
Basketball System: Rebound of the Underdog

Kaiden Tian's aspirations of basketball stardom take a heartbreaking turn when a car accident not only claims his mother's life but also robs him of his ability to walk. Undiscouraged, he settles for a role as the waterboy of a top high school basketball team, determined to stay close to the game he loves. However, he meets an untimely death and finds himself inhabiting the body of Kai Guo, a notorious troublemaker blessed with an ideal physical form. [Welcome to the Rise to Legend System!] With this second chance at life, Kaiden sees an opportunity to rewrite his destiny and fulfill the dreams that were once shattered.

SandKastle · กีฬา
441 Chs

Savior or Distractor?

The basketball team lined up in an orderly manner, which was very contrary to how they usually were when Yuze and Lina were the only ones supervising them during training.

Kai looked at his teammates and saw them looking at the coach with unreadable expressions.

"Good afternoon," Coach Jin started off. "I'm sure most of you know me. But for those who don't," he said, glancing at Kai with great emphasis.

"I am Coach Jin—the coach of the basketball team," he said with a wide smile.

Kai clicked his tongue. How was he supposed to know that he was the coach?

It wasn't like he ever came to their games!

"Coach," Yuze said, clearing his throat, also appearing awkward around the middle-aged man.

"Yuze," Coach Jin chuckled. "It's been a while."

Yuze wordlessly nodded.

"I heard that the team is doing quite well this season," he remarked. "A lot of students and faculty members are talking about you, surprised by your sudden improvement."