
Do You Remember 3/4

Son Goza POV - Earth, Georgia, Unnamed Woods - 2010

After I asked the dragon Porunga to pass my message to my family and friends, I focused back on my training on that unnamed planet where I slowly but surely digested all the gains I had during my adventure on planet Namek.

First of all, my Ki and in consequence, my Power Level spiked to an incredible level to the point that in my base form, I felt that I was much stronger than a Full Power Frieza and even my father in his Super Saiyan state, I didn't know the exact numbers as I didn't have any scouter but from feeling alone I felt that was around two times stronger than them. 

That was likely the result of the natural increase of power that I received through the battle in combination with the Zenkai Boost I had when I recovered from my almost deadly wounds.

Of course, such a massive increase of power forced me to once again retrain my Ki Control back from the basics moreover, I also did a hell lot of meditation while befriending the more peaceful animals living on this planet and eating the more aggressive ones.

I also made sure never to try to transform into a Super Saiyan during this period as I didn't want to lose control again, turn into the Legendary Super Saiyan, and destroy this planet. 

Once I retrained my Ki Control, I flew far away from the unnamed taking full advantage of the fact that my Blessing allowed me to easily survive in the void of space.

Then when I couldn't see the unnamed planet anymore, for the first time since the events of planet Namek, I powered up my Ki and tried to transform only to fail as I absolutely didn't want to use my rage as the trigger for the transformation.

After a few moments of awkward silence, I tried once more but this time using the trick Caulifla talked about in Dragon Ball Super, concentrating my energy on the part of the back between the shoulder blades searching for a "tingly-like" feeling.

Surprisingly that worked as I felt my Ki getting excited and spiking in power as my body was enveloped in a golden flame-like aura, at the same time, I felt my emotions becoming more heightened but I held back and focused on meditation and kept my calm trying to hold those feelings and that state for as long as possible.

That was quite hard to do as my Ki kept increasing and with it, my emotions started to slip out of control, and following that, flicks of bright green aura mixed with the golden ones as I started to turn into the Legendary Super Saiyan and feeling that, I immediately let go of the tingly-like feeling which made me turn back to my base state.

Happy with that progress for the moment, I decided to once again aimlessly fly around searching for another planet, hopefully, one with intelligent life that is advanced enough to have some kind of general map of the universe so that I could find my way back to Earth. 

Unfortunately, I wasn't that lucky as the next 5 planets I found were all bare, dead, and unhabitable planets which made me swear more than one time at just how lazy and incompetent at doing his job the Supreme Kai Shin was.

Luckily the 6th planet I found was the kind I was searching for, a habitable planet with sentient life living on it.

It was an orange planet with two yellow rings that surrounded it whose name I later learned was Tech-Tech Star, and the people living on it called themselves the Tech-Tech Race which is composed of small humanoids with oval heads and different skin tones.

The Tech-Tech race was quite a technologically advanced race and while their martial strength was nothing exceptional, it was still much higher than the average human, moreover, it was clear that as a whole, the Tech-Tech race relied more on technology than martial power.

On Tech-Tech Star, I encountered Iriko, one of the strongest people on the planet who was also a member of the Galactic Patrol and was on leave.

The Galactic Patrol also known as the Space Police, the Galaxy Police, and the GP is a cosmic police force that is led directly by the Galactic King and helps keep order throughout the Universe they also uphold a strict law forbidding the usage of time travel. 

At first, Iriko was quite hostile as he immediately noticed my Saiyan heritage and thought that I wanted to kill everyone on the planet to later sell it to the highest bidder, you know the usual Saiyan's modus operandi, but then I was able to convince him that I didn't have anything to do with those Saiyans.

After convincing Iriko that I meant no harm to him or his people, I spent some time talking with him about my current situation and after learning of my battle against Frieza's Forces, Iriko offered to introduce me to the Galatic Patrol where I could choose to become a mercenary under their hire or try to directly join them and receive their support in exchange for helping them maintain order in the universe.

In the end, I decided to join the Galatic Patrol not only because I could help them capture or deal with other dangerous outlaws and at the same time train further to control my Super Saiyan transformation and hopefully even my Legendary Super Saiyan transformation, but also because I know for certain that the Galatic Patrol had the coordinates of Earth's location as I remember quite well that Jaco in the anime said that he was once sent there in order to stop a dangerous invader who was, in fact, Father.

With that, I jumped on Iriko's spaceship and we headed toward the Galatic Patrol's headquarters located in the center of the universe, and once there, I went through some tests before I officially joined the Galatic Patrol.

I had never regretted the decision I made that day, after all, joining the Galatic Patrol had quite a bit of benefits among which there is the equipment that the Galatic Patrol supplied to all its patrolmen.

Among them there is the Galactic Receiver, which is a special device that galactic patrolmen wear over his or her ears, granting them enhanced hearing capabilities and allowing them to be in contact with the Galactic Patrol Headquarters basically everywhere in the universe.

Another one is the Galatic Suit is the official uniform of the Galactic Patrol, an outfit that is quite elastic and resistant just like the Saiyan Armors, and comes with a pair of jet boots that allow members to fly without using ki which will be very useful in my current situation once I'm sure that I don't risk getting nuked or something like that. 

That is why while I vastly prefer my Gi over it, the Galatic Suit is something that I appreciate as it is still a good second choice to have on hand in case it is needed.

Then there is the Galactic Patrol Gun which is the standard issue Ray Gun used by members of the Galactic Patrol, and I have to admit that those things can't be understimated as they have quite a bit of power behind them, to the point that if I don't use my Ki to defend they can easily harm me, their piercing power is truly astonishing that is why I trained in their use.

Another very useful piece of equipment is the Stun Gun, less lethal than the Ray Gun, is designed to immobilize targets by delivering an electric shock aimed at temporarily disrupting muscle functions, inflicting pain without causing significant injury, and/or disturbing the Ki of a target, moreover, it is strong enough to even knock me out even if I'm in my Legendary Super Saiyan state, of course, to do that it has to hit me but still, it is a very effective non-lethal weapon.

The equipment I found most useful is the Galactic Patrol Spaceship, the spaceship is truly a marvel of technology as it is without doubt way faster than any spaceship I have ever used, moreover, it has the map of the whole universe installed in it together with a built-in scouter to detect the power level of the targets, with it I could easily make the journey from the Galatic Headquarters to Earth in a matter of days while with the spaceship that I and father used it would take months.

But then there is the equipment I'm most wary of, the Extinction Bomb, a capsule-sized device that contains a virus that can be unleashed by members of the Galactic Patrol upon a planet to wipe out dangerous races and lifeforms. 

Due to its destructive power, its use is considered more of a last resort by most members me included though some members like Jaco are known to have little to no qualms about using it.

Despite all that, the thing I'm most surprised and happy about being a Galatic Patrol patrolman is without doubt the fact that among the facilities available there is also a freaking Hyperbolic Time Chamber that is used by the Galactic Patrol to train their patrolmen. 

The Hyperbolic Time Chamber exists on another planet and its interior is similar to the one on Earth but with the outside resembling a pyramid with a stone pillar at each corner. 

Unlike the version on Earth, which allows for a year's worth of training in a day, the one used by the Galactic Patrol only allows for three day's worth of training in a day which means that to reach a year of training one has to stay inside for 4 real months but as an advantage, it doesn't have the limit of only two times for a lifetime.

Because of that, between one mission and another I made sure to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber whenever possible something that speeded up my training by quite a bit, of course, I still made sure that the total time spent in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber didn't go over a year.

Talking about the missions I completed, some have been quite normal like hunting down and arresting criminals all over the universe or protecting some planets from pirates and other dangers, but others have been nothing short of crazy and made me face quite a few "familiar" faces that were causing problems all over the universe.

Such as when I had to hunt down and stop a group of criminals who invaded planet Nutts, a planet used by the Galactic Patrol for imprisoning the less dangerous criminals, and much to my surprise, I found myself facing the pale, carbon copy of my father, the Saiyan Turles and his band of pirates who went around destroying planets by using the seeds of the Tree of Might so that they could eat their fruit and enhance their power.

Of course, even with their power increased by the Fruits of the Tree of Might, Turles and his allies were no match for me and I easily defeated and arrested them sending them all to the Galatic Prison, I also kept the Seeds of the Tree of Might with me, but I still didn't use them as I haven't found yet the right way to use them without sacrificing a planet.

But he wasn't the only "non-canon" opponent I had to face, I also had to deal with an evil Namekian tyrant who created an army of demon-like soldiers to further his conquest of space, of course, I'm talking about Lord Slug. 

He used his troops to conquer planets, freezing them to make them a home for his soldiers and he would sometimes alter a planet by turning it into a giant spaceship and use it to move on to his next target. 

He was quite a bit tougher than Turles almost on par with Frieza in his Final Form at 50% but even then he was no match for me as I was able to eradicate him and his army while being in my base form.

And talking about tyrants, I can't forget about one of the toughest opponents I had ever faced, a tyrant who terrorized the whole Eastern side of the universe and who had control over at the very least 256 planets, Cooler, the elder brother of Frieza.

While the Cooler Force and his Armored Squadron overall were quite easy to deal with, Cooler himself was a whole other beast who forced me to transform into Super Saiyan to defeat him, in fact, he almost pushed me to take my Legendary Super Saiyan form but luckily I was able to obliterate him before I lost control.

Of course, these famous "non-canon" opponents weren't the only notable encounters I had during my missions as a galactic patrolman.

For example, there was the Macareni Gang, a trio of criminal siblings who have gone up against the Galactic Patrol a number of times, having been caught and escaped from prison countless times, in fact, they almost remind me of the Team Rocket trio from Pokemon even more so as they mostly focus on theft and other minor crimes and have never actually killed anyone.

The Macareni Gang is composed of Pasta Macareni, the eldest brother who is capable of infusing ki into an inanimate object and after doing that he can click his fingers to make it explode, Ghetti Macareni, the youngest brother who is capable of shooting an electric beam from his hand which wraps around the target and restrains them and create an electric whip to attack his foe, and Penne Macareni, the middle sister who is capable of extending her arm and has enhanced hearing.

But without any doubt, my toughest opponent of that period was Majin Ozotto, a power-hungry demon, he sought to challenge powerful fighters and devour them for his own personal gain.

He was wanted because he devoured a whole planet and he was crazy strong, to the point that even by transforming into Super Saiyan I was no match for him and was truly forced to let go of all my control and fully transform into my Legendary Super Saiyan form but even then he was able to keep up with me for a time until my power raised to such level that I was able to obliterate him together with 5 other planets that luckily were devoid of life as the Supreme Kai did a shitty job as usual. 

Majin Ozotto was truly a terrifying opponent, in fact, I think that he was only slightly weaker than Perfect Cell and that the only reason he wasn't actually a threat that the Z Warriors had to face in the anime was because Merus took care of him before he became a major threat. 

By the way, Merus is the number one elite patrolman of the Galactic Patrol but in truth he is a Trainee Angel which means that he is actually the strongest being in the universe besides Beerus and Whis but most of the time he keeps a low profile refraining from using his true powers and abilities, limiting himself to only mortal weapons and basic combat. 

In the end, I spent the next 3 and half years protecting the universe as a Galatic patrolman in such a way, before I realized that it was almost time for the Androids and Cell to make their appearance so I requested a period of leave to the Galatic King who easily accepted and told me to take as much time as I desire and that they will only contact me in case of an emergency. 

After receiving the permission, I told the news to the friends I made in those years and my fellow patrolman and then got on my Galactic Patrol Spaceship to return back on Earth.

A few weeks later, my spaceship landed on Earth, more precisely very close to my home at the foot of a forest near Mount Paozu, and since I did flare my Ki a little to notify everyone of my arrival, they were already waiting for me there.

At first, they were confused as I looked much more mature and older than my twin brother Gohan, something that was technically true as after my training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, I was actually 1 year older than my twin brother, but then they simply ignored it as mom crushed me with one of her hugs.

After a nice and somewhat teary reunion, and a very long scolding from Mother, Father and Gohan explained to me all the events I missed since Namek, mostly Frieza's invasion and the "Warrior" from the Future that stopped him, and they also told me about the most recent threat we are going to face in 6 to 5 months, the Android created by Gero something that made me let out a sigh of relief as it made me realize that my presence didn't change too much. 

Then I spent the rest of the time catching up with my studies to make Mom happy and training with Father, Gohan, and Piccolo-san, of course, I held back a lot as all my battles around the universe made my power level completely eclipse everyone else, especially the one against Majin Ozotto.

Finally, the day of the android invasion came and we all went to the city where Future Trunks told them the Androids would appear, Sasebo. 

I, father, Gohan, and Piccolo-san met Krillin-san halfway to Sasebo and commented on the differences in our powers from the last time we met. 

On an island nearby, we meet up with Yamcha, Tien Shinhan-san, and Bulma who is carrying a baby with liliac hair and is guarded by none other than Nappa in full nanny mode. 

Father told her to leave for her own safety, but she said she wanted to see the androids and then would leave before Krillin-san asked about the baby and Gohan assumed it was Yamcha's. 

But before anyone can say anything, Nappa snorted out loud and told us that Vegeta is the father and the baby's name is Trunks, much to Krillin and Gohan's surprise. 

Then Piccolo asked where Vegeta was and Bulma replied that she didn't know but said that he had been training intensely for this day. 

When the time for the attack came and passed, the group became suspicious until Gohan said that androids do not have a Ki so we couldn't sense them, shortly after, Yajirobe arrived with Senzu Beans from Korin and left after refusing to fight. 

Seconds later, Yajirobe's hovercar exploded as we spotted two figures lurking in the smoke from the blast, the figures raced down into the city so fast that none of the fighters could see what they looked like and since we couldn't sense the Android's ki, we all split up and go down into the city to find them.

While searching for the Androids, I immediately sensed that Yamcha's Ki got weaker a sign that he got owned once again by the opponent and rushed toward him.

We all arrive at Yamcha's location and find the Androids and Yamcha, who is lying on the ground, dying. 

Father asked Krillin-san to evacuate Yamcha and get him a Senzu Bean before it was too late. 

The Androids were eager to fight, but Father told them that there were too many innocent people around which made Android 20 decide to "fix" the problem by using his eye lasers to destroy every living thing nearby. 

This infuriated Father, who then threw a punch at Android 20 who seemed unaffected by the impact. 

We then convinced the Androids to move away from the city in order to fight without harming any more innocent bystanders. 

We went to a deserted, rocky area and Father offered to fight first, but of course, Father was clearly not his usual confident self, as he appeared to already be tired and out of breath just from flying to that location. 

It was apparent that Father was experiencing some mild effects from the heart virus, which took its toll six months later than Future Trunks had predicted. 

Regardless, Father decided to fight Android 19, and transformed into a Super Saiyan surprising Android 20 before Father and Android 19 engaged in battle, as Goku's Super Saiyan strength and speed were superior to that of Android 19. 

Father seemed to have the upper hand during the beginning of the battle and while the others cheered him on, Gohan, Piccolo-san, and I immediately realized that something was truly wrong as Father was increasingly becoming more tired and out of breath, greatly lacking the power and energy of his usual self.

At that point, I didn't wait for Father's condition to worsen even more and quickly rushed between him and Android 19, kicked the android away, and brought Father back to the group as he clutched his hand to his chest, and at this point, Gohan also realized that the heart virus was attacking him. 

Krillin offers to give Father a Senzu Bean, but I stop him telling him that it would have no effect against the virus and that Father needed the medicine given to us by that Future Warrior before I quickly carried Father back home to take his medicine as I sensed Vegeta's Ki quickly approaching.

While I took care of Father, everything went more or less like the known canon with Vegeta easily killing Android 19 and Android 20, Dr. Gero, fleeing to activate Android 17 and 18 while the other, joined by a newly arrived Future Trunks chased after him.

Of course, because Vegeta is Vegeta, Dr. Gero was able to activate both Android 17 and Android 18, who killed Dr. Gero and activated Android 16, and then they kicked Vegeta's ass and knocked everyone else but Krillin-san out before moving on with their search for Father.

After that trashing, Piccolo-san came to the conclusion that he was too weak and decided to fuse back with Kami, and without hesitation, he headed to the Lookout.

Meanwhile, to protect Father, we moved him to the Kame House and after that Krillin-san called Bulma-san to report to her that we moved Father, but then Bulma told us that she discovered another Time Machine, and Gohan and Future Trunks quickly headed there to check on it.

Talking about Future Trunks, he was quite confused when he met me for the first time as his teacher Future Gohan never had a twin something that made him truly realize that he was in an alternative timeline. 

Anyway, Gohan and Future Trunks quickly found Cell's egg and the discarded exoskeleton before they returned back and reported about everything they had found, meanwhile, we watched the news report about some "mysterious" disappearances. 

At the same time, Piccolo-san started his battle against Cell, and sensing that, I and Future Trunks headed toward him, who after revealing everything about himself and what he had done, realized that he was no match for Piccolo.

Shortly after that, Future Trunks and I arrived and Cell recognized Future Trunks as the boy he killed in his own timeline and realized that this Future Trunks must be from another alternate timeline, and shortly after that, he used his Solar Flare technique to blind everyone and ran away, masking his power to be as undetectable by the others. 

After Cell ran away, Vegeta and Tien also arrived as Piccolo-san explained the situation regarding Cell to us, who all had unique reactions to it.

Trunks was shocked by the existence of another android, I was calm as I already knew everything, and Vegeta is pissed off that everything is surpassing him, the Saiyan Prince. 

Vegeta then vowed to surpass the limits of Super Saiyan and flew off as Tien and Piccolo-san started to search for Cell, meanwhile, I and Trunks left to destroy the Cell that is probably growing in this timeline to prevent the appearance of another Cell later.

Future Trunks and I returned to the site of Dr. Gero's laboratory, this time discovering a secret laboratory hidden underground. 

There, we found the Cell of the present in his larval/baby form, infantile and weak, his growth and development maintained only by the master computer. 

We also discover Dr. Gero's blueprints which outline the design of Android 17 and Future Trunks, eager to take the opportunity to find any weakness of the Androids, took the blueprints before he moved to incinerate the baby Cell and the supercomputer with a Ki Blast. 

But before he could fire it, I stopped him as a brilliant idea suddenly came to my mind, and without hesitation, I proposed to actually bring Bulma here before we destroy baby Cell to see if she can reprogram him in some way so that he can become a force of good instead.

At first, Future Trunks was quite reluctant but in the end, I was able to convice him of the benefits of such decision, while also reminding him that if it wasn't possible we could always obliterate it.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts