
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

The Team

Bruce followed Professor X into the danger room. Standing in the room were Dr. Bruce Banner (Hulk), Neena Thurman (Domino), Armando Edi Muñoz (Darwin), Dr. James Bradley(Dr. Nemesis), Doug Ramsey (Cypher), Bobby Drake (Iceman), and Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel).

With a nod from Bruce, Alfred, Damian (Robin), Gwen, Mary Jane (Bat-Spider Woman, and Ned (Goliath Spider) joined the others.

"We have a mission that shouldn't involve fighting. Bruce would like to have a meeting with Dr. Richards. His goal is to stop Dr. Richards from completing a dangerous experiment."

"C'mon Professor, which of Reed's experiments aren't dangerous," Bobby laughed. It drew amused chuckles from some of the others. 

"This isn't a laughing matter, Bobby. Reed's experiment could tear a hole in the universe and cause the world to get sucked into it, or maybe the world will explode, or perhaps only a few billion people will die. 

Based on Reed's typical process, something is going to go wrong because he forgot to carry a 1. That means at the minimum we can probably say goodbye to New York. That's the same New York we're living in. 

The worst outcome is a tear so large the entire universe could get torn apart. Does anyone else find this funny?" Bruce stood in front of the crowd and glared. 

Everyone looked serious now, his Bat-Spider kids looked scared. Damian glared, and along with his father, Alfred stood ready to serve. The Professor leaned to his right and allowed his right forefinger and thumb to support his head as he looked thoughtfully at the students.

"You sound like you're going to pick a fight," Dr. Banner said.

"No, that's the last thing we want. There's no telling what will happen if we damage the machine. We're bringing people like you, scientists that Reed trusts, to make this a discussion," Bruce corrected Dr. Banner who looked like he was thinking about backing out.

"We are meeting with him in our civilian clothes, if things go south, I have created several battlesuits," Alfred produced some ordinary-looking belts at Bruce's command. 

"Change out of your X-gear and grab a belt. For some of you I have designed the suit with your ability in mind, I also have standard belts. Dr. Banner, I have created a suit that has a forcefield generator, you can also save anyone you would like using its hard-light constructs. Even if there's a battle, there's no need for the Hulk. your purpose is to talk science and reason with Dr. Richards. 

For those of you I wasn't expecting, I created generic battlesuits that are suitable. Their standard features are enough to keep you safe and will allow most of you to use your powers," Bruce said.

As Bruce was finishing his exclamation on how to use the nano-tech of the belt to release its armor, the danger room door opened and Laura Kinney (X-23) entered. Everyone turned and watched as she entered.

"Something's going on?" She asked.

"Laura, why are you here?" Professor X asked. 

"I smelled several powerful people gathering and thought there was a mission. I guess I was right," she smiled at everyone. Alfred walked around the room and handed each person a belt, he even showed them how to change the style for the belt. He focused on his task and pretended not to notice Laura.

"The team members for the mission are set, thank you for the offer. Perhaps next time," Bruce said and turned back to the others. 

"Please, you must let me come, my father and uncle are here and driving me crazy!" Laura said. 

Bruce looked her up on his tablet before answering, "Fine, you seem competent enough. Alfred, give her a belt," Bruce said. Laura was happy and ran up to Alfred to receive her belt. 

Okay, now that everyone has their belts let's talk assignments. We're going in to talk and not fight, but if we have to fight you each have roles. 

"Dr. Banner, if fighting breaks out the only thing you need to do is stay out of the way. The Thing likes to fight Hulk, but Alfred will take care of the Thing," he said.

"Your Butler?" Bruce asked confused.

"Alfred is probably the strongest person here," Bruce informed Dr. Banner. The others stopped to look at the unassuming Alfred who walked back to stand near Bruce. Looking at the others, he saw that none of them were convinced.

"Fine, Ned, give Alfred a full-powered punch. So that everyone here knows, Ned's full power is around Colossus' level," he told everyone. 

They watched as Alfred walked into the middle of the group of people. Ned walked forward and grew into a giant with bulging muscles. 

"Here I go, Alfred," Ned said.

"Anytime, Master Ned," Alfred responded. 

Alfred reared his arm pulling it back to release his strongest punch. Once he finished, he threw out his punch, it was swift and powerful. 

"The fist connected with Alfred's face. Ned screamed in pain, while Alfred looked indifferently. 

It was obvious that Bruce wasn't worried about Alfred, but what no one expected was how Alfred didn't even seem to feel the punch. 

"I think I broke my hand, sir," Ned held his hand. 

"Alfred, use the little purple raygun," Bruce responded.

"Very well, sir. Master Ned, please hold out your hand," Alfred pulled a small gun-like object from his jacket. He depressed the trigger and a bright purple light covered Ned's hand and healed it. 

"Your hand should be fine now, Master Ned," Alfred said. 

"Thank you, sir," Ned said and returned to his friends. 

"Is everyone satisfied?" Bruce asked.

"I am relieved, I wasn't sure if I could really stay out of the fight, but now I can see you probably won't need me," Dr. Banner said. He was visibly relieved. 

"I'm happy you're satisfied Dr. Banner. Carrying on for the assignments. "Dr. Banner, Doug, Mary Jane, Ned, and Gwen. The five of you are non-combatants. If fighting breaks out, the five of you should gather together on the side. If you stand next to one another and release your forcefields, they will combine and give greater protection.

Karima, Neena, and Dr. Bradley, your jobs are to shut down the machine or destroy it during combat. 

Damian, Laura, Alfred, Bobby, and I will deal with the Fantastic Four if we need to. 

Review your tablets for information on our opponents, counter-measures, as well as blueprints for the Baxter building and other matters. 

Wheels up in twenty. Get yourselves together and meet me in the Garage," Bruce said. 

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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