

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

"Before you can release your anger on him, I want to ask you.  Do you really want to simply kill him, knowing that it will give his soul a chance to be reborn somewhere else and be happy, or do you want to make him suffer for a very long time?"

Hearing my question, a malignant grin form on Butcher's face as he answers, "Isn't the answer fucking obvious!?"

I nod and explain trying to make it as enticing for him as possible, "Then you can vent your anger and frustration on him as much as you desire, but do not kill him yet, let him watch the world that the Vought built crumble around him, the people that once loved and worshipped him turn their back and hate him for all the evil he committed. Let him live a few more days as a normal everyday human and receive a fair trial where he will be given the capital sentence. Only after that, he will die and with the help of a true God whom I was lucky enough to encounter and who gave me his approval, his soul will be sent into another world, with a similar setting to this one, but where he'll be, in his words, a simple man among the gods and will be hated and persecuted for that, it will be a living hell for him, see that everyone has what he had and despise him for being inferior."

The reason why I'm stopping Butcher from personally killing Homelander is because I fear what it would do to him in the long run, especially if the target of his revenge is killed in an act of blind rage, it could very well destroy what little good is left in him once and for all.

Butcher continues to stare at Homelander lying on the ground behind me, and simply asks, "Why? Why going through all this?" making me reply, "So that you don't become a monster to put down like him. You still have something to return, Becca and Ryan are waiting for you, they need a husband and a father who truly cares for them, not another cunt like Homelander. And while you did your fair shit of fucked up things, it isn't too late for you yet."

It seems that my words were able to affect him, especially when I called out Becca and Ryan's names, at that point, for the first time, since I teleported him here, his eyes left the powerless Homelander's body lying on the concrete and finally looked back at me.

After a few seconds of silence where he glances at Homelander's body, then he looks at me, and after that, he also looks at M.M., Hughie, Frenchie, and Kimiko who are also looking at him and nods encouragingly, he once again looks at me and says, "Fucking diabolical of you to use them against me! Very well, I won't kill that cunt, but as long as I don't kill him, I can kick his ass as much as I want, right?"

I nod at that, and he smiles and says, "Good... then wake the sleeping beauty up as her charming prince demands her ass but he forgot to bring the lube!"

Ignoring his weird phrasing that can be easily misunderstood, I flick a trace of Spiral Cosmo toward Homelander to wake him up.

The effect is instantaneous, as Homelander wakes and gets up with a start, then he looks at me and the first thing he does is narrow his eyes while staring at me, probably with the intent of shooting his Heat Energy Beam once more.

But after a few seconds, he realizes that something is wrong and stops and mutters in shock as he looks at his body in horror trying to understand what is going on, "W-Why I can't? W-What is going on!? I-Impossible!"

At the same time, Butcher smirks and yells as he walks toward him, "What's wrong, cunt? Can't get it up? Don't worry it happens to the best of us..."

Hearing his voice, Homelander raises his head and finally notices the incoming Butcher and asks, "William, why are you here?" making Butcher reply, "I'm here to maintain our promise! A fight, just the two of us! Sorry there isn't any of scorched earth, shock and awe, blood and bone that you desired, but it will be the two of us..."

Then he adds with a grin, "... Two normal humans duke it out on an even field until only one is left standing!"

Before Homelander can ask what he means, Butcher rushes at him and punches him in the face, sending Homelander crashing to the floor in shock.

Soon after Homelander stands up while saying, "Oww!" but then he immediately realizes, "Oww...!? I feel the pain...? You were able to hurt me!? How!? William, what did you do!?"

Hearing his question, Butcher smirks and asks, "Don't you feel strange? Like moving slower, feeling heavier, being overall weaker?"

Homelander finally realizes what felt so wrong and with dread, he mutters, "M-My powers?" making Butcher's smile even wider as he says, "Congratulations! You're one of the first to try the new revolutionary Anti-V. No more Heat Vision, no more flying around, no more Super Speed, no more Super Strength, and more important, no more fucking Super Durability! You're now a fucking plain normal human like everyone else!"

After that, Butcher rushes toward the still-shocked Homelander and start to massacre him with kick and punches, at first, Homelander tries to fight back, but without the superior capabilities granted by Compound V, Homelander is just way too weak to fight against a trained special forces marine like Butcher.

At some point, Homelander was a crying mess, he even begged Butcher to kill him, but Butcher was brutally efficient in his mad rage, he made sure to prolong Homelander's suffering for as long as possible, breaking every bone one at a time, and waking him up with a kick in the nuts every time he passed out from pain, gouging out his eyes, bursting his drums, shocking him with a car battery, he did everything possible to make him suffer as much as possible.

It wasn't a fight anymore, but just plain torture and it was hard to watch, but despite that, Butcher kept enough of his sanity to never push Homelander beyond what his body could bear, and in the end, after literally every bone in his body was broken, and he was just an inch from dying, Butcher finally stopped.

Butcher then spits on the broken mess that is Homelander's unconscious body and turns around and with a calm smile, he lets out a sigh and says, "Ah! Now I feel better... Now you can fix him up and put him in jail where I hope his ass will be passed around like a toy until it is time for his trial. After that, I hope that you will keep your word and send him to that living hell thingy."

I nod and once more heal the passed-out Homelander to make sure that he doesn't die, then I teleport the Boys back to their Headquarters.

Once I'm alone with the unconscious Homelander in this empty and devastated street, I hear the sound of the police sirens in the distance as they quickly approach, and let out a sigh as I mutter, "And now I have to deal with the aftermath of all this mess, plus I have to make sure that everyone involved pays for what the Vought did."

Soon many police cars and SWAT armored vans stop nearby, and as the various officers come out in panic as they try to assess the situation, I remember, "Ah, right! I almost forgot! I also have to flush out the other Champion and see what kind of person it is, so that I can deal with it in the best and fastest way possible."

Jayr POV - Earth, New York City - 2022

I'm now sitting in a simple apartment which is very near Hughie and Anne's apartment, watching on TV the public trial of Vought International, its CEO, some of its shareholders, and the board of directors, which is taking place at the Supreme Court while thinking, 'After this one, there will be Homelander's trial, and in the coming day the trials of the other corrupted Supes and politician that were involved in this whole mess. This is going to take a while.'

A few weeks passed since the night of Homelander's Birthday Special, now called by the people The Judgement Day, a name a little too epic and biblical for my taste, but it is better than the name that Butcher uses as he calls it the Day The Cunt Got What She Deserved, that seems almost too close to a title of a low-quality porn movie.

Anyway, these past weeks were a chaotic mess and the fault is mostly mine as I underestimated how much anger and criticism the Vought and the Supes' actions would spark on a global scale once revealed, as the people around the world all came out onto the streets to protest against the Vought and the Supes sometime very violently especially when Homelander's hardcore fanboys came out to try and defend him as they very lynched or even stoned to death like a particular school teacher named Todd Walsh who lived in New York City, who I later found out was the boyfriend of M.M.'s ex-wife.

What made the situation even worse was that some corrupted Supes that I exposed went totally rogue and started to do whatever they wanted without caring about the consequences and their reputation anymore.

In some places, the chaos was so much that I was forced to act to stop them before they could seriously hurt someone, and calm down and disperse the rioting masses, while also rescuing and healing everyone who got involved in these chaotic matters, and of course, thanks to the fact that I'm acting all around the world regardless of nationality, some people started to refer to me as the Savior or even the Punishment like some knock-off Punisher, most probably because of my introductory speech which is currently one of the most viewed online, and more ironically some more religious people even call me Saint Jayr.

At the same time, the various nations around the world ignored my actions as they were more focused on demanding to expedite the trial against Vought International, the CEO, the shareholders, Homelander, and the Supes for their crimes.

Of course, these superpowers didn't do it only for the indignation and for the eventual political gains, but also because they wanted a slice of the cake called Vought International and all its associates that became readily available, and the first on the list of everyone is, of course, the Compound V formula, unfortunately, they all still didn't realize that it has magically disappeared from all the world's networks and from the mind of all the ones that worked with it.

Another thing they all ignore is that now, a better and harmless formula is in the inaccessible servers of a newly rising company called Crateris Global, under the lead of its new CEO, Rebecca Saunders Butcher (Becca), who is also helped by Anne January (Starlight), Marvin T. Milk (M.M.), Hugh Campell Jr (Hughie), and Margaret Shaw (Queen Meave) and watched over by the upgraded AI Crathy that also gives its inputs on the needed actions to resolve all kind of problems, which was able to quickly gain traction, importance, influence, and more important the love of the people as they could instantly feel the difference between this new company and the Vought's operations.

Thanks also to the fact that all the well-intentioned and innocent Supes left the sinking ship that was the Vought and followed the lead of Queen Meave and Starlight to join forces together under the care of this new company that would soon take the Vought's place while also doing a better job in helping the people instead of focusing on taking their money and ignoring their plight, add the fact that right now, the Crateris Global's most important product which is publically known is the Anti-V which rends the Supes powerless and that is currently only used to deal with the rogue Supe so that they can be held accountable for their crimes.

Regarding the Anti-V, for the moment, we decided to keep the serum's side effect a secret as the situation is already chaotic enough more importantly, the side effect would only be noticed in around 100 years at the very least as the first people injected with it would appear way younger than they should because of their extended lifespan.

Overall, Crateris Global is on the fast track to becoming a multi-billion company to the level of the previous Vought, and at that without focusing on the earnings too much, as different from Vought International, Crateris Global fully intends on being a true Superhero company, where the Supes will be, supported, trained, helped, and regulated, and whose final objective is to build a better society and future for everyone.

Moreover, the fact that the company in question has an unlimited start-up fund thanks to a certain God who is able to produce infinite valuable materials by spending just a little energy, and that can magically speed up all the needed bureaucracy with a little bit of mind manipulation also helps a lot.

A thing I did to make sure that Crateris Global doesn't become corrupted like Vought International, was to create a couple of failsafe methods, the first is a magical contract that will ensure the safety of dangerous information, and the other is the now upgraded sentient AI Crathy itself, who will watch over for and take care of any sign of corruption, it has the final authority over everything and responds only to me, Crateris its father and creator, and Saori, because as it was created mostly by Crateris, like the Cloth it has complete loyalty to my version of Goddess Athena, and strictly follows her principles.

One thing that didn't go as I hoped is the search for the other Champion, despite the fact that I'm flying around the world helping as many people as possible, while also being as high profile as possible about it, linking my actions to a certain newly rising company under my ownership as no one says no to some good publicity, the other Champion still did show up or made any move, either to attack, challenge, or contact me, and I wasn't even able to find a single trace of him, it, or her yet.

While I was remembering the events of these past few weeks, the trial is ending, and they are about to pronounce the sentences for Vought International, the CEO Stan Edgar, the board of directors, and even some of the most invested shareholders.

Of course, in the end, they all were found guilty of crimes against humanity and a whole other bunch of accusations thanks to all the incriminating information I made public.

The result is that all the Vought International and its associates' assets will be confiscated by the State, and the liquid cash will be "used" as a fund to pay the victims, something I'm quite sure won't happen as quickly as the victims hope and that while waiting, some of these will "disappears" somewhere, but it isn't a problem as Crathy will instantly make it public as soon as it happens, as it has basically taken over all the networks in the world, 'Luckily, it is on my side and programmed in such a way that it won't go rogue...'

Meanwhile, the other more "fixed" assets will be appraised to determine the properties' value, less any claims against them, and they will be stored and maintained while ownership and any third-party claims are heard in court, then if the challenge to the confiscation is not effective, the properties will be taken for government use or auctioned, in that case, the Crateris Global is already prepared to acquire as many infrastructure as possible.

Focusing on the people, the CEO, Stanford Edgar, took most of the blame as "the person in charge" and ended up with multiple life sentences, basically, he will for sure spend the rest of his life in prison, meanwhile, the board of directors ended up with 20 to 50 years depending on their involvement in the criminal activities of the Vought, while some of the shareholders at most have to pay a heavy fine, while the most corrupt ones also ended up in prison for both supporting the Vought's criminal activities and the crimes they also committed taking advantage of the Vought's influence.

As I drink a glass of cold water while waiting for Homelander's trial, I hear the sound of a piano playing the unmistakable theme of a certain gangstar who has a dream, of course, that is the ringtone of my phone, Il Vento D'Oro (Golden Wind) played and recorded by a certain handsome young man who couldn't stand have a plain regular ringtone even for something that he will only use in this world.

I use my telekinesis to pick up the smartphone, see that it is Becca's number, and answer, "Good morning, Becca. How can I help you?"

Becca then quickly replies, "Good morning, Jayr. I wanted to inform you that thanks to Queen Meave, Starlight, Supersonic, and the others, we have caught almost all the rogue Supes, only Black Noir, Mindstorm, and a few others are still at large. Then there also is the question of Soldier Boy who is still at that Russian Facility, which is in itself a quite delicate situation..."

I simply reply, "I understand... thanks for updating me on the situation." then I change the subject and ask, "Anyway, how is going with Ryan and Zoe? Is everything alright?"

Becca quickly starts to explain with clear joy in her tone, "With Ryan everything is perfect, we are finally free from the Vought and that monster shadow. He can finally have the happy childhood I always desired for him, and even Bill can be a surprisingly good father figure for him, it seems that while I was gone the two of them truly grew closer."

Then her tone calms down and she says, "Meanwhile, Zoe is still very upset about what her mother and grandfather figure did, and still can't face the fact that despite everything they did, she still loves and cares for them. I mean for sure isn't easy to find out that your mother is a mass murderer and that your grandfather allowed so many despicable things to happen only because it brought him profit... I can't even remotely understand what she is going through now... The only thing I can do is let her know that I'm here for her if she needs it."

After hearing that I give her a few words of advice, and then I start to remember the meeting I had with Zoe's mother, the Head Popping Supe, Victoria Neuman.

It happened soon after I turned in Homelander to the authorities, as the waves that my exposure of the Vought and the Supes' crimes started to get bigger and bigger, I decided to also take care of another Supe that I knew for sure could cause a lot of casualties if she started rampaging, and so without hesitation, I teleported to her home, who I learned the location thanks to Hughie.

But as soon as I arrived in front of her house's door, what greeted me, was the voice of a young girl as she yelled, "Mom! Tell me it isn't true!! That you aren't such a monster! How could you do something like that!!?" followed by a woman's voice that said, "Zoe everything I did wa- Zoe!!" but before she could finish, I hear the loud sound of footstep rushing up a set of stairs quickly followed by the sound of a door slamming.

Hearing that, I didn't hesitate and quickly knocked on the door while thinking, 'If I sense that Victoria is about to do something to her daughter, I'll take a page out of Ikki's book and make her feel the true advantage of gender equality by beating the crap out of her.'

But nothing of such happened, as I sensed that after a few moments, she used to recompose herself as her daughter's reaction did hit her hard, Victoria came to open the door, but at the same time, I also picked up that she was preparing to unleash her powers at a moment's notice.

As soon as she opened the door, she opened her eyes wide in shock and surprise, but then her brown eyes instantly turned white as she started to use her power trying in vain to make me explode.

Meanwhile, I calmly looked at the 1,60 meters tall, olive-skinned woman in her mid-30s with long black wavy hair that turned a lighter brown at the tip, which like all the other people in this universe looked very similar to the actress that portrayed her in the show, Claudia Doumit, she is Commander Farah Ahmed Karim, one of the three playable protagonists of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, I mean Victoria Neuman, Supe and Director of the Federal Bureau of Superhuman Affairs.

(Image Here - Victoria Neuman)

I also was surprised to see her soul through my God of Justice's eyes, it had a shade of red a lot lighter than I thought, while she in no way is a good person she is no way as bad as I thought as with her body count I expected her soul to be closer to pitch black than her actual color which is pretty similar to Butcher's soul in fact, it is even a shade lighter than him, making me realize, 'That means, that she isn't totally evil who enjoys to bring harm to others, or that doesn't even care how much suffering she causes as long as she reaches her objectives, sure she is a ruthless, calculating, methodical, manipulative, and brutally pragmatic woman, but she also has a gentler and kinder side as shown a few seconds ago as she was truly hurt by her daughter's reaction as the barely visible tear mark indicate, but this is greatly offest by her cold upbring at Stan Edgar's hands.'

While I was thinking that, Victoria realized that her powers were ineffective against me, so she let out a defeated sigh and said, "I guess hoping that my powers would be effective against the monster that easily defeated THE Homelander was too much... So what are you going to do?"

At that moment, as I looked at her, I also noticed that her daughter was now eavesdropping from the stairs, and with a smile, I said while pulling out a dose of Anti-V, "First, I'm going to give you this, it's a serum of my creation called Anti-V, it will neutralize the Compound V in your body turning you back into a regular human. Then you will peacefully turn yourself in while also testifying for other crimes you know of. In exchange, I'll make sure that you'll face a lesser charge, while also making sure that your daughter will be safe and protected from all harm."

As she was surprised by my offer I explained, "I'm giving you this chance to change because I see that you aren't a totally evil person and probably what you did wasn't only for your own gain and ambition but also to keep your daughter safe, but you still have to pay for your crimes. At least this way you'll also have the chance to get out earlier, repent for your crimes by doing good from now on, and fix the rapport with your daughter, what do you say?"

Then Victoria didn't hesitate at all as she took the Anti-V, but at the same time, her daughter, Zoe yelled, "Wait mom!" but she ignored her and injected it into her body herself as she said, "Deal!"

After that, Victoria told her daughter that she loved her and that she left her in my care before taking the car and going to the police to turn herself in.

I and Zoe watched her do so from a safe distance, at the same time, I also comforted her telling her that I'll make sure that her mother will be fine and that she will have all the time she wants to get angry at her and then forgive her for what she did, as for Victoria she is the most important thing.

I then took the distraught Zoe to Becca to explain to Becca everything about Zoe's situation, and of course, Becca welcomed her with open arms.

But suddenly my flashback is interrupted, by the sound of my apartment's doorbell, and using my senses I realize that there are two people standing in front of my door, one of them is Hughie but he feels strange, almost nervous, and as I sense the other I realize why, the other person is a woman, but she isn't someone I recognize and more important, she doesn't feel like a normal human at all, but a race that feels vaguely similar to one I felt before, a race that I know for sure it doesn't exist in this Universe, making me instantly realize, 'The other Champion!!'

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

Odyincreators' thoughts