
Battle of A Storm

Victor at the age of 12 was abandoned by his step-father in the woods where the boy then saved by a curse beast name Hellfang from death. The curse beast took the child to a camp with many others know as mercenary lived from then on, victor live among learning from them as he grow. there will be many challenges and enemies Victor will face along the way as he formed his legacy that never be broken, destroyed or forgotten. Warning: There will be mature (18+) parts in here. ---------------------------- I do not own the cover as I can't draw, so I to borrow this image. the true owner is Ateo88 on Deviant Art.

mattfuncool · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Chapter 9: Blood and Bodies (Part 2)

Fear began to take over Victor body making him unable to move out of the way of the enemy weapon coming straight at him.

'This is it! I am going to die.' Victor thought to himself in his head as he watches the enemy blade getting closer.

It was like time was going slow and fast at the same time for the young man as he can hear the sound of blades clashing at one another.

The cries of mad men as they fight each other to take one or another life on the battlefield and the sound of their bodies falling down to the ground.

"Get the fuck! Off him." Victor saw the enemy who was about to kill him get kick in the fuck making the man fall on his back.

He quickly look to see who just save him from death.

"Roland!." Victor see him standing in front of him.

"Come on brother there a battle to win, so you can't die now."

Roland offer his hand which Victor grabbed getting up from the ground, he also picked up his Long sword.

"Thank you brother for saving my life just now."

"No problem, you know I always got your back." Roland said with a smile.

Victor notices the enemy was getting back up charging straight at them. Roland had his back turn at the time not paying attention to the enemy coming from behind.

"Which out!." Victor push him out the way while he clashes with the enemy as both their swords colied.

Victor body compared to that of an adult was different as it seems his opponent was a little stronger than him using his weight.

"Give up kid, you have no experion in these type of battle." the man said putting more pressure onto Victor.

"Don't…. You… look down on me!." Victor pushes back with all his strength.

The man was surprised that Victor was putting up a fight against him, so the man kicks him hard in the young man's stomach.

Victor was sent a few steps while coughing up some blood. Roland see the trouble that Victor was having and was going to assist him, but his path was blocked by two enemies.

"Your not going anywhere." one of the men said while they both start attacking him.

Roland was now had his own troubles to deal with as he could not be any help to his friend at the moment.

"Look like your friend not going to be helping you, what are you going to do now?."

The man said while he had a big smile on his face.

"Like I said don't look done on me."

Victor had smile appear on his face which made the man a little confused until it was too late for him to see and act fast where a fireball come straight forward him

"AH!." the man screamed in pain as his whole went up in flames burning away.

"Holy shit that make it my first kill." Victor realizes as he felt excited and then puke out his guts, once he caught the smell of burning flesh of the man he just killed.

This got the attention of more enemy soldiers who have yet to join the battle. Even their commeder attention was also caught as he was surprised to see something like that happen on the battlefield.

"So they have a mage on the battlefield, well it makes no difference to us we have our own mages."

The man snaps his fingers where two mages appear with four men holding a spear in one hand and a shield in the other awaiting for his orders.

"Show these fool what happens when they challenge us and our lord."

The two mages nod their heads and began to walk up front as they started cast an elemental attack.

"Sir we still have men fighting over there are sure it a good decision to let our mages to attack still." one man asked.

"It a necessary sacrifice as you can see these men are mercenaries that we are fighting right now. Our real enemy has not yet joined the fight as he allows these pawnes to fight instead."

One mage use the elemental of fire while the other mage use the elemental of ice.

The mage using fire shot out multiple fireballs directly into the battlefield exploding taking out some of Wilson men and some of their own comrades that were near.

Even one fireball hit near where Roland and Victor were at as everyone there was pushed back by the explosion.

The mage using Ice was next to attack shatter the ice into many pieces and sending it straight into the fight where the ice shades piercing every man that come in contact with it.

"Oh god… what the hell was that?." Roland slowly got up from the aftermath of the explosion.

Not paying attention a sharp ice shard was coming his way fast, but Roland was saved in time when victor push him out of the ice shard that was coming to him.

"Holy shit! Victor you just save my life."

"Guess this makes us even brother." Victor said as the two laugh for second before the got themselves together ready for anything.

The two look around noticing the burn bodies and the bodies pierce by the ice laying around them.

"Shit mages just what we need, they are going to be bitch to have to deal with."

Roland cures while Victor Look at the enemy where he see two mages being guarded by four men.

"They well guarded, but I am sure the boss got a way to deal with them."

"Yeah sure, but he is going to have to get past those guys to get to them."

Victor see Roland point as the enemy side still had more men to send.

"Well look like their using mages against us now even their own men were killed by those two kinds of attack. How sad to let them die like that, I am damn sure wouldn't do a thing like that to my men."

Wilson said while cut open a throat of an enemy he was holding.

"Well then got to do something about them before they can do anymore damage to us."

Wilson pick up a bow laying on the ground ready and arrow and started to fire it at one of the mages. One of the men guarding the mage stood in the way of the arrow where it pierce into his head.

"That was a close one look like we can't go easy any longer it is time to get series then. Men charge! Kill everyone of them and let none live for another day."

The commander yelled as many of his men under his command start charge while the mages began to charge himself for another attack.

Wilson see more enemies coming and the man just smiled as if he was looking forward to it.

"Of course it was not going to be easy to kill one of the mages men gather together. The battle has just started and I am damn sure things are going to get more fucking crazy, but who give a damn becuase we are having fun right boy."

"YEAH!!!." everyone of them yelled as they gather together standing right behind Wilson.

"So how do you plan to take care of the mages." Hellfang ask coming right up next to him.

"Well I am to get to them and kill them." Wilson answer.

"Think it would be that simple boss."

"No, but I do like a challenge Hellfang."

Wilson start to charge as hellfang followed and the rest of Wilson men.

Elbert who men has not joined the battle was impressed with how well Wilson and men was doing on the battlefield.

"I have to say hiring this mercenarie was worth the money." Elbert said.

"My lord seems to have a high respect for the men." a man who is Elbert general said as he has been by his side the whole time.

"How can I not as this man show no such fear in this battle even if facing more enemies that come his way. Even Wilson men are the same way as they fight will all their hearts."

The two of them continue to watch Wilson to what else the men can do as the two sides clash with each other. More blood to be spilled and more bodies were to be piled up.

Wilson pass through the enemy with quick speed. Cutting one by one down dodging any enemy attack that came his way.

"What is this! I thought you guys would give me more of a challenge than this."

Wilson words anger the enemy men as some went after him, but they were slash to pieces by Hellfang Axe as he was right beside the man.

Victor and Roland fought as well in the fight as the two watch each other's backs.

Victor was getting used to killing so quickly as each man he encountered his Long sword was covered by their blood from every cut or by every stabbed.

Victor would also use fire to burn the enemies as well while fighting.

"Victor how your holding up." Roland ask while in the middle of fighting.

"I am doing fine just getting a little tried." Victor answer while stabbing an enemy in the chest.

"Good to know let's keep it up brother and show these guys how well we train for this battle."

Roland and Victor sprite ran high as they kept on fighting.

While the battle heat up the two mages from the enemy side were ready to fire another attack. The enemy commander see the mages are ready and a smile appear on his face.

"Good to see the mages are ready let us see how well these men can keep on fighting." the enemy commander said while focusing his attention to the battle going on.

sorry I took long please don't be made at me, I'll work really hard next time for you guys.

please vote, comment, give feedback or anything at all to help me improve myself and the story.

P.S: Thank you :)

mattfuncoolcreators' thoughts