. He then pushed his cum into her womb to ensure that all of the eggs would be fertilized. As soon as he finished, her stomach began to swell as she became pregnant.

He pulled out his cock and stood up in front of the audience. Nicki laid there looking like she was 9 months pregnant as he held up his hands in victory. He had accomplished everything that he had planned and even more. The camera caught him smiling happily at everyone in the audience as they began cheering for him.

As they cheered, Nicki laid there waiting until she was able to move again. Ayush walked over to her and grabbed her tits. He smiled happily at the camera as he squeezed them and drained more milk from them. The audience was able to see everything as he drank it down.

They watched in shock and amazement at what they had just seen. Ayush then helped Nicki to her feet before the two of them walked off stage holding each other's hands. They knew that their performance would be one that no one would ever forget. They looked at each other and smiled, they had accomplished everything that they had planned and even more.

After it was all done, Ayush and Nicki decided to upload the video to PornHub and other porn sites. It immediately went viral and they were both shocked by the number of views they received. The comments were mostly positive, but some were negative. They read through them all, and most of them wanted more of them together.

A couple of weeks later, Nicki went to the doctor and had an ultrasound. She found out that she was pregnant with ten kids at once. As soon as she found out, she immediately went to tell Ayush.

When she got home, she found that he was already there in the living room. She ran to him and hugged him as tightly as she could. "What is it?" He asked her in shock.

"I'm pregnant." Nicki exclaimed happily.

"What?! How many are you having?"

"Ten!" She exclaimed.

The two of them were both surprised and happy by the news. They immediately began planning out everything and preparing for the birth of their children.

They then decided to go on live TV and announce it to the world. They appeared on late night television and announced that they were having ten kids and would be keeping them all. They said that it was what they had wanted and that they loved each other no matter what others might think.

As they sat there answering questions, they were met with mostly positive responses. Many people were surprised that Nicki was pregnant at her age, but they didn't care.

After their interview, the two of them returned home together. They then laid in bed together holding each other and waiting for the day that they could finally be parents.

As they laid there, Ayush felt like it was time for him to take her again. He pushed her down onto the bed as he mounted her. They took each other missionary style until they both came at the same time. Ayush filled her pussy with more cum before pulling his cock out.

She looked up at him happily as he smiled at her. She knew that this was what she wanted for herself. As they laid there recovering, Ayush leaned down and kissed her happily.

"Are you happy Nicki?" He asked her as he leaned down to kiss her.

"Yes, I'm finally pregnant with your babies." She said happily as she kissed him back.

The two of them fell asleep in each other's arms before Ayush woke up to take her again in the middle of the night. He fucked her harder than ever before until they both came together. After they had finished, they fell asleep once again and waited for morning to come.

After nine months of waiting, the day finally came for Nicki to give birth to their children. She and Ayush rushed to the hospital as she was in labor. The doctors were all prepared as they waited to see if she would have a natural birth or a cesarean.

After several hours of pushing, Nicki was ready to finally give birth. The doctors immediately went into action as soon as they saw one of their children coming out. "It's coming! It's coming!" One of them shouted.

The first child was born, but there was another right behind her. All of their children were born as girls and healthy. After Nicki had given birth to all ten of them, she fell back exhausted.

Ayush looked over at her happily as he looked down at their children. He was glad that everything had worked out in the end.

When they were able to go home, Ayush helped Nicki into the car and drove off to their house. He carried Nicki into the house while their children were carried by nurses who took care of them until they could do so themselves.

As soon as they were settled into their home, Nicki began breastfeeding all of them. She had ten tits now and was able to feed all of them without any trouble. Ayush smiled happily as he watched his children being taken care of by their mother. He knew that he had made the right decision in taking her cervix.

He then sat down beside her and looked over at their children in shock. They were all so cute and he couldn't help but want to take them too. He thought about the possibilities as he laid there and listened to them sucking on her tits.

After Nicki had finished feeding all of them, Ayush began kissing and sucking on all of her tits. She smiled down at him as she rubbed his head and told him what a good boy he was. She smiled happily at him as he continued sucking on her tits and draining more milk from them.

The two of them sat there all day as he sucked on her tits and drained all of the milk from them. Nicki smiled down at him happily as she knew that he would always take care of their children and her. She knew that what she had done was what she had wanted for herself.

They spent the rest of the day playing with all of their children and taking care of them together. Ayush fed them one by one, while Nicki cleaned them up afterwards.

After a few more weeks of living in their house, Ayush finally had the money to make his next big move. He bought a huge plot of land and began having a castle built on it. Nicki was excited as she heard about the castle and waited to see what it would be like.

He made sure that it had plenty of room for them and their children as well as a nursery for all of their kids. Ayush wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for his family.

When the castle was finally complete, Ayush took Nicki on a tour of it. She was amazed as they walked through every room. She couldn't wait to start living there with their children.

As soon as the tour was finished, Ayush went to the nursery and got all of their children. He brought them to Nicki as they both walked back to their bedroom together. The two of them then got ready for bed and laid down to sleep with all of their children around them.

Ayush leaned down and kissed Nicki before telling her that he loved her. "I love you too Ayush." She replied back.

The two of them smiled at each other as they fell asleep together.

When morning came, Ayush woke up and got out of bed. He went to the kitchen and made breakfast for them. Nicki woke up soon after and got ready for the day as he brought her breakfast in bed.

They ate together before getting up and beginning their day. Ayush took all of their children outside to play, while Nicki did some yoga. He watched from the doorway as she did some stretches and squats.

He wanted to take her again, but he knew that he had to be patient. As soon as all of their children were fed and sleeping, he went to her room. He found her cleaning up in the bathroom and immediately took her from behind.

She moaned out in pleasure as he took her rough doggystyle until she came all over his cock. He kept going until he was ready to cum and filled her pussy once again. After he had finished, he pulled out and laid down next to her.

Nicki looked over at him happily before she laid back and fell asleep. Ayush stayed awake until morning came.

The two of them continued living their life together and started making porn videos. Ayush fucked Nicki and their children every day until they were all pregnant again and again. He made them into one of the highest earning porn families in the world as he took them in every position imaginable.

They were happy living their life in their castle with their children, and they wanted nothing more. Ayush loved Nicki no matter how many children she had and she loved him for everything that he had given her.

The two of them lived happily ever after, they had children for years after years and they all lived happily and died happy in the castle. Nicki lived to be 400 years old and Ayush lived forever.

All of their children became porn stars as well, and he impregnated them all, he lived forever and continued having children for all eternity. His sperm kept him young and healthy, he drank from nicki's tits everyday. And he lived happily for forever.

His cock is still alive, he is still fucking his children and wife, every day every hour, every min. He is the king of porn, and his name is Ayush. He will live forever and fuck all the girls of this world.

Nicki minaj became the queen of porn with a harem of hundreds of girls. All of them loved him, they wanted to be pregnant by him, wanted to be fucked by him.

Ayush fucked all the girls in the world, impregnated all of them and drank from their tits, he had a harem and was a king, a queen. And lived happily forever. And the end. 😍👍💕