
the introduction

Battle of freedom

Chapter 1

The introduction

Warm tears rolled down my soft cheek as I shoved my head in the duvet crying and yelling, "why!!, why me!!!" I yelled, I heard a slight knock on the door, I knew it was nanny Allison. After all, I have two nannies- nanny Allison and nanny Lucy, I love nanny Allison, she's gentle, kind, nice and vibrant. Nanny Lucy is kinda harsh so I don't really like her, she even bullys me. I quickly wiped my tears with the duvet and stood up to open the door gently, "nanny Allison" I said softly while forcing a smile but little did I know that it was obvious I was crying, "hey Michelle, what's wrong?, have u been crying?, again?" She asked as she walked into my luxurious room, I shut the door, "no, i haven't" i lied confidently, "nope, you've been crying, miche look at your eyes, don't tell me you've been crying because ----" she said as she walked towards my bed, she knows I know the last words to complete the sentence," nanny, you don't know how I feel, I'm psychologically hurt, I need to go out there and do things like other kids do "I said as i threw my hands in the air and sat on my king sized bed," Michelle i understand how you feel but you need to wait for the right time "nanny Allison consoled as she sat right beside me "nanny I'm having a feeling you're part of these shit, when when will be the right time!?, tell me!!, when!!!" I yelled, she was mute, "just forget it, why did you come to my room?" I asked , "ma'am Lucy made lunch" she said, "trash it" I ordered.

Nanny Lucy food is the worst, I prefer to die of hunger that eat one of her foods, "come on Michelle, I know it's because you don't like her, what if u make another one for you?" She said , i nodded as she squeezed my hands and left.


My life is kinda complicated, I'm Michelle, I'm 16 years of age, my dad leaves home by 10am in the morning and arrives late in the evening, my mum and dad divorced when I was just 3 years old, that day was the worst day of my life though I barely remember, mum left me with my dad because her taking me along , dad doesn't have time for me , only my nannies and other house workers take care of me, since I was given birth to , my dad forbade me from stepping out of the house, my life is a mess, I have no friends, i stay all alone, it's all messed up.

Watch out for chapter 2

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