

Prince Alex lived a luxurious life in the kingdom of Trolux. But he grew tired of the same routine and strict rules that came with his royal status. All he wanted was a normal life where he could go to school, make friends, and have fun. Queen Victoria, his strict mother, and his step-sister, who had a lustful nature, made things even worse for him. Fate intervened when Alex crossed paths with a boy named Joey. A deep connection formed between them, and as time passed, Alex's feelings for Joey grew into a profound love . But the victoria and her step sister will create many obstacles for Alex and Joey.

22 Chs

A start of new bond

It was almost midnight, and Alex found himself walking alone on a desolate street. Overwhelmed by his frustrations and feeling lost, a dark thought crossed his mind. He began contemplating sui*ide. As he continued walking, he noticed a large bridge up ahead.

The bridge stood tall, overlooking the tranquil waters below. With a heavy heart, Alex approached the bridge and noticed a small sitting area nearby. He paused for a moment, consumed by his thoughts and emotions.

Alex stood on the bridge, overwhelmed by his emotions. In a burst of frustration and despair, he let out a loud, piercing scream. The sound echoed through the night, releasing some of the turmoil within him. With each shout, he felt a weight lifting off his chest, as if his voice carried away his pain. As Alex contemplated his future, he took a step closer to the edge of the bridge, ready to make a drastic decision. With the moon illuminating the night sky, he closed his eyes, preparing to let go.

However, just as he was about to take that final step, a sudden force pulled him backward, causing him to lose his balance. He stumbled and fell, narrowly escaping the edge of the bridge.

As Alex fell, his eyes gradually opened, and through the dust, he caught a glimpse of a boy standing before him. His vision was blurry, but he could make out the boy's black hair.

"Are you alright?" the boy asked, concern evident in his voice.

As the dust settled and Alex's vision cleared, he could hardly believe his eyes. Standing before him was the same boy he had seen earlier when he was on his way to the party. It was the boy with the black hair and kind eyes.

"Wait a minute," Alex exclaimed, a mix of surprise and recognition in his voice. "I remember you! You're the boy I saw earlier.

The boy, still seemed puzzled by Alex's words. He shook his head gently and replied, "I don't think we've met before. I'm pretty sure this is the first time we're crossing paths."

Alex felt a bit disappointed, realizing that he must have mistaken that boy for someone else. He tried to explain himself further. "I apologize for the confusion. I thought I saw you earlier today feeding the dogs near the park. Your kindness towards animals caught my attention."

That boy smiled warmly, understanding the mix-up. "Ah, I see. Well, I do love dogs, and I often spend time with them in the park. It's wonderful that we share a similar interest."

The boy smiled and extended his hand toward Alex. "By the way, hi! My name is Joey," he introduced himself.

Alex shook Joey's hand and returned the smile. "Nice to officially meet you, Joey. I'm Alex," he replied warmly.

Joey noticed the injury on Alex's hand and immediately reached into his bag. He pulled out a bandaid and gently took hold of Alex's hand. With utmost care, he carefully applied the bandaid to protect the wound.

"Here you go, Alex. It's just a small cut, but this should help keep it clean and prevent any further irritation," Joey said, his voice filled with concern.

joey sat beside Alex, offering a comforting presence. He spoke softly, assuring Alex that everything would be alright. He acknowledged that life can have its ups and downs, but emphasized that it's important not to let despair take over.

"Alex, I understand that things may seem tough right now, but please remember that life is full of challenges. We all face ups and downs, but giving up is not the solution. There is so much more ahead of us, and together we can navigate through the hardships," Joey said, his voice filled with empathy.

As Joey spoke words of comfort and encouragement, Alex felt a growing connection between them. There was something about Joey's presence that resonated deep within him. It was as if they shared a similar understanding and empathy towards each other's struggles.

As their conversation continued, Alex noticed that Joey listened attentively and showed genuine concern for his well-being. It was a rare and precious feeling to be truly understood and supported in that moment of vulnerability.

With each passing moment, the connection between Alex and Joey seemed to strengthen. They shared stories, laughed at shared experiences, and discovered common interests. It was a beautiful reminder that amidst the challenges and uncertainties of life, meaningful connections could be forged.

In that moment, Alex realized the power of human connection and the impact it could have on one's emotional well-being. He felt grateful for Joey's presence, as it brought a sense of solace and understanding to his troubled heart.

And as they continued their conversation, Alex couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope flickering within him. The future no longer seemed as daunting, for he had found a friend who understood him in a way that few others did.

In that simple moment of connection, Alex realized that sometimes, all it takes is a kindred spirit to help navigate the challenges of life. And he was grateful to have found that in Joey.