
Battle Through The worlds

As travelling in vast void a single soul suddenly came to halt by a pulling fource that suck it into a black hole.... Xuan Yan:'What The Hell? Where am I? //!@#$%-''Fufufufu..Oh Seems LIke You Woke up!Well you can think of me as God.>>well it doesn't matter well.Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?' The charming feminine voice ran inside his mind?" Xuan Yan:"Wh-wh-wh-Whaat?You are a god?'' As he only saw only golden light ball ~!@#$%->"But you can have one wish regarding your reincarnation". *sign* Xuan Yan->What i can have only one wish buttt/? ~!@#$%--"Yeah only one and don't be a smartass to try like i will write my wish on paper and consider it one or my 1st wish is i want 100 wish like this.. *Sign* Xuan Yun;- ""~smirk~ Well the rules are good but you choose the wrong person for that". {[Book cover is not mine the real owner can message me to remove it if he wants well]} This fanfic is totally based on my imagination as to relieve my mental pressure i didn't own other character except mc & oc.

Anos_Voldigoud · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

6...Bonding And sneaking Xiao Yan .

AURTHER:-- First of all thanks a lot we crossed 20k views milestone yesterday....

And sorry in advance coz i am literally f*cked up in grammar and Writing title of a story "/\" literally after writing a chapter i wonder what to write as the title well that's how i am and still you all are loving me and my story so thanks that's means a lot ^....^ ....


After walking out of the hall Xiao Yu explained and navigates all the locations (Aurtur:- well i am skipping the showing around part seriously man it's a pain in the a*s) 

"Sister Xun'er this is your couetyard,... this is mine, and *sign* Xiao Feng courtyard is at the end of the ourskirt of Xiao Territory beside the canal and forest.. Xiao Yu introduced every place to Xiao Feng and had no Chance to say much during the whole time but his relationship still still become very good with Xun'er during this time.

"After listening the explaination and seeing the *sign* of Xiao Yu while telling about Xiao Feng, Xun'er seems to get something so she ordered her secret protector appointed by the family Ling Ying to collect the information about Xiao Feng as he seems to be more mysterious that the eyes meet."

After coming back from the little tour from the Xiao Family Xiao Feng returned back to his courtyard and was busy dozzing off when suddenly something clicked inside him so he inquired with the System.

"System tell me the basics of soul cultivation and the ways to strengtening the soul and about it's cultivation" Xiao Feng asked

[Ding! Host into the dou qi continent the level of soul is divided mortal, spritual, heaven and it's further divided into mortal, spiritual, and heaven and further divided into 4 small realms-early, middle , late and great perfection. As for your other questions there is far more cultivation methods available in system shop but right at the movement there is no need for those cultivations to host as being a transmigrator and the possesor of system and the eyes of boundless creation there is no such need for host your soul strength far surpassed the limit of doupo universe well if you travel through another universe like "Douluo Dalu" or other upper worlds you will need but right at the movement it's unnesessory]

After listening the system Xiao Feng Again *yaun* and slept.

(AURTHER:- ~spoiler alert~ as mention in the above paragraph next destination of Xiao Feng will be "Douluo Dalu" as there is not much things in child arc of btth except some sh*ty things so no thanks it's my fanfic and i am too lazy to cover those sh*ts up excepts bonding with females "uhmm" ~smirk~ ~smirk~ ^...^ perks of being a lazy man with harem protagonist and playboy aurthur "muhhahaha"

{SYSTEM:- "..." ~playboy naaa boasting aurthu~} well i have three girlfriends nor like the right-hand users (yup your guess is right i am making fun of you j*rking folks ^...^)

Meanwhile inner courtyard

Xun'er courtyard

"Reporting Young miss it seems the Origin Of Xiao Feng Is unknown he was adopted by second elder while he was returning to a mission he found him in a mountain range beside a nine-tailed fox beast of unknown power as was died protecting the boy in his embrace acc. to report the beast of approax 220-250 meters huge and i calculated it as fake as no such creature exist or named in history books etc. And continuing the report after finding out that he was a waste as a blind boy he was abandoned by the family in the outskirts of the territory no one even knows his exsisetence except some elders and Miss. Xiao Yu as she was the only person to visit or play with him, and few weeks prior the young master of Xiao family Xiao Yan ordered his subordinate by giving a leathal poison named "rotten heart poison" as he was jealous of Xiao Feng looks (Aurthur:- readers rest story you already know well guessed by the explanation so i am skipping it #lazya*s) " Reported Ling Ming.

"After listening the condition Xun'er More or less guessed the condition here so she instructed to not report this data to anyone even the Gu Family she don't know why but she doesn't what any information about xiao feng to leak so she ordered Ling Ming to take a martial oath to keep it a secret even the future information about Xiao Feng a secret at first he hesitated but after continuous pressure and orders of Ling Ming he made the oath"

It's been few days after Xun'er introduction in the family and during thse few days the bonding between Xun'er, Xiao Yu and Xiao Feng grow to so much extent they almost whole day spend their time together..

Outskirts of Xiao Family territory 

Inside the Xiao Ming room our mc will be found in a deep thought of something...

"If i remember correctly tonight is the day when Xiao Yan will sneak in Xun'er courtyard by saying the fake story about directions and some pointers for training truly a hypocrite seriously man who the f*cking hell will terespass a girl courtyard in night time for pointers not even a fool will believe that but with me here do you really believe i will let you do as you please dream on mo*her fu*ker well it's still to early for that let take a bath first" ~smirk~ Xiao Feng said and exited the courtyard.

Meanwhile In the Inner courtyard of Xiao Family 

Xiao Yan:-" I wonder what is the origin of this cousin Xun'er who has suddenly appeared, for that stingy old father of mine to call me to come and familiarize her with the clan and explain me that i should be careful not to offend her, isn't she just a brat?"

Xiao Yan had developed a certain meanness after all these years of living as a young master. He had even intended to quit coming in the gathering that day of Xun'er arrival but when he thought of Xiao Zhan's serious attitude when he talk about Xun'er whwn he called him earlier, so he keep up to put up the act that day but after seeing Xun'er that day being a loolicon he decided to apprach her tonight with a great plan as during the meeting day he was failed to gain attention from Xun'er due to Xiao Yu and Xiao Feng intervension.

[Aurthur:- Actually in the original Xiao Zhan as a foolish man ordered Xiao Yan to befriend Gu Xun'er to gain favours from Gu Family not knowing that she was an undercover to find location and took the emperor's token from Xiao Family such a fool man]


The moon was like a silver plate and the sky was full of stars with insects chirping time to time..

Xiao Feng said with a embarresed tone "What a headache , I actually fell asleep while soaking in the hotspring, it was too tired these few days by doozing off, and i don't know what time yet i hope xiao yan didn't come yet" as he said he manifested a watch in front of him to see time Half past nine..

"hmm it's almost time" saying that he used he opened the eyes of Heaven And Earth (A/S :- His third eye between his forehead that always closed like a seems like a diamind tattoo) to watch through Xiao Yan's courtyard...

Inside the inner courtyard of a mountain where only the worthiest existences of Xiao Family could lives, with many separates courtyards and Xiao Yan also have a small Courtyard all to himself here after his mother's death, with special maids to serve him. 

And right like Xiao Ming assumed he doesn't have to wait much after a while he saw the wooden carved door of the courtyard slowely opened and a black coal-black coaked figure silently slipped out. 

With the eyes of "The mysteries of Heaven and Earth" he clearly sees the face of xiao yan from the hotspring..

"I really don't make mistake, Xiao Yan will surely headed towards Gu Xun'er's room tonight let me give you a gift Xiao Yan" ~smirk~ after saying this he stood up from the bath after dressing up he moved towards their diection..

{A/S:- Readers there are too many uses of Eyes of "Mysteries of Heaven And Earth" from Ranked 1 in heavenly pupils ranking you can search on go*gle wikipidia about it and also it has the ability of seeing fate lines of someone or something and even alter it to now you understand why it is on ranked one well there are many other uses of it to that you can discover yourself}

The Two soon arrived at another courtyard from two other directions...

Xiao Feng saw Xiao Yan climbing the wall so he knew it is the right time so he ordered a firecracker from his "speacial ring" and with the help of system he teleports it below Xiao Yan...{Aurthur:- I will use a normal term "his ring" or "special ring" instead of "The Ring Of Creation" as it's too big and i am too lazy to write it from time to time perks of being ~lazya*s~}

and soon between few seconds

--boom---boom----pak---pak--pak-pak-pak-pak-pak-pak--- the crakers starteds to bursts */\* ^~^ seeing the first startled and falling seen of Xiao Yan from the wall then jumping Xiao Feng burst into laughter inside his mind (muhahahahahah f*ker jacka*s serves you right as a man of culture how can i let you sneak you inside a girl house late at night muhhahahah).

"who is there?" Xiao Feng comes out and ask

"Ahhhhh" Xiao Yan startles seeing him here and fell on his head causing him to wince in pain..

hearing the commotion outside Xun'er who was cultivating outside also come outide but after seeing the two individuals first she startled seeing Xiao Feng see hid herself to listen what is going on..

Xiao Feng approaches Xiao Yan, Looking his ashen face up and down, held his laughter, and pretended to be very puzzled as he asked , "Cousin Xiao Yan, how come it's you, what are you doing climbing the wall of Xun'er in the middle of night, you are not trying something wrong like sneaking inside by sneaking inside a girls courtyard right in the middle of night, are you"?





AURTHER:- Hello readers it seems my stories are going to long in each chapters so i am thinking to shortning it as my all chapters are around 1800-2000 worlds so i am thinking it to shorten it between 1000-1500 words maximum...After reading some novels most of them i found b/w 500-1000 worlds at most.. Well try your opinion on comment i will do as you all say..... Bye Bye..


System:- "nersistic ba*tard "

muhahahaha well comment readers it helps to motivate me in writing and yeah if you love me and my book soo far and have time so please review the book too....

Also in next 2-3 chapters our first waifu of the novel will be there any guesses whom ~smirk~ comment.. bye bye till next chapter...


I am crazy for power so please donate your space power stones to support the novel well there seems to be no use of power stone other than supporting my novel so please do ^....^.

Anos_Voldigoudcreators' thoughts