

gmofkings · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter one.

The damned monster thinks he's safe just because he's in a city. How wrong he is. I stand from my prone position and put my spyglass back in my bag. It was almost comical that he was sound asleep in a mid-level room unaffected by the murder committed. I put on my large brimmed leather hat, it was worn from age and fixed crudely with string and a needle. I need to get a new one, no this was a gift what am I thinking?

"You're a hard man to find Mr. Taylor!" The voice was familiar, but I can't quite place it. My hand slowly moves to the short sword on my hip, as I slowly turn looking at who is behind me.

"I'm sorry, have we met?" I ask this overemphasizing it to make me seem weaker. Then they pull a knife on me. It was small, sharp with a glint that reflects the starlight above. It is not made however to kill, probably just a kitchen knife they grabbed.

"It was you, you killed my husband, and I'm going to avenge him!" She started crying with the last bit, I still don't know who she is. But a crazy person with a knife is something I know very well. I do as my master taught me. When fighting an inexperienced opponent wait for them to strike, they will leave an exposed spot in their defense from over-extending. This makes them vulnerable to a strike. She lunged forward, I dodged and after her neck is behind my shoulder I push my blade through her throat. She was dead before she hit the ground. Laying her down, I close her eyes and say a short prayer. To the queen, I give your soul. As it should, and always would be.

As I finish, I pull my blade out. I used a rag to clean the blood off. Should I bury her? No, I should let the ravens eat her. Besides, I have a bigger target available. I start walking towards the village. Wooden walls bordered the forest, guarded by four soldiers at this late hour. The gate was closed, and thick by the look of it. I knock knowing that one of the guards overhead will at least check it out. I look rather strange, long leather trench coat, and hat with an 18-inch sword on my side. A longbow still strapped to my back.

"Hello, who is at the gate?" The voice is deeply masculine, a little paranoid but not actively hostile.

"I am Volkhard, a traveler from Axelvale." I responded to the alias I am currently under. It has been a very long time since I have been home. Back in the kingdom of Decol, the first time I have been home in 11 years. It feels different from Axelvale or the arcane institute. Warmer, less hostile, and definitely grander.

"Well, then Volkhard of Axelvale you can wait till morning." He responds with an argent sneer.

"I don't think you should do that, but that's your choice," I say as I start to climb the wall, moving silently it took about ten seconds to get up. The guard I spoke to is still thinking he had shown a foreigner what they meant to this city, that's fine. After all, it makes it so I am not at the Scene of the execution today. To make certain he thinks I am still outside I placed my hat and coat over my pack only taking my sword and swift-shot loaded with only one shot. Skulking along the wall and lowering myself off the wall.

The streets are crammed with the scent of shit permeating all of it. I shift into the hunched decrepit poster. The stones make walking silently nearly impossible, so why even attempt to as it would not draw attention for a person to wander in the night. Walking straight passing a raucous pub. The honey glow from the hearth mixed with the long shadows made this a joyful occasion. Killing someone during a celebration, it's almost humorous. Slinking past I move towards the inn, using back alleys and side streets. The streets then go quiet and I hide behind a pile of bags. The light of a lantern perforates the darkness that acts as my cloak. The guards turn as if looking for someone or something. It can't be me, I made it so you would need to lookup close to tell it was fake. Then what? the lantern moved on after a moment, it was the height of arrogance to assume the hunt was for me. Yet it is not improbable that maybe someone saw me. I must not think such things. returning to the path towards the inn. I am in luck as I am within 300m of the target. Walking towards the inn I notice a raven on top of the inn, is this a sign or just happenstance. The front door was a small weak thing, probably about 1cm. The knocker is iron and cheap-looking, why would such a rich man sleep in such a cheap inn. The door opens with a creak as I step forward carefully. The man behind the counter is small and mousey with a bald head and a large thin mustache.

"Good evening sir, are you looking for a room?" The innkeeper asks immediately. His voice is warm but with a slight bit of conditioning. He is clearly not a threat as he is unarmed. I know because he lacks the nervousness an untrained armed man possesses, as well as lacking the confidence of a trained one.

"No, but I do need to ask ...." he then quite rudely cuts me off

"No payment get out!" I walk out and take the smallest of joys in the fact he will most likely be assumed to have killed Gorthow. I start to climb up the side and into Gorthow's room. the man sleeping in his bed not knowing that death has come for him. sliding through the window I draw swift-shoot. placing my hand over his mouth I place my blade on his neck right across his Adam's apple. It is not right to give in to a peaceful death. He awakens to this after I pinch his nose closed.

"Don't scream or I will slit your throat and leave you to bleed out." I remove my hand from his mouth and keep the sword where it is. Hoping he does not see through the ruses.

"What do you want?" The fear in his eyes and voice brings a wrong kind of joy to me. "I have money, stuff, even am willing to do stuff, just don't kill me.

"Do you know of Innslach?" I ask

"Yes, I was there. I worked there as a guard and helped kill the demons..."

"Liar, I know You sold the town out and pillaged it in the chaos. You will pay!" I say this as I neal him on the ground.

"I know you, you're that cor boy. Please spare me! It was not my fault." He says this pleading for his life. It is rather pathetic how far has the mighty fallen

"Upon this day, the day of your death. Your soul shall be not carried but forsaken. Fear not death but the afterlife and pray to the lady of ravens that I am wrong. So Infinite Mother, my redeemer, your humble servant calls to you. Show me the way so I might repel the evil forces." As I finish this I pull the trigger on swift-shoot and a thunderous ring bellows from the room. I jump from the window and roll when hitting the ground. Immediately I hide swift-shoot and start to slip into the gathering crowd after the strange sound just went off. Six men in green cloaks, after a few minutes, come from the inn with Gorthow's body. Muttering from the crowd masks my exit. I pull myself over the wall and go to my bag. I place the leather coat over me like a blanket and sleep in the comfort of another monster that is gone from the world.

As the black takes me I remember that horrible day. The fires glowing out the window. Smoke fills my lungs as I run out the well-worn door of the home I remember. Screaming emirates from the powerless people, as they stare down the huge form of the devil. I rush toward it but before I can get there a voice oh so familiar makes me pause as it did then. Hope screaming in agony I can't muster the courage to go closed until it is too late. I see father impaled upon a spear by his throat, and Hope being toyed with by the devil. I take the sword and with hands shaking swing towards the devil wildly missing but distracting him for long enough for Hope to squirm free. The best swings and misses as I just barely duck under the blade, the air making me know that 2 cm lower and I would be treating death. Hope stands behind it and I see the burn cresting her neck and her entire right side. Tears of blood fall from my sister's eyes. HE MUST DIE! I rush it and dive between its legs cutting them as I go through. I push my blade through their back.

The next thing I remember is carrying Hope out of the town. The guards killing civilians and one of the captains was talking to the devil's leader. They ignored me though as if I was not thereafter about an hours walk I collapsed.

I wake in a cold sweat remembering the burns and marks formed on my kind sisters. It should be only six more months till I see her again. I stand up put my coat, hat, sword, and pack back on. The town is in a frenzy, the sound of bells rings off the hills. I stroll up to the gate and knock. A guard opens the gate and proceeds to attempt to search my bag. "Why are you trying to search my bag?" I ask as I stop him.

"Because you are entering my town, so you can leave or be searched." He says this in an almost boring way. I simply start to walk into town and he grabs my shoulder "you are attempting to smuggle in goods, you are.." he trails off as I stop and draw my blade.

"Under the 29th royal decree of the first king his subjects can only be searched if they are in violation of the law or such search is authorized by the crown." I recite as I stop.

"You claimed to be from Axelvale so you are not protected under the decree!" He shoots back as he draws an ax, but before he does anything he will regret. I lower my bag and turn to him sheathing my blade.

"I must speak with your commanding officer post haste." I declare

"you shall do no such thing" he responds

"what seems to be the problem?" A man in a green cloak asks as he intervenes

"This guard attempted to search my pack without authority then threatened to kill me for refusing to respect what little power he possesses," I say as I remove my sword.

"you are entering a city and are not a citizen of decol so are not protected under its rights." The guard says

"That is a problem!" A large half-giant with a pair of arming swords across his back in scale mail says as he walks up. Markolf is as intimidating as ever.

"It is fine guild master, I was just going to explain the error of this guard's ways," I say then put my sword back on and sling my pack over my back

"Sir lixbal, please forgive my man he did not know this foreigner was a guild member." As the green cloak says this Markolf looks very confused.

"Solomon is not a foreigner, why would you think that?" Markolf Asks

"Because I told them I was coming from Axelvale and they assumed," I interject as I want Markolf to finish so we can talk shop.

"Does that conclude your business with this fool?" Asked the green cloak

"Yes, thank you for understanding captain golton." As Markolf finishes he joins me as we walk to the local branch of the guildhall. It is a three-story building with an angled roof and thick stranded glass windows. It smells of alcohol as the first-floor bar is always busy. We enter to the sight of about half a dozen passed-out people. This must have been the tavern from last night. The warm harvest air waking two of them. The groggy murmurings remind me of some amazing times spent with the bottle.

"So why are you here?" I ask Markolf why would the guild master be in a small branch office.

"Because I had to find you," Markolf responds as if it is the most natural thing in the world. With the guild master of the adventurers' society. I am ranked c-7 with him at a-9 bordering s-0. He must have an agenda or a job he can't officially accept. Importantly I remember that I am one of his favorite employees as he knows I don't ask questions. Yet I must ask a question as without knowing the job it can't be done.

"What must be done?" I ask as soon as I know I am out of earshot. That look says it all, it is not able to even be said outside of awarded sanctum. So it must be assassination or other such dirty acts. It is a matter of minutes before we are in his office door sealed before he answers the questions.

"lord Whitguard has put out a quest. It called for experienced and skilled adventurers and I thought you fit the bill." He says I try not to fall prey to his flattering remarks. After all, I am not in the top 25 members of the guild so it must be either too lethal or not paying enough for the difficulty.

"What is the pay?" I ask as I idly clean swiftshot as if I need to intimidate him into a pay raise but only if It is under 500 credits.

"9000 debentures split among the expedition." Since when did I get sent on group missions and the fact it is split means that it encourages the leader to kill all of the others. It is a suspiciously high amount so I am guessing either demonic or something related to ancient secrets. ether why only bad things come from digging up the past. But it is also a shit ton of coin so I must at least hear it out. But why is it in debentures not royal credits with one of the nine houses of decol? Even if I like the house it doesn't need it to work on a doomed expedition.

"What is the job?" I ask as I holster swiftshot

"you will be joining 19 other adventures and raiding a dungeon found in the fields with giant mounds of stone ringing around it. The info is in the book."Markolf just pulled out a book and draws a short sword out of one of the bags on his hip. He starts to clean it as he replies.

"So what am I just the 20th man needed to launch the expedition?

"No, you are the third-highest ranked person on this mission."

"Who are one and two?"

"The most powerful is an assassin named Azurial, and the second is a hellknight named Arthus."

"I don't work with hellknights, you know this, so I must…"

"He is Order damnant also it may interest you to know that Hope also signed up!" Markolf shoots in before I can reject it.

"That changes things where do I sign up?"I ask as I pick up the book.

" The group will meet at the Whitguard hall." Markolf finishes as he stands and motions to the door. I walk out and then go to the tavern to drown my worries in ail.

"when?" I ask as I start to mentally put the peace's together and plan the road. If it is some of them I will grab the My stuff and run where as if it is not I can meet with a contact and get more information on the job.

"two months, meet at the keeps courtyard and you will be given further details there." it must be a great joke that I would be meeting them on that day but why. Why did she want to join this job?" So on a more recent note how is the new arm treating you?"

"Fine, a little stiff and not fully broken in yet but good." I tell Markolf this as I roll up my sleeve and examine the metal left arm.

"did you seriously get it with claws?"

"yes, it is always smart to have a weapon on you and claws are weapons." I say as I start to sharpen my claws and sword as we stand and walk out towards the pub. It is warm with the faint smell of honey and blood perforates the air and beckons us in. Adventures live fast and hard so it is common for any guild house to have a pub nearby if not in house. As we step through the doorway the nice venture and passes out people mix to make a stranger. The bard moves to their next song as well as sit down. After a few seconds the barkeep walks over and we order. After nine shots of dwarves ice wine Markolf finds his rest at the bar counter. I can't even handle two shots so the only reason I am not joining my half-giant friend is that I don't drink dwarfin stuff, too strong. Now ten shots of whisky and I am out. So I only did three shots two of whiskey and the first one of dwarfin. After Markolf passes out I leave and go to bed.