
Batman's Adventures in Marvel

Batman arrives in the Marvel Universe after a fierce battle. He's younger, but doesn't have his money, only his quick wit and strong will.

Blibbert · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
49 Chs


Bruce slipped in with Peter's group of students since no one was paying attention to him. He was impressed by Peter's intelligence, and Peter was happy someone let him talk without interrupting him. 

When he saw how Peter kept looking at this redhead, he laughed.

"You should take her picture, girls love having their picture taken," Bruce suggested. Peter looked at Bruce and smiled.

"Hey, Mary Jane, hold on, I need to get some photos for the school paper, will you pose next to this exhibit?" He ran up to her and spoke eagerly. Just like Bruce said, she was only too happy to have her photo taken. 

"Mary Jane has him wrapped around her pinky," Bruce heard a feminine voice behind him. He turned to see a skinny dark-skinned beauty.

"Hi, I'm Bruce. Are you a friend of Peter's?"

"I'm Michelle, most people call me MJ. I secretly have a thing for Peter, but he hasn't noticed me yet," she replied bluntly.

"It's not much of a secret if you tell everyone," Bruce found that he laughed a lot more in this world. 

"I didn't tell everyone, just you," she responded. 

"That's true," Bruce watched Peter walk away from Mary Jane awkwardly. 

"Hey, Peter," a skinny, good-looking kid walked up to Peter. 

"Peter!" A fat enthusiastic kid approached him at the same time. 

"Harry and Ned, the other two Musketeers," MJ informed Bruce. 

"He seems like a popular kid," Bruce muttered.

"Lots of people like Peter, it's probably his awkward, good-natured, naivete that the more cynical of us find attractive. Ned is more like a puppy that attached himself to Peter. Peter appreciates Ned on a very nerdy level. Oh, there's Gwen." MJ indicated a young girl around their age wearing a doctor's coat and glasses with platinum blond hair rushing over. 

"Peter, I talked with Dr. Connors for you. He said you should visit his office after the tour," Gwen smiled genuinely at Peter.

"Oh, thanks, Gwen!" Peter smiled and laughed. 

"Is Peter collecting a harem or is he oblivious to how many girls are interested in him? Even Mary Jane seems attracted to him," Bruce said to MJ.

"He's pretty much unaware, it's probably because he's a genius and his mind can't stay on too many things at once. Try talking to him for more than five minutes and it will be like interacting with the human version of Family Guy. He's random but he's not random. It's just he's already had an entire conversation in his head with you but forgets to update people in the outside world. He's pretty deep," MJ said. Although it sounded like she was insulting him, it was clear that she too was serious when she said she liked him.

It was like MJ told him, Peter talked with Ned and Harry for a minute and got distracted by something and wandered off. 

He was about to speak with MJ again when Bruce noticed she left and was following Peter. Ned and Harry saw MJ following Peter and headed after them. A fifty-year-old black teacher, possibly Peter and the gang's teacher wasn't paying much attention to the kids who were supposed to be on a tour. Instead, everyone was doing their own thing. 

A redhead walked swiftly past Bruce as another male teacher with a beard chased after another student.

"Flash, stop taking selfies, come and listen to the lecture it's important," Bruce marveled how none of the adults were paying attention to nearly a third of the class disappearing. Somehow they caught Flash. He must be one of their headaches. 

Bruce turned to see where Peter and his friends disappeared to, and noticed they went through a security door that was open for some reason. Gwen got to the door just as it closed and was fishing out her badge to go through. She looked panicky. 

"I guess those kids are up to mischief, it's a good excuse for me to take a look at Oscorp's operation. Bruce tossed a small batarang and stopped the door from closing. He entered the door without anyone noticing. 

Bruce inched down the hall looking for something interesting but heard someone yelling.


He snapped into motion and followed the yelling. 

He got to the door where he heard the yelling, there was a huge mechanical door that locked Peter and his friends inside. He couldn't hear anything and realized the screaming happened right before the door shut. These kids followed one another into this place. 

Everyone in the room was covered by spiders and screaming, were they being bitten? Bruce wondered. 

Without waiting, Bruce rolled up his sleeve and started typing commands into a computer device. Eventually, the door slid open and Bruce rushed inside. The door slammed shut and gas filled the entire room, Bruce pulled the kids to the door and opened it once more. Everyone was coughing, even Bruce had inhaled a bunch of the gas. 

He felt a little strange but typed several more commands into the arm computer. The gang of kids jumped when a huge fire engulfed the room of spiders! Bruce's eyes became slits as he watched the room go up in flames. 

Who was supervising this place? 

Bruce guided the kids out of the Plaza. He infected the computer system with a virus and wiped out the data center, erasing tapes, and shutting down cameras. Next, he triggered an alarm and joined the mass of people fleeing the building. 

In the confusion, Bruce guided the kids to a van and got each one into it. An older thin man approached Bruce. 

"Alfred, take us to cave two, emergency medical procedures," he said and then climbed in." 

"Very good, Master Wayne," the thin man closed the doors as everyone in the van collapsed onto the ground and passed out. Even Bruce couldn't remain conscious.