
Batman: The Lustful One

What if Batman didn’t deliver justice with a hard fist to the face but instead a sharp claw to the heart? What if the corrupted world of Gotham had a Batman deserving of its nature? In this world, Bruce Wayne injects himself with a serum which gives him superhuman abilities, but instead of what he expected, he finds himself shifting into a bloodthirsty vampire-like man. However, this vampire could be concealed under certain conditions. Yet, Bruce Wayne isn’t entirely dissatisfied with what he got. Instead, he ends up growing a liking for devouring the criminals that roam the city of Gotham. …thus, Batman, the Lustful One is born. Author’s Note: - Folks, I wrote this similar to the Batman who appears in JL: Gods and Monsters because I loved that version too much. However, the stories won’t be exactly the same. The villains would be different. The way Batman’s story unfolds will also be different. (For example, I took Bruce Wayne instead of Kirk Langstorm here to become the vampiric Batman.) - Upload Schedule: 5 - 7 chapters/week (5 or 3 day breaks between arcs)

VagabondVI · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

C2: Warm or Cold?

It was past 11:30 when I finally stepped out of the lab and locked the doors. 

Layla was already seated on Kirk's bike, ready to head off. Kirk had his helmet on and the syringe in his hand. 

I stepped into my Lamborghini parked outside the lab and started it. I carefully placed the syringe at my side. 

The process was over. Now, it was time to put it to the test. 

I stared at the empty car park outside as the headlights of the car illuminated it. For a moment, I was stuck in thought. 

'I can finally do it—' 

Tap. Tap. 

My focus broke away as I heard two taps at my window. I looked to my side only to see Kirk staring down at me from the outside. 

I lowered the window. 

"Everything ok?" 

Kirk smiled and nodded. 

"Of course, everything's fine, man. But —" he leaned in towards me. "Aren't you going to shoot this up? Right now. I mean— you saw that it worked. We don't have to wait another bloody day, right?" 

I gazed into Kirk's eyes. He was a little nervous. I didn't know why exactly. 

"Layla agrees to this?" 

"Yeah, man. She can't wait to see me recover. I mean— the sooner I recover. The sooner I get my slick ass hair back," Kirk laughed. 

I smiled back at Kirk, my hands on the wheel. 

"You want me to take it with you?" 

Kirk did not reply to me. The silence was enough to tell me that it was a 'Yes.' 

"I mean— no. No, it didn't have to be like that. I'm not being a pussy right now. But, you said you would take the serum as soon as you make it to get stronger. But you know, Mr. Luthor said not to take it before he checked the serum, yeah?" 

I narrowed my eyes, remembering the image of the bald Professor Lex Luthor in our university. 

He was a strange man. Not the most trustworthy face a man could have. 

"Yeah, I don't trust him entirely…" I muttered. 

"Me neither. So, are we going to take this or not? I can't wait for another day, man. This pain I'm feeling. It has to end. It's shit, man. It's unbearable. I can't even have sex with Layla without coughing up blood —" 

I stopped Kirk right then and there, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"I know, Kirk. Let's do it." 

I gave him a nod, my eyes filled with a determination I didn't have only minutes before. 

"Are you coming or what?? What are you two talking about so much!" Layla cried out from the back of Kirk's bike. 

"Coming sweetheart!" Kirk yelled back, waving to her girlfriend. 

I took the syringe and rolled up the sleeve of my shirt. Then, I looked up at Kirk. 

"Here goes." 

Kirk instantly rolled up his sleeve too, placing the needle in his arm. Yet, he hesitated for a second. 

"Are we counting to three?" 

He was sweating. 

I grinned at him and said, "No." 

I pushed the end of the syringe and let the needle slice through my skin. The entire serum was injected into my arm and a sudden sensation of pain made me wince. 

"Ugh… God." 

Kirk closed his eyes and did the same, right after me. 


The serums were injected, finally. 

I laid my head back on the seat as I felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through my arm. Soon, it was moving through my entire body. 

The veins in my arm began to appear slowly. I was already feeling stronger. 

"Argh!" Kirk cried out, gripping onto the side of my car. 

I quickly turned to him. 


He breathed out and stepped backward. He kept his hands on his knees and suddenly started to grin. 

"Woooohoo!" He cried out. 

Suddenly, he was energetic. 

I smiled, sighing in relief. 

"It worked." 

"Hell yeah, it worked… I'm already feeling it, man." 

With the excitement, the sudden adrenaline rush inside me was dismissed. I was feeling my body coming back to its regular self. 

Only my body felt heavier this time. But better and stronger. 

"Guys!" Layla cried out again. "Are you doing fucking drugs there? Boys, I swear to God!" 

She was losing her temper now. It was taking forever for us to take the serum, after all. 

"No no," Kirk laughed. "We're fine. But yeah, we took something alright." 

Kirk turned back to me again. 

"We finally did it, man. Life's gonna look a whole lot better from tomorrow," Kirk patted me on my right shoulder. 

I nodded to him, keeping my hands on the wheel again. "I'll see you tomorrow then. Better days ahead." 

"Better days ahead," Kirk nodded to me. 

He flipped down the face shield on his helmet and walked back to his bike. I stepped on the accelerator and took off from there. 

Now, it was high time to test out my secret. 

It was the day I was waiting for. 

The day I was going to change into a different man. 

Wayne Manor, outskirts of Gotham City. 

11:50 PM. 

My Lambo sped up the road toward the gates of my Manor. 

The trees cast shadows of hollow shapes over the streets. The tall grass on either side of the road moved silently. I saw a flock of bats take to the skies from a tree nearby. 

The night was calm. 

As I approached the gates of the Manor, the gates opened. It was Alfred maneuvering the system from within.

I pulled into my Manor and stepped out of my car, parking it right in front of my doors. A slow drizzle fell from the skies. 

Before I stepped up the front steps, Alfred, my butler, opened the door. 

"Evening, Master Bruce."

"Evening, Alfred," I replied, removing my shirt. 

"Working late again? I should warm your dinner. I couldn't decide when to do that since you were working late again." 

"Please do, Alfred." 

I began to unbutton my shirt right after I stepped inside the Manor. Then, I began to hurry up the stairs. 

"Alfred, and prepare a bath for me!" 

Alfred didn't realize why I was in a hurry. 

"Master Bruce? Why might you be in a rush?" 

I paused midway up the staircase and turned to Alfred, grinning. 

"The serum worked. My plan worked. Tonight, I am putting it to the test. Tonight is the night, Alfred." 

"Oh? Congratulations, Master Bruce. Then, I must hurry up and prepare your meal and your bath. Warm or cold water, sir?" 

The night was spine-chilling cold. Yet, a bead of sweat was trickling down my forehead. 

I gazed at Alfred for a moment, slipping myself out of my sleeves. 

"How about cold?"

Alfred was surprised. For a moment, he was silent. Yet, he did not disobey my request. 

"Of course, cold it is."