
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

Waking Up

Peter felt his mind come out of a fog while breathing in the fresh air. When he woke up he saw three beautiful faces staring down at him. He felt like he was in heaven. One of them spoke, "Hey tiger, it's time to get up," Peter smiled and laughed.

A slap across the face stunned him and he opened his eyes for real this time. He was staring at a weirded-out Harry.

"Peter, what the heck, dude! What are you thinking about making that kind of face and trying to kiss me? Get up!"

Harry left Peter who sat up and what greeted him were all of his friends staring and laughing. The three girls looked at Peter and waved, "Hi tiger," they said together and then laughed. He turned to see Ned who seemed to have lost a lot of weight although he was still pretty fat. 

"What happened?" Peter asked Ned.

"Dude, you put your hands on Harry and said, "Hi tiger, before trying to kiss him. That's when he slapped you and you woke up. Everyone was worried about you until then, what are you thinking about?" Ned looked disappointed in Peter.

Peter was down and then looked to his right to see Miles. "Man, you're making it hard for me to look up to you. You've got to pull it together!" Miles told him and walked off.

"Even little Miles," Peter thought. 

After a couple of minutes, Peter returned to his typically happy-go-lucky approach to life. MJ scowled at him for a while until he noticed her and felt uncomfortable.

"What?" Peter looked at her.

"You have issues," she said.

"I was disorientated, I just woke up," Peter answered.

"I meant you have clothing issues, why are you wearing those strange teddy bear boxers?" She asked.

"I'm not..." Peter looked down in panic. When he looked down, he realized he was fully dressed and confused. He looked back at MJ who gave him a flat smile.

"Made you look, although, I know you're wearing teddy bear boxers, the English guy mentioned it," MJ walked away after teasing Peter.

Once more, Peter was stunned and embarrassed until something occurred to him.

"What English guy..." Peter started to ask when he saw that he was in a vast cavern. 

"Where are we?" Peter asked no one in particular as he joined his friends who were gathered into a group. 

Ned felt Peter approach him, "Dude, this looks like a secret base." 

"More like an underground lair," Peter responded.

"An underground lair," both of them said as they turned their hands forward with their pinky finger pointing at the corners of their mouths. Peter and Ned laughed, but then noticed Miles looking at them as if he were disappointed in life.

"You know, Peter, you're the reason I joined Mid-Tech High after my parents begged me to not go to a regular high school. I'm starting to question my decision. 

"I'm glad you've each woken up. It's time to get to business," A young handsome man wearing black spandex approached them.

"Bruce," Peter yelled and waved. 

"Hello, Peter, MJ, Mary Jane, Gwen, Harry, Ned, and Miles," Bruce greeted the kids. 

"Come joined me, you're probably hungry, Alfred has prepared some pizza for all of you," Bruce pointed to a large table. It turned out the kids were extremely hungry and pounced on the pizza as soon as they saw it. 

Pizza was universally loved by kids, even if those kids were turtles. For a moment, Bruce wasn't sure why he would think about turtle kids. 

Bruce was also hungry and grabbed a pie for himself. He sat down with the kids and ate. Alfred approached the table with soda and ice.

"Enjoy young Masters and Mistresses," Alfred politely said as he poured drinks for everyone. 

"Uh, thanks Alfred," Peter happily took a drink and ate. 

Harry ate but he was looking around the cave, and then he looked at Bruce.

"Where are we?" Harry asked Bruce.

"You're the first person to ask me about this place. The rest of you lost your curiosity once the food was introduced. You kids are far too relaxed. You were almost killed and none of you are even concerned about where you are," Bruce shook his head. 

"Why are we here?" Harry asked Bruce.

"Do any of you remember what happened?" Bruce asked.

"Yeah, oh yeah! I got attacked by a bunch of spiders!" Miles yelled in realization.

"Me too!" Mary Jane suddenly remembered.

"I was too..." Each of the kids remembered the attack.

"Weren't we also gassed?" Ned asked.

"Oh, yeah, I thought we were dead, but someone saved us..." Gwen remembered and then looked at Bruce. The others also looked toward him.

"Oh, so you remember now..." Bruce said and then continued to eat.

"Thank you, Bruce," Peter smiled.

"Do any of you understand your current situation?" Bruce asked.

"Our current situation? Oh yeah, why are we in this strange place?" Miles asked. 

The teens began to murmur to one another. They were finally awake and thinking.

"Don't worry, you're not in any danger. You've been kidnapped," Bruce informed them in a flat voice.

"Kidnapped!" Harry shouted.

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