
Batman : First Hero to Control (A/JL)

This is a Fan Fiction Real Author : Name Taken All Credits goes to him.. I am just Translating it ------------------------------------------------------ An ancient entity awakens from the depths of the abyss, as demons whisper in people's ears. Unknown horrors erode their minds, and madness thrives in the darkness of their hearts. But the arrival in this world is not just darkness. There are fully armed Dark Knights, walking through the shadows to pass judgment on evil. There are agile and quick-witted individuals in tight suits, roaming between buildings, playing the role of friendly neighbors. There is a playboy dedicated to donning armor for the world, clad in high-tech battle gear. And there is an omnipotent god among mortals, the symbol of hope, with an "S" shining on his chest like the sun... No one can imagine that behind all of them, there is just a player sitting in front of a computer screen, clicking on the keyboard. _________________________________ Show Support on Paypal https://www.paypal.me/mohdrafisyed

Rafi_Mohd · วิดีโอเกม
56 Chs

Chapter 40: Senior

Chu Cheng felt a bit perplexed when he saw this friend request.

It's worth mentioning that this message didn't come from a regular social media app platform, but rather from the social module of a specialized app used by the Ninth Division. According to the technical department, this software had an exceptionally high level of security. All the data entered by the users was stored solely in the database of the Ninth Division's Sky Carrier, making it absolutely impenetrable.

Moreover, the app itself had top-notch encryption technology. Even if an agent's phone was lost, the data would self-destruct before it could be hacked or misused, ensuring absolute security.

Chu Cheng maintained a skeptical attitude towards this. After all, he had already classified the Ninth Division as a mental institution built on a flying graveyard. Its outward appearance paid homage to the S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier that crashed three times in a week, while its internal functionalities borrowed from the prodigious Arkham.

But whether it was the helicarrier or Arkham, their common ground lay in adhering to security mechanisms that resembled public toilets. They even went as far as having separate facilities for men and women, which surpassed even the standard set by public restrooms.

Due to his doubts about the organization's security capabilities, Chu Cheng remained reserved about the encryption technology of this app. He once thought about manipulating Batman to try his unconventional portable universal decryptor, thinking it might be able to hack into the app. However, he quickly dismissed the idea, realizing that it would be too reckless. If he were to expose himself and attract unwanted attention from higher-ups, it wouldn't end well, so he gave up on the idea.

For security reasons, the app doesn't send any message notifications on the phone's interface. Users can only see received messages when they open the app.

So receiving a request from this app was intriguing.

After all, only individuals from within the Ninth Division would have downloaded this app. The message itself was a signal, indicating that Senior Fellow Felix was also an extraordinary being, a colleague, and a member of the Ninth Division.

The message was brief and to the point, instructing him to meet on the rooftop.

Chu Cheng accepted the friend request and greeted Felix before asking directly, "Now?"

The response came quickly, still concise and clear, with just one word: "Yes."

If we talk about the rooftop of the academic building, it was a magical place in the world of anime and manga. Here, all sorts of things could happen. You could have a casual lunch and chat, strike a pose, fight zombies, and even engage in close-quarters combat if you weren't afraid of wooden swords. Chu Cheng truly appreciated this rooftop in heaven.

Upon receiving the message, Chu Cheng didn't hesitate and immediately got up to leave the classroom.

Wei Futong looked at him with some surprise. "Class is about to start."

"Oh, I have something to take care of. Skip this class for me, and please sign me in if there's attendance."

Chu Cheng waved his hand, still holding his phone, and quickly left the classroom.

Watching his departing figure, Wei Futong soon realized that he had just received some urgent message, causing him to leave in a hurry.

What kind of message was so urgent that he didn't even stay for class when everyone was already in the classroom?

Then, Wei Futong recalled their morning visit to the pharmacy, and it suddenly clicked in his mind.

Soon, a complex and somewhat awestruck expression appeared on his face.

When he joined the League of Mediocre Individuals, his intention was to slack off, but now he realized that he couldn't even slack off properly in comparison to others. He had started contemplating whether this path might not be suitable for him after all.

After sneaking out of the classroom, Chu Cheng quickly arrived at the rooftop of the main building, where Felix was already waiting.

Even without considering their respective backgrounds, Felix was an impressively striking person. A clean and handsome face, towering height of 1.8 meters, a delicate countenance that didn't lack the firmness of a man.

In summary, Felix was considered handsome at a level that could be considered top-tier among ordinary people, but average among certain types of readers.

Senior Fellow Felix was straightforward and direct, without any pleasantries or foreplay. He got straight to the point.

Firstly, he revealed his identity. Felix did indeed possess extraordinary abilities and was recruited into the Ninth Division because of it. His level of infection was moderate, and he had astonishing talent in practical combat skills. He had already obtained the official position of an operative field agent.

Comparatively, considering Chu Cheng had no mutations, no training, and no experience, he was a complete "greenhorn." Felix, on the other hand, had undergone infection enhancement, systematic training, and had mission experience. He was undoubtedly an experienced individual.

To be honest, Chu Cheng was a bit surprised upon hearing this.

In his preconceived notions, wealthy individuals were mostly accustomed to the "I provide money, you provide service" approach. People like Mr. Wayne, who liked to personally invest both money and effort to serve the people, were a rare breed. They were considered anomalies in the capitalist system, not typically discussed.

To actually witness a rich second-generation individual who enjoyed personally diving into the frontline and risking their life with lunatics was truly a first for Chu Cheng.

"We've been assigned a mission by the Ninth Division, and it seems to involve students from our school," Felix stated directly after the introductions.

"Since there are only two Ninth Division members in our school, the mission has been assigned to the two of us. I am the team leader."

"So, I'm the deputy team leader?" Chu Cheng asked.

Felix paused for a moment, then smiled lightly. "Sure. From now on, you're the deputy team leader and you'll follow the team leader's command."

"While I'd like to have a longer conversation with you, I don't have much time. My car is already waiting downstairs. So, take this for now."

He handed Chu Cheng a prepared folder.

"This contains the documents provided by our superiors. It contains information about the investigation target and the testimony provided by the target. Take a look this afternoon to familiarize yourself with the details of our mission."

"I've reserved a table at Wolga for tonight. I'll treat you to a meal."

Chu Cheng took a deep breath.

He had never been to Wolga, but he had heard about it. It was supposedly a high-end restaurant in town, where a meal could easily cost tens of thousands of dollars. It was a place that a poor guy like him wouldn't even dare to think about.

Initially, he thought he couldn't afford it and wanted to decline. But then he realized the current situation: Felix was the team leader, and he was the deputy team leader. It was his duty to obey the team leader's orders, and right now, the team leader's command was for him to enjoy a good meal. As the deputy team leader, he couldn't refuse.

So Chu Cheng patted his chest confidently.

"Don't worry, I'll be there on time."

Felix was pleased and nodded. "Don't worry, the first phase is just about gathering information through investigation. If it becomes too complicated, we'll hand it over to others to handle. But it's also possible that it's not a big deal, and if things go smoothly, we might even wrap up the mission tonight."

Chu Cheng pondered for a moment. "Why don't we go in the afternoon then?"

"Afternoon?" Felix looked at him strangely, sounding rather matter-of-fact.

"Well, I have classes in the afternoon," Felix explained.

Chu Cheng "..."