
Chapter 1: Gong Nanbei

In the desolate wilderness, under the starry sky, flickering lights could be seen. In this seemingly uninhabited place, there were several bonfires, and if one followed the light, they would also see an iron pot hanging above the bonfire by three sticks, emitting hot steam.

Even though it was only early March, the weather in the northern regions was extremely cold. In fact, many places still had not melted from the snow. Yet, in this freezing weather, there were still people camping outdoors.

The north wind howled, causing the branches of the trees to sway and creating a eerie wailing sound. It could easily serve as background noise for a horror film.

A tall and thin young man, dressed in a black and blue jacket, was trembling by the bonfire. In one hand, he held a spoon and continuously stirred the pot, while in the other hand, he held a mobile phone and muttered to himself. As he approached, the words became clearer. It turned out, he was live streaming.

"Dear brothers, I have no idea where I am right now, or if I'm even lost, but luckily, the meat smells good~" The young man had short black hair and a resolute face. Perhaps due to long-term exposure to the outdoors, his skin had become slightly tanned.

He had a slim and tall figure, estimated to be at least 1.8 meters tall, weighing only around 60 to 70 kilograms. He looked malnourished.

He held his smartphone with the camera turned on. The barrage on the screen was densely packed, making it impossible to see anything else.

His name was Gong Nanbei, and he had arrived in this world a month and a half ago. Yes, he had transmigrated. In his previous life, he was a patient with muscular dystrophy. In the end, the system brought him to this world.

Gong Nanbei looked at the barrage on the screen, and after carefully reading the comments, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Host, you're crazy!"

"Lost? No problem. The meat smells good! The host is talented!"

"Started with looks, loyal to character!"

"Since it's so cold outside, the host must take good care of himself."

Gong Nanbei smiled and said, "For the new audience who may not know me, let me give a brief introduction. My name is Gong Nanbei, an outdoor hiking live streamer. I started from Yanjing and my destination is Hengdian. I've been on the journey for a month now, and I am currently at..."

When he reached this point, Gong Nanbei scratched his head and said, "I have no idea where I am." His appearance was already quite handsome, and this shy gesture made many female fans in the live stream go crazy, and a wave of gifts followed!

"Beep, beep, congratulations to the host for completing the preliminary task. Gained 3,000 iron fans and 50,000 followers. Randomly awarded the host one random skill."

While Gong Nanbei was live streaming, electronic synthesized sounds echoed in his mind. Upon hearing the sound, Gong Nanbei's face lit up. Yes, this was the system that brought him to this parallel world!

This parallel world was almost the same as the Earth where Gong Nanbei had lived, with only a few differences in certain aspects. For example, the entertainment industry in this world's Huaxia was extremely scarce.

Talking about live streaming, there were only two categories: gaming and singing.

Gong Nanbei's live stream platform, Long Yu Live, was already the largest live streaming platform in Huaxia, but it only had an additional dance category compared to other platforms.

So, Gong Nanbei became popular, at least on the live streaming platform. He was the number one outdoor live streamer in Long Yu! Of course, this was also because he had no competition.

"Beep, beep, congratulations to the host for gaining the beginner cooking skill. Main mission progress: one-fourth. Please continue to work hard!"

The electronic synthesized sound stopped, and a blue light flashed on Gong Nanbei's body before disappearing. No one besides him noticed.

That's right, the task of trekking from Yanjing to Hengdian wasn't his choice. It was the main mission assigned to him by the system.

After the blue light disappeared, Gong Nanbei looked at the contents of the pot and couldn't help but make a disgusted expression. Immediately, a new wave of barrage appeared.

"Host, what happened to the delicious meat?"

"Hahaha, that expression. What kind of dark cuisine did you make, huh?"

"It's my first time seeing North Brother make such a face, so cute!"

"Old lady upstairs, get lost! North Brother is mine!"

"No, he's mine!"

In his previous life, Gong Nanbei had suffered from muscular dystrophy since the age of nineteen. He had been lying in bed for three years. Except for his head, he couldn't move any other part of his body.

All day long, he lay in bed watching television.

His family conditions were not good either. When he saw the news about the country opening up to allow a second child, Gong Nanbei gave up on his treatment. He persuaded his parents to have another child, thinking that since he was already in this condition, he shouldn't hold back his parents anymore. Having another child could provide support for his parents in their old age.

Having never cooked before, how good could his cooking be? He had always eaten fast food. Unfortunately, he hadn't encountered anyone in three days, and he had already finished all the fast food he had. All that was left was a bit of oatmeal. He cooked it and added the last can of coffee. Gong Nanbei felt that unsweetened oatmeal had no taste, so he threw it in. Finally, he caught a sparrow in the wilderness, which was the meat he mentioned. As a result, he cooked up something strange in the pot.

Looking at the half pot of blackish stuff, Gong Nanbei said, "Here it is! Gong Nanbei's special! Coffee and sparrow oatmeal! Do you all anticipate it?"

"Wow! Is it real? Super excited~~ That thing... can you even eat it? It's totally deadly!"

"Explosive! A certain host live streaming eating XX, earning millions every month!"

"Old Gong, you're still so young. You can't harm your body like this."

The live stream chat room was once again in an uproar. Gong Nanbei now had 3,000 iron fans. What does iron fan mean? It means that no matter when, they are always in Gong Nanbei's live stream room!

As Gong Nanbei had said before, his live stream would never close until he reached Hengdian! Likewise, his iron fans would not leave until he arrived.

They had even given Gong Nanbei a nickname, Elder Gong! Of course, the male fans called him that, while the female fans directly called him "husband".

Gong Nanbei took out a stainless steel spoon from his pocket, took a big bite, and stuffed it into his mouth. Then, his expression became somewhat strange, as if it tasted bad, yet he was also enjoying it.

"Dear viewers, although the taste isn't great, fortunately it's still edible. As my loyal fans should know, I never waste, so I'll finish it all!"

After Gong Nanbei finished speaking, he ate spoonful after spoonful, and his expression became more and more vivid.

The audience in the live stream could tell from his expression that it didn't taste good. Another wave of gifts followed, accompanied by barrage comments.

Gong Nanbei finished eating every bit of the porridge, feeling relieved when he finished the last spoonful.

Fortunately, he had only chopped the sparrow meat into pieces and didn't throw in the whole thing. Otherwise, it would be terrifying just to think about!

"Alright! Dear viewers, it's time for our favorite singing segment!"

After Gong Nanbei finished speaking, he tidied up the pot, extinguished the bonfire, and ran into the tent. The wind outside was too cold.

Once he returned to the tent, he took out a guitar and smiled, "Dear viewers, it's time for our favorite singing segment."

The barrage in the live stream instantly reached its peak, and even experienced slight lagging!

As mentioned before, Long Yu Live's platform only had three options: singing, dancing, and gaming.

Gong Nanbei's category happened to be singing.

[Note: The first line in this paragraph is the author's notice to readers. It states that the book features no female lead and that there are solar-powered batteries to solve the electricity problem. It also mentions copyright issues starting from chapter 18.]

Lastly, the author expresses gratitude to the reader "岂曰无" for their suggestion to include this information in the first chapter.