
Battle of the Ancients

Though this world may seem the same as the world you were born it's not In a world where a boy has to face a destiny he knows nothing about, for a change certain decisions must be made... Ayo born in a parallel world where the gods are not just myths, orphaned at a young age and grew up in an orphanage just to be hunted down, for who he is..... A great evil lurks in the shadows from a prophecy once told but can he fight against this evil "I may be born half mortal but i shall ascend the Realm above and slay all those responsible for this chaos and all Ancients shall kneel before me"

Hila · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs


"We are out of time despite the fact that I wished you could stay here and develop with the abundant resources present in the Forest of Myriad Beings, it seems that the time has come for you to go" said Jive.

"Are you saying I can finally leave this place?" asked Ayo.

"Yes, I need to warn you because it is very important that you do not tell anyone that you inherited my Legacy because powers would kill you just to even comprehend half of what you have" replied Jive with a seriousness, "although I do not want you to leave here just yet, I can tell that in the next couple of days you would be forcefully removed from the realm"

"Why? Isn't this place the very one which was capable of keeping you here for thousands of years?" I asked hurriedly.

"What you said is indeed correct but the laws governing this realm are even above those which govern the Realm of gods, so before you leave I need to make sure you are well prepared" said Jive as a bracelet materialized from thin air.

"This Bracelet is the same thing as that of a spatial ring which holds a space which can be used to store things and is very convenient to move around with the only difference is that this bracelet is a hundred times better than any spatial ring out there and inside are things that would help you grow and become more powerful" said Jive as he placed the bracelet on the table.

"Incredible I thought things like that only existed in those novels written in the Mortal world" I said slack jawed as I gazed at the spatial ring.

"This spatial Bracelet even allows you to carry around living things unlike your typical spatial rings, inside is an arsenal of weapons and Martial cultivation manuals which vary for the different weapons which I had placed inside, with different Combat techniques which are almost as powerful as those in the Chaotic Thunder Scripture, with a wide variety of Spirit fruits inside to help you when you encounter a bottleneck in your cultivation" said Jive as he passed the Spatial Bracelet to me.

Collecting the Spatial Bracelet I cut my finger as I let my drop onto it to perform blood ownership on it as instructed by Jive, but at the end of the day I could not sense a connection with it, which caused Jive to laugh.

"Silly boy although ordinary spatial rings only require you to use some of your blood to claim ownership a spatial ring since this Spatial Bracelet is Tiers above the rest it requires you to perform soul Claim which requires you to use part of your soul to establish a connection with it" he said.

"oh…" I said as realization dawned upon me, "So how do I do that?" I asked.

"Don't worry I'll help you do that but it will be painful" replied Jive.

"What's a little pain to me" I said boldly.

Laughing jive holds my hands as a mysterious energy flowed into the small pool which held the Aura of the Universe around me when I cultivated but it went deeper and even made me shudder as I decided to take a look at what was going on inside of my body, I saw a tiny flickering black flame while a huge ball of Azure flame which lit up the surrounding area of the tiny black flame.

The Azure Flame was Jive's soul, although his soul was merely a fragment of his original I could clearly feel how powerful it was it would be no problem for it to destroy my tiny black flame by accidentally touching it.

The moment Jive located my Soul he used his soul to slowly tear apart a piece of my soul, it felt as if my I was going to die as the pain was so immense I could no longer observe what was happening inside my body, my whole body began to shudder but knew that I had to endure the pain for a while longer because if I passed out all the suffering would be for nothing although this process took only a couple of seconds it felt like a whole day.

The moment jive finished, I felt like the whole world around me was swirling and then I passed out.

I woke up with a headache as I looked around my vision was blurry.

"You are finally up" said Jive as he passed me a glass to drink from, drinking from it my whole body felt like it was being revived as the cool liquid travelled around my boy it became hot as it made me very comfortable as well as clear my whole vision as a matter of fact all my five senses were greatly enhanced after drinking it and the headache disappeared making me feel refreshed.

"What was that?" I hurriedly asked.

"Hahaha kid I knew you would like it" said Jive as he laughed, "This is called Blindman's Joy, it's made of very rare fruits in the realm and very tasty with quite a lot of benefits as I'm sure you can see" he said.

"Can I have another?" I asked.

"Don't worry over the time you were gone I made enough of it to last you over a hundred years if you like, it's inside the Spatial Bracelet" he said.

"With his subtle reminder I remembered the bracelet" as I used my soul to search inside my mind was blown away, the space inside the Bracelet was unimaginable the small bracelet had a space that was as he as three Transport Planes Hanger joined together and that was what I could see at first not to even mention the mansion which sat at a corner of the small world.

I retracted my soul and looked at Jive with an incredulous look on my face.

"No need to be surprised boy, the space in there is merely as big as the garden I had in my own spatial, but don't worry everything I once owned is in there or rather in the huge mansion inside" he said laughing.

"Sweet!!!" I exclaimed.

"Don't be too happy, without sufficient power you would not be able to access the different rooms in the mansion" he said as he cut off my dream of having access to everything to make me a overpowered MC in a comic book.

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