
Battle Angel System (has been republished)

the year was 2056 and the world had changed drastically. machines were now a normal thing in life. some humans were now embodied with machines to improve themselves. but a low life girl was about to change this scene forever?

ikudehin_david · ไซไฟ
47 Chs


'Bam!' Atlanta sent out her fist to a sentinent head activating power punch, she could feel some of her energy surging into her arm as the fist collided.

[Energy points: 294/300

'Bam!' A bang sound went off but surprisingly the sentinent didn't die, instead Atlanta was the one sent skidding backwards a bit.

'W-what just happened.' She'd expected that blow would kill the android upon impact, but unknowingly it didn't. The sentinent didn't attack her and instead stood there, just staring at her.

"Such power.. you're a fool child, I can teach you all about your powers." Gander chuckled waving his hand a bit, five of the sentinents sprung towards her. Accessing them they were faster than her a bit, as they all enclosed her sending out strikes of their own.

'Immunity.' she immediately activated immunity, as she couldn't dodge all their attacks.

[Energy points: 284/300]

A punch was sent to her head from an android, while a silver axe connected to a sentinent arm was swung down at her legs. She barely sidestepped the attacks, sending out a kick to the hunter that attacked her with a punch. It landed sending the latter crashing into the wall, but it immediately got up just like it had crashed as if nothing happened.

'what are these robots made off?' She didn't know what strange parts this robots were made up off, but she knew they were strong. Dodging a spear sent to her chest she then performed a hammer axe strike, but the sentinent dodged shoving a small line to her ribs.

'Bam! Argh!' Atlanta screamed, feeling something pierce her skin from behind. Turning she saw a female android with a gun pointed towards her, an evil smirk planted on the sentinent's face.

'Bam! bam! bam!' She fired off more shots at Atlanta, who was now running avoiding the shots. The other four sentinent's didn't just stand by also tailing after her, ducking down she avoided an iron basket sizeed ball with spikes connected to a chain.

The sentinent swung again but she managed to block the robot attack, sending out both her fist which connected to the androids chest.

'Bam!' A small explosion sound went off as the sentinent was sent flying in the air, a hole the size of a football was made in his left chest area. After 5 seconds in the air it then crashed into a fortifier destroying it, Atlanta thought it was over but the sentinent stood up again not dead yet.

'This is getting more annoying..' even though power punch had levelled up to 2, it still couldn't get through the enemies defenses.

[Time left for activation of skill immunity: 9m 35sec.]

She didn't have much time left until her skill deactivated, and she doubted she could beat these sentinent within that period of time. But she wasn't scared cause she could always activate it again, but what concerned her was her skills weren't having much effect on this robots.

"Fool.. your attacks are harmless to them, why don't you just give up now?" Gander mocked her, seeing the panic in her face.

"Didn't your mother teach you how to shut up." Atlanta retorded, activating one of her skills 'seek'. A purple target circle formed in her view, as it locked on to the sentinent with a hole in it's chest. Not wasting time she shot forward, Intending to punch the robot head off.

'Remember, aim at the line connecting the neck with the chest.' She didn't know how, but she could clearly hear that strange girl's voice in her head. Not having a better idea she followed suit, closing the little gap between her and the robot.

'Swoosh.' She dodged his attack, then slammed her fist to the bottom of his neck region with all her strength.

'Boom!' A small boom sound erupted as her fist protruded outwards the sentinent neck, with it falling to the ground dead.

'Haha! I did it.' She cheered in her mind finally killing one of the annoying robots. She was happy seeing her skill 'seek', have more effect on the sentinent's.

'How did she know where to strike?' Gander was a bit stunned, how Atlanta knew where to precisely strike the android at it's weak spot. He knew she wasn't aware of this earlier but in that spoilt moment before she strikes, he could see her pause a bit as if listening to someone.

"Oh my.. did I scare you that much?" Atlanta teased gander, seeing the hint of doubt and shock on his face.

"Oh no, I was just thinking how you'd fair against all of my sentinent's." He smiled, and the next moment all the remaining sentinent's sprung to life charging straight at her.

'Fuck.' She inwardly cursed, as about ten sentinent's were closing in on her. Not waiting she went to the closest one, activating power punch multiple times as she punched forward.

'Clang! Bang! bang. Boom!'

Series of clash sounds went off as Atlanta collided with the sentinent's, she couldn't afford to stop for a second as it would cost her life.

Avoiding a sword slashed horizontally at her she punched the sentinent back, power punch activated. Not stopping, she kicked a robot leg sending the latter off balance before she finally activated seek, dealing the final blow to it's weak spot.

"Argh!" A short dagger of 4 meters long pierced through her back, protruding out from her cuts. Gritting through the pain she spun her legs backwards kicking the sentinent away, but she didn't have a moment to rest as another with a metal rod swung it to her head.

'Clang!' Her body was sent backwards, as blood spilled from her mouth to the white floor. Getting up she pulled the dagger out from her, holding it in her hand staring at the sentinent's with bloodshot eyes.

'Swoosh.. bam!' Enraged she shot forward activating steal Blink, a thin line formed as it pierced one of the sentinents. She could feel the sudden increase in her speed as she was now faster, on par with the same level of soeed as the robots.


"A primordial?" Zero muttered hearing that word. He knew what it meant but he never had a clue such beings existed, as they were only told in tales and fantasy novels.

"I can see you're all surprised and I don't blame you." Zelina giggled softly brushing her her a bit, her red enchanting eyes staring at the group.

"If you're really a primordial, then that means you can't die right?" Faiya asked, to which zelina softly nodded her head.

"I can't die from any of your puny attacks." She grinned intimidating them, as they suddenly felt the air around them turn a bit chilly.

"But it doesn't make sense. If you're a primordial then why involve yourself in mortal affairs, by teaming up with the hunters?" Zero asked calmly. "And why didn't you just kill us, why let us live?"

Zelina eyes shone with excitement as she stared at zero. A wicked smile was plastered on her face, as she seductively licked her cherry lips.

"Aren't you a curios one.. anyways to answer your first question, I simply felt bored watching you humans fight so I thought. Why not join in the war? It would definitely be fun and clearly, you humans are going to be wiped out, so either way it's a win-win." Zelina smiled as she walked over to the huge glass windows, making them more cautious of this female.

"Am not with the hunters." She softly uttered, to which they raised a brow a bit stunned by this ultercation.

"She's lying.. there no way she isn't helping the hunters. I can also tell she's bluffing about being a primo-" saber was cut short of his words, when his body was abruptly sent flying into a wall.

They were all surprised seeing saber casually flung into a wall, and they indefinitely knew who did that.

"He's a lousy one." She spoke with disdain clearly visible on her face, she then softly placed her hand down tapping her fingers to the glass window.

"As I said am not with the hunters. Why all of you aren't dead you ask? Well it's simple, as a primordial entity who can't die boredom is my punishment. Do you know how long I've waited for this moment? To finally have fun? Everything is beginning to fall into place." She then turned facing the group. waving her hand to the wall, besides her a small explosion was made as a hole huge hole was created.

"That one claimed you and your team could beat me with your weapons, so why don't we test that little theory? I'll give you a 3 minutes head start, you can either choose to run or face me head on. Please choose the second.." she begged a bit, pointing to the hole at the other side of the room.

"Is she playing us? Yeah.. she must be toying with us right?" Gin didn't believe this intensive looking she devil, would just allow them through to their weapons room without an interior motive.

"No she isn't." Zero softly spoke, observing zelina who was counting down from 180 seconds. "quick let's leave while we have the chance." Zero turned walking away, the others were stunned a bit but they regained themselves following zero through the hole.

'Hehe! I can't wait.' She excitedly shouted in her mind, as she still kept counting downwards.


"Come on!" Atlanta screamed slashing a sword down at a sentinent head, it connected but stopped just a few inches in.

[Battle frenzy mode: 56]

Dodging his fist, she sent out her own fist with power punch activated to his ribs.

'Bam!' The attack connected sending the sentinent back a bit, but she didn't stop punching forward activating power punch with each strike.

'Take this!' She activated seek at the last moment, twisting her body she sent a kick out as it hit her targeted spot, sending the sentinent flying back dead.

[HP: 224/300]

She still had much health points left but it was reducing by one, with the passing of every two minutes. She was bleeding from head to toe with several wounds, as she wasn't regenerating like normal.

'There's still 5 of them.' Atlanta could see the sentinents remaining were approximately five. She was running low on energy, as she'd constantly been activating power punch and immunity.

"I-is that all you fucking got! You piece of scrap!" She yelled charging forward, her blood boiling more as rage coursed through her veins.

"Yes.. release your inner demon. Don't you dare fucking hold back!" Gander shouted like a madman, his eyes gleaming in excitement.