
Battlemaniac goes to Danmachi

This is fan-fic of both [Soul of searing steel] and [Danmachi]. But you can enjoy it even if you don't know the source material. The reason why I am writing this is to improve my writing of combat/fight scenes. Plus I love Joshua (MC of Soul of searing steel) and his attitude. ------------------------------------------ Joshua woke up in the middle of a forest one day only to discover that he has been transmigrated a second time, this time into the anime Danmachi. Watch him as he uses the gaming system and combat aura that transmigrated with him to dominate the world.

lapeacock · อื่นๆ
3 Chs

Goblin King (1/?)

["Are you sure you want to open the <new players pack> (Y/N)"]

Joshua clicked yes.

["Congratulation you have received Advanced Combat Aura breathing techniques creation ticket"]

["Congratulation you have received innate skill <BloodLust>"]

["Congratulation you have received innate skill <BattelLust>"]

["Congratulation you have received innate skill <Tinder of Hope: Flame Seed level 1>"]

["Congratulation you have received divine armament <Ying>"]

["Congratulation you have received divine armament <Ling>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <Divine Power>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <Divine Agility>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <Divine Defence>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <Divine Regeneration>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <High-speed regenaration>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <High-speed magic regenaration>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <Abnormal Status Immunity>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <Elemental body tempering>"]

["Congratulation you have received skill <Chantless casting>"]

["Congratulation you have received magic <Fire Magic: Fire ball>"]

["Congratulation you have received magic <Water Magic: Water ball>"]

["Congratulation you have received magic <Wind Magic: Wind blade>"]

["Congratulation you have received magic <Lightning Magic: Lightning bolt>"]

Joshua was calm as he read the notifications.

"System what is the difference between innate skill and skill", he asked.

["Innate skills are skill gifted to you when your soul is made it is bonded to the soul so even if the person dies and is reborn the skill travels with the person to his/her new body"]

["Skills and magic, on the other hand, depends on the genes of the body rather than the soul"]

"I have so many skills and magic my parents must be some bigshots".

["The system can modify your genes and make you compactable with all kinds of skills and magic".]

"You can modify genes, why didn't you tell me this before".

["It is a new ability the system gained while traveling through the cycle of samsara".]

"Speaking of parents do I have any left alive".

["No, sadly your parents were killed yesterday in the Goblin King invasion, you were running away from your home to get away from the invading army when you were critically injured and the system was forced to awaken your past lives memories".]

'Tsk To think I would be such a coward', thought Jousua.

["Unlike your previous life where you were trained by your father in martial arts, this life your family taught you how to farm, although you had exceptional combat perception and you were thinking of becoming an adventurer when you are old enough and moving to Orario with your family, you were still just a kid".]

"*Sigh* you are correct", he said as looked at his own malnourished hands, life in the villages was tough, most days it would be lucky to have 2 meals a day, 3 meals were even rares. This was not due to the land having bad fertility or horrible weather, but due to the heavy tax imposed on the farmers.

"Although I don't remember anything about my family or my current life", Joshua clenched his fist and gashed his teeth, "Goblin King I will destroy you".

["Quest received "]

["Name: Annihilate the Goblin King and his army"]

["Success condition: Kill 80% of the Goblin King's army and kill the Goblin King in 8 days"]

["Failure condition: Death, Goblin King's Escape, More than 20% of Goblin King's army escape, Time runs out"]

["Reward: Ice Magic: Ice Wall, Optical Skill: Torch eye, Development Skill: Blacksmith".]

["Penalty: Ling and Ying will be permanently sealed away".]

["Time remaining: 7 D:23H:59M:30S"]

Joshua's mouth twitched a bit when he saw the penalty.

Ling and Ying where the divine armaments that he used in his past life. They had a human form and weapon form. Ling's weapon form was a heavy ax, while Ying was a greatsword.

These two had accompanied Joshua form the start of his journey till his death at the hands of the Evil Gods.

They were more than just weapons to Joshua they were family. Now he hears that his family will be permanently sealed away if he failed a Quest.

"Well, whatever I am 100% sure that I can kill the Goblin King".

["Player you should not be overconfident as the Goblin King is a level 5, while you are level 1"]

"Pfft, this is not the first time I am facing someone who is higher tire then me".

["It seems Player does not fully understand the gravity of the situation due to your lack of common sense about this world".]

["Would you like to open the <Common Sense> information pack the system specially prepared for you".]

"*Sigh* Whatever just open it? How bad can it be".

["Opening <Common Sense> information pack assimilating information into players brain".]

Joshua felt a torrent of information flooding his mind, although he felt no pain he did feel dizzy.

Joshua closed his eyes and looked through all the information inside his mind.

"I see so this world is different from the Continental War (A/N: the game that Joshua first transmigrated to) which had 105 levels. This world only has 10 levels. And the difference between level 1 and level 2 are like heaven and earth. This does make things more serious".

Joshua frowned but then smiled his eyes had both wrath and battle lust, "But it also makes it more interesting. Level 5 Goblin King I hope you can give me a good fight".

["Player Joshua the system encourages you to look through all skills and magic you received and also use the Advanced Combat Aura breathing techniques creation ticket, to create your own Combat Aura Breathing Technique which will help you advance your ranks faster".]

"I can actually create my own Combat Aura Breathing Technique but does it even matter when I have my old Combat Aura Breathing Technique", said Joshua. Combat Aura Breathing Technique was needed to cultivate Combat aura, the grade of the Combat Aura Breathing Technique did influence the combat prowess.

Once you start cultivating a Combat Aura Breathing Technique you cannot change it to another one, this is because forming you combat aura was like forming a new body part, once it is formed you cannot remove it forcefully even if you want to.

In his past life, Joshua trained in an A grade Combat Aura Breathing Technique which the empire provided for his Guardian Count family[1]. If he had trained with an S grade Technique then he might have killed at least 7 of the Evil gods that attacked him even with his injuries, and if he had trained with an SS grade Technique then he might have survived the attack and if it was SSS then his prowess would have been so great that no Evil god would dare to attack him.

["The laws of this multiverse are different from the one that you were previously lived in, your old Combat Aura Breathing Technique is useless here but the system with your permission can create a Combat Aura Breathing Technique that can work in this multiverse that suits you best at the same time also cater to your requests"]

"What about the grade of the technique?"

["That depends on your luck. If you are lucky enough you could even get Divine grade technique."]

"Do those even exist", asked Joshua, even after he became a God tire warrior, even after exploring countless ruins and tomes he never got his hands on a Divine grade technique.

["Theoretically they can exist but cultivating them is very difficult to cultivate it but with the system assistance you can easily cultivate it"]

"*Sigh*, System use the Advanced Combat Aura breathing techniques creation ticket".


Guardian Count family: are the Count family that volunteered to guard the portals to the Aragami infested world.

Meet my little friend Cliff-Kun

lapeacockcreators' thoughts