
Chapter 2

Bleep! Bleep! Bleep! Yuna's alarm goes off. She rises from her bed, her vast room greats her. Yuna yawns and reaches over for her phone. Just a bunch of texts from popular media outlets, and from that pesky reporter from ET. Nothing out of the ordinary. Yuna stepped into her perfectly placed slippers and walked over to the balcony. The sea breeze hit her face, it was a nice hotel. She was in town for another meet and greet. It was nice to see fans and see how a community forms across a worldwide span. She suddenly rang. It was Alice. "Hey Alice, did you book the cafè?" Yuna asked, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah, you and Mr. Aoki! I have a driver ready in about 2 hours, sorry that it's so tight!" Alice mumbled. "It's fine, I have enough time to get my life together before then. What have you been up to?" Yuna could tell Alice was blushing over the phone. Alice is Yuna's secretary! She's very shy but such a good friend.

Alice had many jobs, being hired by many trashy celebrities as they abused and mistreated Alice. But when she got hired by Yuna, everything changed. She got better payment and treatment. "Oh! Great! Nothing special. Just scheduling some events after this. This is your last meet and greet, so take a break after this!" Yuna chuckled. "There's no time for that, darling, I have so much to do. Not enough time for that." Alice sulked over the phone. "Please, Ms. Park! Take a break!"

"I'll see what I can do, and I also told you just to call me Yuna. No honorifics!" She laughed. Alice meekly laughed projected through the phone speaker, "Well, you should get ready. I'll talk to you later, bye!"

Yuna hung up, placing her phone on the marble island. Her pearl-like kitchen shimmered in the sliver of sunlight from a nearby window. Yuna put her hands on the cold marble for a minute. I don't feel like cooking…Yuna sped and walked to her closet. Yuna flicked the switch, showing an array of beautiful clothes. Sparkly dresses and sporty outfits hang on hangers. Hats galore sat on top of the closet. Yuna trickled her fingers through the clothes she owns. "Hm.. that'll do," Yuna whispered to herself. A soft purple jumpsuit with frills at the end. She yanked the suit from the closet and took it with her to her room. Yuna tossed it on her bed, heading into her bathroom that was attached to her hotel room. She stepped up to the shower and she turned many handles, tuning the shower to her liking. Yuna sighed as she took off her sleepwear. She tipped her toes into the shower, quickly retracting it. She once again tipped her toe, this time fully putting her body inside. Her rag hangs on a hook, with leftover soap still able to be seen. Yuna takes the red rag and squirts lavender-scented soap on her body. She takes the rags under the falling water. The soft rags dragged across Yuna's fair soft skin. The soap spreads across her body, leaving bubbles behind her.

After a while, Yuna left the shower, turning off all of its systems. She dries off with a pure white towel. Yuna pulled out some undergarments and placed them on her body. Yuna put on the pretty soft purple jumpsuit. She slips on sandals and takes her very expensive leather white purse. She clips on her earrings, silver flowers with drops of pearls on them. Yuna walks out of the hotel, turning a corner. She peeks her head from the corner, seeing if any paparazzi was there. No one but guests or staff. Yuna whips out a face mask and sunglasses dark enough to cover her eyes from others. She somewhat tips her toes out of the hotel door, heading into the side garage. A man in a suit and tie stands near a Lexus. She taps him on the shoulder, catching his attention. "Oh, Ms. Park. Hello!" He says. "Whisper! Whisper!" She whispers. "Sorry, miss. Let's get you out of here to your meeting." He said in embarrassment. The man opens the door for Yuna, holding it open as she slides in. The man hopped into the driver's seat and started the car. "And where is this meeting being held?" The man asked. "Moonlight Cafè." The man nods and turns the car out of the parking lot.


"Darling YuYu! Lovely to see you!" Kenji exclaimed. Yuna gave him a soft smile. "Hey, Kenji." Kenji patted the seat next to him, "Come! Come! It's been a while, YuYu! Update me please!" Kenji Aoki was Yuna's record dealer and best friend. If Alice wasn't around, he'd be the first to hear everything! Yuna sat down in the red velvet chair"Nothing much, my last meet and greet is this weekend. Sad that it's coming to an end.." Yuna sulked. Kenji looked at her appalled. "Really? I didn't know to expect someone like you to enjoy your fans." Yuna chuckled, "Sure they are crazy sometimes but that's only 10% of them. Their kind-hearted people who find joy in me. And I find that lovely." Kenji smiled, holding a cup of champagne. "That's a change. The majority of my singers and groups can't stand them. Nice to hear that you do love them with your heart." He said, taking a sip right after. "Isn't too early for that?" Yuna questioned. "For me? Nope!" Kenji took another sip.

Yuna laughed while shaking her head. "Anyways, what's it looking like for the rest of the month?" Yuna buzzed. "Yeah, I don't know. Spend some time to relax YuYu~ you've done enough!" Kenji snarked. Yuna sighed as she looked at the ground. "What's wrong sweetie?" Kenji prayed. "Can I be real with you?" Yuna slumped. "Sure!"

"I'm lonely.." Yuna admitted. Kenji glass down while laughing heartily. Yuna flushed with red. "W-why are you laughing?" Kenji cleared his throat. "You now realized that?! Child, I've been praying you'd find someone other than a one-night stand!" Yuna looked at him with a bit of anger. Not very assumed by his jokes. "Okay but seriously, I bet you tomorrow that you'll find that person. I'll bet $200 if you do!" Yuna smiled once more. "Well. I guess you'll be getting an extra $200, heh!" Kenji frowned as he put his glass down, barely containing any more champagne. "Don't be like that!" He squealed. Yuna laughed as she stood up from her seat.

"Where are you going?" Kenji craved. "To the shopping center, of course!" Yuna crowed. Kenji smiled and hopped up from his seat as well. "You know me too well!" Kenji stated loudly. The two walked out of the private room rented out by Kenji. The man from

before stood next to the BMW. " Mr. Aoki and Ms. Park, welcome." The man greeted them while holding the door open. The two hopped the into car, the man closing the door behind them. "Nice car, Yuna!" Kenji applauded Yuna. "Not my favorite but thank you!" The man started the car, backing out once more from their parking space. "Where to?" The man asked. "The nearby shopping center is fine." Kenji directed. The man shifted the car onto a lane and began to take the acclaimed celebrities to the shopping center. "Oh Yuna, I may say I am also lonely.." Kenji admitted. Yuna looked at Kenji with confusion. "Don't you have a boyfriend?" Kenji looked down at the car floor, blushing. Yuna put her hand on his shoulder. "Oh, sorry.."

The car was silent. Kenji broke the silence by tapping

on her shoulder. Tuna hummed in response. "Hey, Yuna. Let's say that you stayed in this town, hm?

This place has great venues, and stadiums and has great places to visit! All you do is buy a vacation house then money once in a while. Wouldn't it be nice to just settle down?" Kenji prompted. It was a good idea. Yuna doesn't have many friends, and it'll be a chance to make friends. Or maybe more. "I like that idea. The town isn't bad at all. Shouldn't be hard to find a house or anything like that. Kenji smiles at Yuna, "That's the spirit! Oh! We're here!" Kenji exclaimed his hands on the window like a small child. "Hm! You're paying to clean my windows..!" Kenji scoffed. "Yeah! Yeah! Whatever!"

The man parked Yuna's car, stepping out to open the door for them. "Thank you!" The man smiled at Yuna, closing the door behind them. The two start to walk to the main entrance. The shopping center. "All right! Where are we going to first?" Kenji asked. Yuna scanned the area, spotting a nearby makeup store with a sale sign.

"60% off of nail polish, mascara and select items! Limited time only!"

"There?" Yuna said, pointing to the store. Kenji took a Minuten to read the sign, then grabbed Yuna by the wrist dragging her to the store. "Oh my god! I can't believe they're having such a sale!" Kenji squealed. "You have a crap ton of money, regular price means nothing to you.." Yuna sarcastically commented, still being dragged by Kenji. "Oh, whatever!"

sorry for a late upload! I promise to upload another chapter quicker as I now have more time on my hands! Thanks for reading! Btw, tell me what think about it so far!

archipelago_devilcreators' thoughts