
Battle Academy: A Reincarnation for the End

Many people believe that reincarnation is a cycle that is infinite. Mentally, we can visualize that it is possible to reincarnate in another world that you wish to live in. It is an exciting idea when you think that destiny is final only after you become existent in another dimension and your soul transfers the knowledge. Don't let the barriers of reality limit your thoughts, and believe that reincarnation can give you a second chance to accomplish everything you long for. This is the idea that we have after all. And not only us, but also Edward, a young reader who unfortunately died after a car accident. After his vision darkened, a new one appeared. Edward opened his eyes and found himself in a room that was not his. Memories of people he did not know. At that moment Edward knew that he had been reincarnated. No one had to tell him, he could feel the sensation coursing through his veins. But to complete his shock, Edward discovered that he was inside the novel of his favorite author. In this world, heroes and villains arose with the arrival of a meteor that came to Earth, extinguished the dinosaurs, and brought magic with it. This magic can be used for both good and evil, so every day there are more and more heroes and villains fighting each other. There are world-famous academies in the four corners of the world, where young heroes are trained to fight the villains and maintain world peace. He was excited at first, but this excitement soon turned to fear when he discovered that he was reincarnated inside the body of a character from the Lothbrok family. A family that had the most powerful heroes in the world. But that wasn't what scared Edward, what scared him was knowing that he had become Edward lothbrok, a boy who was going to die in an entrance test for the greatest hero academy in the world, The Battle Academy.

Fabio_Henrique_5198 · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs

Admission test (3)

Suddenly my eyes opened and again I saw the white ceiling of the training room. A wave of discouragement went through my body - My body was already tired, but I knew that there was still a long way to go before I reached optimal performance. With determination, I stood up and stretched.

The same woman who had knocked out me, with an intelligent expression and a superior tone of voice, stopped training and looked at me with disdain. She shook her head, and then told me, "You missed your chance." It was then that I realized how insignificant I was in front of her.

From the memories I acquired, I discovered that this woman is Ava Lothbrok, my aunt and also the teacher of the main characters.

In this modern age, the strength of individuals goes far beyond physical ability. The power of heroes and villains is rated on scales from level F to level S, with S ranks being the highest of all the ratings. Such high levels mean that the characters possess abilities far superior to the rest, whether for good or evil. This is why S-Classes are so revered and encouraged.

Currently, there are only 15 S-Class heroes in the entire world, with Ava being one of the privileged people to be attested with this title. This class of heroes enjoys powerful abilities and stands out among the other classes, as its special techniques grant it amazing performance in performing high-level tasks. The recognition of this elite becomes more and more precious, and they are the strongest!

And me? I am a mere F rank, unable to compete with the monstrous strength of the S-class heroes, for now...

I ignored her presence and went to the difficulty meter next to the door. I lowered the difficulty level to one of my choices, as I knew it would allow me to enjoy the fight smartly, making it challenging and stimulating at the same time.

Once the difficulty level was set, I entered the ring with confidence. I studied the way the robot moved and began to develop strategies to win. Meanwhile, I kept my cool, maintaining my focus and concentration. Everyone's skills were tested, as were our ability to adapt and improvise. In the end, my strategy worked and I was victorious.

I was very surprised when I managed to defeat the robot. It was something I had never done before. Suddenly Ava said to me, "You are not so garbage". As much as I appreciated the compliment, I was very irritated by the implicit implication that I probably wasn't good enough.

"Thank you." Still, I thanked her for the compliment, after all, I don't want to go visit the flashback world again.

Ava stared at me thoughtfully, clearly noticing the interest I had in joining the battle academy. She must have wondered why I wanted to be part of the institution so badly, or what I hoped to achieve there. She silently considered me, wondering what my abilities were so that I could succeed in that journey.

After long reflections on the path to take, she asked me with a shrewd look, "Would you be interested in my taking you to the entrance test?" Of course, that question, after so long of discussion, surprised me.

I stared at her in surprise for a few moments, but managed to regain my composure and replied with the question, "Do you want to take me?"

"Did you know that only idiots answer a question with another question?"


"See! You look like a bimbo."

"Okay! I accept, but will you let me drive?" I asked holding out a shred of hope that she would let me, but my hope was turned to happiness after hearing her reply, "If you can prove you can drive better than me"

She started laughing as if I was a joke and a child, but little did she know, that I would prove to her that I am a better driver!

Suddenly, I smiled unconsciously and asked, "How about we race? So we can decide who is the better driver."

Suddenly, Ava stopped laughing and, noticing the seriousness of my tone, replied amiably, "Do you want to race with me?" She was ready to accept whatever fate had in store for her with the confidence and intelligence that characterized her.

"Yes!", I answered immediately, promptly, without hesitation. I was on the edge of my seat, bubbling over, I wanted to face Ava in that duel of speed. My heart was beating fast just thinking about the great chance I had to make a name for myself. I knew I would do well in the challenge, but I could not contain my nervousness in front of such a significant opportunity. Here I was to prove myself.

Ava started laughing as she saw my happiness and excitement. Then she excitedly asked, "Shall we go to the family garage and pick out a good machine?" As she spoke, enthusiasm splashed off her face and my eyes sparkled with excitement. I was eager to experience that unexpected rush of adrenaline.




Underground, I entered an immense garage filled with luxurious cars and discovered that all in that great variety were priced in the billions. Dazzled, I decided to think calmly and rationally about which car would be my car.

Only suddenly did Ava overtake me and get into a black sports car as she declared, "Pick a car quickly! If my brother finds us here, there will be severe consequences."

I didn't have to waste time choosing a car. When I saw a yellow sports car parked. When I opened the door to take a closer look, I was surprised by the modern technological features. I eventually discovered that the car started with the touch of one of the Lothbroks. The modernity and elegance it exuded won me over, so it was a very easy decision for me!

I quickly got inside the car, when I heard a smart voice say "Welcome, Edward Lothbrok". I was perplexed, as I was not expecting to hear my name coming from somewhere inside the vehicle. I wondered who could have called me and why that voice identified me so easily.

"This is the Lothbroks' unique intelligent system. It is connected to all of our devices to provide us with the support necessary, including in the cars," Ava replied as she moved her car.

Taking note of the explanation, I held the steering wheel firmly with both hands as if they were made of gold and spoke softly to the car, "Hey, my dear, you will now be called 'Dangerous', Shall we teach that crazy girl a lesson?"


Author's note:

The easiest way to defeat an S-Class:

● Create a device that creates a distorted reality to weaken the S-rank hero.

The easiest way to kill an A-class:

● Make use of technology: Use highly advanced technology, with weaponry, war equipment, and nukes, to subtly or directly annihilate the hero.

The easiest way to kill a class B:

● A high-caliber energy weapon.

The easiest way to kill a C-class:

● An ambush using minions and deadly weapons.

The easiest way to kill a class D:

● Poisoning their food with a lethal toxic substance.

The easiest way to kill a class E:

● A stab in the chest.

The easiest way to kill a class F:

● A good whack to the skull can kill it.