
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs

The Plan Revealed

Harry cleared his throat and looked toward Bruce. Bruce nodded and Harry turned back to the audience of powerful adults. 

"Bruce said that this was my plan, but it was the work of all seven of us. Peter is the team captain. I'm his tactical advisor so we worked on the plan together," Harry patted Peter's shoulder.

"It was his idea to knock out the kids either first or simultaneously. He wanted to keep them in their rooms so they wouldn't get hurt.

MJ, Gwen, and Miles researched all of the X-men and their allies and enemies, "Harry indicated the three people he mentioned before moving on.

"This information included physical and mental weaknesses, public battles, powers, and mutant power ranking. We were able to determine which X-Men were on sight and which were on missions and so forth.

Based on their psychological profiles we knew who was most likely to show up first. It turned out we were about 90% correct. Wolverine was first, and Iceman was second as we predicted," 

Harry pointed toward Ned who waved with his easy-going friendliness, "Ned worked on acquiring the blueprints for the X-Mansion and surrounding facilities. He also mapped the lower, hidden, levels. He was able to get detailed information on vehicles and weapons thanks to Mary Jane," 

Now he pointed out Mary Jane, "Mary Jane acted as our "inside man," she played the part of a young mutant unsure of whether or not she wanted to attend the Institute," Everyone looked at Mary Jane who smiled sheepishly and eventually blushed. She didn't look familiar to them.

"You may not recognize her because we gave her an upgraded photostatic veil to hide her true appearance. She was accepted into the Institute as a potential resident for three months. You might recall her name as Barbara Kane," Harry said.

"You're Barbara Kane?" Storm reacted followed by Professor X. Storm interviewed her and helped her settle in. Professor X was hoping she would choose to stay as he always taught the telepaths.

"Yes, mam," Mary Jane said. She felt a little bad because she liked Storm a lot, plus her African accent was so exotic. 

"Mary Jane prepared all of the canisters of knock-out gas for the students and the hallucinogens and fear gas for the adults.

She did an excellent job of feeding us information on where everyone was in the house, and helped us verify some of our assumptions," Harry said.

"Is that why I thought I saw my husband dead, was it the fear toxin?" Rogue asked.

"Yes, but Mary Jane guided your fears to the death of your husband telepathically, so it wasn't as random as the nightmares the gas usually creates," Mary Jane noted the glare she got from Rogue. It was a traumatizing experience for the woman.

"Once we gathered all of the intel and had our spy in place, the rest was fairly simple. We noted that most of your detection technology isn't much better than what you can buy from any high-scale security company, which is mostly useless against mutants, as I'm sure you know. 

It seemed like you guys mostly waited for someone to attack and then beat them up. As you can see, this lazy attitude toward the Institute is a mistake," Harry's reprimand hit home and offended the X-Men but what could they say?

He perfectly described how they set up their security and the mentality behind it. Most of the X-Men loved to fight, so why not show an opening and show off to the kids? Harry adopted Bruce's tendency to explain things bluntly.

Everyone hated it, but it was more efficient than dancing around people's feelings. After all, do facts care about your feelings? Bullets certainly don't care. 

"Okay, but how did you get Magneto, Juggernaut, and Lady Deathstrike to work with you?" Wolverine asked. 

"We didn't," Harry couldn't help but chuckle.

"What do you mean? That was Lady Deathstrike who attacked me," Iceman said. 

"Not everything is as it appears. I portrayed Magneto, Ned played the role of Juggernaut, and Gwen played Lady Deathstrike," Harry said. 

"There's no way!" Iceman said.

"Really? Ned, Gwen, let's show them," Harry said. Each of them touched a device on their belt and a new armor covered them. These were their disguises. The costumes looked correct, but the faces were those of the three kids. Harry was wearing a white wig below, but his face was obscured by shadows. 

In the brightly lit room, it wasn't hard to tell that these three weren't who they portrayed, but in the dead of night, at a distance, it was too easy to fool them. 

"I used a special device in the armor to imitate Magneto's magnetic powers. It's a levitation ray. 

Ned can grow to about Juggernaut's size and his strength is probably around Colossus' level. He's also durable like Colossus and other strong people.

Not as powerful as Juggernaut, but he's more than enough if he can take someone by surprise," Harry explained.

Colossus rubbed the side of his head. He remembered getting smashed there by someone powerful It was one punch and lights out!

"We tossed Wolverine away, but we controlled his landing and placed him in his cell first. Spiderman used a freeze-ray add-on to a disguise we whipped up for him.

I don't think any of you noticed that Spiderman wasn't wearing the same clothes as Iceman. 

He was wearing an X-Man uniform, while Iceman was wearing pajamas," Harry laughed, Bruce couldn't help but smile.

They couldn't prepare for every eventuality, but thanks to Bobby putting on his ice armor so quickly and rushing out before they saw him, his friends probably never saw what he was wearing.

Harry began speaking again, "Spiderman used his web-shooters to pull the real Iceman away while he took his place on the ground. Gwen, Ned, and me grabbed Iceman and melted his ice armor as we fled to the back of the mansion where Mary Jane received us. We immediately placed a shock collar on him.

I rushed to Professor X's study with Miles and Mary Jane, and after causing a brownout, we snuck up to the professor and Miles shocked him into unconsciousness. Miles, Mary Jane, and I were in place and waiting for someone to come. It turned out to be Rogue.

Peter and Ned worked together to take out Colossus and Storm was taken down by Phantom Lady," Michelle waved and looked at Storm. 

"We placed everyone into cells with shock collars to keep you from using your powers. Everything was fine until Legion found us. Fortunately, we studied his profile, studied everyone, and meticulously worked him over until we were able to overwhelm him. That's pretty much it," Harry concluded his explanation.

The way Harry explained things, it sounded like it was no big deal. The X-Men, including the Professor, felt ashamed. These children took them down so easily. Apparently, Bruce didn't bother to participate. He was judging the execution of the plan somewhere in the shadows.

"I don't know what to say," Professor X frankly admitted. 

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