
Alvida and Kobi

Jayr POV - Blue Star, East Blue, Conomi Islands - 20 GAP

The day after the dinner with Bell-mère, Genzo, Nojiko, and Nami, we all decide to spend a couple of days exploring the rest of the Conomi Islands, I focus on buying all kinds of seeds that are available to grow them in my Soulbound Territory so as to later use most them as ingredients for our meals and for those rare few to study their use them for medicinal application.

Meanwhile, the girls focus more on sightseeing and shopping, but after a while, we realize that all the villages of the Conomi Islands are mostly the same, and even the sights are very similar to that of a regular tropical island, so we finally decide to move on to a new island.

And so the next day we are standing in front of the small simple wooden dock saying goodbye to Bell-mère's merry family, and the rest of the people of the Cocoyasi Village, who are still grateful for the help I offered and after wishing them the best of luck, we all board on the Athena's God Bidoof and start to sail toward the south where our next destination is located.

The Gecko Islands, the archipelago where Syrup Village can be found, and also the place which is the home of one of the best characters ever created, the one, the only, "God" Usopp, and of course also the home of the Going Merry.

Anyway, our plan is to simply go for a quick stop so that I can check if something there also changed from the "canon" events, and of course to enchant the Going Merry with Restoration Magic making so that no matter how much damage she takes, she will always be able to return to her pristine condition, so that tragedy won't happen ever again.

And so I once again find myself sitting on the captain seat controlling Athena's God Bidoof, but this time in my arms there are both little Kharna and Galen, as I decided to take care of them so that the girls can enjoy some free time for themselves, and of course, Python is also here watching over them.

Of course, since it is almost their nap time, I decide to sing them a few songs, and there isn't a more fitting choice than singing them all the openings of One Piece anime, of course, I could have also sung Binks no Sake but I prefer to keep it for a special occasion.

And so, I go through all the openings I remember in order, the most iconic, "We are" followed by "Believe", "Hikari e", "BON VOYAGE!", "Kokoro no Chizu", "Brand New World", "Crazy Rainbow", and right now, I'm singing "Jungle P" while using my Spiral Cosmo to generate the music in the background.

And now, I'm very close to the end of the song, as I'm singing its final verses, "♪Life is "Adventurous." Be aware it's "Dangerous." Who's gonna be "One of us." And a trip goes on because, we da pirate of the "Mass." To the West, to the East, gotta find my way, sail away all the way to "One Piece"!!♪"

And looking at Galen, Kharna, and Python's happy and excited faces I realize that I have spectacularly failed in lulling them to sleep as they are looking at me with their big sparkling eyes wide open as they giggle and move their little arms to the rhythm, and Python is basically flying around doing some kind of air dance.

Talking about Python he is still of the same size as he was born, something quite unusual as all snakes grow very fast, some even growing to 0,254 millimeters a day, and so, curious about that, I decided to check on him to see if everything is fine, and I'm surprised to find out that Python is growing normally but he is simply using his Spiral Cosmo to control his own size, without that, he would already be a 10 meters long flying serpent.

This makes me realize, 'At this pace, he could easily become a planet-sized snake, and even more considering that snakes never stop growing and that thanks to his extraordinary origin, Python is already immortal as long as it doesn't get killed...'

While I was thinking that, I finished singing "Jungle P", and both Kharna and Galen clapped their hands, while Galen joyfully yelled, "Another one! Another one!"

And with a wry smile, I control my Spiral Cosmo to generate another music and start to sing the next opening, "Share the World"

The music starts with something that kinda reminds me of a lullaby, but soon the music becomes more upbeat, and I start singing, "♪Ano oozora ni todoku made. I Believe hitotsu no ashita he hey.♪(To reach that sky, I believe - to tomorrow of one hey)"

Then I control my Spiral Cosmo to also produce the chorus as the music picks up even more, "♪Come on let's go everybody oh we share the music. Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one dream. Come on let's go everybody oh we share the good times. Come on let's go baby baby oh we share the one world.♪"

And so, I continue to sing the whole song, and luckily it seems that the 11th one is the good one, as the kids finally fell asleep as they finally get too tired to stay awake, so, I stand up from the captain seat, and mutter, "I leave everything to you, just maintain our current course, and if you feel something off just call me and I'll be here in an instant..."

I'm of course speaking to Athena's God Bidoof who is already strong enough to slowly sail by herself and adjust her course, but she is still unable to do major and delicate maneuvers.

After that, I teleport to the kids' room and gently lay them in their brig and then quickly use my senses to check on the girls.

Nikita is in her room playing on the PlayStation, Tio is actually in the water swimming around Athena's God Bidoof, meanwhile, Eri and Saori are on the deck reading some book under the beach umbrella, and Seika is in the kitchen as she is already preparing the kids' meal.

Sensing that, without hesitation, I also move toward the kitchen and start to help Seika with the kids' meal, for Galen, we prepare a fresh pureed of Nymphs' fruits and another made of Sea King meat, while for Kharna who is a couple of months older and already has her dragon-like teeth that can crunch through metal some very nourishing Sea King filet, all of them coming from the Sea King that was living nearby the Conomi Islands that I hunted down before leaving, and of course, we can't forget Python's part too, only he prefer to eat it raw, so for that, we just season it a little.

While I am searing the Sea King filet for Kharna, Seika asks, "Should I truly also prepare some Sea King meat pureed for Gal too? While it is true that this kind of meat is not only very delicious but also rich in nutrients and let's not forget that it is also able to strengthen the body... but I'm worried that this could be too much for a small baby like Gal..."

Hearing the worry in her tone, I quickly reassure her, "It's fine, while Galen isn't a baby with a monster-like physique like Kharna, he is in no way comparable to a normal human being either. His body from birth was strong enough to withstand the consumption of toxic meat like that of the monsters from the Arifureta Universe, that is a trait that he inherited from me, moreover, he has a strong Spiral Cosmo that will also help him absorb everything from the Sea King meat without waste."

After preparing the meal for the kids and putting them into the time box next to the fridge which keeps the meal in a temporal stasis so that they will be always ready to be consumed without worrying about losing taste or getting cold, we also start to prepare our lunch.

Seika focuses on the side dish she is preparing the Zucchine alla Scapece (Scapece Style Zucchini) a simple and delicious side dish that works very well with a fish dish.

She simply cuts the zucchini into 3-4 mm thick rounds after having rinsed and dried them, sprinkles them with salt, and lets them stand for 1 hour so that they lose the vegetation water.

In the meantime, she boils water and vinegar and chops the garlic that will be needed to season the dish.

After the hour, she resumes the zucchini, rinses, and dries with a cotton cloth and then she starts to fry the zucchini in a pan with extra virgin olive oil and then, when golden, drain and dry with paper towels.

In the end, she pours the zucchini into a bowl and season with the chopped garlic, the mix made with water and vinegar, the fresh mint leaves, and salt and put it to rest for a couple of hours before it can be consumed.

Meanwhile, I chose to try and fry the Sea King meat, first I carefully cut it into smaller slices, then I carefully season it with salt, pepper, and some parsley, after, I dredge the slices in flour, shaking gently to remove any excess flour, and fry the pieces in moderately hot oil, being careful not to crowd the pan, until they are crisp and golden-brown on the outside.

Then I drain the meat well on a paper towel and season to taste with flaky salt and freshly ground pepper and serve with fresh lemon wedges, once the dish is ready, I once again put it into the time box and start to clean the kitchen with Seika.

Then I think it is time to reward Seika for her effort by giving her a very throughout massage, an activity that usually ends with some very pleasurable exercise that continues in our bedroom.

But just as I'm about to lead Seika toward our room, Athena's God Bidoof slightly hums, letting me know that her radar, capable of detecting everything in a range of 1000 kilometers, picked up that something is happening nearby.

And so I lightly peck Seika on her lip and after apologizing, we rush toward the bridge while I mutter, "I hope that someone nearby is dying or a great natural disaster that will sink an island is about to happen... That is the only way I can forgive them for cockblocking me!" making Seika beside me giggle.

At the same time, I continue to keep the self-imposed limit on my sensory ability, something quite simple to do as I just have to not focus on my senses this keeps me limited to only perceiving everything that happens around me in a range of "only" 2 kilometers.

Once on the bridge, I sit on the captain's seat and quickly a hologram appears in front of me showing the scene of a merchant ship under the assault of a peculiar pirate ship, and seeing that, Seika next to me says, "We can't leave them like that! We have to help them."

Hearing that, I sigh, and then I quickly stand up from the captain seat and say, "Take control of the Athena's God Bidoof and carefully move toward them, while I rush there to help them." and quickly jump out of the bridge and start to fly toward the merchant ship.

At the same time, I sense Eri, Saori, Tio, and Nikita quickly enter the bridge and take their positions, ready to give me support with the Athena's God Bidoof's armament, something I'm quite sure is an overkill in this situation, after all, we still are in the East Blue, the weakest of the 4 seas of this world, which is basically the tutorial zone.

I quickly reach the two ships, and the merchant ship is quite a normal ship, but it is now full of pirates, luckily they are more focused on keeping the people on board locked in one place instead of harming them.

Meanwhile, the pirate ship is quite the gaudy one, it is a large pink ship, with four sails, one higher than the other three, each sail has a pink heart, and the ship herself has two hearts on each side, the figurehead is a duck and the somewhat familiar pirates flag flies on the mainmast.

The Jolly Roger is a traditional skull on crossed bones, however, the skull is depicted from the side and has a pink heart on it, and no matter how much I look at it, I have the feeling that I have seen something like this before, but can't focus on where exactly.

But everything becomes clear when my eyes land on the figure standing on the deck of the pink pirate ship.

Is a tall and very obese woman with long wavy black hair and freckles on her cheeks, she wears a white cowgirl hat with a large red plume, a red neckerchief, a pink plaid shirt, and a blue captain's coat over it with arms in the sleeves, unlike many other pirates, she also wears rings on her fingers and her long sharp fingernails have a red polish, has a purple sash with a flintlock pistol tucked in it and some jewels, and all this ends with graying pants and red shoes with gold buckles, she is nonother than "Iron Mace" Alvida, the version before she eats the Sube Sube no Mi (Slip Slip Fruit) and becomes an hot brunette bombshell that for my taste can easily be on par with Boa Hancock.

(Image Here - Alvida + more likable version to bleach your eyes)

Seeing that, I can't help but ask myself, 'What is going on with this world!? I've been here for only 31 hours and I have already met, Nami, Nojiko and Alvida, 3 very sexy and hot women... Well, currently Alvida is fugly as fuck, but one can't deny the fact that if she loses all that fat and takes care of herself she can become an incredibly tall, voluptuous, beautiful woman, her glow up with the Sube Sube no Mi (Slip Slip Fruit) more than proved that.'

Of course, she isn't the only familiar face standing on the deck of the pink ship with a duck figurehead, I also notice a small, timid, chubby boy with kobi pink hair and round-frame glasses hiding behind one of the masts trying to not catch any attention for the ship captain, he can only be Koby, the character with the greatest glow up, that grew from timid and weak chubby kid to a powerful and strong young man thanks to only his determination and hard work, he is basically a prime shounen manga protagonist archetype.

(Image Here - Koby)

Looking at the the situation below me, I hesitate on whenever making a move or not, 'What to do!? If I make a move it is very possible that I'll alter the course of this world even more maybe even preventing the meeting between Koby and Luffy, and right now Alvida's crew only detained the people on that ship and robbed everything clean without harming them, so I could probably close an eye... But should I even care about something that is already clearly altered? From what I know the Champion residing in this world could have already seduced Nico Robin and Hancock, killed Big Mom or Akainu, eaten the Goro Goro no Mi (Rumble Rumble Fruit) before Enel, or even convinced Luffy that becoming a Marine is more fun than being a Pirate. Everything is already different from what I know, so why should I care about what my action could change?'

I'm brought back from my musings by Alvida's loud voice as she commands, "I'll ask you!! Who is the most beautiful lady in all of the sea?" making every pirate on both ships yell at the same time, ""That'd be you Alvida-sama!!""

Alvida then smirks and smacks her huge, heavy, spiked Iron Mace on the ground, she yells, "Then why are you guys so slow to follow my commands!? Hurry up and clean that ship of everything that is of value! I don't want to waste any more time here!!"

At the same, with my new realization and resolution, I smirk and land on Alvida's pink ship and loudly say, "Excuse me, but it is time to stop your act of piracy here and now."

My voice instantly catches everyone's attention as they stop moving and start to look at me, at the same time, Alvida turns around and looks at me in surprise for a few moments, but she quickly regains her senses and comments with a smile, "My, my... What a handsome young man you are almost a perfect match for my own astonishing beauty. How about you and I spend some time together, I'm sure it will be quite an enjoyable experience~."

I shake my head and honestly reply, "Sorry, but I already have 4 beautiful girlfriends waiting for me, and while you have the potential to be equally beautiful so much that I wouldn't mind the idea of us spending some fun time together..."

At this point, I take a slight pause as all the people on both ships are looking at me like I'm some kind of blind fool with a few screws loose while even Alvida is kind of blushing slightly something which doesn't help much in making her appear more girly with her current appearance.

Then I honestly continue, "...But at the moment you aren't exactly nice to look at, as you didn't take good care of your appearance as you gained way too much weight ruining all the natural beauty that you had, in more direct words, you are ugly. Plus I also have a bit of dislike toward those that harm others without a just cause."

But soon after that, Alvida becomes enraged as she yells, "How dare you call me ugly!!?" then she rushes toward me and attacks me by swinging down her heavy, spiked Iron Mace with all her power as she yells, "Die!!"

Meanwhile, the hidden Koby yells in worry, "Be careful!!" but I simply let out a sigh and easily stop the incoming spiked Iron Mace with the index finger of my left hand making Alvida and everyone else yell in shock, ""Whaaat!!??"" followed by an incredulous Alvida that exclaims, "That's impossible!!"

But I simply smile and say, "Nope, it isn't... It's just that I'm that much stronger than you. Anyway, it was nice meeting you and please take better care of yourself as I'm sure that if you do you can truly become a world-shaking beauty."

Then without waiting for her response and without any hesitation, I raise my right hand and throw a strong and fast punch at her but stop just before actually hitting her, but that doesn't stop the air pressure generated by my fist from actually hitting Alvida and send her flying out of her ship and beyond the horizon as she let out a grunt of pain.

At the same time, all the pirates look at the scene of Alvida being blown away with their eyes and mouths wide open, as they all yell in shock in perfect synchrony, "Alvida-sama!!?"

Quickly after that, I flare my Spiral Cosmo, generating a wave of spiritual pressure that just like the Haoshoku Haki (Conqueror's Haki) overpowers the will of all the pirates around me, knocking all of them unconscious as they foam from the mouth leaving awake only the sailors on the merchant ship and Koby, who is still hidden behind one of the masts of this pink ship with a duck figurehead.

Koby is the first that realizes what is going on and so he slowly gets out of his hiding spot and as he moves toward me he nervously asks, "W-What was that? H-How did you do it? W-W-Who are you?"

I look at him and introduce myself, "My name is Pucci Jayr, a normal handsome young man exploring this world with his family, nice to meet you." then I look at him and ask, "So what is your name?"

Even if surprised by the question, Koby quickly replies while stuttering, "M-My n-name is K-Koby. Thank you for saving me from Alvida and her pirate crew. I was captured by them a few months ago when I was fishing, and Alvida kept me for the only reason that I know a little about navigation... so I was forced to work for them as the ship caretaker to stay alive, it was awful."

At this point, tears start to fall from his eyes as he starts to mutter, "And now, I'm not even sure if I can fulfill my dream of joining the Marine and catching the bad guys... for sure they will reject someone as weak and useless as me..."

I nod then look at the sailors on the merchant ship and with some simple telekinesis, I free them from their bidding and say, "I leave the handling of these pirates to you, just be careful as they all should wake up in around 2 hours."

While the sailors on the merchant ship slowly start to gather the knocked-out pirates, I look back at Koby and ask, "After this experience, do you still want to be a Marine?"

Koby quickly looks down at his feet, "Yes... I truly want to be a Marine... but I don't think I'll be able to accomplish this dream of mine... hehe... maybe it is impossible for someone like me... maybe I should just give up..."

Seeing him like that brings me the desire to help him fulfill his dream, after all, Koby was one of my favorite characters, and I'm very curious to see what height he can reach if he receives my help, especially since Koby's soul is truly something very special, in my eyes, his soul appears of a very beautiful white color, meaning that he is a true pure soul, something especially rare in someone as old as he is, basically, the only other pure soul that I met until now that isn't a child is Shun.

But first I have to make sure that this Koby has the same will and drive as his "canon" counterpart.

And so, I walk toward him and put a hand on his shoulder, and as he looks at me with a tear-stained face, I ask, "What if I tell you that if you are willing to work really hard even enduring countless suffering to the point of being very close to death many times... what if I telling that if you are willing to put this absolutely ridiculous amount of effort that you can accomplish your dream and not only become a Marine but becoming the greatest Marine. Will you really give up your dream?"

Koby looks up at me for a few moments, then he asks, "If... if I really put that kind of effort... can I truly accomplish my dream...? Can I truly... become a Marine?"

At his question, I simply look him back in the eyes and nod in silence waiting for his answer, then with a resolute gaze, he yells, "Joining the Marine and catching the bad guys has always been my dream!!! I'd rather die trying to put in that kind of effort and join the Marines than remain as I am and be a pathetic loser my whole life!!!"

Hearing that, I smile and say, "Good... then I'll help you fulfill your dream. I'll train you so hard that you will probably end up hating me and it is even possible that you will desire to die at some point. But if you will be able to pull through and persist to the end, I'll assure you that you'll be able to become a Marine Admiral."

Koby looks at me with a resolute expression, and then he bows and yells, "Thank you, Jayr-san! I'll be in your care from now on! I promise you that I won't give up. I'll become a Marine!"

With a smile, I grab Koby from the scuff of his shirt and fly back to the Athena's God Bidoof while dragging Koby, who is now screaming in panic, back with me.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts